COVID Massage [FF]

I was living in NYC in 2020 when COVID hit. The first few weeks were scary. My husband and I decided that the best course for our family was for him and the kids to go to Idaho to stay with his parents. I was forced to stay back in the city because my work had gone to 80% virtual, which meant that I still had to go to work 1-2 times a week. We packed the rental car with their stuff on an afternoon and they drove off. I was sad to see them go but relieved that they would be safe there.

The adrenaline and fear finally wore off after a few weeks. And that’s when I kind of started to enjoy myself a little. I was staying home all day. Working when I wanted, waking up when I wanted, taking breaks when I wanted. Most nights, after FaceTiming the kids, I would kick back in my comfy underwear and yoga pants and watch a murder show with a glass of wine. After 3 months in quarantine I had gotten adjusted to the bachelorette life once again (a luxury that I hadn’t enjoyed in over 7 years).

The family was fine. The kids loved being at their grandparents. They were safe and I was reassured. It was a huge load off my mind.

Every Thursday the girls and I had a standing FaceTime date where we just passed the time, drank wine, and chatted. Elena, one of my girlfriends, was talking about how she had such a knot in her back and how much she was wishing the massage parlors were open. I chimed in “me too”. I didn’t have a knot but a massage would be nice. Amanda then said she had one last week. That was typical Amanda, if you wanted it, Amanda had it and she sure as shit was going to rub it in your face. She had connections and she liked to flaunt them. “I can hook you all up if you would like.” She was sounded so smug that no one really even entertained the idea. We moved on before she could keep going.

But after the call she texted me about something else and at the end offered again, “if you want I can really hook you up with that masseuse. She really is amazing. She does high profile clients only, you know?”

“Yeah sure.” I don’t know why I gave her the satisfaction. I really just wanted her to shut up.

“Here is her number… text her”

A few days later I remember the number and after a couple of glasses of merlot I thought “fuck it”. I texted her.

She responded rather quickly:

Hello, thank you for reaching out. My name is Austin and I do in-house massages. I have a standard package, 150 for half an hour, 250 for a full hour. And I have Deluxe All-Inclusive Pleasures Package for 300 for half an hour and 500 for a full pleasurable hour. I accept cash only rendered before services. Because of the pandemic I will check both our temperatures before. You must wear a mask for the duration of the massage, and I will too. Everything is scrubbed down between customers. If you are interested, I have a couple of availabilities next week. Monday or Wednesday afternoons are open.

“A bit steep” I thought to myself. $500 is a lot of money for an hour, even if it was the Deluxe All-Inclusive Pleasures Package. But I was on my third glass of wine now so I didn’t question it too much.

Me: Can I do the deluxe for half an hour. Wednesday at 2:30 sound ok?

Austin: Great. See you then honey. 💋💋

The next day I remember the appointment and immediately regretted it. It wasn’t the $300, I just didn’t feel safe having someone come into my home. But I would wear my mask, the N95 that I had reused every time I went out of the house now. But a part of me was also a little excited. It has been months since I have real human contact.

I drew the money out of the ATM next time I left the house. I was going to tell my husband but I figured he would nag about social distancing and COVID precautions. But Austin sounded like she was taking her precautions. I wouldn’t take my mask off anyway.

On the day of, I took a long shower before and stayed in my bath robe. At 2:32 I got a text: Hi. This is Austin. I am here but I think you have to buzz me up.

I let her in the building and waited by the elevator in my robe. When the doors opened I helped her with the massage table.

“Sorry I am a little late.” She said as she set down the table and started to open it. “Just a little traffic.”

“Not a problem. I wasn’t waiting long.” She opened the table, set it and locked it then started to open her bag and pulled her assortment of oils and creams. The fragrance overwhelmed the house as she opened every single one. I was watching her intently.

Austin was tall. She was wearing sneakers and skinny pants that made her legs seem skinny and made her look taller than she really was. But she was still at least 5’ 7” or maybe 5’ 8”. She had brown hair with dimmed yellow lowlights. She tied it in a bun. She wasn’t skinny but not what I would call “curvy” either. She fit in her clothes well. I wished I had her body for a second. She wore a plain white shirt with what looked like a sports bra underneath. She also had a light jacket that she took off when she walked in.

