Kara is screwed…Part 4 [M/F, dom/sub, con]

The other parts are on this sub some where

*Previously in Part 3*

*The man grunts and turns her over. Kara reluctantly opens her eyes, part of her not wanting to know who she just fucked. She looks up and sees Sean staring down at her smugly.*

*“But, but I thought it wasn-” Kara stammers*

*“You’re a bit of a slut Chalmers” teases Sean “willing to fuck a stranger in a storage closet. Moaning like a bitch in heat the whole way through.”*

*Kara tries to think of something witty to say back. But what Sean said was true. She blushes to herself as he makes his way out of the closet. Leaving her lying naked on the concrete floor.*

*“Til next time” he says with a satisfied grin over his shoulder as he exits.*

Kara runs into Sean the following Monday near the college bookshop. He’s dressed casually in a button down and some chinos. She was in a light green summer dress. As he notices her he looks up and smiles.

“Well good morning, Ms Chalmers.”

“How did you do it?” Kara demands “How did you trick me into thinking that wasn’t you on Friday?”

Sean smiles, “I mean it was easy. I made you wait. Plus the old cotton wool ball to the chin trick has never failed me.”

He was so freaking self-assured. But he was right, he fooled Kara. Made her think she was fucking a stranger in a storage closet. Made her cum from that experience. As angry as he made her, Kara wanted more – she wanted this incredible sex on the regular. If she had to play along with Sean’s mind games, so be it.

“Look, I like what we have” she began cautiously “So I think we should be tog-“

“Yeah, no Chalmers, that’s not going to work for me” retorted Sean “I know your track record as a serial monogamist. I’ll be upfront with you, I’m not looking for a relationship.”

“Oh yeah, of course” responds Kara crestfallen “that’s not what I was going to say at all. I was going to say, let’s keep the casual sex going. F-friends with benefits.”

Sean raises an eyebrow. “You? Kara Chalmers. You want to do friends with benefits with me? Have you even had a one night stand?”

Kara goes to answer “Aside from me.” Interjects Sean. Kara is silent.

“That’s what I thought. You’re a prude. Yes you’ve finally experienced a good fuck. But let’s face it you’re not cut out for this lifestyle” Sean says as he turns to leave.

“But I could be.” Kara utters before she can stop herself. Could she? Sean was right. Before he came into her life she’d always waited weeks before sleeping with someone. She needed to have an emotional connection before things even began to get physical.

“Oh really?” Sean looks at her questioningly “Well then, prove it, have a one night stand or casual fling with another guy in school tonight and we can talk.”

“Wait. Tonight?” Kara gulps. She then steadies herself. “Hang on, I’m not an idiot. If I agree to this, you’ll just head back to the locker room and say it’s open season on Kara Chalmers.”

Sean pauses to consider and finally says “I promise, I won’t.” He seems sincere. How does he do that. Go from a smug, self-assured bastard one minute, to choir boy innocence the next? Kara can’t help but think he’d make a good boyfriend, if someone could just get close enough to even over the rough edges.

“Kara Chalmers! In here now!” Kara’s fantasy is interrupted by a stern Prof Beeker sticking his head out of his classroom. Shit, that paper.

“Better go see what he wants.” Sean smiles as he walks away.

Kara nervously enters the classroom.

Prof Beeker is pacing the room, he’s wearing a sweater vest, shirt and khakis. He’d be kind of attractive in that older, silver fox kind of way. Pity he was a bit of a jack ass. Good teacher, but incredibly short patience and he would not suffer laziness. Give him anything less than your best and he’d chew you out.

“Kara, this history paper is worth half of your final grade for this year” Prof Beeker starts “this isn’t like you, late papers, skipping my class! You’re normally an excellent student.”

Kara feels tears welling up in her eyes, her throat chokes up. This wasn’t her fault. She was so close to having that paper in on time. This was all Sean’s fault. Sean and his smug face, and his large hands and his-

“Are you even listening to me?” Prof Beeker’s voice breaks Kara’s fantasy and snaps her back to reality.

“I’m sorry Prof, If I could only get an exte-“ Kara begins.

“Seriously Kara” Beeker cuts her off “You’re better than this. I saw you outside talking to that Sean Maddox kid. You need to seriously think about who you’re associating yourself with and get back on track.”

Sean. Fuck. He had the nerve to call her a prude. What kind of guy makes a person sleep with someone else to continue a relationship, even a casual one? He probably expected her to make a move on one his football buddies, let’s face it, they were always down to fuck. Then sure enough Sean would take the credit the next day when the guy bragged about his conquest. Kara wasn’t going to fall for his games again. She smiled at Prof Beeker who continued to lecture her while pacing the room. Maybe she could solve two problems at once.

