Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch.17 [Apocalypse, romance, MFF threesome, sub wife, reverse cuckold, clean-up]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Tom and Gregg raced off with a group of strangers to fight a threat.

Abandoned by Dave, E and Andy were caught off guard. As the strangers intended, the two wayward junkies were killed before they could say a word.

After a long, bloody chase, Dave found his own demise in a mob of infected humans. The final scapegoat for Kenneth’s plan seemed to take care of itself.

Where do the survivors go from here? Find out now!

Chapter 17: Growing Ever Closer

The following morning came and like Cameron predicted, the Deterrent Team was chomping at the bit to leave camp. It took all his peacekeeping skills to convince the team to wait a little while. He reasoned with them, if Gregg had to bunker down, he could not move until first light. He urged them to wait until mid-morning before rushing off and they eventually acquiesced. The hard men were still hovering around the gate, watching the road and their clocks.

Cameron was finding it hard to be concerned. He wanted everyone home safe, but after the night with Rachel, Cameron did not see the harm in Tom being away. He was not quite at the point of wishing harm on the man, at least not yet. He knew if something happened to Tom, Rachel would be a mess for a while. Eventually though, she would move on. Then he could move gently and win her heart. Cameron thought it might even be possible without Tom “leaving.” Rachel was so eager to be with him, there had to be something wrong with that marriage.

He stood on the wall now, remembering all the sounds Rachel made the night before. Her voice was like a siren’s call, filling his mind like a fog. Her body movements captivated him and brought him pleasure he had not felt in years. He could still smell her on his skin, teasing his senses while she danced in his memory. She had taken him inside, with nothing between them, and he had filled her body with his seed. With that act, it felt like she was already his, at least in some sense. Right now, part of him was swimming around inside of her.

Cameron shook himself, trying to get his head right. Rachel was so thoroughly pressed into his thoughts, he could not seem to think about anything else. He wondered how much longer she would be sleeping in. He did not doubt that as soon as she’s able, Rachel would come visit him up here. He was looking forward to seeing her mischievous eyes and coy smile. He might even be able to sneak a kiss or two. When he glanced back towards the cabins, he saw that she was actually headed this way. Her curly brown hair was unmistakable.

Before Cameron could start to feel excited about her visit, one of the other watchers cried out in excitement.

“There! Look! It’s the truck!”

Cameron turned and saw the flat black, 4-wheel drive truck creeping up the road. With the binoculars, he confirmed that it was Gregg driving. Cameron’s teeth clamped tightly closed when he saw Tom sitting in the passenger seat. His mood turned sour, he was unable to see this homecoming as anything other than an intrusion. Tom was coming back to steal Rachel’s attention from someone who could appreciate it. Cameron did not think it was fair that the love he and Rachel made could be so easily set aside.

Cameron greeted the returnees with a fake smile that did not waver. He shook hands with Gregg and Tom, expressing gratitude for their safety. He noticed the visitors were down a man and offered them condolences.

“Thanks,” Kenneth said, rubbing his exhausted eyes. “Stephen was a good man, he’ll be missed back home. Look, if we’re going to talk about this, I’d rather get the whole story out at once. I’m pretty beat, I don’t think any of us slept last night.”

“You got it,” Cameron said. “Let’s set up in the mess hall and we can go over it one good time.”

Cameron, along with the other councilors, listened to the four men recount their experiences. So much of the story sounded like an action movie that the listeners got caught up in the excitement. A couple of gun fights, a car chase ending in a crash, and then the insane raid that nearly got them all killed. It was both exciting and terrifying at the same time. The men who told the story were hollow eyed and raw from the ordeal. They sat silently for a few seconds after describing the final moments of the man they never got a chance to speak to.

“Wow,” Cameron said. “That was quite the journey. I’m surprised that you guys made it out.”

“Thanks to this guy,” Bruce said, throwing a thumb in Gregg’s direction. “Your man is one smooth operator.”

Cameron laughed and said, “Gregg is our best, that’s for sure. He’s squeezed through many situations that would have done me in.”

