Winner’s Choice [Fiction] [MF] [Mixed Wrestling] [Sex Fight] [Knockout] [Forced Blowjob]

This was a recent quick turn around story I wrote for u/hotwrestlingwife. Had a lot of fun writing it!





I sat patiently in a folding chair in the corner of the room. I had already spent the last 20 minutes spreading the plush vinyl wrestling mats across the floor, and now I was scrolling through my phone waiting tolerantly for the two combatants to join me. Eventually my wife came strutting into the room, a cocky spring in her step. She was wearing an old graphic tee she had cut into a crop top that ended just under her tits, and a pair of blue cotton panties. She skipped over to me and planted a quick kiss on my cheek before stretching on the mats.

“You ready for this?” I asked her. My eyes couldn’t help but drift down to her ass as she bent over to touch her toes.

“Of course I am,” she replied haughtily without looking up. “You don’t hold back against me, but the way I see it, this newcomer will, and that will be his downfall!…and speak of the devil, look who it is!”

As my wife was finishing her stretches her opponent entered the room. James was a new friend we met recently at a mutual acquaintance’s birthday. We hit it off right away and have hung out numerous times since. Once we got wind that he was into mixed-wrestling we wasted no time in inviting him over for a match.

“Sorry I’m late y’all,” James said with a wide smile. He was a large man, standing at around six feet five inches, but not particularly muscular. I would say his body type was a precursor to a dad bod. He sheepishly entered the room wearing a pair of tight black briefs that outlined his cock. He tossed a bag full of his regular clothes into the corner. “We still game?”

“Heck yes!” My wife shouted enthusiastically. I laughed at her spunkiness.

“Remember the rules?” I asked. “Best out of three, pins, submissions, or knockouts, and everything is fair game.” Both wrestlers nodded in agreement and shook hands. “And don’t forget,” I said. “Winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”

“Oh this is going to be fun,” my wife said, flashing a devilish smirk. James blushed but nodded in agreement.

“Alright then!” I said, raising my voice a bit, adding some excitement right before the match. “Start back-to-back and once I count you off you can begin.” James and my wife got into position, and I began the countdown. “3…2…1…begin!”

The two wrestlers spun around and began circling one another, arms raised and poised to attack. They circled once or twice before my wife lunged forward locking arms with James. The newcomer was clearly taken aback by my wife’s aggressiveness as he stumbled back a step before catching himself and pushing against her.

“I think I see where this is going,” I said to myself. And sure enough, after a few seconds of pushing my wife jumped back causing James to awkwardly stagger forward. He whirled around to face his opponent once again, but the moment he got back up, my wife swung her foot forward connecting with the poor man’s genitals.

“Ooooooof!” James cried out in shock as he fell to his knees holding his injured manhood. My wife grinned and licked her lips, clearly pleased with herself and her dirty tactics. She circled around to James’ backside and gave him a hard shove sending him flying forward landing on his stomach

“Having fun, newbie?” My wife asked maliciously. James stirred beneath her, but she didn’t give him the chance to get back up. She stood over her opponent and quickly grabbed his ankles, yanking his legs upward into a viscous boston-crab.

“Aaaaaargh!” James groaned loudly, wriggling and thrashing in an attempt to break free from the hold. My wife simply let out a devious laugh and leaned in harder, stretching the trapped man to his limit. It looked like James was about to be snapped in two, as my wife was dangerously close to making his toes touch the back of his head. James began slapping the canvas aggressively.

“Are you submitting?” My wife asked.

“Yes! Please let me go!” James begged with her through gritted teeth. My wife was clearly enjoying herself, but after one final stretch did decide to release the struggling man. James’ legs plopped back down to the mat, and he reached back to rub his injured spine. My wife placed one of her bare feet between his shoulder blades and pushed him back to the ground, making sure he couldn’t move.

“I guess that’s round one to me then!” She shouted triumphantly flexing her muscles. James simply groaned beneath her, but I could detect a hint of a smirk on his face. “Before we begin the next round,” my wife started to say as she walked over to James’ head. She placed one of her feet directly in front of her challenger’s face. “Kiss it,” she said through a gigantic shit-eating grin. James looked up at the dominant woman and smiled back. He didn’t even hesitate and began kissing each of my wife’s toes.

“You ok to continue James?” I asked as he continued to lick and slobber over my wife’s foot.

“He doesn’t have a choice,” my wife said, as she backed away and brought herself into a wrestling stance for round two. James slowly raised himself up to one knee and looked my wife in the eyes.

“I didn’t realize how serious you take this! I guess I’ll have to step it up,” he said to her before looking at me and nodding.

“Alright then, round 2…begin!” I shouted, but before my wife could even react, James lunged forward with impressive speed and rammed his shoulder into her gut.
“Ooooooooooof!” She moaned, air shooting out of her lungs, and spittle flying from her lips. She doubled over and clutched her injured belly but remained standing. James grinned and a sinister looked appeared on his face that I had never seen before. He strode over to my wife and grabbed the hair on the back of her head in his fist. He then proceeded to parade her around the room. My wife, keeping up as best she could, staggered behind him still clutching her stomach.

