[M] [MF] Proud Trainer

A client of mine just texted me that he’s still banging the milf I helped set him up with on top of getting laid more and getting stares and compliments for his progress. He still has a long way to go but progress is amazing however small it is.

He told me how his ex wanted to get back with him but he declined but has started fucking her every now and then. How the milf i set him up with has given him a craving for older women. He told me how he has scored several older women by being confident flirting with them.

Yes I being a trainer opens a lot of legs. Yes I have fucked some of my female clients over the years. I always tell my clients I’m in the business of getting them laid and help them with their bodies, mindsets, and sometimes their game. Its a whole different level of fulfillment to get your clients/buds laid and I’m very proud of their growth.

P.s. i know its more his story than mine but I’m just fuxking proud. Asked his permission to post so ya’ll don’t have to worry

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vckmnj/m_mf_proud_trainer