There is a prologue as well, but I didn’t post it here because there’s no naughty action in it. You can find it on my profile if you want the lead-in.
After classes I showered, washed and conditioned my hair, and shaved my legs, pits, and pussy. Once I was dried off and dressed again, it was finally time. At six thirty-five I got her text saying she was at the door. I went to let her in, and she followed me silently to my room while furiously finishing up some very involved text message on her phone. I hoped she wouldn’t be doing that all night, but luckily my fears were unfounded.
“Sorry, I had to get that out of the way, my mom goes nuts if I don’t send her a detailed report of my ‘journey to adulthood’ at least once a day.”
“Damn, is that really what she calls college?”
“Yeah, it started as a joke, but it was never funny, and she knows it.”
We got settled down on the rug between the beds, and spread our books and papers out. I asked Dina to choose some music to put on the bluetooth speaker, and she cued up a playlist of old Stax Records R&B.
“You thirsty?” I asked.
“For… what exactly?”
“Like water? Or I have some cranberry juice, and a box of white wine too.”
“Slap the bag!” she cheered, laughing, before choosing a cup of plain water.
My plan at this point was to study just as I had originally said, and then once we were done we could spend some time getting to know each other and hopefully get into that wine, if she stuck around that long. The quiz prep was even simpler than I had hoped it would be. After working together to parse out a couple of really poorly written passages in the textbook, we came up with a concise list of essential material that would be on the quiz.
I checked the time. It was only seven-thirty. This was a tricky part where I had to somehow keep Dina interested so she would stick around instead of leaving and going back to her room or wherever. I had been so lucky so far that I was sure it couldn’t last. I decided to take a risk and move the dialogue in a more personal direction.
“Hey Dina, why don’t you ever take that hoodie off? You wear it everywhere. Doesn’t it get hot?”
“Coming from you, that’s kind of a strange question. Are you trying to find out if it’s the same reason as you?”
“Uhhh, I… guess so?”
“I don’t think it is.”
She had a point. I was in no position to be calling her out for wearing a giant sweatshirt everywhere because I did the exact same thing. My confidence suddenly gone, I tried to sidetrack as quickly as I could.
“I’m going to get a cup of wine, do you want one?” I asked, but Dina wasn’t having it.
“Okay Ms. Change-the-subject,” she said, laughing. “I wear my hoodie all the time because I want to make it absolutely clear that I am not dressing up to impress guys. I get hit on by the weirdest motherfuckers because I’m short. Guys with a short fetish are the creepiest. Like, no teeth and a bunch of shitty prison tats, staring at me without blinking while I’m standing in line at the gas station. Registered sex offenders and pop-punk guys, I swear. The hoodie is kind of like headphones, it’s supposed to say ‘don’t bother me,’ but I’m lucky if even a third of those gross douchebags get the message. And yes. I would like wine too. Two. Two cups of wine.”
I had quickly downed my first cup of wine, and now I was blindly fumbling with the spout on the wine box, my eyes and ears fixed on her while she spoke. When she finished, I finally looked at what I was doing and poured three cups, one more for me, two for her. She tossed back the first cup and took a deep contented breath.
“I guess I don’t need to wear it around you.”
She pulled the sweatshirt over her head, leaving her hair standing on end, charged with static. Underneath, she was wearing a dark colored t-shirt featuring SpongeBob dressed like a gang member, looking surly, holding stacks of money, and wearing a huge diamond-encrusted Cuban link gold chain.
“Now it’s your turn,” she continued, “Why does Bane wear the mask? No, but seriously, what’s your reason?”
“Guess,” I said, all of a sudden embarrassed. It was silly, maybe I hadn’t had quite enough wine yet to talk about it. She could totally tell how anxious I was, and she knew I knew she knew, so she decided to play along with my dumb game while I refilled my cup.
“You’re pregnant.”
I snorted and sauvignon blanc came out my nose, and both of us started cracking up.
“No, try again,” I said, still laughing.
“You were pregnant, but now you’ve got the kid in a baby carrier under that huge fucking sweatshirt.”
“No. You know, there might be a reason I wear a hoodie all the time that doesn’t include parenthood.”
Fortunately, at this moment, the first cup of wine was hitting my bloodstream. I could feel my face blushing slightly and boozy warmth spreading across my body. My anxiety was dissipating like a puff of steam, replaced by the reckless disinhibition of alcohol.
“Okay, I’m ready,” I declared. “I’ll tell you. No. I’ll show you.”
“Oh man, you really hyped this up, I can’t wait,” Dina said, with more than a hint of sarcasm.
I grabbed the hood of my sweatshirt and yanked it off the same way she had. My hair wasn’t as fine as hers, so it didn’t dance around quite so dramatically. I sat looking at her with my arms still through the sleeves of the hoodie, so that it was pressed against my front. I wanted to savor Dina’s reaction to my body as much as possible. I tossed the sweatshirt aside, and observed with deep satisfaction as her expression changed about five times fast before finally landing on disbelief and staying there.
