Best Yoga Class Ever [M25/F32]

I do yoga at the YMCA, not some fancy hot yoga studio. The Y is just cheaper, honestly. I pay for an unlimited membership which allows me to go to yoga several times a week, basically whenever I’m free. Going to yoga at the Y means I mostly practice with local moms. I love it, actually. In a younger crowd, no one would look twice at me, but amongst the moms and grandmas, I get a lot of attention. And it’s really sweet. We all know each other by name and I even went to high school with some of their kids. It’s a real trip.

Generally, the instructors are closer to my age. They all know me by name as well, a super friendly crowd, and always seem really happy to see me in class.

Since I’m over 6′ and all leg, my hamstrings tend to be very tight, so the instructors help me focus on my flexibility. If I can loosen the tight leg muscles, I’ll have access to more of the poses that most of the women can do with no problem.

My favorite teacher is Shannon. I’d guess she’s 32. She is 5’6″, very thin, olive-skinned, dark brown hair, dark eyes, with small, B-cup breasts and a perky ass that makes you want to take a bite. She was beautiful, elegant, and a generous teacher. I’d try to arrive early enough to grab a good spot, lay out my mat, grab blocks, towels, a strap, and sit cross-legged on a block with my eyes closed for a few minutes before class. Shannon taught the last class of the day, so I was going in the evening, after work, before dinner. Today was like any other.

I opened the door to the studio, feeling a nice wash of warmth over my slightly chilly body. The lighting was dim, it was so peaceful, quiet, and smelled slightly of lavender.

“Hi there, early bird!” I heard Shannon say, with a smile.

“Hey, Shan. How’s your day been?”

“Nothing remarkable, you?”

“Same. Just really ready for some class.”

“Me too. What is your intention for class today? Flexibility?”

“You know it.”

“I’ll add in some stretches that should help your muscles open up a little more. Any injuries?

“Thank you, no injuries.” I replied, grateful that Shannon was always so thoughtful, not just teaching mindlessly.

More folks began to trickle in, some chatting a bit, everyone friendly, if a little more boisterous than I prefer.

Flow was great. Shannon took us through a thoughtful warmup, a sweaty flow, and some accessory stretches to help me develop. When class was done, we all shared a united namaste and enjoyed a moment of peace and stillness.

“Thank you, everyone. See you next time.” Shannon concluded.

I always like to take my time leaving class to avoid the rush of everyone leaving and to readjust to the outside world. It’s a lovely short meditation for me.

“How do your legs feel?” I heard Shannon approach.

“Not too bad.” I replied.

“Do you want a couple more stretches? I’m not in a hurry and I think with some assistance, you might be able to get to your toes.” She offered.

“That would be great, actually. You don’t mind?” I asked, not wanting to impose.

“Not at all. Ok, so I’d love for you to sit on your sitz bones, legs straight out in front.” She instructed.

This simple pose was sometimes hard for me with tight hamstrings. After class, I was at least able to add a slight bend over my outstretched legs.

“Ok, great. If it’s ok with you, I’m going to gently encourage you to get your core closer to your legs.”

“That’s fine.”

Shannon then put some of her weight on my back, using gravity to add a deeper stretch on my legs and back. I felt my legs start to burn and just as I wanted to give up…

“Inhale here, you’re holding your breath.”

She was right. I inhaled and just focused on my breath, not the discomfort.

“Good. I’m going to go slightly deeper.” On my exhale, she let a little more of her weight rest on me. It was working. My forehead was almost reaching my knees.

“Ok, stay here for three more breaths and then we’ll come out of this.”

I took as much time as I could for the last three breaths and when the last came, she released my back. When I slowly released the stretch, my muscles felt a new sensation. They tingled with endorphins, prompting a big, pleasurable exhale from me. It felt like my muscles were orgasming. It was…amazing.

“How was that?” Shannon asked.

“Amazing. I’ve never gotten closer to my knees!”

“We’re going to do that a couple more times now. You might just reach your knees, but don’t be disappointed if you don’t.” She said.

“I’ll try.”

We resumed the same position. This time, Shannon, a little more comfortable, I think, laid her breasts and core on my back, again letting gravity push me down. I could feel her breasts pressing up against my back. Reaching her arms forward, she grabbed my arms to give herself a little more leverage and encourage my hands closer to my toes. The sensation of so much of her body, one I was already deeply attracted to, touching so much of me made me hot. I was grateful the physical exertion was keeping an erection at bay. We came to the end of the stretch and I felt my forehead touch my knees, finally.

We came out of the stretch and again, my muscles felt…orgasmic. Still leaning her body against mine, helping me gently back up, I felt something stir. With my muscles more relaxed, feeling her touch, gentle and intimate, I started to grow. I brought my knees in to hide it, and readjust, as guys often do, to keep her from noticing.

“You did it!” She said. “I’m so happy for you!” Shannon’s head was still close to mine, and she was almost talking right in my ear, her body still pressed to mine. She gave me a little squeeze as she said this.

“Thanks to you!” I admitted, laughing a little, trying to be inconspicuous about my hard on.