“Awh, shucks,” Gregg replied dryly. “If that’s all, I’d like to go home and see my family.”

“Of course!” Cameron answered. “Go ahead and take tomorrow off too. You deserve some time at home.”

“Thanks chief,” Gregg said and nodded towards Tom. “See you later, man.”

“Yeah, we’ll catch up soon,” Tom agreed. To the others he said, “I think I’ll go too. I’m sure the wife would like an explanation of why I didn’t come home last night.”

“Have a good one,” Bruce said, giving Tom an odd look and a wink.

“If you two want to stay the night, we can set a place up for you,” Cameron offered.

“That would be great, actually.” Kenneth said.

It was the last thing Tom heard as the door to the meeting room closed behind him. He was not entirely comfortable with the idea of having them stay overnight in camp, but he was not in charge here. Later, when he and Gregg compare their own notes, they will decide on what to say to the council about the new people. Tom had a strong feeling that Gregg shared his suspensions. Something about these guys just did not sit right with him. They were too, prepared.

Tom dragged his tired body to his cabin and was a little disappointed to find it empty. He had not yet seen Rachel and thought she would be overjoyed at his return. She must have been out looking for him, not knowing that they went straight into the meeting. Tom knew she would be home soon so he laid down on their bed. His aching body sighed in relief as he sunk into the soft mattress. Before he realized what was happening, Tom fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

“Tom? Tom, wake up. Come on, are you going to sleep all night too?”

“Huh?” he asked, his voice raspy from the snoring. “What?”

“You’ve been asleep all day – It’s almost dark outside,” Rachel said, rubbing Tom’s back as he stirred.

“Holy shit,” he said. “I barely remember coming home.”

The previous day’s events returned to Tom’s awareness as his mind woke from the comatose-like sleep. It did not seem real that so much could happen in just one day. From being attacked at dawn to laying on a roof all night, avoiding a sea of infected humans. Tom felt mentally drained. Being the center of two women’s attention over the last couple weeks, was doing more to soften him up than anything else. Just one hard day outside the walls made him feel used up.

“You must have stumbled here like one of the infected ones,” Rachel said with a laugh. “But you got to be human now. I’ve had to run your girlfriend off a couple times. She’ll be back soon and I figured you would want to take a shower before she gets here.”

Tom could not stop the smile that came from hearing about, “his girlfriend.” That was essentially what Kelsey was at this point. Although they were not going on dinner dates or romantic getaways, they spent time together almost every day. Even if they did not have time for sex, they still made an effort to sneak a kiss or two when they could. Tom would not admit to missing the younger of his lovers while away from home, but she had been the one he thought of during the long night.

“Good call,” Tom said. “I probably stink like a trashcan.”

“You are a bit funky,” Rachel agreed. “I’d still fuck you, but Kelsey probably likes it fresh.”

After his quick shower, Tom hurried back to their cabin. He could hear Kelsey’s voice on the other side of the door and felt an excited squirming in his stomach. Before opening the door, Tom ran his fingers through his hair to make it look neater. He also stood up straight and tensed his glamor muscles. He was aware of the youthful, self conscious adjustments he was making and smiled to himself.

“Good evening, ladies,” Tom said, walking into the cabin in a full strut.

Rachel was sitting at the table, leaning back in one of the wooden chairs. Her curly hair was in a ponytail that draped over her shoulder and rested against her bare cleavage. Her breasts were not big enough to strain the tank top she wore but the jean shorts looked as if they were cutting into her thick thighs. Kelsey was lounging on their bed–thanks to the summer heat, she was dressed similarly to Rachel. She was leaning back in a way that made Tom’s eyes snap to the curves of her generous breasts.

“Hey baby,” Rachel said, smiling at him.

“What’s up?” Kelsey asked, trying to look unimpressed.

Tom saw Kelsey’s almond eyes dancing with excitement. She was trying to play it cool but she wanted to pounce on him. The idea of flinging herself into his arms to be spun around and kissed like a woman in some romance scene was not a bad one. She held the impulse in check and appreciated the way his eyes were eating her body up. Since walking into the door, Tom’s attention had not wavered from Kelsey.

