Step Sister Corruption Part 276 – Day 140 Free Use Vacay Pt 20 – Aphrodite Games Pt 8 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


She did it.

I mean I wasn’t really doubting that Kelly *couldn’t* win her event with whoever number twelve was.

I knew she had the win in the bag but what *really* surprised me was she actually not only scored in the ‘teasing’ round but she scored **high** in that particular portion of the event.


She even beat my own score of 64/70 while she got a near perfect score of 68.

Don’t get me started on the rest of portions of the round as I have no idea how *I* would have faired in the rest of the portions of the event with Mc*Bitch*y as she had decided to forfeit the face off as she not only called me that word ina different language and being disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct.  

I’m sure if Mc*Bitch*y hadn’t been so much of a sore loser I’m sure I would have won the round and at least known how I would fare in the judges eyes so I could have altered or improved my performance in the next bout.  But I have no idea now.

Still wish I could have done some damage to her for using that word but she was whisked away before I understood the word.  

If I were to assume my current momentum that I had in the round I would have been in the same neighborhood as Kelly.

However *if* we were to face off now **AND** Kelly kept her momentum with mine it was clear she would **easily** beat me.

*Double Crap*

Don’t get me wrong I love Kelly, and I do mean **love** as every bit as I **love** Gabe, but there was a certain amount of camaraderie between us.  A friendly competition if you will.  An **understanding** that I was *the* top in the relationship and she ‘was’ the bottom.

Now it looked like she went from student to master with the score she put up.

That’s the part that really surprised me.

And Kelly was giddy when she exited her round to tell me all about her *round*.  Specifically her ‘teasing’ part that she had so much trouble on.

Then she gushed that she *may* have shocked the judges during the fifth and final round when she let her special ability trigger….sort of.  

Apparently during the fourth round her suitor didn’t quite have the stamina to trigger her ability before he lost his wad.

But in the last round during the activity right before the guy came she told me had enough of an orgasm that she partially squirted as she let out a *small* gush which caused the guy to cum.  

I kind of laughed at her telling me that both the guy couldn’t trigger her ability during the fourth part, as Kelly (from Gabe’s perspective at least) was *the* most sensitive person when it came to sexual activity as she would fire her ability within moments during the activity.  I had seen Kelly fire her ability multiple times and knew first hand when her ability is triggered she becomes *extremely* sensitive before her ability just flows continuously until she runs empty.  And equally surprisingly when her ability fires the next one you’d expect to be less all around…..nope.  Each fire seems to be equal amounts at the same rate of speed if not stronger on the 2nd and 3rd firings.  

Usually Kelly has about four maybe five *squirts* before she’s essentially done and needs a long cool down time….and liquids.  Though Gabe has on multiple occasions exhausted Kelly of her ‘shots’ as he continuously pounds her into submission but she still goes through the ‘process’ as she orgasms.  And I’ve made Kelly exhausted from our ‘sessions’ when we’ve done our videos….or for simple fun on more than one occasion as both of us are equally spent and need ‘rest’ before we’re ready again.

And like Gabe, when I started batting from both sides, Kelly had *almost* drowned me when her ability was triggered… my face……with her on top.

It looked *hot* when we recorded it but god did it suck having a high pressure squirt shot her fluid up your nose.  

Gabe for his part laughed his *ass* off when we showed him the unedited video before we edited it and was rolling on the ground while I sat fuming and embarrassed that Gabe had watched me drown from Kelly’s ability.  

As previously when Gabe lightly *complained* about Kelly trying to drown him I called bullshit.  But after being on the receiving end I knew exactly what he meant.

After Kelly was telling me *how* her round went we both went off to get something to drink and to generally relax until it was either of our turns to go next.

After Gabe was escorted away from consoling me I hadn’t seen him since.

And it’s not like I could go check on him as I had no idea where they took him.

All *we* knew was he was somewhere on this ship.  And possibly was close by due to us finding out he was a judge in the round after mine.

I looked at Kelly as we walked towards the bar for a soda, “Hey do you want to go find Gabe?”

Kelly walked and nodded before speaking, “Sure.  Though I’m surprised you don’t want to stick around to see how your new friend Nadia does?”

I stopped, “Wait.  Nadia is after you?”