“Would you do me a favor?” She asked.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Can you stretch me like I just did for you? I realized I haven’t had a good stretch like that in ages. I want to see if I can get a little deeper.”

My erection was thankfully finding a way to cool down, maybe to half-mast. I was nervous about helping her but there was no way I could say no.

“Absolutely, let me just grab some water.” I answered.

I reached for my water bottle and took a big swig, trying to give myself a moment to compose myself. Shannon got herself into a seated position and went down, easily getting her forehead to her knees.

“Holy moly, you sure you need my help?” I asked.

“Yes! Believe it or not, I used to have a little more flexibility here. You can just lean on me, no need to push. Gravity will do the work.”

I laid my torso on top of hers, keeping my knees on either side on her, pressing my torso into hers. I tried to keep my dick a few inches from her ass as she stretched.

“Can you move in a little more? I need a little more weight.” She asked.

I started to freak out as I was still a little hard and this contact was not helping. I moved in a little. But it wasn’t adding more weight. Then a little more. Just the tip was grazing her ass and she didn’t say anything. Knowing she expected to feel something back there, I felt ok because it wasn’t apparent I was hard at all. I started to relax and quickly Shannon’s scent–a combination of sweet sweat, fresh laundry, and lavender–filled my nose and I felt blood rushing to my cock. Instinctively, I backed up a little.

“Where you were was great, can you scoot back?” She chimed in.

I didn’t know what to do. If I got closer, she’d definitely feel how hard I was getting.

“Uhh…I can but…I’m…” I choked out.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“It’s so embarrassing…I’m not trying to be weird it’s just…” I was dreading being explicit here, but she picked up what I was getting at.

“Oh my god, it’s fine. It’s human. Seriously, I don’t mind, I’m just getting a really good stretch here.”

“Ok, ok, again, sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. Just get back in here.” She said, trying to lighten the tone and show her understanding.

I slowly moved back towards her, straddling her from behind with my legs on either side of her’s my cock pressing into her ass, growing very obviously. I heard a sharp inhale of breath from her as I got close. I tried not to react, but it made me so fucking hard. I leaned my weight on her, my cock pressed in between my torso and her ass and lower back. I tried to stay still from there. At this point, my breath was starting to get faster and my heart rate was getting higher. Shannon started wiggling back and forth, getting deeper into her stretch. She was simultaneously moving her ass back and forth subtly. I couldn’t tell if she was just trying to stretch or if it was a subconscious movement from her, rubbing back and forth on my cock. She kept doing this, making it impossible to ignore how it felt on my cock. My breath became more audible.

“You ok back there?” She asked.

“Yeah, it’s just, the way you’re moving…” I said quietly.

“I know, I know, it’s just this stretch is helping me so much. I really appreciate it.

She kept wiggling back and forth, accidentally edging me closer to orgasm. I could hear her breath becoming more audible and it seemed like she was doing it on purpose…It sounded like it was turning her on.

“Shan, if you keep moving like that…”

“Ah, wait!” She jumped in, moving her body off mine. “Sorry, don’t umm….want you to make a mess in your shorts.” She turned halfway around, looking at me now, and glancing down at my cock straining out of my shorts. “Damn, that looks uhh…”

“Yeah, I know. Sorry.” I said, nervous. I was now sitting on my feet, my thighs in front of me and my cock at full mast in front of me, between us.

“No, it’s…totally normal. Im flattered, really.” She put a hand on my thigh, impulsively grabbing at the fabric a bit. She smiled and bit her lip a bit. “Sometimes I feel like I’m getting old. Don’t know if I’ve still got it!”

“You? Uh…you definitely still got it. Can’t you tell? I’m like, rock hard.” I said, a little breathlessly, not trying to hide as much now that we were talking a little more openly.

“I know…” She said, mouth slightly agape, staring down at my dick. “It’s…can I say…?” She briefly glanced at me to see if I was comfortable, “It’s…nice sized.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I reflexively glanced down at myself and lightly grabbed my shaft from outside my shorts.

Shannon glanced towards the door quickly, “I’m glad this is the last class to use this room during the day. Phew.”

“Definitely glad.” Both of us starting to relish this moment alone.

“You can, take off your shorts if it’s more comfortable. I kind of want to stretch a little more if that’s ok with you. I just want you to be comfortable.”

“Sure…” I said, trying not to sound too eager, though I was almost shaking with lust.

I grabbed the waistband of my shorts and pulled down, now only wearing a tight pair of sweat-wicking underwear and a lightweight shirt, my cock a little less inhibited now. Though the light was low, I could still see a pool of precum at the tip of my dick, the whole outline a lot more pronounced now. I rubbed it a little, without thinking.

She turned to face me and said, “Let’s do a similar stretch, but standing. You’ll stand first…” I stood, my dick pointing straight out, “and bend over, your legs with a slight bend in the knees, and see how far you go down.” I did as she asked, bent over my torso. She stood right behind me, pressing her whole body down over mine, her tits pushing into me. I came out of the stretch and she turned around for me to do the same to her. Before we started her stretch she asked, “Do you mind if I take my shirt off? I’m just getting a little overheated.”

