Tinder Date Results in Absolutely Filthy and Rough Fuck Sesh [MF] – Anal

*Just another day of sorting through hundreds of matches with desperate and barely literate twenty-somethings*, I thought – once again regretting my decision to open the app in the first place. Why was it that not a single one of these gen Z “men” seemed capable of coming off as anything other than horny, narcissistic children rehashing god-awful pickup lines they acquired from some soyboy-pretending-to-be-alpha-male YouTube guide on picking up insecure women? They were starting to blend together into such a grotesque amalgamation of ignorant inauthenticity, unaddressed depression, and ideological zealotry, that I began to question if there was a single man belonging to my generation who didn’t deeply resent their own existence.

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t exactly searching for my soulmate and, if a guy was the least bit authentic, interesting, or funny, I would be more than happy to arrange a hookup and just have some fun with him. I was tired of going through the same old boring, unskilled, jobless, and intellectually vacant fuck buddies though, and I figured if I was going to find a new one, I should hold them to a slightly higher standard.

Just as I was ready to give up and delete the app for the hundredth time, I came across a “super like” from someone I was not expecting… His name was Kyle, and he was a 35-year-old small business-owner whose profile was bereft of resentment, “natural” ab pics, or woke, platitudinal axioms obligatorily included in a performative display of his alignment with the insufferable, cognitively dissonant, and reality-loathing cultural zeitgeist propagated by his and my generations. All three of my top red flags missing from a single profile? I cringed at the prospect of being given a reason to leave a positive review of Tinder in the near future.

I liked him back with a speed which suggested the universe might erase him if I didn’t immediately confirm his existence as a real person. *If he’s even half as into anal as I am*, I thought, *I will marry him tomorrow*. I sat there tapping my fingers against the side of my phone awaiting the dreaded opening pickup line – flooding my brain with anxieties in preparation for the disappointment I had become so accustomed to inevitably experiencing on this app. *He’s much older than me, is he a predator? Is he going to sell me into sex slavery? Would I be any good at it? What if he slices me up and wears my skin before adding it to his collection? Where would I rank among his other skin suits? I would like to think I’d be in the top three, at least*. My phone suddenly buzzed, and I prepared for another immediate request for my Snap.

“I feel a strange connection to your profile, want to try a telepathic conversation and see what happens?”

I honestly didn’t know what to say, it wasn’t exceptionally clever, funny, or complimentary, but it definitely had my attention in a way I was not at all used to experiencing, especially not from guys my own age. I decided to do my best to engage and see where this went.

“Likewise. I feel like we’re past the conversation and mentally fucked already though.”, I messaged back with just a slight concern of having come on too strong. O*h well*, I thought, *let’s throw him a little curveball and see what he does with it*.

His response was quick enough to demonstrate that he wasn’t overthinking this, and was comfortable and confident with the idea that, however I would react to his next message, his value and self-worth would remain intact. Authenticity and self-esteem, check.

“That would explain the faint smell of lube, I’m not used to anal on the first telepathic date, and I think my subconscious is still hard, round 2?”, he messaged back. What the fuck? How did he… What is… I suddenly found myself, for the first time ever, disappointed you couldn’t send dick pics on Tinder. It was as if he managed to find the precise set of words to string together to physically and emotionally turn me on as quickly as possible. Was he some kind of sorcerer? I briefly imagined him waving a wand and exclaiming, “Acio, whore!”, to finish the job and summon me to his cock.

Unlike every single one of my other matches, I was now the one worried about coming off too desperate. I wanted to immediately tell him how much I loved anal, but wouldn’t that risk steering this conversation in a direction that is not at all conducive to fostering a meaningful connection? Wait, why was I already concerned with establishing a meaningful connection with this guy? Did I actually see something in him already? *Fuck it*, I thought, *if you want to connect, then don’t abandon your own authenticity*.

“Is any date, even a telepathic one, really worth it without at least a little bit of anal? I hope I remembered to shave my mental butthole”, I sent back nervously.