Kelly looked at me and nodded, “Sure they were taking her in with another girl as I was leaving.”

I looked back towards where we were sitting and didn’t realize that Nadia had gotten up and went to her own battle as I was too much in my mind after the whole ‘Mc*Bitch*y’ fiasco.

I shook my head realizing that I need something to drink and needed to relieve my bladder as I said, “Na I think she’ll be fine.”

And we walked off towards someplace to get a drink.



I got pulled into the next *round* with my official opponent as we would take part in the round with the winning girl and was told we could take part in the events as the official man that the girl could use for their demonstration.  The key was whoever *started* in the events we both had to start until the final round.

So at *any* point we could join in with the girl and have our fun.  

Meaning I could be a *dick* and immediately enter in and wear out my opponent with my high level stamina.

Only thing was once we jump in and whoever we jump in with we had to stick with that girl until the final round.

At least that was my *original* plan.

That is until we sat down and they brought in the winner’s from the previous event and in walked…..Summer as contestant number five.  The other contestant was my contestant that I helped win….contestant number seven.

I already *knew* who I was going to root for in **this** battle……Summer.

You would think this would be some type of conflict of interest or something.

But seeing how both of us were being judged, whoever organized the committee for this seemed it was fair.

Whatever the case I was going to help Summer win this battle because I *knew* number seven didn’t have a chance with Summer.

I looked at **my** opponent with an obvious game plan throwing out my previous game plan.

If I originally went with my game plan, now that Summer was involved, jumping in on the second round would **hurt** Summer’s progression.  Especially with the rule where whoever we decide to be with we had to stick with that person until the final round.

So *if* I chose contestant number seven in the second part of the round I would give seven the leg up as she could tease me longer than ever.

Or *if* I jumped in the blowjob round with contestant number seven I would make her look good as we’ll be there forever until I jumped off orgasm mountain naturally.  Making *seven* look good.

**However** *if* I jumped in the fourth part of the round and get with Summer I could *help* her win as I could fuck her in multiple positions for a long time.  But I would be too exhausted for the final part.


I waved Sam over so I could speak with him.

Sam came over and leaned down to me as I whispered, “I’m going to need *a lot* electrolyte fluids.”

Sam looked at me quizzically as I smiled and whispered, “Trust me.”

Sam stood up and shrugged before going to the door.  He opened it and spoke, “I need a”

He looked towards me for guidance on how much.  I spoke flatly, “Case”.

He raised an eyebrow at me but spoke, “**Case** of electrolyte fluids please.”

He waited…..and waited before a case of cans appeared as Sam grabbed the case and walked them to me before the door closed and he put the case next to the judges table.  He looked at me for a moment longer before he turned and returned to standing next to the door.

I smiled and winked at Summer before I looked at my *opponent* and whispered, “I’m going to take contestant number five in the fourth round.”

My *opponent* looked at me then looked at the players before he looked at me, “Ok I’ll take seven in the fourth.”

I smiled thinking *check and mate*.

I looked at Summer and winked.  

On her part she looked at me….then the case…..and finally my little interaction with my *opponent* looking at me quizzically but it was only momentary.  She obviously turned her gears as she *guessed* at what I was doing before she smiled and nodded.

Sam walked up and spoke, “Girls are you ready?”

Both Summer and Seven nodded.

Sam looked at us, “Boys, did you agree on which round you are going to join?”

My *opponent* looked at me but looked at Sam and said, “We did.”

Sam nodded as he returned his attention to the girl’s, “As before the judges will judge your looks.  Are you ready?”

The girls nodded.

And the match started.

*Male Judge # 1: Turn around, bend over, and spread your ass.”

Both Seven and Summer turned around, bent over, and spread their ass showing off their pussy.

After one round Seven’s pussy was still semi gaping open after her usage and was still trying to close before she started in *my* round with her as her judge.  

Summer on the other hand looked like it normally did….near perfect like a cock hadn’t graced her pussy in some time.  

It always amazes me each time I fuck Summer or Kel for that matter each time I looked at their pussy’s after our extended sessions to watch it close and seal itself back up within minutes like it hadn’t been freshly fucked.  

Of course that happened *after* our change is when I noticed this.  Though I don’t really remember watching their pussy’s *seal* itself back up until after we changed is when I noticed for the first time.  

