[MF] A Tender Evening with my very tall, Dutch coworker

Once upon a time, my coworker and I started playing footsies with each other.

In our defense, our desks faced each other and Meike was tall. Actually tall. 6’3” tall. Meike is Dutch, a slim blonde-haired, blue-eyed bombshell that seriously made me think about moving to the Netherlands. In the summer her pale skin would get sprinkled with delicate freckles.

We would accidentally kick each other under our desks, mostly because my posture is garbage and led to my legs being on her “side” of the desk. Eventually those kicks became walks when we needed a break – we worked on the same projects so often needed to vent to each other about idiotic clients and the like.

And eventually we started talking about more than just work. Meike was younger – just 23 at the time – but was dating a guy a couple of years older than I was. Things were apparently a bit rocky, and she liked to live vicariously through me and listen to my single-life stories.

Nothing ever happened of course. She was really cute but anytime I noticed that I tamped those feelings down. She was a coworker, and also not-single. It would have been a bad idea.

And then she suddenly put in her two-weeks’ notice, saying she was moving back to Europe.

*I didn’t even know she was considering it. It hurt, honestly.*

To everyone else in the office, we were happy and excited for her. We planned going-away nights (plural) out at bars. And she seemed genuinely excited for it.

*Funnily enough, Mieke didn’t drink. But she did like to laugh at our drunken shenanigans.*

It was only on our walks that I found out the real issue. Things in Mieke’s relationship were a lot worse than she’d previously let on. It was loveless, it was ending. He cheated on her and she found out. And he was essentially connected to her entire support network here. “At least back in Rotterdam I have my family and school friends,” she said.

*It made sense. Even if it really sucked.*

Her last night of work we went out to the bar, and for the first time I saw Mieke get plastered. “You’re not allowed to make fun of me,” she said, sipping one of what became many very fruity, very sugary drinks. “It’s my party.”

“Your head is going to kill you tomorrow,” I told her. She stuck her tongue out at me.

The party died down and we hopped on the subway to go home. My stop was coming up and we made to hug goodbye. But she didn’t let me go and I missed my stop. “Come back with me?” she asked.

I honestly didn’t think we had that kind of relationship. She didn’t either. “I just want a night with someone who actually gives a shit about me,” she explained.

I asked if her ex was going to come home – she said no, “I told him the only thing he could possibly do for me is to not be here tonight.”

So we kissed, and she cried a little – it was awkward.

*Have you ever kissed a friend, just to see if there was something there, and then promptly realized there absolutely wasn’t?*

I groped her boob in desperation to get something going. And I discovered that small boobs on a tall woman are still pretty darn big. “Oh, fuck,” I murmured, half to myself. And it was like a switch was flipped and suddenly everything was sexy.

She pushed me down into her bed and ground against me. Her shorts came off and so did my pants. I asked her if this is what she wanted and she said yes many, many times.

She wrapped her legs fully around me. She stared me in the eyes as her mouth opened and gasped as I entered her. I pressed my forehead against her and fucked her slowly, softly, gently. I told her that she was too cute for her own good. I told her I’d miss kicking her under her desk.

Her hands explored my back, pulling me tighter against her. She whispered encouragement back to me, told me that I felt good inside of her. She said I had pretty eyes. She asked me to keep going, just like that, and I did my best to her satisfaction. When I came, she bit down on my earlobe and moaned with me.

[After an appropriate time spent spooning and cuddling](https://youtu.be/ODgu_-rR1X8?t=96), I got up to leave and her arm reached out and held my arm. “Can you stay?” she asked. I let her draw me back to her.

*The second round was a lot less gentle, but just as appreciated.*

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vcwf84/mf_a_tender_evening_with_my_very_tall_dutch

1 comment

  1. That was a very sweet but sad story. Thanks for sharing your tale with the elf maiden

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