“Heard you had a rough night,” Kelsey said, smiling slightly.

“It was pretty crazy,” Tom agreed, approaching the bed. “But I’ve had a few crazy nights lately.”

“I bet you have,” Kelsey responded while positioning herself to receive him.

Tom climbed onto the bed, resting his body between Kelsey’s long, dark legs. She wrapped her right one around his and pushed her pelvis up when Tom’s weight pressed down onto her. Feeling him against her body comforted her and erased the anxiety she experienced while he was outside the walls. Tom’s scruffy beard tickled Kelsey’s face when he kissed her. She smiled against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Rachel watched the two of them connect and then melt into each other. She could see the strong intimacy that was flowing between them. It was noticeably different from the usual lustful energy that came before they had sex. They looked more like long separated lovers than casual playmates. Her stomach turned nervously at the implication but she tried to ignore the unease. She wondered if this was just the paranoid feelings brought on by her own deceptions.

Tom pushed his tongue into Kelsey’s mouth and savored her young taste. She was so alive under him that it made his own energy rise. Within seconds, he was hard as steel and ready to be deep inside her. For her part, Kelsey was relentlessly tugging at him, trying to swallow his tongue, and grinding her mound against his bulge. It felt both erotic and intimate at the same time. He could feel how much she had worried about the night before. Tom wondered at this passion when he compared it to how Rachel woke him earlier. Where his wife had seemed distant and a bit distracted, Kelsey was attentive and available for him.

Kelsey turned her head when Tom began to trail kisses down her jaw and neck. With hooded eyes she saw Rachel watching them–the woman’s face was slightly pinched as if she was upset about something. Kelsey squeezed tighter, keeping Tom’s body locked firmly against her own. She wondered if the couple had their own sexual reunion when Tom got home. Rachel’s mood seemed to suggest the negative. Kelsey felt a competitive urge suddenly take control of her emotions.

“I can feel how hard you are,” she whispered in Tom’s ear. “Pull the poor thing out, already.”

“Yes ma’am,” Tom answered, pulling back so he could remove his pants.

In the space he made, Kelsey pushed her hips up and rolled her shorts and panties down her thighs. She pulled her shirt up and off, revealing her whole, lithe physique. Tom stared down at her with his jaw hanging loose. Her body was mesmerizing and he found himself unable to believe in his own good fortune. In these end times, Kelsey was a literal goddess. She could have any mate she wished and here he was: the man she wanted. It did not seem real. Tom finally removed his clothing and moved back into the space between Kelsey’s legs.

Tom’s cock was straining to get at the smooth pussy; a clear bread bead of precum was growing on its head. Kelsey reached forward and stroked his long tool, making it slick with his own lube. A craving to taste him made her nibble her lower lip. She wanted him to slide it into her already. The desire to be connected to him again was almost too strong to deny. However, at this moment, she felt hungry for some elicit excitement. It was obvious Tom would be totally satisfied with her alone, but Kelsey found herself wanting them both. She looked up at him while slowly stroking his throbbing cock.

“I don’t think you got the chance to hear about what your good little wifey did while you were away.”

Rachel’s stomach hit the floor. It felt like all the oxygen in the cabin was too thick to breathe in.

‘How did Kelsey find out?’ Rachel’s mind screamed in panic. ‘Did Cameron tell her? No fucking way!’

“Do you want to tell him, or should I do that too?” Kelsey asked Rachel with an innocent smile on her lips. Her hand was still moving on Tom’s cock.

“I, uhh…” Rachel stammered.

“She ate my pussy like she was starving for it,” Kelsey said, turning her face back to Tom’s. “You were on watch and I stopped by for a chat. Your wifey did such a good job cleaning me up.”

“Did she now?” Tom asked, smirking at Rachel.

“She did,” Kelsey purred into his ear. “Like a fucking pro.”

“I bet that was hot.”

“It was,” Kelsey whispered. “You want to watch her do it?”

“Absolutely,” Tom said, accepting the one thing on the planet that would cause him to back away from Kelsey’s exposed pussy.