“That really hurt what you did to my back you know,” James said to my wife. “It got me thinking, and I want to try something similar.” In a swift motion he pulled my wife to her feet, positioned himself behind her back, and hoisted her over his shoulders in a painful looking back-breaker.

“Aaaaagh!” My wife cried out. She flailed feebly, but James had a tight hold on her. With one hand on her neck and another on her leg, he slowly bent her over his shoulders.

“How’s that feeling?” James asked in a cocky tone.
“F…fuck…you…” My wife spat back, although I could see her growing weaker.

“That’s not very nice,” James replied and he pulled harder, folding my wife in half. Her struggling grew fainter, and I could see her eyelids begin to flutter. “Had enough yet? I can make this stop anytime you want. Just submit.”

“I’ll…never…submit…” My wife replied through groans of pain. James sighed and smiled at her defiance.

“Oh well, I’ll just have to be more drastic in my approach. He swung her legs back and pulled her head down in front of him until her face was directly in front of his crotch. He wrapped his arms around her lower back and held her in place. “If you submit, I’ll put you down,” James said again. “If you don’t, I’ll still put you down, it’ll just hurt a heck of a lot more.” Fear quickly spread across my wife’s face.

“No! Please put me down! I submit! I submit!” She exclaimed. Her feet kicking in the air above James’ head.

“What’s that?” James mused mockingly. “I can’t really hear you. Oh well. Down you go!” And with that he brought my wife crashing down, her head colliding with the mat in a devastating pile driver. Her limbs shook on impact and James let her go, causing her to collapse limply to the floor. Her head flopped back and forth, and her eyes spun sluggishly in their sockets. I couldn’t see them, but I was sure that stars and cartoon birds were circling my wife’s head.

“She’s tougher than she looks!” James chuckled, standing over his dazed opponent as she feebly moved her limbs.

“You going for the pin?” I asked.
“Nah,” James replied. “She’s got more fight left in her!” He then circled around his downed opponent, grabbed her by the arms and forcefully lifted her into a standing position. My wife was all but out on her feet. She staggered back and forth with her arms hanging uselessly at her sides. Her eyes were still spinning, and a light strand of drool was dribbling from her lips onto her shirt.

“Aw look at that,” James said. “She’s making a mess all over her clothes! Let’s give her a hand with that.” James yanked my wife’s shirt up, pulling it over her head. Her limp arms gave little resistance, falling lifelessly back to her sides as her shirt came free. My wife’s tits, now exposed, rocked back and forth as she swayed on her feet, struggling to remain upright.

“Let’s see how hard that head of yours is,” James joked, and he once again grabbed my wife around the waist, flipped her over, and pulled her into the air.

“N…no…please…”My wife moaned in protest.

“Too late for that!” James laughed loudly and once again slammed my wife’s head into the mat below. He held her for a moment, her legs and arms drooping like wilted plants. After a second or two he let her go, and she fell with splat to the ground, convulsing slightly before laying still.

“Now it’s time for a pin.” James said to me and I chuckled in agreement. James laid his body across my wife’s, hooked his arm under one of her legs and yanked it up for the pin. I started to count him off.

“1…2…3…” With each count James slapped the canvas. “4…5…6…” Small gurgled moans escaped from my wife’s lips, but she was still out of it. “7…8…9…10! Round two goes to you James.”

“Easy-peasy!” James shouted, dropping my wife’s leg. It fell hard to the ground, her thick thigh shaking as it bounced off the mat. I walked over to her and gave her some gentle slaps on the face. After a minute or two she began to stir slowly.

“You good?” I asked her. Her eyes were opening and fluttering, and I could tell they were trying to regain focus.

“Gimme…gimme a sec,” she said, wiping the drool off her chin.

“We can call it if you’d like?” I asked.

“Fuck no,” my wife replied defiantly. Although I could hear some hesitation in her voice. It took about two minutes for my wife to regain her senses and pull herself back up to her feet.
“Well if you’re both good we can start the final round.” I looked over at James who nodded gleefully.
“Ready whenever you are!” He said. I looked at my wife and I could see her eyes still crossing and uncrossing slightly. She slapped herself a few times on the cheeks and shook her head vigorously.

“I’m fine, let’s do this thing!” She shouted, trying to cover up her grogginess.

“Alright then,” I said. “Begin!” The two wrestlers began circling each other again, but my wife’s steps had an inconsistency to them. It was clear she was still dazed.

“Let’s make this quick,” James teased. My wife grumbled something incomprehensible and lunged at her opponent. James easily side stepped her, and my wife stumbled forward, nearly collapsing to the ground. “Easy there, you can do it!” the tall man goaded her. My wife growled again and lunged once more. This time James stuck his foot out, tripping his foe and sending her flying face first to the floor. Before she could get up James grabbed her shoulders and yanked her in the other direction so she landed flat on her back. He then easily positioned himself behind her on the ground and pulled her into a rear naked chokehold.

