Meeting The Tease (part 2) [NonCon]

She broke me. That could be the only explanation.

At heart I am a really good person. I give money to charities. I like kittens and baby turtles. I help my little old lady neighbor carry her groceries in. I don’t have a violent bone in my body.

But she broke me.

All those weeks of teasing and flirting online, making me obsess over her, making me addicted to her. Then she just ghosts me. It was too much. I couldn’t help it.

I spent weeks using clues from our conversations to track her down. I planned out every detail of what I’d say to her over the hours of driving, scouring the city until I found her. Meanwhile she was probably on to the next guy, teasing him. Making him addicted to her too.

Then all my work paid off. I was staring at her through my car window, watching as she left work and headed to her car. She was so carefree. Not a worry in the world. The anonymity of the internet let her fuck with men’s minds without risk of consequences.

It was too much.

I was out of my car before I knew it. My carefully planned speech completely forgotten. She had opened her back door and was half bent over, setting her bag in the seat.

I’d seen her from that angle before. She loved showing off her ass. She had an amazing ass. Images of when she’d flashed her ass for me flashed through my mind. Images that I’d studied for hours.

I was hard. So fucking hard. And angry. So god damn hard and angry.

She was starting to stand back up by the time I reached her. I slammed into her back at a half run. Her head glanced off the door frame as she crashed onto the back seat.

I wasn’t thinking. It was just an instinctual reaction.

I climbed on her back, shoved her face into the seat. “I bet you already forgot about me, didn’t you? Well I didn’t forget about you.”

She must have hit her head harder than I first thought. She was dazed. She barely even moved. I swept my hands all over her body. Touched all the places she’d shown me, taunted me for never being able to touch. I slid my hands under her body and up her shirt. I dug my fingers into her breasts, squeezing them, releasing all the pressure of hours upon hours and dreaming of touching them.

It wasn’t enough. I was frantic. I wanted to touch her everywhere at once. I was angry and elated to finally have my hands on her.

I pushed her further into the car and dragged her up onto her knees. I ripped her shirt off her. Buttons went flying. She’d started to recover and was fighting me. But she wasn’t as strong as she made herself out to be. It wasn’t much of a fight.

I flipped the shirt over her body, pulled her elbows down to her knees, and tied the sleeves in a knot behind her legs. I pulled it tight. Immobilizing her. That was how she said she wanted it. Her elbows tied to her knees. Bent over. Helpless.

I ripped her bra off next. The straps left red lines on her skin before snapping away. She was starting to make noise, starting to scream. So I shoved her bra in her mouth, pushed it down deep so she could barely make a noise.

Her pants and underwear came next. I would have preferred to rip them clean off but I had to hurry. My body was aching to have hers and I’d waited so long.

I’d planned on coming back another day after finding her. It would have given me time to clean up and to dress a little nicer. Gym shorts don’t make for a great first impression. But they do make it quick and easy to pull my dick out.

She was squirming, trying to get free, to get away. I had to hold her down with a hand on the back of her neck and try to line my dick up with her pussy while she tried to shimmy away from me. It was a small car so it’s not like she could have gotten away from me anyways.

“Stop it!” I sneered. “You did this! This is your fault. You drove me to it.”

She squealed into the gag when I first pushed my tip into her pussy, likely more from outrage than actual pain. I had to thrust hard a handful of times to bury myself completely inside her. By then her muffled screams were more likely for the pain.

“You did this,” I growled again. “All your teasing. All the taunting.”

I thrust into her hard several times. Each time groaned like the air was being fucked out of her lungs.

“What did you expect me to do? You led me on and then just disappeared.”

I slammed into her again, ramming myself inside her as much for her pain as my pleasure.

“You made me do this! You fucking tease! This is your fault!”

I dug my fingers into her hips and pounded her pussy over and over. She was so fucking tight. Either she just had an exceptionally tight pussy or the shirt being tied around her legs forced her to clamp down on my dick. It didn’t matter either way. It just felt so good.

After a few minutes a thought registered in my head. I should have taken her somewhere first, or waited for night, or at least until there weren’t any other cars were in the parking lot.

I slowed my pace until I was just gently sliding inside her. I said, “I bet you’re hoping someone walks outside and sees me. You think it will scare me off and save you.

“But I’m thinking not. I bet a relentless tease like you has worked up half the men in the office. I bet by the time I’m finished with you there’s going to be a line of men waiting for their turn.”

I bent over to lean my weight against her head. I shoved her face down into the seat cushion and started fucking her right again. “This is how you said you wanted it, right? You said if I found you I could do whatever I wanted, but you hoped I’d shove your face down and I fucked you savagely.

“Or was that a lie? Maybe all you wanted the whole time was some attention. You just want to be a tease so men tell you how pretty you are but you get to keep your legs closed.”

As I spoke I slammed into her harder and harder, my anger expressed with each thrust. My hips slammed into her ass jarring her entire body. I wanted her to feel the pain she had caused me. I wanted to touch deep inside her, deeper that any man had ever done before. I wanted to fuck her so hard her body split in half.

I jerked back on her head by her hair, twisting her neck so I was sure she heard every word.

“I can feel how wet you are. I can feel your pussy drooling down my balls. You wanted this. Your body craves it. You did this to me on purpose! You drove me to it!”

I shoved her head back into the seat and thrust into her with a curse. I exploded inside her, filling her body with my cum, with my rage, with my lust. I growled out a few more curses as I slowed my thrusts, milking the cum from my cock with her pussy.

I climbed off her and pulled up my shorts. With a quick shove I toppled her over, letting her ass fall down between the car seats. She refused to look up at me as I adjusted my clothes.

It was just as well. I’d delivered the message I’d set out to give. I could walk away content without a single worry. That is the beauty of the internet, after all. Total anonymity.