*Woman judge # 2: Come here closer and do that again.”

Both girl’s approached the judge but the judge spoke again, “Not you.”

She pointed to Summer, “Just you.”

Summer blinked but she approached the judge until she was in front of her.  Turned, bent over and spread her ass cheeks giving the judge a closer look at Summer’s pussy.  

The judge leaned over and closely inspected Summer’s pussy.  

The judge spoke, “Spread your pussy for me again.”

Summer reached in further and spread herself opening her pussy more for the judge.  

The judge leaned in more as she inspected Summer’s pussy to where her nose was almost touching Summer’s pussy.  

Then after a moment she returned to her seat and was about to open her mouth but the other two woman judge’s leaned over to also inspect Summer’s pussy before returning to their seat and the original judge spoke, “You may return.”

Summer got up and walked back with seven.

Us judge’s remained silent as Sam spoke, “Have you made your decisions?”

I saw the *judges* nods including **my** opponent.  

I looked at my tablet and gave Summer all 10’s while I gave seven nothing but 6’s.  

Then I looked back at the screen to show the girl’s their scores.  

Event # 1

Contestant # 5 (Summer)

Looks: 8/10

Body: 8/10

Breasts: 8/10

Ass: 9/10

Pussy: 10/10

Overall: 9/10

Total: 53/60

Contestant # 7

Looks: 6/10

Body: 6/10

Breasts: 4/10

Ass: 6/10

Pussy: 4/10

Overall: 5/10

Total: 31/60

I smiled as I saw that Summer had pulled out an easy win.  

I lightly wondered *if* the women judge’s took an ‘extra’ look at Summer’s extra tight pussy because they *may* have noticed something after having been fucked by another guy.  

Maybe it was because they noticed between Summer and seven, Summer had the tighter looking pussy.  

Or it could be that Summer had perkier tits compared to Seven’s less perky breasts.  

A more tighter body over seven’s average body.  

Whatever the reason Summer won the first portion of the bout.  

Next up was the teasing portion.  

Once again the ottoman’s were wheeled in.  

I have no idea *why* they keep rolling these ottoman’s in and out of the room when they can just push them into the back of the room or something but whatever.  

Once the ottomans were in place, Sam moved from his spot and looked at us *special judges*, “Will you two be joining the action this round?”

My opponent shook his head and replied, “No.  We have agreed we will be participating in the fourth round.”

Sam nodded, “Very well.”

He moved to the door and opened it, “Please bring in two men.”

After a moment two men walked into the room and Sam directed the men towards Summer and seven to start the next round…the teasing stage.  

Once the two men were settled on the ottomans, Sam informed the girl’s of the round and told them what they could and couldn’t do before he moved to his location and turned into a statue.  

And the round begun.  



I honestly didn’t think I could go on with these game’s because I couldn’t get what happened out of my head.  

And I honestly didn’t think I could be *horny* enough to continue after Gabe had left me to do his own portion of the games.  

But in my delight when my next round happened I saw Gabe come in the room as one of the special guests after we were told that the special guest’s would participate in our versus round’s in their own versus.  

A double versus.  

As the judge’s would be judging us.  They would also be judging the guy’s in their own performance.  

Just having Gabe in the room instantly made me *horny* and no longer thinking of what happened.  

Then as he was sitting there before the first event where I’d be judged on my looks he asked *Mr Representative* to bring in a case of electrolytes, which they did.  Then he whispered something to the other special judge before winking at me.  

I looked Gabe for a minute trying to figure out what he was doing but honestly I was happy he was in the room with me.  

Then I started my round with my *new* competitor and hoped she could handle the competition compared to my first opposer.  

At first we just stood there in utter silence until one of the female judge’s asked us to turn around, bend over and spread our ass cheeks.  

Then we were asked to spread our pussys while still bent over. 

I was a little surprised **I** was asked to come to the judge’s table and do it again.  

I felt my face redden from embarrassment but I did as they asked walking up to the judges table and repeating the action.  And I got to feel one of their faces mere millimeters from my pussy as I could feel their hot breath.  

Still I held the pose not really understanding why they wanted to see just *my* pussy and not both of us.  

After a few, agonizing, moments I was told to return and our scores were displayed making my jaw drop.  