“You know, it usually takes me at least a few minutes before I’m deliberately encouraged to imagine what my Tinder match’s butthole looks like. You missed a few tiny hairs near the top, want me to get em for ya?”, he quickly replied. Okay seriously… How did he know that I sometimes miss or forget the little hairs near the top? Only a frequent asshole-inspecting, anal connoisseur like myself would be keen to such a detail. I couldn’t stop imagining what his cock looked like now, and I clearly had him thinking about my asshole, so the obvious solution was to trade pics, get his address, and sit on his face to avoid any further spellcasting.

I sent him my Snap to ~~continue the conversation there~~ show him my asshole. Again, an immediate response followed.

“If you try to sell me your premium Snap, I will punish you by selling you mine first.” All I heard was, “punish you”, and I suddenly found myself wondering if he’d be mad if the cum leaking from my asshole got on his car seat when he drove me to work in the morning.

I was beyond fearing coming off too strong, and the instant he added me on Snap I sent him a custom greeting I took just for him; my special way of saying, “Nice to meet you, I am a quality anal fuck toy, and I believe your penis and my butthole should meet for an interview.” The mind-reader immediately reciprocated my gesture with a cock-tastic resume, and our interview was officially underway.

“I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t believe you’ll be a good fit here”, I said, referring to my asshole, and just a little too proud of my own joke.

“Look, I know I can get a big head sometimes, but I work very well with others, and I make it a point to routinely visit all departments.”, he replied. The witty banter was threatening to reduce me to a pool of my own lady juices, and I considered grabbing my Halloween witch costume to give the paramedics a fun story to tell their grandchildren.

“We’d have to let go of our best employee to make room for you, and she’s been getting her hands dirty on our behalf for twenty years!” I sent back – having so much fun now that I considered opening up TikTok just to bring my hopes for humanity back down to a realistic level.

“Nonsense! Arrange a meeting between her and I, and I will prove how well we can work together! She can simply fill whatever position I leave vacant once I settle in!”, he replied as I finally caved and frantically worked my fingers into both my holes as if trying to plug a life-threatening wound. I was craving being filled so desperately I nearly called my bisexual roommate away from her Netflix binge session to reevaluate the extent of my heterosexuality.

With one, shaky hand, I typed back, “Address?”, and felt my holes tighten around my fingers as I prepared to receive directions to a prison or mental institution.

He was typing for a long moment before he finally sent back, “Look, I would love to meet up with you and fuck you all night, but if you want to move this fast then I’m going to have to leave the initiation up to you once we meet in person. I know we’ve only been talking for a few minutes, but I’m getting the sense there is actually something special about you by the way you communicate and what I found in your bio, and I don’t want to completely bypass exploring that more just to fulfill the expectations we seem to have established already.”

I unintentionally removed my fingers from my holes and placed them on my chin – pondering the drastic shift in the atmosphere of our conversation, and considering the contents of his message. I felt a pang of disappointment, but it was gently cradled by a growing respect and admiration for his honesty and desire to explore the spark we had so quickly and effortlessly created together. I’m not an initiator and, if you’ve read my other stories, you know that I require a man to communicate his desire to fuck me before I can get down to business. The thing is, he HAD communicated his desire, he simply handed me the reigns afterwards in an apparent effort to broaden the range of possibilities following our meetup. It seemed that he had a genuine interest in exploring more than just our sexual compatibility, and that excited me in a way I was not at all expecting.

“I’m simultaneously disappointed and wildly intrigued. Is this that ancient virtue of delayed gratification I heard tales of as a little girl? Don’t you know my generation is a slave to dopamine?”, I sent back, increasingly curious to explore this spark, but fearful of expanding the likelihood of collapse with some of our vulnerabilities now finding their way into the discussion.

“See, I knew there was something special about you. How about we meet in public and just take a walk and, if the vibes are right, we can head back to my place?”, he responded, ignoring my question yet managing to fill in more blanks than if he had answered it directly.

“Can’t wait, just tell me when and where.”


