[MF] Made my sister cum on Webcam pt.2

I couldn’t stop thinking about last night. I was awake before the rest of the family, I just couldn’t sleep in. I went across the hall to the guest bathroom to take a cold shower and maybe wash away the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. My regular morning wood felt different,  I wanted to get rid of it as fast as I could. I got undressed and stood in the stream of water until the coldness stung my back, I washed up after what felt like an hour and hoped out. I could hear the sounds of muffled voices coming from downstairs and pots and pans clanking together.

  I got dressed and mustard up the courage to walk downstairs. Mom was at the stove making pancakes, my dad was at the table reading a paper, probably looking for some type of puzzle. And dawn, she was standing by the fridge with her back to me. Her long black hair sticking out in all directions, stopping just above her hips. As she stretched to reach for something in the top cabinet her white shirt lifted past her belly button. I watched her struggle a bit, teetering from left to right on each foot as she stretched higher, her shorts rose, exposing the bottom of her cheeks. “Bryant would you help your sister”. “Uh, yeah sure”, the two steps it took to close the gap felt like an eternity. I reached up and plucked the syrup from the top shelf and handed it to her. “Thanks Bry” She turned to look up at me “are you OK, you look wierd?” I backed away fast “ya just a headache is all”. Dawn glared at me, her green eyes studying my face. My mom handed me a plate of pancakes and gestured towards the table. “You will feel better after you eat”.

I placed the plate in the middle of the table and sat down. Mom and dad sat at the ends of the table and Dawn sat next to me. “Your father and I promised to help your uncle this afternoon for a bit but won’t be gone long” I shifted some in my chair almost leaning away from my sister suddenly feeling uncomfortable being alone in the house with her. “Yeah son, maybe when we are gone you can convince your sister to apply to some colleges”, “Dad I told you, after I take a break for a year I will!” Dawn nudged me from under the table “tell him to leave me alone” she left her hand on my thigh for a moment. “Well maybe we can just look” she rolled her eyes as she slowly dragged her hand across my thigh. I closed my legs some and leaned away from her trying to stop my cock from reacting against my will. “Bryant  pass me the syrup please” I handed it to Mom and finished my breakfast in silence.

My parents eventually headed upstairs to get ready to leave. And dawn headed upstairs to shower. I stayed at the table and pulled out my phone. There was a message from Bret, “Did you talk to Dawn, Kevin was a wreck last night”. “No, what happened?” “Well he wouldn’t tell me all of the details, just that some other guy made her cum” I just stared at the screen with my hands shaking “oh,, uh yeah I will see what I can do”. I put my phone in my pocket and headed towards the door. My parents meet me at the bottom of the steps and hugged me before heading out. I jogged upstairs and almost ran right Into Dawn. Her hair was wet, leaving drops of water on the floor. Her towel hugged her body tightly, falling just above her knees. “Gosh Bry in a hurry” she tried to adjust her towel causing it to dip down on her chest a bit “Yeah I have to call Miranda” “Oh you two are still together?” I brushed past her towards the bathroom “sorta”. I closed the door fast and locked it. “Wow the call needs to be made in the bathroom” Dawn chuckled her footsteps fading as she moved towards her room.

I pulled my phone out and I had an email notification. “New message from Dawn-under you” I froze. My hands hovered over the notification. I sat on the toilet and opened the site. Dawn sent me photo, the photo was of her with her fingers in her pussy. “Will you make me cum, again?”. My dick was at full attention. My zipper was pulling on me uncomfortably so I pulled my pants down. I dropped the toilet seat and sat down. I knew I shouldn’t have opened the email but the temptation was too strong. “Beg” I replied “and I’ll think about it”. Dawn saw the message right away and started typing but then stopped. I waited a few minutes but nothing. My heart sank, but why? Wouldn’t it be better if she didnt reply. Then she sent a photo. It was of her ass, she had a purple butt plug in and her legs where spread wide open. Her pussy was wet, my cock pulsed and I couldn’t handle it anymore. I reached down and stared stroking it. “Please make me cum” she sent a quick 5 second video of her fingers moving in and out of her pussy. Every time she pulled out her fingers, strings of her juices trailed them, she spread her fingers to show the camera and the video stopped.

I hadn’t realized how close I was, I was at the point of no return and started squeezing my cock a little harder. Everytime my fingers brushed my head it sent hot spikes down my spine. My cock pulsed and before I could reach for something I was cuming in my hand. I put my phone on the counter and tried to quickly wash my hands. I heard a knock on the door. “Bry, are you and Miranda ok?” I froze “uh yeah, I’ll be out in a minute” I tried to pull my pants up as fast as I could. “OK well then get out of the bathroom I need to brush my hair” I pulled the door open fast  and I hurried past her. “All yours” she looked at me funny but nodded “thanks”. I made it to my room and shut the door harder then I meant to.  I went to reach for my phone in my pocket and thats when i realized, I left it on the counter in the bathroom.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vcg9ku/mf_made_my_sister_cum_on_webcam_pt2


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