I had scored a near perfect score.  

Only one guess who gave me the near perfect score.  

But why?

As the previous round I didn’t do so good. 

Was there something different between *me* and my competitor?

I looked over at her to see her frown at her score compared to mine while I started ‘judging’ her.  

I mean she was about the same height as me.  

About the same weight class as me.  

Her tits were more tear drop and smaller compared to mine.  

Her ass looked more flat.  

So what made them score me higher?

Was it my pussy?

It had to be as that was what they focused on.  

So with the ‘looks’ portion done *Mr Representative* came out of his statue form as the ottomans were wheeled in for us.  

He looked at the ‘special judges’, “Will you two be joining the action this round?”

The not Gabe judge shook his head and stated, “No.  We have agreed we will be participating in the fourth round.”

*Mr Representative* nodded, “Very well.”

I was *semi* disappointed that Gabe wasn’t joining in on this round or the blow job round all because his ‘stamina’.  

Though I’d argue that I *can* make him cum with just my mouth but I had to see his reasoning.  

Not that I agreed with his reasoning.  Just that I was beginning to see where he was going with it.  

*Mr Representative* called in two guy’s and I was happy the guy who laid down in front of me was shaved.  

That’s nice.  

Or at least it would be nice if he was my blow subject not my teasing subject.  

At least they took my earlier objection into account when they gave me new subjects…..I think.  

I looked down at my subject then looked at Gabe seeing he smirked at me.  Then I looked up at *my* current score remembering that Kelly had somehow put up a near perfect score whereas my last round was good…..but not perfect.  

I looked at my *competitor* who had already started as she was whispering to her subject.  

I needed to up my game and this guy was my stepping stone to reinsert my dominance. 

I thought about what I did before and simply standing over the guy letting look at my pussy wasn’t going to be enough even if I lowered myself it would probably net me the same results as last time.  

And it’s not like I could do the same thing as Kelly to get just as high because she didn’t tell me what she did.  

Just that she didn’t know how to….wait.

She did tell me….she touched her ‘subject’.  

More specifically she **said** she wiped her juices onto her fingers and let her ‘subject’ *taste* her juices and that was enough to get her a perfect score.  

Well that and some type of talking.  

I can’t do that.  

I don’t *leak* pussy juices that much.  

But maybe if I ‘were’ to do……

A slow smile spread of my face as I knew how I was going to beat my score.  

But would it be enough to not only contend with Kelly?

Only one way to find out. 

I approached my ‘subject’ and I stood over his giving a clear view of my pussy.  

I spoke huskily, “Seems like you have a nice dick there.”

He didn’t but he doesn’t need to know I didn’t think so.  

I continued, “It’s a shame it can’t touch me.  Isn’t it?”

My ‘subject’ nodded.  

I bent down just a little bit letting my pussy naturally separate as I spoke, “Just having it inside my *wet* pussy while it caresses and milks that dick.  Wouldn’t that be fantastic?”

I looked down to see my subjects chin move up and down.  

I looked towards his ‘friend’ to see it growing.  

Good.  Very good.  

I took my hand and reached down as I *let* my subject see me slip one digit into my pussy as I planned on giving him a preview of how I was going to win this round against Kelly’s near perfect score.  

I wiggled my finger in my pussy while I refrained from collapsing and started masturbating myself.  

I pulled out my wet finger to show my ‘subject’ exactly how wet I was inside as I lightly moaned, “Just seeing that dick is making me horny.”

He wasn’t the reason I was horny but he doesn’t need to know that.  The reason was sitting just on the other side of the room.  

I bought my finger close to his mouth, “Would you like a taste?”

I saw his mouth open as I watched his chin move up and down.  

I smiled.  

I playfully spoke, “You Sure you want to taste it?”

I watched his chin move up and down.  

I didn’t want my subject to start masturbating furiously like last time so I lowered my finger into my subject’s mouth as he started sucking my finger.  

I got mixed feelings as I felt this guy sucking on my finger. 

Like it felt good but not entirely good.  

I’d prefer my finger in Gabe’s mouth as *he* sucked on my finger.  That would feel a whole lot better.  

Still I let him suck a little bit while his ‘friend’ remained in the upright position. 

I pulled my finger away from his mouth and stepped away to look down at him with my own smile, “How does it taste?”