Less than an hour later and I found myself fully ready and nervous as all hell. I would normally throw on the most revealing, yet publicly appropriate whore attire I could find, but I instead decided to go with something that better conveyed a more complete picture of who I am. It was still on the slutty side, with jean shorts that barely covered my [butt cheeks](https://imgur.com/oNcYfZr), but the top was a favorite rock band t-shirt of mine which was two sizes too big for me, and did little to accentuate my upper body. We continued talking as we got ready and had discovered our taste in music was strikingly similar(among other things), and I found myself excited and comfortable to wear something with value and meaning to me.

We lived less than a mile away from each other, and we agreed to walk to and meet in a location familiar to both of us. Right before setting out, my best friend and roommate did her damndest to inform me that my chances of surviving this meetup were slim to none, and that she would watch for my disappearance on the news. Bless her heart.

Despite doing my best to focus on exploring the connection I felt with this guy, I couldn’t help but notice how good the fabric of my jean shorts felt riding up my freshly shaved pussy as I anxiously walked to our rendezvous point. I couldn’t help it; I was exceptionally cock-hungry for this man, and my little whore brain was working overtime to call the shots. *For fuck’s sake, Kaity, reign it in before you soak through your favorite shorts*, I thought, looking down at my crotch to see if I wasn’t too late already, and finding a record-setting [cameltoe](https://imgur.com/pWcaoDf) staring back at me. *Oh well, can’t hide the whore completely, she is me, after all.*

As I approached the street corner he instructed me to find him at, I found myself visibly shaking in nervousness and anticipation, and my insecurities managed to momentarily cause me to question the whole thing before wrestling them back into the dark corners of my mind. *Why did I wear this old, baggy-ass t-shirt on a first date with someone I actually like*, I thought? *BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY LIKE HIM, KAITY*, I reminded myself with conviction.

Suddenly, there he was… Tall, handsome, and smiling confidently at me as I approached; the butterflies in my stomach making it difficult for me to hold his gaze for more than a second. He must have sensed my anxiety as, before I even had a chance to say, “Hi”, he reached his arm out to me and gently pulled me in for a friendly “half-hug” as he said, “Hey! Relax, Kaity, no need to be so nervous, let’s just enjoy the nice day together, sound good?” I smiled back at him and said, “You’re right, sorry, my friend got in my head before I left and I let my anxieties get away from me on the walk over.”

“I totally get it, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous at all, but you look amazing, and I love the System of a Down t-shirt! Did you see them in concert?”

Within just a few moments, I felt a return to calm, and we quickly found ourselves deep in conversation about a large range of topics. The vibe was definitely there, and we were clearly both feeling it almost immediately. I wanted to keep our conversation going, but I was more than comfortable enough to continue it at his place at this point, and I told him as much. He replied by informing me that he’d love to have me over, and so we took a quick, five-minute walk back to his place.

The nerves were almost entirely absent as I crossed the threshold of his doorway and plopped myself down on his sofa, asking him if he wouldn’t mind grabbing me a seltzer to quench my thirst and rid myself of my few remaining nerves. We had yet to discuss anything remotely sexual, but when I cracked the seltzer can I decided to playfully warn him that alcohol tends to make me horny, and that he better be on guard. He looked at me with a genuine chuckle and said, “Something tells me you don’t need alcohol for that.” He was right, but I had reached a point in this meetup where my curiosity as to whether or not our connection would be as strong in sheets as it was on the street was building rapidly. I wasn’t going to jump him just yet, but I was more than prepared to at this point, and I wanted him to be aware of it on some level.

Apparently, he was feeling the same, as the first words out of his mouth as he sat down next to me were, “Okay, I think it’s clear you enjoy being open about sex as much as I do, so you have me curious, what are you into?” Jackpot. I smiled back at him with an innocent flirtatiousness and said, “It might be easier for me to list the things I’m not into, but since that’s boring, let’s start with anal. I seriously love it, and it’s genuinely important to me to have someone who loves it as much as I do.” Fuck, did I just say “have someone”? I internally cringed a little as I hoped it would go by unnoticed.

“You know, you’re far from the first person to tell me they love anal, but almost all of them have ended up tolerating it, at best.”, he said with a look of disappointment and skepticism. I couldn’t blame him, as I had met plenty of these women myself. They’re more than eager to proclaim their love for butt stuff in order to catch a guy’s attention but, when it comes down to doing it, their buttholes are suddenly reserved for special occasions only. That’s not a true love of anal; not even close, and I was intent on proving my passion for anal was more than just empty words… and butts.

