A Father’s Struggle 55 – Laundry Room (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I ran into the ‘Laundry Room’ where we keep our laundry machines that were near industrial smart machines.

Why industrial?

Simple….there’s seven people in ONE house.  The need for LARGE machines was highly needed.  That or I was looking at getting MULTIPLE machines which I didn’t want to do.

Why smart machines?

Aside from the simple fact they were energy efficient they also met the need to handle my daughters unmentionables as I guess require a certain style of being handled.

At the moment I didn’t care WHAT machines I had doing the dirty laundry as it comes in what I **cared** about was a certain item that I had **on** me before I got piss drunk and decided to soil myself, possibly ruining said important item.

I hissed silently as I looked for MY clothes that I was wearing, “*Where are they?*”

I looked around the room not finding my ruined clothes, probably meaning my daughters had already WASHED my clothes as I let out an expletive ‘*Damn it*’.

I looked around **hoping** that they hadn’t washed my soiled clothes and **hoped** that the item was still there and not ruined.

If my ruined clothes were still here AND unwashed there was a possibility that the drive was still safe…..or at least salvageable….I think.

However IF my soiled clothes WERE washed and the item WAS in them when it was washed there’s a HIGH chance it was ruined.  

Once again I think.

I know years ago in college if a USB drive, like the one I bought to copy Abby’s drive, were to go through the same process that I was currently trying to avoid there was LARGE chance like 99.9999999999% chance the drive was ruined.  Though I had heard of some students who accidentally washed their USB drive and somehow salvaging the drive with their work on it because the way the drive was designed and the cover for the USB portion never fell off.

Granted that was a LONG time ago and I wouldn’t be surprised if companies hadn’t created some type of water proof coating for electronics these days.  

Hell I had a fucking security system where the cameras were as small as a fucking hair.  There BETTER be some type of waterproofing on electronics these days.

But I couldn’t TRUST that technological leap had been made yet and I sure as hell couldn’t trust a USB drive would survive being put in a washing machine….or a dryer for that matter.

I looked around desperately praying my daughters were lazy in washing and hadn’t washed my clothes…..yet.  Or at the very least washed my piss soaked blanket FIRST and forgot about my piss covered clothes.

What was I talking about I was talking about Savanna…..of course she would forget.

But if I remember right ABBY was the one who did the clothes meaning she would have started that.


I moved over to the washer and opened the washer to find…..my blanket.

Ok they had forgotten to move the blanket to the dryer.

I pulled the now heavy blanket out of the washer hoping my clothes weren’t there.  I slowly pulled the blanket out hoping my clothes or USB drive wouldn’t fall out.

I slowly pulled lightly chanting *Please don’t be there* *Please don’t be there*.

After some slow pull and various checking the blanket finally came out.  No pants.  No USB drive.


One obstacle cleared.  God knows how many more I have to clear.

Ok so here’s the blanket where the fuck is my soiled pants?  Better yet where the hell is my drive?

I looked around not seeing my pants.

I sighed as I opened the dryer after finding my blanket in the washer.  I opened the dryer to find it was completely empty and I wanted to lightly curse though I wasn’t sure which word I should use nor knew if I should actually curse for finding the dryer empty after finding my now clean blanket…I think it’s clean.  I took a whiff and smelled the tell tale signs it was clean before throwing it into the dryer.

After throwing the blanket into the dryer and actually turning ON the dryer and feeling like a contribution to the house after not having to touch laundry in……god ten years.

Yet how come I feel like I *missed* or *forgot* something when I turned on the dryer.

Something important?

I looked at the dryer trying to remember what the hell it was that I forgot and just as I looked up the *something* I forgot was staring me right in the face….dryer sheets.

I pulled a sheet and quickly threw the sheet into the dryer being quick enough to where the dryer didn’t fully shut off.

*HA!* Fasted Dryer Sheet in the Central region.

Satisfied with the minuscule accomplishment that *most* people would look at the accomplishment trivial before shrugging with a smug smile and deciding to renew my look for MY drive.

I moved over to the dirty hamper and looked in there to find the hamper *looked* empty.  

Well empty wasn’t the right word as there was clothes in there but MY clothes looked absent from the small pile.  And by SMALL pile I mean **SMALL** as there was only underwear in there.

I shrugged at my finding ignoring that there was only underwear in the hamper as I looked around and mused out loud ‘*Where is my clothes?*’


I jumped twenty feet in the air, nearly hitting the ceiling as I held my chest turning around to see Abby leaning against the door frame smiling.

I lightly yelled at her, “JESUS!!! WEAR A BELL!”

Abby smiled at me, “Why are you looking for your clothes?”


Need to think of a lie.


No, I already asked for that.  Plus I had that in my pocket.


No, I think that’s sitting on my stand.

Why would I need my clothes?

Might as well do a half truth.

I spoke, “Looking for a drive?”

That made Abby look at me quizzically before she spoke, “My drive?”

I shook my head as I spoke, “No, I got a drive from Central Security inc.”

Abby looked at me quizzically, “Why would you get a drive from Central Security Inc?”


How could I use what information I knew to my advantage?

Then I remembered the conversation between Abby and Savanna while I was blacked out.

I shrugged, “I’ve been noticing some odd things on my surveillance systems so I asked the owner of Central Security for some ideas to replace my current system seeing how it’s kind of out of date.  He sent a drive with videos of his systems instead of a catalog with some videos to see the different systems and how they work.”

Abby eyed me but spoke, “So you’re thinking of replacing your surveillance system?”

I nodded, “Yeah I’ve been noticing some irregularities and some time and dates missing in my video system.”

I watched Abby’s eyes widen and saw the color drain from her face but she simply spoke, “Oh.”

She looked around as she spoke, “What does it look like?”

I shrugged, “Like a USB drive I guess.”

She spoke, “What’s it size?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know, I just got it.”

She looked at me, “Ok where did you LAST see it?”

I spoke, “I *thought* I had it on me when we played our little game.  Wanted to make sure it wasn’t damaged before calling the owner again for a replacement.”

Abby looked at me, “Well it wasn’t ON you when we stripped you of your soiled clothes.”

I sighed, “Then I guess I must have misplaced it.”

Abby looked at me, “Need help finding it?”

I waved at her, “Na I’m sure I placed it somewhere stupid.  It’s no *big* deal.”

Abby looked at me slightly squinting, “You sure you don’t need help?”

I smiled at her, “Sure I’m sure.”

Abby nodded and I watched her leave the laundry room before I heard her footsteps quicken and before I was able to leave the laundry room Abby had left the floor where the laundry room was located, officially high tailing it.

I smiled at the empty hall as I thought *Good I scared her*.  

I sighed *And now back to the hunt for my missing USB drive* as I left for upstairs where the main floor was.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v85qvc/a_fathers_struggle_55_laundry_room_fiction_family


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