Platonic Friends 02 (fiction, M/F, Con, Friends, Roommates)

After the *incident* I decided some distance would be best so I made myself scarce at ‘*home*’ as I avoided the embarrassment for the better part of two weeks.

I woke early, went to college, then off to work as I grabbed as many hours as I could.  Then I came home at the wee hours of night and catch *at least* five hours before I ran out and repeated my process.

Sometimes I would actually sleep in my vehicle but after two weeks I decided that I couldn’t continue hiding from Felicity plus I was fairly certain I had developed scoliosis from sleeping in my car and work truck so I was in desperate need of a chiropractic alignment.

I came back to the apartment semi surprised that it was empty as the place was clean. The only thing I found was a note on my door in Felicity’s handwriting that simply said ‘*We need to talk*’.

I looked at the note and thought *Yeah we do* but in my mind I also thought *Ah crap* and *Need to flee again*.


I don’t like confrontation….or drama……or uncomfortable situations.

If it weren’t for the fact that Felicity and I were actually friends and were more simple roommates I would have crumbled up the note and did my own thing completely ignoring the note.

But we were friends.

So after I saw the note I put my things away making a mental note that I need to do laundry after being away from the apartment for two weeks. My clothes kind of smelled….and so did I.

I gathered up my clothes and headed down to the apartment’s laundromat to start my clothes.

A couple of hours later I arrived back to the apartment to find it still empty and finding that Felicity hadn’t returned yet which was odd but brushed the oddness away thankful that it was quiet.

I had just finished putting away my clothes and officially sat down on the sofa thinking what I should do next.  Food?  Or Shower?

While I contemplated which action sounded better the front door to the apartment finally clicked and I heard two feminine voices.  One being Felicity and the other being equally familiar.

The door opened as Felicity was laughing to the girl behind her carrying shopping bags hoisted over her shoulder laughing and smiling.

Then stopping dead in her tracks upon seeing me and her face went from joy to shock as she saw me sitting on the couch.

The girl behind Felicity stepped around Felicity’s statuette form and equally stopped to see me.

The girl I knew as one of Felicity’s few friends….Emma.

Both were wearing sports bras and leggings like they had just came from the gym but decided to stop and shop.

Emma stood about Felicity’s height equaling my short stature of 5’4″ with a much skinnier frame to where I would bet she was in the buck soaking wet category or less.  

Not saying Felicity was fat….or skinny.  More lithe I think.

Actually I’m not too sure *what* Felicity’s body type is as I get them mixed up.  I *think* it goes skinny, slim, petite, lithe, average, curvy, plump, fat and overweight.

Or is it shapes?  Something about squares, triangles, diamonds, hourglass and I think fruit?


Whatever the *types* are I just know Felicity is in between one of those types on the slender side.  

Just like this girl…Emma is petite.  Though Emma has a much larger rump compared to Felicity.

Emma looked at me through her baby blue eyes and heard her whisper to Felicity, “He’s here.”

Felicity nodded as Emma whispered more, “I still say he doesn’t look like he’s hiding what you said?”

Felicity instantly turned to Emma, “Get out!”

Emma blinked, “But.”

Felicity dropped her bags and pushed Emma towards the door, “Get.”

Emma grabbed the door, “Promise to tell me later?”

Felicity shoved, “Go.”

Just as Felicity shut the door in Emma’s face I heard Emma speak, “Come on girl I just want to see!”

Felicity put her back to the door as she leaned against it as Emma spoke loud enough to go through the door, “I’ll be back!”

Felicity looked at me with a smirk, “Sorry.”

I looked at her, “Take it you told her?”

Felicity looked at me seriously, “Not gonna lie Neil.  Yes I did tell her about your,” she looked down at my lap, “**large**,” she coughed, “weapon.”


*More like intimacy deterrent.*

I spoke, “Why?”

She looked at me, “Because you’ve been gone and I *needed* to talk about what happened.  You immediately disappeared so I told Emma about what happened to get **her** take.”

I clicked my tongue accepting that I did go into hiding as I spoke, “Can you *blame* me I was still embarrassed about what happened.”

Felicity blushed, “Yeah sorry about that.  Didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

Felicity finally stopped leaning against the door and moved to sit down next to me before she resumed speaking, “But can you *blame* me I was **horny** and you,” she pointed to me, “were trying to be nice hiding you’re own lust though I felt it against my head.”

She smirked, “I figured that *maybe* we could have **helped** one another.”

She looked down at my lap, “Wasn’t really expecting……well” she held out hands in a manner trying to mimic what she saw, “**that**.”

I didn’t say anything though I felt my face was on fire as I knew I was embarrassed.

Felicity spoke, “I reacted horribly to that AND I shouldn’t have done that.”

She moved and put her hand on my knee, “I’m so sorry Neil and I hope we can remain friends,” she smiled, “and hopefully roommates?”

I looked at her for a moment, remaining quiet before I finally nodded with my own small smile, “Sure.”

Then I thought of something, “As long as things don’t get *weird*.”

Felicity smiled and decided to *fix* the hair out of her face as she mumbled something.

I squinted at her, “What was that?”

Felicity put on her *innocent* smile as she spoke, “I’m just glad you’re back.”

She stood up, “Now if you *shall* excuse me I need to put away my purchases and it smells like you need to go wash off.”

Felicity moved over to her dropped bags and did something peculiar….she kept her legs straight as she bent down giving me a full view of her ass as she *slowly* collected her bags.  Then while still bent over she picked up her head and turned to look to see if I was checking her out giving me a *satisfying* smile as she saw that I was.  Then she slowly stood up straight and walked off to her room.

As she got to her door she stopped, “Oh Neil!”

I turned around on the sofa to look at her, “Yes?”

She smiled, “We still have four more episodes of *our* show.  Want to binge the rest?”

I really didn’t think as I was still recovering from viewing her toned ass in those pants and spoke, “Sure.”

She smiled and sounding happy she spoke, “*Great!*”

Then she closed the door leaving me to wonder…..*Did something change?*



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