He backed off and sat to the side. Kelsey looked over at Rachel who looked a little less enthusiastic than she normally was. That seemed a little strange because the woman had been acting normal before Tom got back from his shower.

Kelsey wondered, ‘is she upset over me revealing what we did without him? Maybe she wanted to keep their separate arrangement a secret? Oh well, too late now.’

“Well?” Kelsey asked, running one of her hands lightly along her bare thigh. “Do you want it or not?”

Rachel’s face broke into a devilish smile. She pushed the spike of paranoid feelings away and let the carnal mood fall over her. Kelsey was finally inviting her into the sex for more than just clean up duties. This was starting to feel like an evening made for pushing barriers over. Rachel felt a stab of pride in the fact that Tom had been right there, ready to penetrate Kelsey, and she stopped him. All so Rachel could have the first taste. It was a win, even if Tom did not realize he was in a competition.

“You know I do,” Rachel said, moving off the chair to join them on the bed.

Rachel kissed Kelsey’s left ankle and started a path of light kisses, leading up her long leg. She did not tease too much. The scent of the younger woman’s arousal filled her nose and made Rachel crave the taste. She dove into Kelsey’s pussy, mouth first, her tongue and lips doing all they could to drink in the dripping sex.

“Oh shit!” Kelsey gasped.

Her body grew as taught as a bowstring and she grabbed Rachel’s ponytail with her right hand. Kelsey pulled against the head attached to her pussy and began to roll her hips. Like the other night, Rachel’s instincts on what to lick, suck, and nibble were on point. Within the first few seconds of their joining, Kelsey’s body was trembling with an orgasm that rolled in without restraint. Rachel kept her tongue in motion. She did surprisingly well with keeping up with Kelsey’s twisting climax.

Kelsey grunted and fell back onto the bed. Her body relaxed, but an occasional twitch hit every couple seconds. Rachel did not move away–she applied light pressure and gentle kisses to the swelling pussy.

“You see that?” Kelsey asked Tom. “She fucking loves it.”

“I can see that,” Tom replied, his hand moving slowly on his cock.

Kelsey kept a grip on Rachel’s hair. Her hips did slow down after the orgasm, but did not stop entirely. The aftercare felt good; a reasonable amount of stimulation that was not overbearing. Rachel was learning, adjusting to the sensitivity of the young woman’s sex. Unlike last time, she did not push Kelsey too much after orgasming.

“I’m going to keep her here for a little while,” Kelsey told Tom as she shook Rachel’s hair. “You should use her to keep that thing warm for me.”

Tom’s eyes flashed when he realized what Kelsey just suggested. He would have the best view in the cabin while behind Rachel. Tom wasted no time; he quickly moved to behind his wife and hooked his fingers into the waistband of her jean shorts. He had to work them down, Rachel’s plump rear filled the clothing to the point of bursting. She wiggled her hips to help the process and Tom was greeted with the sight of his wife’s bare ass. She had not worn panties today and her glistening pussy was obviously ready for attention. Her hairy lips looked deliciously soaked from behind.

Tom reached forward and ran his fingers through Rachel’s pussy. She was predictably soaked and his fingers encountered little resistance when pushed a couple of them inside her. Tom positioned himself between Rachel’s legs; he grabbed her waist and roughly moved her to a good height. His cock throbbed as if it could sense the soft, wet hole in front of it. He smeared the wetness from Rachel’s pussy onto his shaft before lining it up. With one steady push, Tom sank into Rachel as deep as she could take it.

Rachel groaned in pleasure with her mouth full of pussy. Kelsey watched Tom push in and began to pull harder against the ponytail in her fist. The lovers made eye contact over the bent body they were wringing for pleasure. A look of understanding passed between them–a look that said, ‘this is our toy, let’s use her up.’ Their eyes stayed locked together and danced with mischief.

“How’s that pussy feel?” Kelsey asked.

“It’s okay,” Tom said. “A bit shallow.”

