[F/M] A Simple Arrangement- Chapter 1

I was fucked. Well, not literally fucked. That would have been one thousand times better than the situation I was in. I’ve always worked hard to provide for myself and not need help from anybody. I hated being dependent on other people. One reason is that my father raised me better than that. He raised me to be a strong, confident woman who could take care of herself. When my father taught me how to drive, he didn’t let me fire the engine before I knew how to change my own oil and rotate the tires.

The second reason is a little deeper than that. In my experience, if someone offers to do you a favor, there are strings attached. That’s if they even follow through. When I’ve actually swallowed my pride and asked for help, I was simply let down most of the time. On the rare occasion that someone actually followed through, they were sure to hold it over my head at every available opportunity.

My tips at the restaurant I worked at had been unusually slow this past month. It wasn’t just me. Everybody I knew in the industry had been struggling, so I was no different. On top of that, my car started making a terrible clunking noise. I know a bit about cars but not enough to figure that problem out. All I did know was that it was that the mechanic said it would take nearly two thousand dollars to fix it. Long story short, there was no possible way I would make this month’s rent. I am sure Brett and Jason would have let me slide if I was just a little short, but telling them I had zero dollars and had no idea when I would be able to pay them back simply wasn’t going to fly. While I was dreading the conversation, I knew I had to tell them.

I decided to let Brett know first. I had met Brett in my Psychology 1 class. I had been living in the dorms and absolutely hated it. All the rules and the annoying residents made life simply unbearable for me. So when I overheard Brett talking with some other people in our class about needing a third roommate, I decided to jump on the opportunity. I turned around in my seat and said, “I’m actually looking for a place to stay. Want to talk about it after class?” His jaw dropped. The cute blonde chick that sat in front of him not only wanted to talk to him after class, but the conversation would be about her potentially being naked in his apartment. In her own room of course. Obviously, he said yes before I even finished my first sentence.

With this knowledge in mind, I decided that the conversation would probably go much better if I dressed in a way that would take his mind off of the bad news I was about to deliver. I always caught him staring at me when I went out with my friends, so I decided my ‘going out’ look was my best shot. First, I put loose curls in my hair. Typically my hair fell to the center of my back, but now it bounced around my shoulders. Next, I used eye shadow and black eyeliner to create a smoky, mysterious look around my eyes. I finished it off with a nude lip gloss. The color was hardly noticeable, but it gave my full lips that wet look that never failed to make a man’s tongue swell in his mouth.

I thought it would be too over the top to wear one of my dresses, but I wanted to show him what he would be missing if he decided to kick me out. I slid on a pair of thigh-high socks that hung tightly to my legs and ended mid-thigh. I always played sports, so I was proud of my long, toned legs. I wore tight, black gym shorts that hugged the curves of my ass so tightly I rarely wear them to the gym. For a top, I decided on a baby blue tank top. I clung loosely to my tight belly, and while I didn’t have much to offer in the boob department, I made sure to set the apartment a few degrees cooler so my nipples were poking through.
Sure, it was a total cheap shot, but I was utterly desperate. I needed a break, and if I could use my looks to get one, well, I would be stupid not to at least try. Even still, Brett and Jason were pretty conservative with their cash, so I doubted I would gain anything from my pathetic attempt at mercy.

I was sitting at the kitchen table when Brett got home from class. My legs were crossed, bouncing anxiously as I scrolled endlessly through my phone, trying to decide what I was going to say. I jumped when I heard the door open. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, and I got my first bit of confidence when he looked up and saw me. He froze in place. “Um, are you waiting for someone?” he asked.

“You actually,” I said. I put my phone down on the table and gave Brett the cutest smile I could manage under the circumstances. I hated myself, but I would pay them back the money, so really, it would be no big deal.

“Why are you dressed like that?” Brett asked. His feet were still cemented to the floor, and he looked around the room nervously for a hidden camera. For all he knew he was going to be on one of those shows where you get pranked by your friends.

I didn’t answer his question. Instead, I stood from the table and walked towards him, letting my hips sway back and forth as I got closer. I had to stop myself from laughing. Living with two guys leads to hearing about a wide variety of sexual conquests, and to see how reserved he seemed with a pretty girl in front of him made me question every story I had heard him tell. And there were a lot. Brett was cute in that frat boy, polo shirt jock kind of way. He had a square jaw that looked as though it was stolen directly from a Marine poster. His shoulders were broad, and his shirts always fit just tight enough to show off a defined chest. “How was class?” I asked. I felt like I had to break the ice.

“Nope, what the fuck are you doing?” he asked. He wasn’t mad, but he knew something was up. So much for breaking the ice. I definitely laid it on too strong. Although, in my defense, I had no idea what I was doing and only had lousy romance movies to go off of.

“Ugh,” I moaned. “Just come here. I have something to tell you.” It could have been anything, but still, he wore a smug smile for some reason. He was probably proud of himself that he read the situation correctly. Men are usually bad at that. He set his bag down and joined me back at the kitchen table. “I can’t pay rent this month,” I said. Since plan A failed, plan B would be direct.