He looked at me but didn’t say anything as his eyes fluttered.  

I smiled thinking that was enough of an answer.  

I reached down this time slipping two digits into my sensitive pussy to get them wet as I pulled them out and wiped them on my ‘subject’ as I spoke, “And all this could be yours if you do one thing.”

I watched his hand start to move but I caught it making him blink at me as I seductively spoke, “That’s not what I meant.”

He blinked at me confused.  

I smiled wolfishly, “I want you to hold out.”

I moved as knelt down in front of his upright *friend* in between his legs as he looked at me.  

I spoke, “Tell me you can hold out.”

He nodded.  

I smiled, “Well let’s see.”

I reached down again wetting my finger’s with my juice’s one digit at a time before wiping the wetness on his ‘friend’ before slowly gliding my fingers along his shaft.  

My subject instantly groaned as his head rolled back.  

Then I stopped until I had my subject’s attention as his head lifted to look at me.

I smiled as I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue letting my saliva exit and simply trail down my tongue and onto his phallic ‘friend’.  

Then I wrapped my hand around his manhood with a loose grip and slowly stroked up as I spoke, “See I **want** you to hold out.  I **want** you to show me this dick is worthy of *my* pussy while I *slowly* bring you to orgasm.  Can you do that?”

My subject groaned as his head fell back from the ecstasy.  

I firmed up my grip not moving in any direction causing my subject to quickly lift his head as his sensation registered the change of pleasure to pain.  

I sweetly spoke as I slowly spoke, “Can….you….do….that?”

He quickly nodded as I released my grip as I spoke confidently, “Good.”

As resumed slowly stroking his ‘friend’.  

It didn’t take too many light strokes before a clear drop of his precum started to form on the tip of his dick and his veins started to bulge out.  

I mused out loud, “I thought you said you’d hold out for me.”

My subject groaned, “I am.”

I wiped the drop off his tip with my finger to show him his mistake as I chided him, “Then what’s this?”

He sputtered, “Precum?”

I nodded as I scowled, “Exactly which means you’re enjoying this too much.”

I got up and walked around so he didn’t see me quickly lick the substance off my finger as I tried to not groan from the explosion of flavor in that one drop.  

I turned to him once I recovered from my mini nirvana back to being mad.  

Ok I wasn’t mad I was playing mad.  Honestly I wanted this over.  

But he doesn’t need to know that.  

I spoke, “I think you need a clear reminder what you’re holding out for.”

My subject blinked but I moved and was on top of my subject.  

I spoke, “I want you to watch my pussy as you hold out for me.”

I looked back to make sure his attention was clearly on my pussy, which it was, “Can you do that for me?”

He nodded vigorously.  

I smiled as I turned to his fellow and see more precum dripping out.  

I refrained from licking it off as I used my finger to move the substance all around his dick and wrapped my hand around to small object.  

Then I lightly started stroking.  

Within a few stroke’s his dick was just pouring out precum.  

I reworked the fluid on his dick careful to not stick out my tongue or open my mouth to swallow the object or the game would be over.  

I went back to lightly gliding my finger’s over his dick now that his veins were solidly out if his penis meaning it won’t be long now.  

I continued to lightly glide my finger’s up his shaft while my pain was mere inches from his tip which caused my ‘subject’ to reflexively start bucking his hips.  

I smiled *Good this will be all over soon.*

I firmly grasped his penis gave it a few strokes and quickly let go. 

My subject groaned and I watched his dick splurt his cum up and out as his dick betrayed him.  

He bucked each firing his dick did as it spasmed as released more cum.  

I simply watched until it was over and controlled my urge to lick up the aftermath. 

When the phallic object stopped spasming I sat up and got off my subject.  

I knelt down and whispered, “You did good.”

Then I stepped away to see my audience seemed enthralled in my performance.  

I looked at Gabe to see he was transfixed at my show….and his dick was hard.  

I looked back to see my opponent had already finished her subject and was watching me.  

I blushed but remained stoic as I faced the judge’s and awaited my verdict.  

I secretly prayed *please give me a better score than Kelly*.



1 comment

  1. Great story, but one typo in my initial reading. “…wrapped my hand around to small object.” Should be the small object at the very least. Really enjoy your writing style.

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