Stay at my side Ch.3 [M/F] [Friends] [protective] [sleeping]

Chapter 3: Friends do sleepovers

[Chapter 1](
[Chapter 2](

We didn’t talk much while we returned to the start. The feeling had worn off and I almost laughed because I reacted like that.

We were told that our last laps didn’t count but we delivered good runs anyways. Some of the girls formed a crowd around Casey, asking what was wrong. That was her problem now. I knew that she wouldn’t tell them the truth but she would find a way out.

Luckily school was over after this lesson and we could go home. We entered the bus together. Daniel casually took the seat next to mine without noticing that Casey wanted to sit there. She just ignored it and walked past me to find another seat. The bus startet and I noticed that something was pressing against my seat. I turned my head and saw Casey’s blonde hair. She had rested her head against the back of my seat and breathed slowly. She was physically and emotionally at her limit. I should just give her this short rest and then look what she needed when we got home.

“So… you’re getting lucky tonight?” I totally forgot that Daniel was sitting next to me. I had to admit that people our age having a sleepover often had something to do with sex but this really wasn’t the time for jokes. He didn’t knew that and I tried to calm myself down before answering. “No, she just can’t stay at home currently and we have a guest room by the way.” I noticed a slight angry tone in my voice and was almost shocked by myself. Daniel also noticed it. “Woah, sorry bro but no reason to react like this.” He was right. “Sorry but she really is in a difficult situation right now.” “Understood, you were always a little bit protective of her.” He wasn’t mad at me for overreacting. “You remember the one time Sarah accused her of trying to steal her boyfriend?”

Of course I remembered. Sarah always has been super jealous and at that time she had been dating a Max or something like that. It had been working surprisingly well between the two and she even introduced us to Max. This is where it started to escalate. Casey and Max knew each other because they were Co-workers at a local grocery store but never really chatted before. They didn’t even had talked this much this evening, just casual small talk about the business. No normal person would have thought anything about it but Sarah didn’t count as normal. She first shouted at Max and even hit him. Casey tried to calm her down but this made it even worse. She started shouting even louder and accused the both of them to be sleeping with each other at work and that she would tell their manager. She came closer to Casey. She whispered something to her that I couldn’t understand but I saw how her expression changed. From an angry but still controlled face to a clearly hurt one. During the whole conversation I slowly moved behind her and now slightly pulled her away from Sarah. “You two should discuss that with each other.” I said to Sarah an Max which they took as an opportunity to leave. They broke up three days later.

This was the story from my perspective. Daniel had experienced it a little bit different. “You looked ready to kill her if she laid a hand on Casey.” He laughed a bit then proceeded. “Well, Sarah and Max looked terrified but at the moment she noticed that you were behind her, Casey instantly seemed calmer and happier. So whatever you two are… it’s something special, protect that.” I didn’t expect such words from him. Daniel was always good for a surprise. I thanked him and looked out the window.

I noticed how Casey’s head moved. She wasn’t awake. Her head had slid down the seat and to the window side. She would probably get woken up if she fell even more. I had an idea. Her head was now behind the right edge of my seat and if just… I pressed my hand through the small gap between window and seat and put it under her head. It felt warm. Her face pointed away from the window so she laid with her right side on my hand. Her hair slightly curled around my ring finger and pinky and eventhough she was totally sweaty it still felt soft. Almost like silk. Sweaty silk but I couldn’t care less in this moment. My thumb rested on her temple and my index finger laid under her eye. She turned her head slightly downwards. Just enough that my middle finger which had rested on her cheek until now, slightly touched her lips. They were as soft as I remembered them and a little wet now. She must have been drooling a little in her sleep. I couldn’t resist to smile a little. Once because I was happy that she could get some rest. Second because she probably were looking pretty funny right now… and a little adorable.

Daniel already had left the bus and we were almost there. I didn’t want to but I needed to wake her up. A little movement of my hand later and she lifted her head and looked around, a little confused what was going on. “Did I sleep on your hand?” She asked after gaining back her full consciousness. “Seems like it.” We both smiled a bit. “Thank you, you really didn’t have to do that.” “I wanted to and you needed it, everything is fine.” She laid back in her seat and I turned back around.

The bus made its final stop and we both left. My dad was on a business trip like usual and my mom also spend the weekend somewhere to work. The only one in town was my sister. She used the chance to go partying and wouldn’t be home until morning. I let us in. Casey instinctively dropped her bag on the floor and herself on the sofa. She laid on her stomach and eventhough I tried to look away, couldn’t get around noticing that the leggings she still wore, fittet pretty tightly when she laid like that. I tried to start a conversation to get my mind off of this. “Wanna order pizza?” “I’d love to but I forgot my wallet at home.” She looked at me with the look that girlfriends do when they want their boyfriend to buy them a new handbag or something like that. Except for, she wasn’t my girlfriend and she wanted a pizza. It still worked. “No problem, I’ll invite you.” She gave me a smile and I could totally understand why boyfriends would buy her the handbag in a situation like this.



  1. I’m loving these. There’s a couple of errors in your writing but I’m guessing English is not your main language. For example when you say “They didn’t even had talked”, it would be “They hadn’t even talked”, but for the rest it’s pretty solid. Please keep going I’m loving it.

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