Tawali Sisters (Part 2)

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ugd6g9/beer_pong_sibling_rivalry/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

The taller man walks up to Katie and stops about an arm’s length away. Well, the length of his arms not hers. Katie could feel this man exploring her body with his eyes. She quickly covers her breasts with her arms, again, only able to cover nipples with her spindly arms. Katie looks down, her eyes quickly searching for her bra or even her shirt.

“That was a good game, you were fantastic!” this handsome mysterious man said. Katie felt a pang of sexual yearning for this man to, No! She needed this man to say her name with his soft yet gruff voice. She felt it was just the right amount of dominance and submissive in his voice. A man who can manhandle her body they way she wanted but would never admit, also the ability to curl up on the couch with her on a rainy day. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bother you”

*Damnit! * she thought as she realized that she was getting lost in her own thoughts again. “Huh Ah! Yes, um thank you…” *Seriously? Katie, get your shit together * Her thoughts ran wild in her mind, questions flooded her synapses. *Really? You really have to use the word “synapses”? C’mon Katie think flirty * That always happened to Katie, when she got flustered, she would resort to in depth inner thought. But what could she say to this man, she was always told by her mother that she should never show a man her body until he showed her he was worthy to see. Her mother told her that all guys are the same and once they get what they want they will never come back. *I guess it doesn’t matter now he’s already seen my body, no point in flirting now * “Yeah Thank you I was just trying to beat her” Katie mumbles under breath “That Bitch”

Katie takes her eyes off the man and bends over to get her shirt off the floor, not worrying about sticking her ass out in the air as she did so. She had her underwear on, and all this man could see was part of her ass and her legs. Why should she care, this guy only wants to talk to her because Jessica was already jogging out of the building and he is picking up the scraps.

“Hey listen, I just wanted to say you’re very beautiful and was wondering if you wanted to go out some time or get some coffee” the man said while Katie was bent over. As she stood back up, she kept her back to him, this way she can put her shirt on and no longer be nude.

“You what?!” Katie said turning her head around looking at him. She was shocked to hear those words out of his mouth. *Wait why is he still here? Am I just the second choice? And did he just inquire about getting shared sustenance? * Speaking of his mouth. It was beautiful, one dimple on the right side when he smiled, teeth that have been taken care of, and just the right amount of scruff for a beard.

“You know nourishment and the company of each other?” he smiled again and gave her a small chuckle.

Why would he phrase it like that? Was he able to read Katie’s thoughts? “Did you just ask me out?” Katie said as she started to pull her jeans on looking at the man funny.

“Well yeah I would love to take you out” the man said smiling again.

“I don’t even know your name?” Katie said cocking her head to the side looking at this man. Letting a little giggle out she says “Well it would only be fair, you have already seen me naked” she said the last part in a sing song tone, she was being flirty. What was she doing? She thought to herself.

“HAHA you are right it would only be fair” he chuckles a little bit. The sound to Katie was melting her walls her mother helped her put up against men. “The names Dave, it’s nice to meet you” He reaches his long thick arm out to her with his hand out-stretched being at the perfect place for Katie to reach out and grab it. She wanted nothing more than touching this man even if it was just his hand.

Reaching out Katie grabs his hand and notices that his hand was easily three times the size of hers. Being a taller girl with pretty healthy sized breasts most people might not expect that she had a little bit of a size kink. Only now did she realize this man was easily over six foot. “Well Dave, if you hand me my flip flops behind you, I’ll put them on, and you can take me to get free food”

Dave looks behind him and picks up the open toed shoes, as he is handing them over to her, he says “Free? So, I’m buying dinner?”

“Well of course you are” She smirks while she drops her flip flops on the hard tile floor letting the sound echo through the room.

“Oh, because this is a date? And the one who asks for the date should pay?” Dave asks in what would be considered a confused tone.

Katie walks past him in her best attempt of using a seductive walk and tone as she says. “Well, you have seen me naked already I’m fairly certain that’s worth at least one free dinner. And I’m feeling expensive.” She says smirking again where he can’t see her. Katie turns around and smiles at him. “Let’s go to Wendy’s” Katie smiles seeing Dave’s face when she said Wendy’s. She found it to be cute when he was confused, she couldn’t tell if this face was confusion for the place or if he thought she really considered that to be expensive.

Feeling like she might have overstepped because he was still silent, she speaks up again because she’s not use to these situations. *You know who is really good with this stuff? No don’t you say it. Jessica. Damnit, I know! Ok! But she isn’t here so what do I do? How do I fix it? Wait guys shouldn’t be used for money, C’mon Katie! Do something he is going to change his mind * “Uh I mean we can go somewhere else if that… or maybe if it’s the money thing we could you know split it”

Dave shook his head slowly and smiled, looking back up at her he said. “No! You were right its only fair. If you feel like you are worth something as good and expensive as Wendy’s, then that’s what we will have.”


Sitting in the fast-food restaurant Katie smiled at this mysterious guy who might be the first guy since middle school to actually ask her out. Katie has already eaten a burger, chicken nuggets, and is now working on a frosty.

“You know I would have been ok with something from the dollar menu thing they have” Katie has never been good with people spending money on her. She has always been independently strong when it came to stuff like this, but she also knows it doesn’t make her any less independent just because someone buys her stuff. *Hell! Jessica has never worked for anything in her life and look at her she has guys fall all over her all the time. STOP! This isn’t about her this is about you and this beautiful man in front of you *

“Well, I felt a little guilty to tell you the truth” Dave responds to her.

