My friend Betty Chase just started publishing queer erotica and it’s GOOD. In honor of PRIDE, she’s made it free to download for 5 days! Now through June 18, “Bondage Becca” is all yours! [ff][les][lgbt][bdsm][bondage]

Here is the opening page of Bondage Becca (posted with her permission), and it really steams up from there! Please download it and feel free to leave a review! This is the second in her Taboo Alphabet series. Look for more soon! thanks! and I hope you love it! DOWNLOAD HERE!

“I’m going to tie her up and whip her butch little ass,” I said to myself with a smile, already feeling smug and slightly vindicated.

After a long day at work and having to deal with salacious looks from my sleazy bosses, all I wanted to do was go home and have a quiet night with my girl. But oh no. Instead, Devon came home late and in a terrible mood. What’s worse, she picked a fight with me before she even kissed me hello.

And all for what? Because the breakfast bar on the kitchen island was, apparently, filthy.

“Seriously, Becca! This place is a fucking mess!” Devon had criticized the second she walked in the door.

In reality, the breakfast bar was not filthy. Mildly cluttered, maybe, and all with her things. There was a ring on the granite from Devon’s coffee mug, a few folders she brought home from work yesterday, and some crumbs from the sandwich she made this morning for her lunch. If I was going to play her maid, I thought, it had better fucking involve role-play and a tickly little feather duster.

Before I could even respond, Devon pushed me past my limit. “I’m starving. What are you doing for dinner tonight?” As though it were my job to cook and clean for her. Like I needed this butch-femme shit from her.

I had officially hit my fill. I was tired of feeling patronized; I was fed up with Devon’s blaming; and I absolutely refuse to bicker anymore. Something needed to change, and I wasn’t about to sit through months of couple’s counseling again.

No, I decided. No more communication exercises, no more charting our feelings on poster boards, no more having to listen to Devon complain that she doesn’t feel heard in the relationship. Those “therapeutic activities” obviously didn’t change our bad habits. Too slow, too long term, too cerebral.

“If she wants a little femme, I’ll give her a little femme.” Sometimes the best way to break old habits is with a sledgehammer.

I went to the lingerie closet and selected my naughtiest pieces—the ones that I knew would drive Devon out of her mind. Black leather bustier with tight, tight bone ribbing; tiny black leather panties, cut to show off the perfect heart shape of my ass; black silk stockings clipped to my vintage lace garter with delicate bows; finished off with my black satin Bridget Bardot heels.

Moving to the vanity, I brushed my hair back in to a sleek yet bouncy ponytail, and then applied my most vicious red lipstick. Last, I gathered my favorite equipment: hard metal cuffs, an ankle spreader, a fat leather whip, and my longest riding crop."




  1. 7th paragraph: > Before I could even respon**se,** Devon pushed me past my limit.

  2. I understand how hard it is to copyedit. I’ve got stuff up at Smashwords and Amazon too.

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