He thrust hard, pushing past Rachel’s limit and made her grunt. She could not protest verbally since Kelsey was holding on tight. He did notice Rachel pushing back a little on her own. She was obviously feeling turned on and welcomed a little bit of pain.

“It’s a shame you got all that and can’t even use it on your little wifey,” Kelsey teased. “A damn waste, if you ask me.”

Rachel moved her arm up and carefully slid two fingers into Kelsey’s pussy. The young woman shivered in delight and squeezed her hair in an appreciative gesture. Rachel’s tongue ran playfully over a swollen clitoris while her fingers pressed firmly into soft flesh. Kelsey’s insides really did feel and taste like honey– even for her.

‘No wonder Tom’s falling for her,’ Rachel thought. ‘I would too, if I had a cock.’

Tom was deep inside Rachel, pushing at the very edge of her tolerance. Since starting the fling with Kelsey, he had grown less careful with her. It was almost spiteful– the way he battered her insides. It felt good being used like that. Rachel felt the pain and knew she was still alive. The throbbing pains that come after hard sex was even better; a prolonged affirmation that her heart was still beating. Rachel ignored as much of the immediate pain that was stabbing into her guts as she could, focusing her attention on Kelsey’s pleasure.

The strong lust that had urged Kelsey to invite Rachel in was not yet satisfied. She felt compelled to do something new–to taste a little more of the illicit.

“Hey, Tom?” Kelsey asked, a little shyly.


“Come here. I want to taste you.”

Tom smiled and pulled his cock out of his wife. It was glossy with the mixture of their fluids. He moved around the bed, positioning himself near Kelsey’s face. She had not released Rachel and the woman did not stop servicing the pussy in her face. Kelsey wrapped the fingers of her left hand around him. She stroked it and felt the slick juices on her palm. He smelled like deep pussy, not just the sweet stuff that trickled out. Kelsey’s heart began to beat faster as she considered what she was about to do.

Kelsey finally leaned in and sucked an inch of his cock into her mouth. Tom moaned when her tongue circled his head and licked into his urethra. After a couple seconds, she sucked more of him into her mouth. Kelsey tasted Rachel’s pussy and did not find it disgusting. It was not like man cum–something she liked and occasionally found herself craving. She still did not feel compelled to stick her face in Rachel’s pussy, but sucking it off Tom’s cock was something she could enjoy.

Tom watched as Kelsey cleaned his cock. Rachel seemed almost in a state of fanaticism; she was oblivious to everything except the pussy in her mouth. He could not quite believe what his eyes were showing him. The contrast of the two completely opposite women, sharing pleasure, was an exotic overload in his mind. Rachel had always approached sex with the aim to bring absolute pleasure to him. Watching her give that attention to another person, a woman at that, was pushing the right buttons for Tom. The fact that that very same woman was sucking him off, sent Tom’s loaded balls into overdrive. He felt desperate to blow it.

Tom grabbed Kelsey’s banded dreads and held her head still. She hummed in pleasure at his sudden drive and followed his lead. He began to fuck her face, going into her throat deep enough to make his swinging balls slap her chin. Kelsey gagged but did not pull away. She allowed the excess saliva to fall over her lip and run down her chin. Her tongue darted out with his in-stroke, an attempt to lick his sack before it swung away. The mix of their fluids and her spit was making a frothy mess of her mouth.

“Oh, god!” Tom moaned. “I’m going to cum!”

His hips jerked without rhythm and he pushed himself into Kelsey’s throat. She turned her streaming eyes up to him and watched his face twist in ecstasy. When his orgasm broke, Kelsey did all she could to keep the cum in her mouth. However, this was a particularly heavy load and before long, some of his seed was running down her chin and neck. Tom’s hand stayed firm on her head the entire time; he did not allow her to pull away until his balls were empty.

Kelsey gasped for air when Tom finally allowed her to pull away. The inside of her mouth was a gooey mess, she spit most of it out to keep from choking. That was the first time he used a heavy hand. Normally, he just let her do the work when sucking him off. Though it left her feeling like she was drowning, Kelsey liked the way he had used her. It was a possessive act and she wanted to feel like she was his.

