My brothers wife [MF]

As far as confessions go this is something I’ve never told anyone and will take it to my grave. I often feel a lot of guilt and regret over it but what’s done is done. A few years ago I came back to my hometown for the summer. My brother (33) and his wife (32, and for the purposes of this confession let’s just call her Claire) were kind enough to let me stay with them. They had been married for 5 years at that point and bought a new house that I never got to see in person previously. They told me they had a basement suite that was vacant as their tenant moved, there was a hot tub, massive flat screen, great kitchen, it was a really nice, cozy place. They didn’t want me to even pay rent or anything. I was 25, nearly broke, had just graduated from college, and was trying to figure out what the next step was so I jumped at the opportunity. I found a part time job doing landscaping a few days a week and settled into a routine. It was sweet and exactly what I needed after grinding academically for 4.5 years. It was a great time. Lots of drinks, good cooking, we hosted a few house parties, chilled in the hot tub in the evening, went to the beach and caught up a lot. I hadn’t seen either of them in a couple years. We kept in touch but I never visited much.

The end of July is when things took an unexpected turn. I was home from work early and expected the house to be empty but when I walked in I heard Claire sobbing. Concerned, I instinctively walked over to the sofa, sat next to her, put my hand on her back and asked her what was wrong. Initially she tried to brush it off saying it’s fine, she’s sorry, she didn’t expect anyone to come home, etc. I saw right through it and pried a little and eventually she told me what had her so overwhelmed. I’m not going to get into the details, but it was some pretty rough stuff to do with her family, coupled with work issues and some marital difficulties. Not trivial matters and I really felt for her. She was having a really shitty last couple of weeks but hid it well. I poured us both some wine and we talked for the rest of the afternoon. It was really the first time we ever had a one on one “deep” conversation. It felt very natural and we related a lot. It was comforting. I changed out of my clothes and put on a tv show. We had some more wine, shared a joint, and zoned out. We sat quite close together for a while not saying anything, just watching TV. She placed her hand on my thigh. I responded by reassuringly squeezing her hand and giving her some words of comfort. I looked into her eyes and leaned into her slightly. I wanted to kiss her lips badly. I think she wanted me to as well but I instead kissed her cheek. I wasn’t completely sure. We embraced each other for a little longer than we would normally. It was like one emotional afternoon was this crazy ice breaker that brought us closer together.

That night I couldn’t sleep. The summer heat on this particular night was hell, and my mind was racing. I was restless and couldn’t stop thinking about the day’s events. It was around midnight when I did it. I knew it was a bad idea. It was stupid, shitty, immoral, extremely risky, you name it. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking that night but obviously something came over me and I kicked my conscience to the curb. I picked up my phone and sent her a message. “You awake?” No reply. Then I got the notification a half hour later. Two words. “Yes, why?” I don’t remember the exact message I sent but it was something along the lines of “I’m restless…was thinking about earlier. Wondering if you want to have a beer and watch a movie or something in my room?” Silence. I checked the app and could see that the message was opened for something like 15 minutes but she never replied. Thinking I might have made a really big and potentially embarrassing mistake given how forward that was I started to have a mild internal panic attack. I honestly wasn’t sure if maybe I misread the whole situation and might have just made myself look like an idiot.

Then the bedroom door slowly opened. It was her. We both briefly greeted each other in a hushed tone. I think I was surprised that she actually came to my room more than anything. I was nervous and my heart was beating very fast. She locked the door behind her and leaned against it with her hands behind her back and just looked at me. God, she looked amazing. Blonde, green eyes, fair skin, 5’5ish, small b cup breasts, quite skinny but not in an off putting way, she did lots of yoga and CrossFit so she was fairly toned with a perfect little round shapely ass. I always thought that she was beautiful and was guilty of checking her out on more than one occasion, especially if we were at the beach. Simply a naturally beautiful human being. Seldom did she wear makeup and she never had any cosmetic surgeries or anything, and she was a bit of a health nut type. She could easily pass for being 5 years younger.