“Prof” she interjected coyly “you’re absolutely right. I’ve been wasting my time with Mr Maddox when I could have been applying myself to your class.”

Seemingly satisfied, Prof Beeker sniffed and sat at his desk.

“Good, now take a seat and let’s talk about an extra credit project you can do to salvage your grade.” He said opening his laptop.

It was now or never. Kara took a deep breath. She had never propositioned a teacher before.

“A-actually, Prof” she said as she walked around to his side of the desk “I already had a project in mind.”

She boldly leaned forward and put her hand on his knee. Prof Beeker didn’t say anything. Kara took his silence for consent and with a smile, slowly slid her hand up Prof’s thigh. This was happening. Fuck Sean, she was going to have a casual fling with his least favourite teacher. The pleasant thought is suddenly interrupted by Prof Beeker who reaches out and grabs her wrist.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing Ms Chalmers!”

“I-I. I’m so-so sorry” Kara stutters turning bright red. “I-I’ve clearly misinterpreted the situation. Oh my God, I’ll just go now. Ok s-sorry.”

Kara immediately tries to leave the room but Prof Beeker is still holding tightly to her wrist.

“Do you know the type of trouble you can get into for this?” Prof asks angrily.

“I’m so sorry” Kara replies beginning to cry “I. Please. Can I just go-“

“Besides,” Prof Beeker cuts her off with a smile “I had more of an oral presentation in mind for you.”

Kara freezes, mouth ajar. Prof Beeker had a reputation for being such a straight shooter. There wasn’t so much of a hint of rumour of him being inappropriate with students. He’d received education awards from the government for being such a fine upstanding teacher for Christ sake. She had fully expected to be the one doing the seduction today. So why was he eyeing her like a snack? Prof Beeker reaches his free hand up and softly runs his thumb over her bottom lip.

“Get on your knees. Show me what this mouth can do.”

With trembling hands, Kara gets down on her knees and reaches for the button of his khakis and undoes them. Prof Beeker helps her lower his trousers. With a shock she realises he’s not wearing any underwear. Oh my goodness Kara thinks, he’s huge. He nose is just inches away from his massive cock.

“Well don’t just stare at it. Get to work Ms Chalmers.”

Kara gulps. She’s not that experienced with giving head. She’d always struggled with a terrible gag reflex and could not manage to go that deep with previous boyfriends. She opens her mouth and takes the head of him in gingerly.

“Now, now, that won’t do” Prof Beeker says sternly as he grabs the nape of her neck “you can do better Ms Chalmers.”

Kara makes herself go deeper, fighting her gag reflex and eventually she takes the whole of Mr Beeker into her mouth and throat. She rhythmically works her way up and down his shaft. He is clearly enjoying himself, he relaxes his grip on the back of her neck. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. Kara freezes. Prof Beeker grabs her neck again, so she can’t move.

“Keep going Ms Chalmers unless you want an audience” he whispers quickly at her. In a louder, cheery voice to the door he says “Come in!”

What the fuck Kara thinks. She then realises she is completely hidden from view by the sides of the desk. She hears a voice. It’s Prof Clarkson her literature teacher.

“Roger, darling did you hear Dean Roberts address at the staff forum last night? What an actual mess” laughs Prof Clarkson ducking her head into the room.

Kara almost laughs at the absurdity of the situation. Here she was sucking off her Prof whilst another was about to come in. She continues down below as silently as possible while they continue to chat.

“Absolutely,” Prof responds “her proposed funding cuts mean I’ll definitely need to let some students go. It’s a pity as some of them were just beginning to show some promise.” Kara sees his eyes flick down at her. Bastard.

“Hopefully our union can do something” Prof Clarkson says thoughtfully “any way, sorry to bother, I best be off.” With that turns to leave the classroom.

“No bother at all Janey, always a pleasure” calls Prof with a smile as she leaves .

As soon as Prof Clarkson shuts the door, Prof Beeker’s demeanor changes and he starts to smile and moan softly again. Kara continues to work his cock in her mouth, teasing the tip with her tongue.

“Well done Ms Chalmers.” He finally says as he comes in Kara’s mouth “I wouldn’t be worried about your grade at all.”

Kara swallows, shakily wipes her mouth, gets up off the floor and leaves the classroom.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v9me8p/kara_is_screwedpart_4_mf_domsub_con