“I don’t expect you to believe me unless you see for yourself, but I have been obsessed with my asshole since the first time I put my finger up there. Sometimes I even prefer it over vaginal and, if the guy’s any good, I almost always do. I even clean myself out almost every day with a shower enema, it just feels good and it’s part of my routine.”

Most guys would be pressuring me to prove myself at this point, which I was more than happy to do, but Kyle wasn’t like most guys, and his demeanor didn’t change in any noticeable way as we continued discussing butt stuff for the next twenty or thirty minutes straight. He was simply listening intently, and sharing his opinions and experiences with total confidence and apparent sincerity. I could tell he wanted to fuck me, but he held true to his commitment to allow me to decide when it was time, and I found myself respecting and appreciating him for it more than I would have ever thought possible. This was not the way I had become accustomed to being treated, but it felt “right”, and I was fascinated by the effect it was having on me.

As we continued talking over the next hour or so though, I felt that I was reaching the limit of my own self-control. I was VERY into him and, if he wanted to, he could have ripped my clothes off and buried his perfect cock in my ass from the moment I walked into his house. The fact we were connecting so deeply now was just fuel to my horny inferno, and I began to consider the possibility that this man may just be capable of giving me the best fuck of my entire life, and more…

“So yeah, I’ve mostly been living life as normal since it started. I understand the fear, but I know very well what it can do to person’s body and mind, and I have no interest in poisoning myself with it. There will never be a shortage of legitimate things to fear, so if I ever find myself craving it, I doubt I’ll struggle to find something.”, he said as he concluded explaining to me how he remained so physically and mentally healthy during the pandemic. While the vast majority of the people I knew had succumb to paralyzing fear, prolonged isolation, alcoholism, drug addiction, and severe mental illness, here sat a man who was still living his life instead of surviving it.

To this day, I still cannot perfectly describe what I was feeling in that moment, but it was a sort of primal and profoundly human desire to be as physically close to a person as possible. I needed to feel this remarkable person on me and inside of me. He reflected the best version of myself back at me and, when I imagined him taking me, I felt a sense of pride and fulfillment. I felt that, if I could have him, the value I had come to recognize in myself would be celebrated in its entirety, and that he may just feel the exact same way. His unyielding authenticity had me so captivated and inspired that, out of nowhere, and for the first time in my life, I found myself asking, “Will you please fuck me now?”.

Despite this being a first for me outside of a relationship, I didn’t regret asking and I didn’t feel the least bit out of place. His own comfort and confidence were contagious, and they had me expressing a side of myself that I didn’t know I was capable of expressing. I looked at him expectantly as he considered the sincerity and intent of my question, and I knew his answer long before it finally left his mouth.

“Alright, let’s do it!”, he said with a genuine smile. He wasted no time as he stood up, then bent down to pick me up off the sofa from under my arms and press me into his warm and solid body; my legs wrapping around his waist, and his hands moving to my ass to hold me in place. In the same instant, we both shed our polite and cumbersome social “clothing”, and melted into each other with lust and yearning to be close and please each other’s very existences. The shift was so drastic that, had anyone been observing our conversation a moment ago, but looked away just before we came together, they would have looked back to find two entirely different people.

We were two primal beings positively enthralled with each other’s bodies and minds, and I felt my pussy thoroughly drench itself in preparation to receive him, as he aggressively squeezed and pulled my firm, young ass into him with tremendous strength and purpose. I hadn’t even noticed he had carried me to his room, and I was briefly alarmed to feel myself falling as he threw me to his mattress and pressed his weight into me. He kissed me passionately as he firmly ran his hand up my face and through my hair with one hand; ravenously groping the length of my body with the other. This was absolutely nothing like the experiences I’d had before, and we were just getting started.

His hand found my soft, perky tits, and he squeezed them hard as if testing to see if I was truly prepared for how roughly he planned to use me. I was more than prepared, and I whimpered and moaned in response as I desperately reached down to free his cock from its denim prison.