She was wearing a pair of black leggings and a thin white tank top. No bra, that much was obvious, and I could very clearly make out the outline of her nipples. Her locking the door made me realize it was obvious. I got off the bed, walked up to her, placed my hands on her hips and slowly leaned in for what was the most electrifying kiss of my life. We made out up against the door, I kissed her neck, and my hands eventually were all over her, I just needed to feel her body. I motioned for her to slip her top off and felt her bare tits while we made out. After a few minutes of this she slipped her leggings off to reveal a black lace thong and we crawled into bed. We cuddled and talked for a bit, then she grinded on top of me for a little while and we kissed some more. I glided my tongue over her tits. We didn’t have sex but she eventually gave me head while I firmly groped her ass and felt her cunt through the thin material of her thong. I’ll never forget how surreal it was and the mix of emotions I felt seeing her wrap her soft lips around my cock. The whole ordeal lasted less than an hour. We agreed to talk in the morning and she went back to bed.

I called in sick and when my brother left for work Claire and I continued the conversation we had last night. Basically, we both acknowledged what we did was incredibly wrong and risky. She had never cheated before and never had any desire to have an affair but lately things in her life were so overwhelming and being vulnerable with me and the fact that I’m her brother in law made her feel a certain way that she had never felt before. She felt safe with me. Those were her words. There was a lot more to this conversation, we talked about this for most of the morning. The way she explained how she felt just made sense in the moment. We agreed that we could never get sexual with each other again while my brother was home. It’s just stupid and risky. But otherwise if we were alone and we knew what hours my brother would be out/working we could see that side of each other again as long as we were cautious. We shared another joint and spent the afternoon in bed. We fucked four times that day. It was the first time I had sex in about a year and I just utterly used her. The way we fucked can only be described as primal, animalistic and raw. She would wear what I told her to. She was very submissive which lined up well with my own proclivities. I bought some handcuffs, a blindfold, riding crop, restraints, and a collar/leash set. She never said no to anything I told her to do sexually although spanking had to be on the light side for obvious reasons.

The rest of the summer was pretty much as you might imagine. Whenever we had time alone we would be all over each other. Even if we weren’t able to sleep with each other in the very least we found time to make out and talk about what I’d want to do to her the next time I had her to myself. It was pure lust, and I developed very strong feelings for her which she reciprocated but we were realistic, obviously nothing serious would come of it. Near the end of the summer my brother left on a work related trip for 4 days. We took advantage of the time and we had fully and it was the first time I was able to properly spank her and leave her ass marked up. She also was able to just walk around in a thong and heels which she knew drove me wild. Given that I was going to be leaving soon she agreed to let me take a ton of photos and videos as long as I swore to keep them hidden, secure, and private (and I have). She modeled for me and I gave my boudoir style photography skills a shot. On my final day there she drove me to the airport in the evening. But on our way we stopped by a pretty secluded area and spent an hour in the back of the car. We fucked once but spent most of that hour cuddling, kissing, and reflecting. It probably sounds pathetic but romantically speaking, she was the only woman I ever truly loved I think. In some ways I think this experience ruined me. Whenever I masturbate 90% of the time it will be to the photos and videos I made with her. I have no desire to find a partner. I’ve had 2 casual fwb type relationships since, each didn’t last longer than 2 months (I ended both). I feel like in a way as far as my love life goes nothing will compare to the time I spent with Claire.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this over the years since. It tears me up a little. I feel guilty. It shouldn’t have happened but at the same time I am glad it did. I’m a terrible sibling. But this wasn’t ever about humiliating my brother, sibling rivalry or the “thrill” of cheating, ever. This was just her and I, two people with issues being there to help fulfill each other’s emotional and physical needs. We were each other’s singular focus when we were together. We almost never talked about my brother or anyone else for that matter. We were each others escape from stress and existential dread.