“Nuh-uh! Nuh! Uh! No fucking way. How?! What?”
She trailed off, her eyes falling into a lustful stare. I should probably describe what I look like so you understand. I’m 5’8”and chonky. My hair is straight, dark brown, and done in an angled bob. I have big ol’ hips, thicc thighs that rub together, and a great big round ass. My waist just kind of isn’t. My dreams of having an hourglass figure died a long time ago, but I don’t care. My belly isn’t huge, but it is round, soft, and jiggly. When I’m standing up, you can still see my mons, my belly doesn’t hang down or anything like that. None of this explains Dina’s surprise though. When I put my hoodie aside, she was able to see the shape of my chest under my shirt, and my boobs are stupid-big. When I started college they were already spilling out of a 38HH bra, but all of my freshman fifteen went straight to my boobs, and by the time of our little study session? Well, let’s just say that my coffee machine wasn’t the only thing that took K-cups.
Dina was still making an unabashed ‘mind=blown’ face, staring openly at my chest which was still covered by a loose t-shirt, so it wasn’t like she could even get a proper look at the goods.
“That’s incredible! I literally had no clue. How do you hide them so well? That’s like parking a blimp in a two-car garage!”
“Well,” I said, deciding to take her slightly grotesque comparison as a compliment, “that’s the magic of a 3XL hoodie.”
“I’m not going to lie to you Lorrie,” (that’s my name btw) “I basically just thought you were way heavier than you really are and were just hiding your body, but this… I mean those… I’m sorry, I’m having a really hard time not staring, you probably want to cover up again. I’m sorry,” she said again, suddenly serious, “do you want me to leave? I must be making you super uncomfortable.”
“No, Dina, it’s cool. You said you didn’t feel like you had to wear your sweatshirt around me. It goes both ways. I keep mine on so I don’t constantly get ogled by asshole bros, but I don’t care if you see me. Since you stay covered up like me, I figured you would understand.”
“Yeah,” she replied solemnly, “I get it.”
I unceremoniously picked my weed pen up off my side table and took a nice big rip, then coughed hard while I reached out to hand it to Dina, but before I could, she got her own out of her bag and took a hearty pull on it, blowing the vapor over my head before doubling up, coughing loudly.
We sat catching our breath for a few seconds, watching each other, not saying anything. I could see in her eyes she knew what I had in mind, but was waiting for me to make the first move, so I went all-in.
“Do you want to see them for real?” I asked, plucking at my t-shirt.
“Do I! You’ll let me?”
Yes! This was really happening! She wanted it too!
“Because I like you,” I said boldly.
I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra. While I took off my t-shirt and bra together and threw them in a pile on top of my sweatshirt, Dina started taking off her own shirt, mumbling “it’s only fair.”
“If you insist,” I said, trying to sound sultry.
I sat topless in front of Dina, taking another sip of wine. Her look of amazement turned slightly confused, and she leaned forward with her brow furrowed, unselfconsciously gawking at my boobs, now on display in all their glory.
“They’re even bigger!” she said, incredulous. “How did you do that? They were big before, when you had your shirt on, but now they’re fucking huge!”
“My bra flattens them out a lot, plus I wear really baggy shirts to hide the shape. They’re my best kept not-so-little secret.”
Dina was taking another rip on her pen and pouring herself a third cup of wine at the same time, her eyes still riveted on me. I reached out and took the cup from her before she dropped it as she began coughing, so that only a little bit spilled out. Once she caught her breath, I handed it back to her.
“Thanks,” she said, drinking half the wine at a gulp. I was starting to worry that she was going to black out before we had a chance to fool around. “Sorry, I’m just trying to calm my nerves a little,” she said, reading my mind. “I’ve never seen tits that big up close before, and it’s… making me feel some kind of way…”
“What kind of way?” I asked, feeling my panties begin to soak through from the thrill of her getting aroused by my body.
“A way I’ve never really felt about another girl before. This is kind of new territory for me.”
“It’s cool, I’m pretty nervous too.”
“But you’re so confident. I’m just trying to keep my hands from shaking.”
“That’s funny,” I said with what I hoped was a reassuring smile, “your confidence is what I liked about you first.”
“Okay, you want confidence? Here’s confidence.”
Dina did not look very assured, but she carefully got up on her hands and knees and began slowly crawling toward me. I scooched back and sat up straight against the side of my roommate’s bed so that her face was level with my chest. When she was close enough, I reached out, grabbed her by the armpits, and pulled her to me, planting her face deep in my cleavage. (How’s that for confidence?) With my hands still supporting her by the shoulders, she put her hands on either side of my boobs and pushed them together, until her head was completely engulfed. We stayed motionless for as long as she could hold her breath, then she reared back onto her knees, gasping and wiping her hair back where it stuck to her forehead, a rapturous look on her face. Her nipples were tight and hard while her chest rose and fell as she caught her breath. By this point, the wetness was starting to spread through the crotch of my jeans and I wanted her all over me asap.
Catch the next installment, coming soon!