She looked up at me with a coy glance. “Do you have the payment?” I had been ready. I reached into the pocket of my robe where I had kept the money and gave it to her. “Thanks” She rolled it and placed it into her pocket. “Can you please microwave this for me for 12 seconds?” I realized I had been checking her out. She realized it too. I felt embarrassed.

“Sure thing”. As I walked away I saw her pull out her phone, click something and put it back in her pocket. When I came back she was all set up.

“Alright. I am already.” She pointed with her hands to me and then to the massage table in a welcoming gesture. “You know, I hope I am not too forward but you are really pretty.”

The comment shocked me. I felt my hand reach up and brush my hair behind my ear. I felt like an embarrassed girl on the playground. “Oh thank you.” I was blushing. “You are sweet. You really pretty too. Gorgeous.” was I supposed to complement her back? was that awkward? She smiled under her mask.

“Do you have a towel?” She was getting back on track after that deviation.

“Of course” I ran to the bathroom and got one. It was my last clean one. I needed to do laundry. I handed it to her and she gave me a welcoming look so I can lie on the table. I hesitantly dropped my robe. In other massage parlors, they usually step out until you get *situated*. She was looking right at me and I at her. I felt vulnerable, but her overall presence was still somewhat comforting.

She hastily threw the towel on my butt and started promptly. The towel fell off at some point later because I had forgotten it was there until I picked it up off the floor the next day. Her hands were warm and soft but also strong as I felt them on my back. Goose bumps ran down my spine at her touch. It made me realize how long it’s been since I have had human contact. That thought alone threw me for a loop. It has been months since I hugged or even shook someone’s hand. It hadn’t bothered me or even crossed my mind until this second. Her touches forceful. She had precise control of the strength and angle of each push. “You have a lot of knots in your upper back. You carry a lot of weight on your shoulders.” Her voice had become much softer, as if she was trying to lull me into a sense of surreal relaxation. “How does that feel?”

She directed her force at a 45 degree angle pushing down and out on my shoulder blade. The exact pressure and angle of her push forced a release and I felt a sudden twinge of pain that took my breath momentarily and then gave into an immediate relief. As I let out my breathe I moaned. I heard how loud I was and quickly apologized “I am sorry.”

“Please, don’t be.” she spoke softly and slowly as she pushed more. “I like hearing my clients moan. Let’s me know I am doing a good job.” As she said this she did a similar motion on the other side and I moaned once again.

“This feels so good. I am honestly not sure that I can help it”.

She chuckled but didn’t respond.

Her laugh made me blush a little. Luckily my face was hidden from her. I thought to myself ‘she maybe expensive but she is good’. She was very good. She had immediately put me at ease. I was relaxed. Malleable in her hands. She was manipulating muscles and joints in ways that I didn’t think possible. I thought about her fingers pushing down into my pressure points. She had seemed delicate and fragile when I saw her come out of the elevator struggling to carry her bag and the table. But her fingers were not delicate. Her grip was not fragile.

I was lost in thought when her voice came into my eyes. It landed gently. “You can turn over now if you want.” Not only were my muscles under her command but my mind was too at that moment. I would have done anything she asked me. When I started to turn, however, I remember how I hadn’t shaved in weeks. It was a jungle. I didn’t think she would care or even notice but I cared for some reason. I hadn’t even shaved my legs. There was no reason to. I was embarrassed but when I flipped over, our eyes met. They were smiling from under her mask. I could feel warmth in them.

Unknowingly I had covered my crotch as I turned over. When I noticed this I instinctively apologized. I wasn’t sure why.

“Not a problem.” She was professional yet reassuring. She gave a light grazing touch to my arm to reassure me. It worked. She reached over and got more warm oil and started to massage my thigh. I felt moans again escape my lungs. I was lost in her hands. She worked my thighs for only a few seconds and then moved up to my chest and arms. She slowly rolled her hands from under my rib cage up. My breasts had lightly fallen to the side when I was on my back. She moved higher and higher with every repetition on her motion. Soon she was directly on top of my nipples. They were hard earlier but they softened under the warm slippery touch of her oily fingers. My nipples had been sensitive in a distant past. I remember how I used to role them between my index and thumb when I masturbated in college. But years and breastfeeding had rendered them chapped and dark. My husband now neglected to even play with them. I hadn’t thought to touch them when I tried to masturbate; which hadn’t been for months.