“What? Why would you feel guilty?”

“Well, it’s not like I lied because it was never a question, but I feel like I lied”

“Does it make you feel any better that I just asked it as a question?” Katie now getting curious eating the spoon full of wonderfully smooth ice cream. Wondering in the back of her mind if he thinks she is weird for eating so much?

“That does make it easier, I think. Ok well one meal was the price of seeing you naked playing a strip beer pong game, right?”

“Yeah?” she said curiously wondering where this was going.

“What if I had pictures of you? Like what price would that have to be?”

Katie felt violated for a second. *Of course, he has pictures you dumb bitch! All of them do. Who doesn’t have a phone these days? * She put the spoon down and let her head hang low.

“Katie please I don’t want to upset you I just wanted to tell you the truth. I wanted you to know that I did something that I feel like is going to kill me from the inside out. I’ll delete them right now here look” Dave pulls out his phone.

Dave opens the library where’s the first picture is of her in focus, her first pumping and her ass looked like it was in mid-jiggle. She looks over the table seeing the picture and she almost yells “Stop!”. Dave drops the phone on the table and pulls his hand away. She grabs the edges of the phone to slide it closer to her. The picture is of her in the air from when she jumped doing a fist pump in the air from winning. The picture shows her little round bare ass, but because of her thigh gap the picture shows a glimpse of her pussy.

Katie now realizes that she really was naked in front of a whole crowd, and everyone didn’t just see her breasts. They saw everything… from her breasts to her ass and even her little pussy. This realization scares her, but this picture turns her on a little bit. She’s not turned on from seeing herself naked although it’s a really good picture of her and, never mind maybe she is a little turned on from how she looks from the back. What turns her on the most is the fact that the picture is of her. It’s not of her sister and she just happened to be in the frame. No, this picture was specifically taken of her and her alone. She is turned on because this man actually took pictures of her, he wanted pictures of her and not Jessica. Biggest turn on was that he took these pictures of her in the first place, something about some random guy sneaking a few shots of her to have on his phone for later. Pictures of her that he was going to presumably jerk his cock, imagining her. Something about this triggered a primal sexual turn on for her, she at no cost could ever let anyone know this is something that turned her on.

“Um… Wow um I don’t know what to say” Katie didn’t realize that she was actively biting her lip, her thighs were squeezing together to try and settle the uncontrolled throbbing of her pussy in her jeans. Katie broke the number one rule of looking at pictures on someone else’s phone, she swiped left and saw another picture of herself on this stranger’s phone. This next picture was a full frontal of her completely naked body.

Seeing her reactions to the pictures Dave decides to play a different angle to this. “Katie are you ok? You seem a little bit out of sorts right now” He gets no answer as Katie as swiped left again and is currently watching a video of her playing beer pong. “Katie please if they bother you just delete them, again, I am so sorry”

Not looking up from his phone Katie speaks in barely audible tone “Do you live close by?” Katie can’t believe it, she was dripping wet in her panties, she could feel her pussy throbbing and begging for this man to do anything he wanted to it. Katie is breathing heavier and basically biting her lip off. This man, this man here that wanted pictures and videos of just her, he really did ask her out for her. Katie found the one guy in her life that doesn’t have eyes for her younger sister.

“I’m not sure what you mean” he was leaning in barely able to hear her.

“Don’t play dumb right now please” she said looking up at him biting her lip. She watches his face switch from playful to something she doesn’t recognize, lust. Dave doesn’t say a word he grabs his phone, grabs her hand, and rushes her out of the restaurant. The whole-time outside walking on the sidewalk Dave doesn’t say a word just dragging her along by her hand, and she is following excitedly. Katie can’t believe she is letting this happen, she can’t believe the spell he has over her now. *This man has a direct access key to my pussy, boobs, ass. Fuck he can have anything he wanted right now * Katie could feel how dangerous this was, this man could ask her right now to suck his cock in the bushes and she doesn’t even think she would flinch before her knees hit the dirt.

*What is happening? What am I doing? He hasn’t said a word, why? The real question is why is it working? Oh, fuck he’s smart, this man knows when to keep his mouth shut and not ruin the moment. That is rare! He’s not even looking at me risking a goofy face to ruin the moment. Oh. My. God. This man knows exactly what I want… need… desire… I can’t even lose interest because he isn’t saying or doing anything a stupid guy would have done already by this point. How will his fingers feel? Simple answer, Large! That’s how they feel in my hand now. Will he know how to give me oral? Will he even want to? Oh Fuck! His cock is going to be huge, isn’t it? Am I ready for this? Will he be gentle? No! I want rough, I want to feel like a woman, I want him to throw me on his bed and make me his. Ow! He is going to pull my arm out of its socket. Why is his grip a turn-on for me? Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! I’m going to cum the second his fingers, tongue, or cock touches me! I hope he won’t be turned off… Wait! Seeing me naked and touching me is going to be different. What if he doesn’t like my body? Don’t guys like ass these days? I don’t have an ass… well not a big one. I have a thigh gap, no one wants that anymore, right? Will I even be able to make him cum? Oh shit, we are at a building… I don’t know if I’m ready for this *

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vbu027/tawali_sisters_part_2