“Wait what?” Brett asked. “You can’t pay rent and you thought just by dressing slutty I would think it was cool?”

“I’m still going to pay it!” I said, slightly offended at the word slutty. “I just can’t pay it right now. You know work has been slow and my freaking car broke down yesterday.”

Brett sat quietly, like he was contemplating the situation. “So when do you think you can pay it?”

“What? No sympathy at all? Not even a ‘Wow, that sucks Hailey’?” He raised an eyebrow, letting me know that he still didn’t feel bad in the slightest. “I really don’t know. But I promise not to buy a single thing until I pay you guys back.”

“Yeah right! I’ve seen the endless list of packages dropped at the door. The Amazon guy is here so often I was thinking about starting to charge HIM rent!”

I rolled my eyes, “I’m not that bad.” Unfortunately, the truth is I am, in fact, that bad.

Brett laughed. “I can’t believe that you thought I would let a month’s rent go just because I can see your nipples through your shirt.”

“But you can see my ass too!” I stood from the chair and turned around, arching my back just slightly to let my shorts do their work before sitting back down. “I know. I am so embarrassed right now. I just thought it would help you take the news a little bit better. But really, think about it logically. You can kick me out, still have to pay this month’s rent on your own with no chance of being repaid and have to find a new roommate. I promise they won’t be as pleasant to look at.” I playfully bit my lip and gave him a wink.

I saw him think it over. My plan was working, and I knew it. He knew it. “But what if you can’t pay?” he asked. “I know you say you will pay me back, but what if you can’t. I mean, you didn’t know you would be in this spot right? What if one month turns into two? I think I need some collateral.”

My shoulders sunk. “What do you mean collateral? I told you my freaking car is broken. I don’t have anything worth anything. Are you going to hold my clothes hostage?” He didn’t say anything. He only gave me a stupid grin. “Oh my God, shut up. I’m not giving you my clothes.”

“I don’t want your clothes. They would look terrible on me anyway,” Brett said, topping off his bad joke by laughing at it himself.

“Okay, well what do you want then?” He didn’t say a word but looked at me hungrily. I knew that look. “Do you want me to show you my boobs or something?”

He laughed again and shook his head no. “I can look at boobs anytime I want. Plus, they would probably be better than yours anyway. No offense.” Somehow, him saying ‘no offense’ didn’t help me feel any less offended. He stood up from the table and walked around to my side. “If I pay your rent you are going to owe me big time. But I don’t want your money. You will just end up chasing the past month’s rent forever. Instead, how about I pay your rent and you don’t owe me a dime. I just get something else instead.”

He stood next to me and put his hand on my back. It would be the ‘hold it over your head’ option this time, I see. Honestly, hearing him talk about my boobs had sent a slight shiver through my body. I had never thought about him in this way before, but he was definitely cute. If he had offered to buy me a drink at the bar, I would have said yes. Why not get a month’s rent instead of a single drink? But I was still going to make him say it. “What is it that you want?” I asked. I made my green eyes as big as I possibly could, looking up at him from my chair.

“I want you,” he said. His confidence made me rethink everything I thought when he first walked into the apartment. “I want you wherever and whenever. For the entire month. I want you to forget the word no.”

The tone of his voice made my heart skip a beat. I looked down at his crotch and could see the outline of his cock becoming more prominent through his jeans. Nervous doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt, but what choice did I have? I shook my head yes. He ran his fingers through my hair, brushing it from my eyes. His hands felt warm on my face. He didn’t have to tell me that the arrangement began right now. I sunk from my seat to the floor, resting comfortably on my knees. I worked the button of his jeans open and slid his zipper down. To impress him even further, I did it all without looking. I kept my gaze fixed up at him.

I slid his pants down and was surprised when his cock sprung free. He wasn’t particularly long, but he was thick. Already his cock was at attention, and I knew he loved his new power. On the other hand, I was pretty positive I would hate myself later, but for now, I decided to try and enjoy it. I wrapped my soft fingers around his girth and took him in my hand before opening my mouth wide. I let my lips close around the swollen head of his cock and sucked. I made a loud popping noise with my mouth, a fun trick I had learned. I closed my eyes and took him entirely in my mouth this time. He touched the back of my throat, but just barely, as I swallowed him to his base.

I used my free hand to slowly massage his balls as I worked him in and out of my mouth. His fingers ran through my hair, occasionally stopping to grab a handful. I could feel my pussy getting wet as he started thrusting. Finally, he let out a loud moan and warned me he was going to cum. I didn’t pull away. Instead, I wrapped my lips tightly around him and took him to the back of my throat. I felt his warm cum explode in my mouth, and I took big gulps to swallow every drop.

I felt the twitching of his cock subside and slowly drew him from my mouth and licked my lips as I looked up at him. “I think this is going to work out perfectly,” he said.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vd0nu5/fm_a_simple_arrangement_chapter_1


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