Step Sister Corruption Part 279 – Day 140 Free Use Vacay Pt 23 – Aphrodite Games Pt 11 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)



We just started the third round and my *new* ‘subject’ had the same problem as my ‘special judge’……low stamina.  

Well that wasn’t the *only* problem.  

*God why do men have to be so fucking sensitive!?!?*

He wasn’t big enough to actually **fill** my mouth….not that I wanted that foul thing after tasting it.  

He wasn’t thick enough to give my lips a **real** workout.  Not that I wanted it in my mouth but it just looked small in general.  

And he didn’t last long enough before he blew his wad….all over my face. 

I had barely started and the fucker nutted as soon as I started kissing his pathetic shaft on his small *god damn* puny little pecker.  

This is so **fucking** frustrating!!!

We started the stupid blow job round and I did the whole smack his flaccid penis against my cheeks trying to get it hard.  

Which did start getting the puny dick hard.  

The moment I tasted the foul dick I wanted it to blow its wad but still wanted to win.  

I licked it and wished I hadn’t as now I can’t get the taste off my tongue.  

My newest participant tasted like he hasn’t washed his dick in forever.  

My prayers were half answered as the little attention made the owner’s object quickly turn red.  

Refusing to do anything more than external sensations without it touching the inside of my orifices I resorted to kissing the disgusting thing.  

I was thankful as my newest participant quickly unloaded as he started grunting and I felt his first shot splash against my face before I reflectively backed away.   

Which pissed me off for multiple reasons.  

Though I was pissed that I didn’t get it in my mouth, though due to the taste I should be thankful I didn’t have to taste his cum if his dick tasted so bad.  But now I had his disgusting smelly hot spunk on my fucking face.  

I looked at my subject and tried to hide my disgust as his stinky seed trailed down my face.  

I looked over at Nadia to see she was still *enjoying* blowing her substitution.  

I sighed as I thought *Guess I’ll have to take the **L***.  

I just wish…..

I blinked when the announcer stepped up to me and thought he was going to yell at me or something.  

I looked at him confused but when I looked down I saw he was holding a wash cloth.  

I blushed and spoke, “Thanks.”

I grabbed the wash cloth and blinked again to find it was moist.  

I didn’t know whether to be thankful or repulsed.  

Was it ‘*used*’ before for the same purpose I was about to use it for?

I prayed that it wasn’t moist **because** it had someone’s unused jizz hiding in the cloth as I brought it up to my face and feeling my non apparent gag reflex grow strong threatening to empty my stomach’s contents.  

The moment the cloth touched my face I instantly winced but blinked again to find it smelled of lavender….and soapy.  

I sighed a huge sigh of relief to find the cloth was soapy and lightly damp **not** jizz filled….well that is until I wiped the smelly disgusting cum off my face.  And continued to wipe along my neck and breast’s hoping the lavender scent would replace whatever was in that guy’s diet.  

With the jizz rag now soiled I handed the wash cloth to the guy and was about to speak my thanks to him but behind me I heard a male grunt.  

I turned back to watch the guy holding Nadia’s head in his lap as he thrusted himself in her face as he obviously was cumming in her mouth.  

We waited for the little show to end before the guy let go of Nadia’s head and she pulled herself off of him.  

She looked at us, opened her mouth to show the white protein fluid in her mouth before closing her mouth swallowing and opening her mouth back to show the fluid had disappeared.  

Then she stepped away from her quarry and stood next to me.  

I looked over at the guy and blinked before looking towards the door to see he was back to where he was.  

I sighed beginning to sense a theme with him though I lightly smiled and mused *at least he was professional*.

Nadia and I looked at the judge’s and awaited our fate though I kind of knew who was taking this round and it sure as Fuck wasn’t me.  

We only waited a moment before the scores showed up and I was right.  

I didn’t take this round but I was kind of surprised I didn’t lose by much.  

The final score between us was 52/60, me, and 55/60 Nadia.  

I took a loss on the appreciation of the act area but the judge’s found my show just as intriguing as Nadia’s.  

I lightly wondered if I hadn’t wiped the cum off my face and instead transferred it to my mouth would I have made up the gap but what was done was done.  

Besides I don’t think I *could* have transferred the guy’s disgusting cum and actually swallowed it without gagging….or throwing up.  

With the blow job round complete next was the sex round and I was happy my special judge was back and appeared to be ready to go as he laid there his flag pole standing and waiting for me.  

Apparently the *liquid everwood* worked though I had no idea ‘Everwood’ came in liquid form.  I just knew of it in pill form.  

Maybe the liquid acted faster or something.  

All I know is I was happy my judge was back and that disgusting excuse of a man was sitting by the side lines.  

The official walked in front of us and told us which event we were in and what the rules were….again.  

I knew the spiel nearly by heart by now. 