“Totally fine.” I responded quickly. Shan reached to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up over her head, to reveal a super-soft looking bra with small y-shaped straps in the back. She didn’t have a huge chest, but her tits looked perfectly full and I wanted to press my palms into them, grab them, and feel her nipples so badly. She turned her back to me and rag-dolled over her legs. I came from behind her, pressing my cock into her ass as I leaned myself over her. When Shan felt my cock near her ass and pussy, she sharply inhaled and pushed into me. Shit, it felt so good. I stayed pressed into her for a minute and when she slowly came out of the stretch, I noticed a small spot of wetness on her soft leggings where the tip of my cock had been.

“I think I got a something on your leggings, Shan….” I said tentatively.

She twisted around to see and saw the same spot I did.

“Oh, that’s ok. Lie on your back now, I want to press your shoulders down to the floor.” I did as she asked and laid down on my mat, my dick now facing the sky. Shan straddled me, sitting on my stomach, feeling the tip of my cock on her ass as she sat and she pressed my shoulders into the mat. It felt like such an amazing release as my heart was pressed more open. I grabbed her thighs as she pressed, feeling up and down her toned legs, her soft leggings, moving closer to the warmth between her legs. “Ok, my turn.” She said, before I could go any further.

Shan got off me and I got up. She quickly got herself onto her back, her chest heaving from the floor, small nipples erect under the soft bra. I brought my big hands to her shoulders, not trying to avoid her chest. I pushed gently down and as Shan breathed heavier and heavier, I began to massage her shoulders, moving closer to her chest as I rubbed. She put her hands on my thighs this time, edging closer to my raging hard on between us.

“Please grab my fucking tits.” She couldn’t hold in any longer. I scooped up her soft handfuls, sliding my hands under her bra gently feeling for her nipples. Her smooth olive skin was glistening and she looked so fucking sexy, feeling amazing in my hands. I gently got the bra off and over her head, tossing it aside. I felt Shan reach for the waistband of my underwear as she started to pull them down, my cock straining on the fabric until it popped out, already wet on the tip. She ran a hand down my torso until she got to my dick, running her fingers down to the tip before she wrapped her hand around it. As I straddled Shan, my cock was so close to her tits and face and she pulled it down towards her, trying to get closer. I helped by placing my hands on either side of her head, allowing her to bring my cock closer. Holding the shaft, she ran the tip of my cock gently over her tits, rubbing precum all over them before bringing it to her mouth, licking from the bottom of the shaft up and taking the head in her mouth. It took all my effort not to explode in her mouth as I was so far gone, but she sensed this and didn’t go overboard. I managed to hold on. Shan was now topless and wet with my dick in her mouth as I straddled her. This was a fucking wet dream come true.

I reached a hand behind me and found her warmth. I started to rub her pussy over her leggings and she gyrated into my hand as I explored. I decided to be bold and reach a hand under her waistband towards her pussy. She was smooth shaven, soft, and so wet from sweat and cum. As she moaned and rubbed into my hand and fingers, she brought her hands down to take her leggings off. I moved away from her tits for the moment to use both hands to help her get those fucking sexy leggings off. When they were off, she grabbed my cock again and voraciously took it in her mouth, sucking me off faster and harder. “Shan, you’re gonna make my cum like that.” I said, quickly.

“Don’t you dare. You’re gonna fuck me first.” She said.

She slid out from under me. “Get on your back.” She commanded.

I got on my back and she straddled me, her tits defying gravity, perfect and pert, and her skin so smooth. She grabbed my cock and straddled it with her pussy. Shan began rubbing her labia up and down my shaft, sitting on it, moving back and forth, getting me wet with her cum. It felt so good my eyes rolled in the back of my head. She teased me by taking my tip and pushing it just into her and then taking it out.

“Please sit on my cock.” I begged. And as she guided the tip in again, she paused before slowly sitting all the way down, moaning as my whole cock was finally inside her. Shan licked her fingers and started to rub her own clit and she slowly lifted on and off my shaft. She was bringing herself to orgasm while I held on for dear life, trying to stop the huge load that was building.

Shan started to cum and I felt her pussy clench around me trying to milk me. It felt like she was sucking me off and fucking me at the same time. It almost sent me straight to nirvana, but as she came down, I grabbed her by the waist and flipped her onto her back, ready to fuck her brains out. Her chest heaved as she moaned, wanting me to fuck her hard. With one hand, I grabbed at her chest and with the other, grabbed her firm thigh for extra leverage and started fucking as hard as I could, not keeping anything back. I felt myself approaching the point of no return and Shan said, “I want you to cum all over me.” This threw me straight off the cliff and I could feel myself releasing into her as I said, “I’m fucking cumming!” shooting a rope into her before I pulled out, showering her with arc after arc soaking her belly, tits, and hitting her face. When I thought I was done, she grabbed my cock and milked more out, extending my orgasm past what I thought was possible. It was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced in my life. I pushed my cock, still hard, back into her and fucked until my cock was flaccid. I wanted to fuck Shan forever. She looked at me, smiling cheekily. “This was my favorite class ever.”

It was then I knew taking yoga was the best decision I ever made.