“Ggghhk!” My wife let out a garbled sound as James began applying pressure to the sides of her neck. She kicked wildly, but James hooked his feet under her legs and pulled them apart, holding her securely in one place.

“I told you I wanted to make this quick.” he whispered in her ear, and I could see his bicep flex around her carotid artery. My wife clawed at his arm, attempting with all her might to pull it away, but it was no use. James had her held tight. Her bare breasts heaved up and down trying to force more oxygen and blood to her brain. I could see her eyes once again roll back in her head, her tongue protruding from her agape mouth.

“Hnng…gk….agh…” She tried to form words; I assume in an attempt to submit, but only jumbled sounds escaped her mouth. Saliva was running down the tip of her tongue and dangled awkwardly above her tits. She tapped furiously against James’ thigh with her hands, but the dominant man merely laughed and ignored her.

“That’s not how this is ending sweetheart,” he said. He let her struggle and tire herself out for another moment or two before leaning back and doubling the pressure of the hold. I could almost hear the sound of his biceps bulging out and squeezing into my wife’s neck.

“Hnnng…” She whimpered softly; it was clear this struggle was over. Her hands slowly stopped pulling at her captor’s arm, the movement in her legs was reduced to minor twitches, and I could no longer see her pupils as her eyes had rolled up behind their fluttering lids.

“And let’s do one more,” said James. He gave one more colossal squeeze, followed by a pathetic squeak of defeat from my wife, draining any last strength she may have had in her. “You want to check her?” He asked me. I strode over to my overpowered wife, still tightly embraced by her challenger, and lifted one of her arms. I let go, and it fell like stone back to the ground.

“One,” I said, lifting the arm again. I dropped it once more, and to no one’s surprise it fell as pathetically as before. “Two.” Once more the arm came up and slumped back to the mat. “Three, I think that’s it, winner is James!”

“Wooo!” James shouted, releasing my wife, and forcefully tossing her aside. She rolled over a few times before coming to rest spread-eagle on her back. James eagerly hopped up and sauntered over to the defeated woman on the ground beneath him. He planted a foot on her belly and flexed. He may not have looked it, but there was a hidden strength behind this man’s non-threatening dad-bod appearance.

“As the winner, what comes next is up to you,” I told him. “You want to give her a minute to wake up?” James thought for a moment then shook his head.

“Naw that’ll take too long,” and in a fluid motion, he removed his briefs exposing his impressive semi-hard member. He then grabbed my wife by the back of her head and lifted her into a sitting position. Her eyelids were still fluttering and drool was leaking from her gaping mouth. Without hesitating James plunged his cock down my wife’s throat. He guided her up and down on his shaft. Her limp arms swayed unresponsively as he controlled her.

“Gggk…gkkk…” Gagging sounds filled the room as James continued to skull fuck my wife. Saliva trickled down her chin and pooled on her tits. I sat back down and watched intently. James’ moans mixed with the sound of my wife gagging and I could see sweat start to trickle down his forehead. Every once and a while James would thrust his manhood as far as it would go, forcing my wife to deep throat it. She would gag and splutter, and her body would convulse slightly in a sort of unconscious physical reaction.
After a few minutes he removed his cock from my wife’s mouth and grabbed her hair, using it to keep her upright. Drool mixed with pre-cum flowed down her dangling tongue, coating her naked body. James gripped his dick and slapped it across my wife’s face a few times, and with each impact I heard the faintest of moans emanate from her throat. He began stroking his shaft energetically, and it was clear he was about to blow.

“Fffffuuck!” James shouted as he fired off a thick load into my wife’s unconscious face. His cock throbbed as strand after viscous strand erupted from its tip. This went on for a surprising while, but by the time it was over, my wife was coated in her opponent’s cum. It covered her entire face, trailing down her cheeks and dripping from her tongue. Puddles of it were rolling down her bare body. Some fell to the ground below her and a small collection of it pooled up in her belly button. James released her hair and stumbled back. My wife hung in suspended animation. She swayed back and forth for a moment, cum still trailing down her body, before collapsing backwards once more, sprawling onto the canvas. Her breasts rose and fell with her haggard breathing.

“Damn,” I said to James. “Not bad for a first timer.” He laughed and pulled his briefs back up.

“Should we…” James began to say but trailed off as he gestured down at my cum soaked wife below him.

“Nah, she’ll be fine.” I told him. “Can I get you a drink?”

“Sure!” And James followed me into the other room where we chatted for a while before he eventually had to head home.

“We should do this again sometime,” I told James as I walked him to the door.

“Absolutely!” He replied energetically. “Next time I’ll be sure to bring my wife too.”

I watched James walk down the street for a moment before shutting the door and going back inside. I grabbed a towel and returned to find my wife still out cold on the wrestling mat. I chuckled to myself and cleaned her off. I pulled her to her feet and slung the lifeless woman over my shoulder.

“I guess he didn’t hold back as much as you thought huh?” I asked taunting my defeated and broken wife as I carried her to the bedroom.
