An Old Flame Desires Training [MF] pt 2

We make our way out of the hotel lobby towards our waiting ride. Walking slightly behind you, I say “you’re really graceful on those heels, especially with the jewelry you have in.”

You wink and say, “I told you I’m no prude. I still find ways to enjoy myself.”

We sit down in the car and the driver takes off. I get my phone and start playing with the vibrator. I watch your breathing become heavier as I increase the stimulations. I see your hands dart between your legs and your fingers rub against the hard rope thong on your clit. You can feel the rope becoming damp between your legs. I keep making the vibe go from low to medium to high, back to medium, back to high and then low again. I set this to loop and sit back to enjoy the ride.

When the driver finally stops and we get out, you’re sure there’s a wet spot on the seat. Each time the vibrations got to high, you would be close to cumming and it would drop again. You look at me, pleading with your eyes for me to let you cum. I just shake my head, smile and take your hand to lead you inside.

As we enter the bar, you recognize the burlesque show we went to years ago. After speaking to the hostess, we are led to a table near the stage. We order drinks and i play with my phone more. As the first act of dancers comes out the vibrtor becomes more intense, going high to low much quicker. Its hard to concentrate being kept this close to orgasm.

Near the end of then hour long show, you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve been brought to the edge then dropped again, but all you want to do is cum. Your body aches for release. You’re not sure you can hold on for another cycle of pulses.

Lost deep in thought you suddenly notice me volunteering you to go on stage. There are stocks up there and a woman dressed all in leather holding a flog. She ushers you up as you timidly stand. Your pussy is still throbbing and you can barely contain yourself, but you make your way up. She guides you to the stocks, locking your head and hands in.

The leather lady addresses the crowd. “This beautiful lady loves having her ass whipped, shall we give her what she wants?”

The crowds cheers. With your legs straight, your high heels have you ass high in the air while bent into the stocks. The woman raises her flog. As it comes in contact, you notice the vibrator suddenly go to full. You lock eyes with me and see my devilish grin. As the whip goes back again, the vibrator drops then rises again with the next crack. The crowd cheers. You feel your toes curling in your shoes. We stare into eachothers eyes as I watch you struggle to contain yourself.

After the tenth crack the leather lady looks to me as she announces to the crowd. “That’s 10! She’s going to feel that when she sits. But…. we give the Misters in the crowd the choice for their lady… does she need one more… on her bare ass?”

You look at me as I feign indecision. You think to yourself, “Oh god, he won’t say yes. Everyone would see the toys and rope. They’ll see how wet I am. Oh god, I cant cum in front of people.”

As these thoughts spiral through you, you hear me say, “She might need just one to finish off the lesson.”

Leather lady smiles and turns you so your face is to the crowd, and your ass wont show. “Since she’s not a paid performer, you dont get to see her goods, but we all can enjoy her reaction.” Then she walks behind and lifts your skirt. She smiles at finding your secret but doesn’t let on to the crowd. Your feel her finger explore you a little and almost melt. As her hand winds back for the strike, you feel the vibrator become more intense. You catch my eye as the flog comes down. I silently mouth a single word to you.


As the leather makes contact with your bare ass and swollen pussy lips, you feel yourself explode. You scream in ecstasy as you release your pent up orgasm. The world blurs for a moment and you come back to wild cheering from the crowd. Leather lady is letting you up and calling for a new volunteer. As you shakily step off the stage and back to your seat, you cant help but notice everyone staring at you with lust filled eyes. People are eagerly volunteering their partners hoping to see the same results.

As we sit and watch people get their spankings, no one has put on a show quite like you. A waitress brings a drink for you telling you it is compliments of the Mistress on stage. She thoroughly enjoyed you and hopes we will visit again.

As we exit the show, arm in arm, you feel you might be up for another spanking someday…

An uber waits to take us back in the direction of our hotel. I help you into the car and you wince as I give your ass a playful swat. Halfway back, as you ride the afterglow of your intense cumming, you notice the vibrator start to run through a new cycle. The slow crescendo from low to high on repeat had soothing effect on your tender cheeks, but also started slowly building you to another orgasm.

As we get out of the car near the hotel, I notice you biting your lip and looking at me with desire.

“You were incredible up there,” I say.

“I hardly knew what was going on. I thought I would die of embarrassment, but I just couldn’t even focus on that! I’ve never cum like that before!”

“Well, most people at a place like that assume you’re just faking it for the show. Its not a sex club, just a few burlesque acts. Mistress is a friend of mine, I knew she’d enjoy the surprise.”

Walking towards the hotel, you dwell on the thought that your next orgasm is almost a command away. If I were to tell you to cum now, you would need little extra help.

(To be continued….? Let me know if y’all like it and I’ll see if I can keep it going)



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