When Tom backed away from Kelsey’s face, Rachel began to make her way up. She ran her tongue over the curves of Kelsey’s slender stomach. She kissed her way over the swell of a breast and made a beeline for a pool of cum. Rachel cleaned Kelsey’s neck and face with an air of devotion. It was her duty and joy to clean this creature of pleasure. Kelsey relaxed, closed her eyes, and focused on the feeling of Rachel’s magical mouth.

Tom watched them for a few minutes, soaking in the image of his wife straddling the body of his lover. They were kissing now, their lips glossy with his seed. He saw a flash of tongue as their passion for each other rose. Tom’s cock throbbed, finding renewed vigor in the heat of their lust. He moved around the bed and climbed on. He was faced with two, very wet and open pussies. He smiled like he was in a candy shop and moved himself closer to them.

Rachel watched Kelsey’s face turn into a mask of pleasure. She kissed the young woman’s mouth as a sigh escaped from her. Rachel felt Tom behind them, his hands were on her hips, but he had obviously chosen to stick his cock into Kelsey. He must have bottomed out in one stroke because Kelsey’s moan turned into a deep grunt. Rachel nibbled at the vein that poked up on her soft neck. One of Kelsey’s hands wrapped around the back of Rachel’s neck and held her close. She could almost taste the pleasure Tom was giving Kelsey through her racing pulse.

With his entire cock lodged inside Kelsey, Tom relaxed and focused his attention on the twitching of her internal muscles. As soon as he was in it, her pussy had begun to throb. She was sensitive after being eaten for so long; Rachel had left the young woman with a very short stimulation tolerance and within seconds, she was on the edge of another orgasm. Tom’s hardness was unyielding against the internal workings, refusing to let them seize in pleasure.

“Oh s-s-shit!” Kelsey squealed, her body trying in vain to buck the couple away from her.

Tom and Rachel added pressure to their efforts, seeing that Kelsey was in the throws of an enormous release. Rachel settled more of her weight down, making sure the young woman could not escape. Tom began to make long, deep strokes, pushing hard at the end of each one. The slapping of their hips was loud in the cabin, Rachel had to get close to Kelsey’s ear to make sure she could hear.

“You gonna cum on my husband’s big cock?”

Kelsey could only respond with a grunt. Tom was knocking the air out of her before she could form any coherent words.

“It’s so deep inside you, isn’t it? Filling your tight pussy all the way up?”

“F-f-f-f-,” Kelsey’s lip trembled uncontrollably and her body was trembling. Her eyes showed only white–rolled back by the consuming tide.

“Do it, put it all over him so I can taste you again,” Rachel finished the whisper with a sharp bite on Kelsey’s neck.

Kelsey would have screamed but her voice went too high and cracked. She could only push the rest of her air out of her wide open mouth. Her eyes rolled forward in surprise and she looked into Tom’s. The feeling coming up through her loins and stomach was large, something she could barely understand. Kelsey knew she was having an orgasm but it felt larger than she could handle. Fear mixed in with the pleasure and for an instant, she thought it would drive her insane. She wanted to beg Tom to stop but if he did, that might drive her crazy too.

“Please?” Kelsey whispered, standing on the absolute breaking point, and not really knowing which way she wanted him to go.

Tom thrust into her one more time and the world turned white. Kelsey began to clutch Rachel like a woman about to drown. Her light and thin body writhed under the woman pinning her down. She was not trying to escape, but she also was not aware of her current actions. Kelsey’s consciousness was taking a short break, her body twisted under the total control of the climax. Tom was not able to ride it out; he was forced out during one of the more violent convulsions, and couldn’t push back in. Rachel continued to hold and kiss Kelsey until her tense body relaxed and melted into the mattress.

Rachel sat up and looked over her shoulder at Tom. He was looking at Kelsey’s trembling body with a cocky grin on his lips.

‘Of course,’ Rachel thought. ‘Take the credit for my hard work.’

“Come here,” she said. “She’s gonna need a minute and I want to taste it.”

