Oblivious to flirtation [M]

30y [M], 6’1, 220 lbs, muscular but not shredded – all the more fascinating that this keeps happening. Toronto, Canada.

I have a bunch of the following type of stories but I’ll limit it to a couple that ended poorly.

1. 3 years ago – Smoking hot girl on the bus dressed up in yoga clothes walked upto me and starts grinding against my ass. I realize this much later, at the time I thought I was leaning against a seat/ cushion or some such. I knew it was her thigh/crotch when I turned around and noticed her.

Then she gently pressed her left breast against my arm and held that position. At this point I knew what was going on. I don’t budge. She presses in deeper into my tricep. I turn around and see the biggest, brightest smile. Slightly ajar mouth with a hint of tongue. I smile back and she does this shuffle and hop? I get off at the next stop and so does she. I walk away.

2. 4 years ago – I was working the cash register at a clothing chain and this incredibly hot girl, (24, d cups, 5’4, body sculpted by Da Vinci himself), skips her turn with another cashier so that she can talk to me. She’s at my counter and says she needs help choosing a t-shirt for a “friend”. This friend is about the same size as me, how convenient, but doesn’t have my broad shoulders apparently.

She proceeds to place the t-shirt over me to see what sort of fit it would be for her friend. All this time, she is caressing my shoulders and collar bone. Then she runs her hands entirely over my chest and lingers for what seemed like a minute. Then she gulped and said she needed to try some clothes for herself and left.

She’s still in the store. The lingerie aisle/area is 20 meters directly in front of me and I have complete line of sight. She proceeds to choose 4-5 pieces from this aisle and make sure she is directly in my field of view and proceeds to change right there! I thought she had made an honest mistake till she collected her things, skipped a few turns in the queue and came back to me.

I ask her if she got what she wanted. She says more or less. I tell her I saw her change… anticipating a scream/complaint etc….she says what do you think, does it work for me ? Which one did you like the best ?
I forget what happened after but she came back 3 more times to the store and my thick skin didn’t pick her up.

PS – excuse my storytelling. Don’t have the patience. Just wanted to put this out there.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/v9wdli/oblivious_to_flirtation_m