Without warning, his hands suddenly found my wrists and pinned them hard at my sides – a bolt of excited fear coursing its way through my body and finding its way down to my holes, causing them to violently contract in anticipation. “I did not hear you ask if you could grab my cock, you little whore.” He said so firmly, I felt a second, smaller wave of fear rush through me. “What do you say?”

“I’m sorry, can I please have your cock?”, I begged with the utmost sincerity.

“If you are a good girl and you cum for me, I will feed you my cock. Do you understand?”, he asked, removing one of his hands from my wrist and holding my face with it now as I stared up at him.

“Yes, Daddy”, I said without thinking. It was simply the most natural response.

“Good girl. Now open your mouth”, he said as he squeezed my mouth open with his hand, leaned in, and spit into it; never breaking eye contact with me. I was so unbearably horny I would have let him do absolutely anything he wanted to me and, judging from his expression, he planned to.

He grabbed me by the waist and flipped me to my stomach, hooking his fingers in my jean shorts and underwear, and ripping them off of me in one swift motion. I arched my back and [stuck my butt up to present my holes to him](https://imgur.com/QgzZXdb), and I felt his bearded face bury itself in them immediately, and growl from between my cheeks. I moaned in pleasure as his tongue found my clit and slowly, but firmly, traced its way up my slit to my eager little butthole, where it swirled around my outer ring before burying itself inside me as he spread me open so hard I thought my asshole might rip open.

“Unnngh! Thank you, Daddy!”, I managed to force out through my moans.

“Thank you for what?”, he responded, stopping his tonguing to await my response.

“Thank you for tongue fucking my butthole!”, I practically screamed back, genuinely grateful for the incredible pleasure he was giving my hole.

“Now you’re learning, good whore.”, he said as he spread me open again before smacking my ass so hard it knocked me off balance and I was forced to quickly reposition myself for him. He continued roughly kneading my ass and spreading my holes for a moment before spitting into my already soaking pussy and shoving two fingers inside me – firmly pressing downward on my G spot and massaging it as he resumed teasing and probing my asshole with his tongue.

I felt my first orgasm build the moment his tongue found the inside of my ass again, and he must have felt my holes alert him to it, as he increased the speed and force of his movements in perfect harmony with the waves of pleasure now rolling through me. Just before I crossed the point of no return, he removed his tongue from my ass and replaced it with his finger, now stuffing both my holes wildly as if I were an object he was intent on breaking. I screamed into his bed sheets and came hard – squirting all over his hand, face, and bed. I had never squirt so quickly and effortlessly in my life, and that was saying something.

He pulled his fingers from my holes and forced them to the back of my throat, allowing me to briefly taste my juices before he smeared them all over my face. I felt like I was in some kind of fantasy in which I was watching the hottest porn I’d ever seen in my life, then was suddenly sucked into it and was now living it for real. It was like a dream come true, and I could not wait to see what else he had in store for me.

I felt my head jerk back as he grabbed my hair by the root and dragged me over to the edge of the bed like a weightless doll – flipping me onto my back again so my head was hanging over the edge. “You’re going to play with your holes as I fuck your throat.”, he commanded, “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Daddy, thank you.”, I replied as he quickly removed his clothes, revealing his exceptionally toned body and exquisite cock. I was so ravenous for it I involuntarily thrust my hips upward off his bed as I worked my fingers into my holes – my jaw hanging open and my mouth salivating relentlessly. He ripped my shirt off me and forcibly squeezed both of my tits, bracing his weight on them as he crouched down to line his cock up with my mouth. *Please force it down my throat, please force it down my throat, please…* My own thoughts were cut off as I got what I wished for and gagged hard; my holes threatening to eject my fingers as they contracted, and spit leaking down my face and into my nose and eyes.

I didn’t let up though – I was thrilled to be given this challenge and I had something to prove. *Odin’s beard, was I actually about to cum again already*, I wondered? My orgasms had apparently decided to remain effortlessly close to me for the duration of this experience, and I wasn’t about to complain. Kyle must have noticed (this guy was VERY good at understanding my body language), and took the opportunity to begin fucking my throat so hard I wondered if I could find a sexy-sounding Stephen Hawking setup for when this was over.