We still keep in touch of course, and she occasionally sends a very lengthy email to a throwaway account I made just for her to see how I’m doing and tell me about things going on with her, usually around my birthday. It’s one of the few things in life that I actually look forward to. Sometimes to go along with that she’ll send me a gift too. I’ve only been back to visit once since then (nothing sexual happened between us, we agreed that it couldn’t as much as we missed each other). No one ever found out and they are still together although I’m an uncle now. I ended up continuing on with my education in another city. I knew distancing myself a little was the wisest and healthiest thing to do under the circumstances. So that’s that. Life goes on. I can’t tell anyone. I’m not terribly happy or unhappy and am doing my best to focus on work and grad studies. No fairy tale ending here. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.



  1. Sometimes we have moments with special folks and then the moments fade…. Savor the moments and the memories

  2. That’s super hot and I really resonated with that ending. That really is the only way this could have ended and knowing that is for the best.

  3. Might sound crazy but if I were you I’d have continued it.. or atleast keep it an online only thing .. but yeah I can understand the guilt part.. but if you’re both truly enjoying yourselves without hurting him directly.. (aka keeping it hidden) it would have been fine

  4. Man, I understand to a certain point but I feel real bad for your brother

  5. In spite of the moral ambiguity, I found this both hot and plausible. Great to see a story on here that doesn’t sound made up. I’d feel terrible too, but I can see why the memories are still arousing and it has not been easy to find anyone else.

  6. You and your brothers wife fell in love but it sounds like both of you also loved him.

    I feel bad for all three of you.

    It’s more like /gonetragic than /gonewild.

  7. How long after your last entanglement with Claire did you become an Uncle?

  8. I’ve had two relationships like this outside my marriage. One began before my marriage and continues to this day but we live in different countries
    The other was a relationship with a much younger woman who had mental health issues that were pretty heavy, and whose family forced her into a regime of heavy medication that destroyed her life.

  9. I know the feelings your feeling. My wife cousin’s wife and I had such à experience. It was hard to walk away. It changes everything forever.

  10. It’s not often I actually judge people but you sir deserve to end up in a deep circle of hell. Your brothers wife? Disgusting.

  11. well it seems you were ment to have this encounter with your SIL at a stage in life when you both needed it
    you don’t need to feel bad about what happened as im sure it was a road you were going to take before you did
    without knowing fate puts us all in situations and what will happen is ment to happen
    so enjoy your memories of your time together as im sure she does and continue on your life journey

  12. So you’re both horrible people and had to do so much mental gymnastics to make yourselves feel better about the whole thing. Yeah it never is “what’s done is done” you always had/have a chance to tell your brother the truth he deserves. Genuinely don’t understand how someone could do this to anyone, and to make it worse a family member. Yall definitely deserve each other, if only other people weren’t collateral damage to your actions.

  13. Men fall in love actually after dominating kind of sex 🤦

  14. Hey OP,

    I’m in an open/hieracical polyamorous relationship and I’ve noticed something about “forbidden” relationships that might relate to you.
    So in my case I’ve been meeting up with a woman that I feel a deep connection with, we meet something beween weekly and montly. However, as my time is limited because of work, my partnership, etc. we are not able to see eachother as much as we want and whenever we see eachother this overwhelming want creates amazing experiences.

    The circumstances intensify what we experience and while it think it would still be great if in another world we would have the most time for eachother, it would be different as this influence on our dynamic would be missing.

  15. 🤮 You took away your brother’s right to make an informed decision. You do know what keeping the truth away from him means, yeah?

  16. Your first love will feel like your last, but your last love will feel like your first.

  17. Damn, not sure what’s more sad – how the fact affected the OP (not finding happiness/love with other women), or the fights in the comments, or…

    Life is not perfect – it’s messy, and complicated, and sometimes things would be perfect _if they just happened at a different time_.

    OP, you need for your own sake to move over this. Find a way, somehow, but move on and try to find your own path. Given the comments about masturbating to her videos/pictures, I’d advice you to lock those far away somewhere (out of causal reach), or even better, delete. Yes, it will be hard, but it will likely be better long-term. [Note: no professional advice here]

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