Tom did not argue. He stood up and moved around to Rachel’s front. He stood over Kelsey’s limp body, straddling her with a foot on each side of her chest. She would have a very interesting perspective of Rachel cleaning his cock. Kelsey’s eyes were glazed and half closed, but she kept them on what was happening. She watched Rachel’s mouth take in as much of Tom as it could, her tongue darted out to lick a little more of him. He looked down and made eye contact with Kelsey. They held the look for a few seconds and felt the string of deeper emotions.

Rachel took her time in cleaning her husband up. After a couple of minutes, she was surprised to encounter Kelsey’s own mouth. The young woman seemed to run out of patience and rose up to run her own tongue into the soft flesh of his balls. Tom gasped in surprise and became as stiff as a statue. He was afraid that if he moved, the spell would break, and the feeling of two mouths at once would be gone forever. Rachel, still straddling Kelsey, felt the woman squirm in an attempt to slide free. She kept her rhythm on sucking Tom and gave Kelsey the space she needed.

Kelsey finally wiggled free and stood up next to the bed. This whole experience was making her head buzz with pleasure. Having Rachel this involved had been far more enjoyable than she would have guessed. Now that her blood was pumping, Kelsey felt a desire to regain control over the situation. She tasted the sweetness of domination and wanted to gorge herself on it. She longed to see the look of submission on Rachel’s face.

Kelsey, with the slowness of a tender lover, reached into Rachel’s tangled hair, and found the knot of her ponytail. She squeezed, gently at first, and used it to steer Rachel’s head. She felt the woman’s neck go slack, allowing her to take control of the movement. Kelsey used Rachel’s face like a toy, pushing and pulling it roughly on Tom’s cock. After a few seconds, she climbed up onto the mattress and stood to face him.

Kelsey put her pussy against the back of Rachel’s head and held her there by a fistful of hair. She wrapped her other hand around Tom’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Kelsey’s tongue slithered into his mouth and she started moving her hips, back and forth. With the tight grip on her hair, Rachel had no choice but to move her face with the motion. Kelsey was fucking Tom, using Rachel’s face as an extension.

“Little wifey has a useful mouth,” Kelsey whispered.

“You use it well,” Tom responded through heavy breathing.

“Ugk! Ugk! Ugk! Ugk!” Rachel added with drool falling down her chin.

“I want to watch her use it on us while you’re inside me,” Kelsey suggested.

“That would be really fucking hot,” Tom agreed.

They shared another long kiss. Kelsey kept her hips moving, the gagging sounds coming out of Rachel held a steady metronome. It really was impressive that the woman could handle such a throat fucking this long without straining. Kelsey was hesitant to stop; she enjoyed the power she held over Rachel. However, she did not want Tom to cum without fucking her a little more first. She finally slowed her hips and gave one more hard push. She held Rachel’s face pressed against Tom’s pelvis until the woman nearly passed out.

Kelsey roughly pulled Rachel’s face away and shoved her. She fell back onto the bed, gasping for air. Kelsey and Tom did not seem concerned. They kissed and wrapped their arms around each other. The moment became sensual for them and while Rachel noisily tried to collect her composure, they ignored her. It was a surreal moment–laying there and watching her husband and his lover embracing.

“Lay down, baby,” Kelsey whispered. “I’ll make her work.”

Tom laid down on the bed and placed his hands behind his head. He wore a smirk that made him look too confident. His eyes never strayed from the body of the young woman standing over him. Kelsey positioned her legs on either side of Tom’s and slowly lowered herself. She was facing away, giving him an awesome view of her descending pussy and ass. She was so wet, the dancing lantern light revealed her slick thighs when she bent over. Reaching down with her right hand, Kelsey grabbed Tom’s cock, aimed, and then sank down until she engulfed it whole. She had to wiggle a little to make room for him, but her ass finally settled against his pelvis.

Kelsey looked at Rachel and then leaned back. She supported herself with her hands and looked down at the spot where she and Tom were connected. Her pussy was absolutely stretched on the cock that was nestled deep inside it. She looked at Rachel again, this time with an eyebrow up and a challenging glint in her eye. Rachel did not offer any resistance. Her own eyes softened and she dipped her chin in submission. She crawled forward, focusing her attention on the place where she belonged.