With my body cumming hard now, my throat seemed to forget that Kyle’s cock was abusing it as if it were a fleshlight that had deeply wronged him in some way, and I felt as if I could take literally anything he wanted to punish me with. As my orgasm subsided, I suddenly became keenly aware of the filthy sounds emanating from my throat, and their obscene foulness delivered yet another orgasm right to my doorstep. *Don’t mind if I do*, I thought, as I viciously fingered myself through another wave of bliss while Kyle removed his hands from my tits and wrapped them around my throat; effectively jerking himself off with my neck. As I finished cumming, he finally removed his spit-soaked cock from my throat, collected some of the spit off of it, and slapped me hard across the face; my own drool splashing into a mist like a slow-mo punch cam scene out of Rocky. *Fuck I wish someone were filming this*, I found myself thinking.

“What a good whore!”, he exclaimed, sounding legitimately impressed and pleased. “Which hole should I use next?”, he asked, crouching down to look me in the eyes as I attempted to catch my breath and avoid unconsciousness.

“Please just use me however you want!”, I managed to eke out, and I meant it. This fucking guy had already shown me such a good time that I felt a genuine obligation to deliver as much pleasure to him as physically possible, and I was not going to let him down.

He grabbed me again as if I weighed nothing and flipped me back onto my stomach, pulling my legs back to hang over the edge of the bed and spreading my holes open. He spit on my asshole and slapped my pussy hard as he said, “We’re going to see which hole your body wants filled more right now, sound good?” I wasn’t sure what he had planned, but I was certain it couldn’t go wrong. “Spread your holes hard”, he demanded, releasing my cheeks so I could do as he said. I spread myself open and prepared for the best.

I felt his cock glide between my holes as if he couldn’t make up his mind, and I considered the possibility that I just might die of anticipation. “Uhnngg!”, I groaned loudly as he suddenly bottomed out in my cunt so hard my legs stiffened and began spasming. I legitimately couldn’t tell if I was cumming again, or if I had never actually stopped cumming since we started. Either way, I was just ecstatic to finally be filled by him.

As quickly as he had entered me though, his cock suddenly left me, and the longing I felt was so pronounced I felt like crying in grief. “No, please!”, I begged without a hint of pretense, “Please, Daddy, give it back to me! I’ll be good, I promise!”. He laughed before responding, “That was good! Now let’s see what the other hole has to say.” With the same merciless intensity he had exercised on my pussy, he forced the entirety of his cock into my hungry little butthole and held it there.

“Ohhh my GOD!!!”, I screamed loudly. The feeling of my asshole wrapped around his cock gave me such a profound sense of completeness that I suddenly feared the prospect of it ever leaving me. “Thank you, Daddy!”, I said in desperation, praying he wouldn’t take his cock from me again.

“Thank you for what?”, he questioned like a professor educating a new student.

“Thank you for stretching my asshole with your cock!”, I hastily replied, hoping for a good grade.

“I think we have ourselves a winner!”, he said as he grabbed my hair with one hand and my throat with the other before initiating a relentless hammering of his cock into my convulsing butthole. I had never been fucked this hard in my entire life, in any hole. It was as if, up until this point, I had never even lost my virginity. This level of fucking was a discovery I didn’t even realize could be made, and I was soaking it in as if it would be my only source of sustenance for the rest of my days.

I lost track of how many times I came, as the orgasms were hitting me so fast, I was more focused on remaining conscious. As if reading my mind yet again, Kyle’s grip on my throat tightened, and I felt the blackness consume me right up to the point where I allowed myself to let go and make peace with my efforts to survive this encounter. I honestly did not care, and I was thankful that, if I died, I would die during the best sex a human being could possibly experience. I had climbed my Everest; built my pyramid of Giza, and set foot on my Moon – anything else was just gravy.

Just as the sounds of his hips pounding into me faded into oblivion, my vision suddenly exploded into a dazzling display of color and light, and I was flooded with such intense pleasure that I half-expected to find myself immersed in my first “torture” session in Hell. I had died, right? I gasped for breath as I felt myself slowly return back to reality, only to collapse into a lifeless heap on his bed. I tried to speak but only gibberish came out.