Still I waited for the official to be done with his little speech and walked back to his corner to resume his statue like appearance before I moved over to my special judge and did my thing.  

I sat on my special judge letting my pussy lips to wrap around the object so my drool could transfer from me to him before rising and reached below to guide his dick into my pussy before I positioned myself down.  

I sat there for a moment and simply enjoyed having a dick back in my pussy as it lightly pulsed around the hardened object and let it send the usual feel good throughout my body.  

I rose letting the tip remain before lowering myself back down and enjoyed the sensations as the object stretched my insides a little bit but it was enough to start having my synapses begin to misfire as I felt my body lightly quiver from the one thrust.  

I reveled in the sensation as I could feel everything that was happening.  

I repeated my up and down movement and continued to enjoy the sensations.  

I moaned as I dragged my nails across my judges chest as I begun to enjoy myself and getting lost in the act.  

I repeated my movement one more time just enjoying the feeling of having a dick slide along the insides of my pussy as it registered the movement of the obstruction and simply enjoying the feeling.  

But I had to be careful to not get ‘too’ lost in the act as I vaguely remembered my ‘judge’ had low stamina during the teasing round making his little fellow more sensitive.  Meaning it wouldn’t be long before he would pop his top.  

I needed to do better in this round compared to the blow job as I barely stayed alive in that round thinking the point advantage would be greater for Nadia.  

But somehow I remained ahead but barely.  

I lifted myself completely off my opponents dick to find it in a red state with the veins protruding.  


He was about to loose his load.  

I guess I should let him cool down or I’ll get another low score for letting my male counterpart cum too quickly.  

I looked at Nadia who was riding her male counterpart with wild abandonment.  

I looked back at my male counterpart who looked at me with a hopeful stare that the session would continue.  

I quickly straddled my male counterpart’s face and lowered myself onto him forcing my pussy into his mouth.  

Luckily I didn’t need to tell him anything as he took the hint as he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue into my pussy causing me to hiss out a throaty *YYEEESSSSSSSSS!!!* as I started to fondle my own breasts.  

Within, what felt like seconds, I was grinding his face as I felt an orgasm beginning to start rippling out causing my breathing to quicken and shorten to where I was panting and shrieking all at once as the orgasm started. 

I grabbed my male counterpart by the hair and forced him into my pussy as I ground into him more as my orgasm took me.  

Only problem is my trigger wasn’t activated causing my orgasm which felt **large** begin to ebb and flow before it disappeared nearly as fast as it started.  

***GOD DAMN IT!!!!***

I began to whimper as this was the fourth guy who hadn’t made me *truly* cum.  

I mean yes I did ‘orgasm’ with just about every guy that I had been paired with for all these events.

But all of them hadn’t truly made me achieve my big **O** that would also trigger my special ability.

If only any one of these guys could last longer than a few seconds then maybe I could at least achieve a *true* **O**.

Then again they all had one **BIG** problem…..they weren’t Gabe.

They didn’t have his length to fill me and stretch me out.

They didn’t have his girth to where it felt like I was filled to the brim as that length slid along my insides and rubbed all along me as I feel every crevice and indentation.

Between those two things it easily sends me over the edge and causing me to orgasm…hard.  Which in turn causes me to squirt all over the place.

Though now that I think about it if Gabe **or** Summer play with me, eat me, or anything like that it causes me to squirt all over the place.

Maybe that’s way I haven’t been able to squirt with any of these guy’s?  Was it because they weren’t Gabe or Summer?  Was it because I didn’t have any attachment to them?

I had a momentary lapse of thinking as I thought all this out before my **need** rose back up and my **frustration** caused my emotions to run rampant as I looked at my guy making me ***PISSED***.

Like it was **HIS** fault I couldn’t cum.

It was **HIS** fault my orgasm disappeared so quick.

It was **HIS** fault that I didn’t squirt.

It was *ALL* **HIS** fault.

I was desperate for the big *O*.

Only problem is had people watching and I didn’t want to lose on something stupid as I lost control or something.

I had to calm myself down but my *frustration* just kept up as I desperately wanted the release.

Then something dawned on me…..angle.

If my guy wasn’t *big* enough.  Maybe ‘angle’ would help get me to that big **O**.

It made sense and there was only way to find out if it would work.

I got off my guy’s face leaving my guy panting as I probably had forced him so hard into my pussy that I probably cut off his air supply.

I turned around to look at his ‘friend’ happy to find that it’s veins had receded and had deflated a little bit but the color remained…..though some of the ‘redness’ had disappeared but it was only slightly.

And another plus was the growing clear fluid on his ‘friend’.

I licked my lips causing me to smack my lips before I bent down and extended my tongue to lick the substance off his penis.

The moment the clear fluid touched my tongue an explosion of euphoria graced my pallet causing me to moan as I enjoyed the sensation making my mouth water for more.

