Be Careful What You Jelq For! [at least 18M][cock tease][humor/satire]

Hi All! I am a published contributor on literotica.
I would appreciate it if ya’ll would check out my published works and drop a comment and/or 5 star review on my works to get more reads out there. Not trying to make any money or anything just want to get my stuff out there and see if people respond to it! I REALLY appreciate any feedback (though try to keep it constructive). That being said, below is a snippet of my newest installment which has recently been uploaded to the site, but is not (yet) published there. A Sneak peek for all my
Reddit fans! ENJOY!!!

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This is no super hero origin story…this is a cautionary tale. It all started in the summer after my senior
year of high school. Up to that point, I was your typical nerdy high schooler: loved comic books and anime, terrified of real-life girls, single handedly (pun intended) kept the tissue and lotion industry in business. Like many of my fellow graduating peers, I had made a promise to myself to completely reinvent myself before heading off to college at the end of the summer.
I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and inspected my scrawny frame. At 6’2 I was one of the tallest in my grade, but at a measly 134 pounds, I was also one of the skinniest. I was also often teased by some of the jocks due to the fact that I was a grower with a massive bush of pubic hair that nearly entirely camouflaged my tiny flaccid cock.
My head shook in disappointment as I flexed my bicep and saw no change in the reflection, then ran my hands down my chest and stomach until they got caught in the brillo-pad like afro between my thighs. Not even knowing where to start to jumpstart my metamorphosis I did as so many others before me and sought the age-old wisdom of Reddit.  
Instead of perusing my normal favorite NSFW subreddits, I found a decent workout subreddit and watched a couple videos. After I cleaned up after watching a jump rope workout video featuring a girl in yoga shorts and a ports bra, I checked out a male grooming tips video as well.
As these things tend to do, that led me down a rabbit hole, and I eventually found myself staring at training video of something I had never heard of before: jelqing. As the video laid out, the technique is simple, create a circle with your thumb and index finger and wrap them around the base of your cock firmly. Next, slide your hand all the way down to your head and hold it there. Repeat. Doing this for long enough will (according to the video) stretch your cock out and make it longer not only while hard, but also while completely soft.
I had found my new obsession.
The next two weeks were a blur of working out non-stop, dick stretching multiple times a day for at least an hour each day, and continued Reddit research on diet, exercise, and of course, plenty of porn. I was starting to notice the exercise routine I was doing became much easier, even though I didn’t see any results in the mirror just yet. The same could be said about the jelqing, unfortunately. At this pace, I was becoming frustrated that my new life at college would not have the caterpillar to butterfly change I had envisioned.
Inevitably, this led to another reddit deep dive into supplements I could take, short of steroids to help along the process. Three days later a package arrived on my doorstep. I made sure to get home before my nosey little brother and parents and sprinted with the plain, unmarked box under my arm to my room. Once I was locked away safe in solitude, I tore into the tiny package like a kid on Christmas. My prayers were answered.