As my hearing slowly returned, I tried to make out what Kyle was saying to me. Was he actually speaking or was it in my head? I felt his cock leave my asshole and, before I even had a chance to consider protesting, it was once again buried balls deep into my pussy. I wanted to beg him to fuck me to death, but I was still far from being able to make any sensible noises, and I trusted he didn’t need my encouragement anyway. He was definitely speaking to me now. Fuck, what was he saying???

As the ringing in my ears finally dissipated, I was able to make out his words: “Would you like me to pump my cum into you, whore?”. I was immensely grateful to feel another slap across my face, as it quickly brought me back to reality and my senses. He hooked two fingers in my mouth with the hand he had been expertly choking me with, and yanked hard on my hair with his other hand to bring my face to his. I felt my eyes wildly darting all over the place trying to find his and, once they did, I begged clumsily, “Please fuck your cum into my holes!”

He responded by absolutely obliterating my poor little pussy with his violently hard cock for a good thirty seconds before commanding, “Spread your fucking asshole open, you cum slut.” I frantically reached back, shoving two fingers from each hand into my cum-starved butthole and ripped it open as wide as I could for him. He groaned loudly as he pulled out and jerked himself onto my gaping holes; splattering them with a hot, thick ropes of cum that never seemed to end. As the last spurt hit me, I felt the tip of his cock collect the mess and drag it toward my holes. Once he was satisfied with his collection efforts, he forced the pooled cum inside each of my holes with his cock; one at a time; back and forth, until both were fed evenly.

“Oops! Almost forgot!”, he said suddenly as he buried two fingers in my asshole and scooped some of his cum back out. He grabbed me by the back of my head again and pulled me to my knees in front of him, looking me in the eyes and saying, “Here you go, beautiful, you earned it.”. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue for him as he gently placed the glob of cum on my tongue and said, “Hold it right there. Would you like me to feed it to you, whore?”

I gave him puppy dog eyes and a little smile while nodding my head and wagging my butt excitedly, making sure the cum on my tongue didn’t move. “Okay, open wide!”, he said as he laid his cock on my tongue and slowly forced it all the way down my throat, holding it there for a moment to make sure I consumed it all. As he removed his cock from my throat I looked at him gratefully, made an exaggerated swallowing motion and sound, then smiled at him and opened my mouth to show him it was all gone.

“That’s my good girl.”, he said as he gently and lovingly stroked my hair and the side of my face. Nothing more needed to be said. It was hands down the best sexual experience of my life up to that point and I think he knew it. I would later learn that it was one of his best as well, but FAR from the best we would eventually create together. I suppose that’s a story for another time though… 😊

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vdz0a9/tinder_date_results_in_absolutely_filthy_and


  1. Gen Z and this intro has me in stitches. That aside, this is fantastically written. Kudos.

  2. Lmao I loved the little pop culture references you insert into your stories. My favourite is definitely the “accio whore” that one spoke to me as a crazy Harry Potter fan
    Another great story thanks for sharing kaidy.

  3. 🤯 That was so fucking hot! Connecting on an intellectual level as well as a physical level is pure nirvana that has thus far eluded me. I seriously wanna fuck your brains out just on account of your command of vocabulary, Kaidy. Or at least play you in scrabble.

  4. Been reading your stories since you started posting and this is the best yet I think. Really enjoy the pictures and humor! Please keep em going.

  5. You paint a picture with your words…. Such an impeccable writer…god was that 🔥🔥🔥🔥. Respectfully mam hands down one of the best reads. May never face a situation where you don’t cum.

  6. Well done writing that story, that level of quality is rarely seen here!

  7. *platitudinal axioms obligatorily included in a performative display of*
    *his alignment with the insufferable, cognitively dissonant, and*
    *reality-loathing cultural zeitgeist propagated by his and my generations*

    God bless you….

  8. Holy shit. Best story I’ve ever read here. I’m a starstruck fan now. Thank you for sharing!

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