I breathed out slowly after enjoying that momentary delight that had somehow pushed back my frustration enough to where my emotions had tapered off enough to where I didn’t feel so much like a bitch.

I was happy at least the substance wasn’t disgusting as my previous beau for these events.

I looked down one last time before I swung my leg over the would-be man and positioned myself properly as I guided myself down onto his penis and fluttered, feeling the object quickly harden inside my sensitive pussy.

Just feeling the guy’s penis harden up inside my pussy sent shivers along my spine until it hit my eyes and traveled back down making my body tremble.

I wanted it to continue ‘growing’ but felt the end hit and was left unsatisfied.

Why did this guy have to have such a small penis?

I leaned back hoping my ‘*idea*’ would give the small object a fighting chance to actually help me achieve a *true* **O**.

I placed my hands on the guys knees as I leaned back and angled my body feeling the natural curve of the dick begin to bend as I forced it down.

I kept leaning back until I felt like I was about to fall and simply **lay** backwards making my ‘*idea*’ useless until I felt it.

The angle and the curvature hit something inside me instantly shooting a rush of electric current through my body as it threatened to short out my body.

I lightly *prayed* as silent prayer *Please let this work*….and I moved away.

I instantly moaned as I felt the curvature and tip rub against my inner g-spot.

I lightly swayed forward and felt the tip barely drag along the small cluster of nerves shooting another current of electricity to coarse through my body making me whimper at the sensation like it was a welcomed experience.

I moved again causing the bundle to be rubbed again making me want more of the brain melting sensation as the currents were now licking my brain.

I started to sway back and forth never moving up or down causing the angle and curvature to do all the work as it rubbed the sensitive bundle making me whimper as I felt the tell tale signs that I wasn’t far from my *need*.

I just hoped my guy can hold out long enough before I ‘achieved’ my *goal*.

But I had to be quick for if I continued this slow rubbing it was sure that my guy was going to fire off long before the bundle would help fire off my own series of events that I desperately wanted.

I started to sway faster….and faster.

Each sway I felt the curvature rub against my inner g-spit and I felt my squirting bladder that felt like it was holding a massive amount of fluid as it waited to release the accumulated amount out as the ‘triggering’ mechanism also built so it was strong enough to open the flood gates.

I began pleading with my guy begging him to hold out as I felt I was ***SSSOOOOOOO*** close.

I whimpered as the building felt like there was no end in sight to how big this can build.

I just needed something to push me over the edge.

If Gabe was here right now all he had to do was kiss me and simply flick my clit and it would be enough to make me orgasm and squirt.

But he wasn’t Gabe and Gabe wasn’t in the room to help.

I felt like I was beginning to go mad as the sensation just kept building.

The fluid in my squirting bladder seemed to grow in my body…..where I still had no idea where that stuff formed.  I mean I ‘knew’ from Dr. Braxter’s lessons that girls, like me, who can squirt there was a small section that held the mysterious fluid that was both part and separate of the actual bladder.  

Some doctors have contested that the bladder did more than hold a person’s waste, or urine, and was more like in sections or chambers each section/chamber holding the waste until it was released.  But for women with **my** ability some of those ‘sections’ actually turn to those ‘waste’ chambers into ejaculation chambers that contain the mysterious fluid as we ejaculate or orgasm and the bladder releases those ‘sections’ only during heightened states of arousal usually during a woman’s orgasm.

Whatever the case was and where the mysterious fluid actually resided it felt like it was expanding like a balloon in my body.

All it needed was a simple little *prick* and it would be released.

I felt my body begin to quiver as the bundle of nerves was being rubbed so much they were becoming more and more sensitive.

I begged harder, nearly screaming my ‘wish’ to my guy.

I didn’t care if he reached down and pinched his base so hard to where it wouldn’t fire then that’s what I wanted him to do.

Anything just as long as he holds out just a *little* bit longer.

I felt my pussy begin to quiver more and more as I felt my tension begin to hit its high point and the resulting orgasm ready to be released.  

I reached down while still trying to maintain my momentum and balance I started to rub my clit vigorously hoping the added sensation would be the trigger to hit my big **O**….and release the accumulated fluid.  

I screamed and started to convulse as I felt my orgasm take me and felt the usual relief as my squirt bladder was suddenly released.  

I groaned as my body locked up from the pent up build up and my mind completely melted as my pussy registered the phallic object started to invade it with its warm hot seed that pushed me over the edge.  

My eyes rolled at the intensity of the orgasm as I no longer cared what has happening around me.  

I felt like my body was in auto pilot as my body bucked itself off the guy and his dick as I pushed the last remaining accumulated fluid out of my imaginary bladder as I blasted the high pressure fluid out until I was empty.  

Until I finally I collapsed and was happy that I had finally orgasmed.  

The last thing I heard before my brain checked out to enjoy my bliss though my hearing started to ring was *Holy Shit!*