Austin’s touch rekindled some of that sensation. I felt a tingle in my spine as she rolled her hand across my ribs one more time. I moaned again. I felt my lungs open up and take in more air under her hands. The rush of air into my lungs brought me to my center. My eyes were closed and the room was dimly lit. I felt alone… focused… in touch with myself. I could feel every muscle relaxing and contracting independently. My nerves coursing through my body. Blood rushing to and fro.

Austin then grabbed my left hand and told me to grab her shoulder. I rested my palm as she told me. Only the thin fabric of her shirt stood between her skin and my hand. I felt the indent from her bra strap. With my hand on her shoulder she massaged my arms and forearms. My muscles turned to jelly in her grip. I could barely hold my hand up anymore. At the most opportune time before I had to let go she held my arm and rested down by my side and moved on to my other arm. I quietly moaned.

She then moved to my thighs again. “Your quads are tense.” Her voice came at me from a distant place as my eyes remained closed. I was going to respond and say something but her touch elicited only moans. Moans that replaced all the words in my throat. She had effectively turned me into a monosyllabic vessel for pleasure.

She used both her hands to grab my thigh and rolled her palms from the knee up.. all the way up this time. She brushed against my pubic hair and the sensation made me quiver. She was doing what she was doing intentionally. I just went with it. She alternated between one thigh and the other. Every time reaching closer and closer to my groin.

She stopped for few seconds and I heard her reach for the bottle of oil. My eyes were closed at the point and I didn’t want to open them, I wasn’t sure if I could. My lids were heavy like my arms felt heavy. I felt a warm gently touch on my labia next. Her thigh rolls had reached my labia on previous rolls but the warm oil replenished on her fingers felt different this time. Her touch was lighter and more deliberate. My eyes stayed closed. I wasn’t going to stop her.

She was gentle. With two fingers she rolled over the labia, up and down. I felt tingly. I felt the hair strands role under her fingers. Up and down. I could barely feel it, yet I felt it with all my body. She then slowly slid one finger right between the lips, and the next and gently spread them open. I felt the cold breeze as she opened me up but the warm oil on her delicate powerful fingers replaced that.

Up and down.

She didn’t touch my clitoris. Not yet. She took her hands off and did another thigh roll, this one ending with he thumbs right up against my labia. Another one. Up and down. Her thumbs dug just a little deeper positioning my clit right in between. Another roll and this time even deeper. This roll was slower. After that I felt a jolt of energy zap my body. I had been ready for her touch and she finally arrived at my clitoris. I didn’t moan but I felt a gasp and the air was trapped in my lungs. I was feeling close.

She made quick work of me. Either that or I slipped out of any awareness of time. Once she toyed with my clitoris I was in a different world. I slightly spread my legs apart for her. My hand had grabbed my nipple as I used to do. Slow undulating waves of pleasure washed over me. Every circular motion of her warm oiled finger was a wave that came crashing on soothing shores, frothing closer to a climax. She picked up her speed and the crashing waves sped with it. Pulses of pleasure overwhelmed my senses. Every breathe was agonizingly euphoric. My relaxed muscles ebbed and flowed. Pleasure and pain intertwined.

I could have been there for hours, or maybe I was. I didn’t want her to stop. Her? who? I slipped out of thought and mind. I was on the edge of wakefulness. Or maybe it was all a dream.

When I was finally aware again. I didn’t feel anyone’s hand on me except my own. My right hand had cupped my breast and the left one was loosely wrapped around my neck. I struggled to open my eyes and when I did the dim light of the room still felt too bright. I remembered that I wasn’t alone. I looked for her. Where was Austin? I cleared my throat to call her name but before I could I spotted her at the sink washing her hands slowly and quietly. I tried to get up but I felt weak. Austin was walking back. “Let me help you.” My knees buckled. She jerked forward to grab me. Her touch, even on my shoulder to help me not fall, electrified me. She guided me to the couch and grabbed my robe and gave it to me to cover myself. “Just take it easy for the rest of the night.” I nodded.

She walked away and I hated that she left my side. She collected her items in her bag, cleaned her table and folded it and strapped it to her shoulder.

“Austin” My voice was cracking. I reached my hand out to grab hers but she was already too far across the room. “Thank you”.



  1. GREAT story but I’m reminded that it’s creepy when a man goes for a happy ending…

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