Kelsey hissed in pleasure when Rachel’s tongue ran up the folds of her pussy. She grabbed the woman by her curly hair and pulled her in deeper. Tom also made his pleasure known when his wife’s tongue made its way down to the little bit of shaft that was still exposed. Kelsey ground her hips down, giving him stimulation while rutting herself against Rachel’s face. This was finally scratching that erotic itch she felt since walking in here.

“Fuck! This is good shit,” Kelsey growled. “Do you like it, baby?”

Kelsey glanced over her shoulder at Tom who looked like he was enjoying himself, very much. He grabbed her thin waist and roughly squeezed– showing her the strength of his pleasure.

“I fucking love it,” Tom answered, throwing his hips up to get even deeper.

“Oh, yes!” Kelsey moaned, she pulled Rachel’s face up so she would focus on her clit. “Lick that shit good, bitch. I’m about to cum all over this perfect cock.”

Rachel sucked Kelsey’s bulb into her mouth and attacked it mercilessly. The young woman’s words stopped dead, she found it hard to breathe all of a sudden. She could tell by the way Kelsey was gasping for air, she was about to have a big one. Rachel gave her absolute best to the pussy between her lips, but was thinking of her idea of a perfect cock. It was the one that stretched her open last night.

‘Not that you’ll ever know, but this isn’t even the best one in camp,’ Rachel thought. ‘That’s one cock you’ll never get to take from me.’

Her secret affair with Cameron suddenly felt like armor against the attraction Tom and Kelsey were building. Rachel could see the way things were headed and did not feel upset about it. She liked the way they used her during sex. Plus, Kelsey was starting to get a handle on her. The young woman was getting bold and it was exciting being degraded by her. Still, Rachel needed to have her own fun too. If Tom and Kelsey ever tried to shut her out completely, it would not upset her too much. Cameron was just a short walk away.

Kelsey became a twisting mess of limbs when the orgasm broke. She shoved Rachel’s face down, unable to stand the intense stimulation. Rachel immediately began to service Tom’s balls and she heard him make the tale-tale sound. The mixture of Kelsey’s spasmodic orgasm and Rachel’s talented mouth sent Tom’s cum racing up. He nearly forgot where he was and just barely managed to yank Kelsey off his cock before it erupted.

Rachel flinched in surprise when a burst of cum hit her face. She looked up and saw Tom’s cock throb and another rope of cum streaked down her face. Rachel quickly pounced, putting the head into her mouth and stroking the rest of him. Tom pushed his hips up and shot the rest of his cum into her throat. When his orgasm ended, he sagged back down. Rachel let his cock slip out of her mouth and she sat up.

“Wha-,” Rachel said, stunned by Kelsey grabbing her neck.

Kelsey, having just regained her senses, saw Tom’s cum on Rachel’s face and felt compelled to lick it up. She did not want his seed to go to waste. Kelsey was secretly disappointed that Tom had pulled out of her. For a moment, she thought he was about to claim her entirely. Kelsey had accepted the fact that he was about to fill her up and was ready for it. With Rachel’s face right there, it would have been the ultimate affirmation. Kelsey knew it was probably not the smartest thing in the world to do, but she wanted to feel Tom release himself inside her. She vowed to herself that it would happen soon.

Satisfied that she had cleaned every drop off Rachel’s face, Kelsey laid down on the bed and curled up like a kitten against Tom’s side. He wrapped an arm around her and she snuggled in closer. She inhaled his scent and closed her eyes. Rachel cuddled up on his other side and laid her head on his chest. She stared at Kelsey’s satisfied grin and felt a stab of jealousy. She quickly stuffed the feelings down and thought she succeeded. However, long after the lovers had fallen asleep, Rachel laid wide awake. She was staring at the ceiling and seeing things she wished she could forget–memories stained dark red with blood.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vbdi9q/lovin_in_the_apocalypse_ch17_apocalypse_romance