[MF] Hooking up with her at the last possible chance, and starting one of the best summers of my life (Part 2)

Disclaimer: Everyone in this story is over 18

This is part two of the story, if you wish to read the first part before reading further here is the previous part.
[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v6pnt9/mf_hooking_up_with_her_at_the_last_possible/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

If you want to skip to the more “gone wild” part, skip down to the line.

Soph and I fell asleep cuddling, naked next to each other under the sheets. I don’t remember who fell asleep first, but I do remember falling asleep to her smell, my face buried in her neck and surrounded by her beautiful blonde hair.

I woke up a few hours later, as the sounds of the party died down. I am a light sleeper so any change in noise will usually wake me up, but I was surprised to feel Soph still in my arms. I tried to gently escape my arm from underneath her without waking her up, the troubles of being the big spoon I suppose. This did unfortunately wake her up, and she turned around to look at me, a face of mild surprise as she saw me next to her.

“Oh hello” she mumbled

“Do you remember me?” I answered

She looked around, seemingly taking in her surroundings, and then a smile crept up on her face.

“Yes, yes I do” She replied

She sat up, pulling the bed sheet with her, afraid to get out of the warm air under the blanket and into the cold air of the room. This did unfortunately pull the blanket from over me, reveal my nudity to her.

She chuckled a little bit as she saw this.

“What? I’m cold!” I said when I saw where she was looking

I have to say, my dick wasn’t in the most majestic form.

“It’s ok, don’t worry, come closer, and we can warm you up a little bit underneath here” she said as she patted the bed next to her.

I wiggled my way next to her, carefully trying not to pull the blanket off of her. I sat up and put my arm around her, drawing her in closer to me. She turned to look at me and gave me a nice long kiss.

Placing her hand on my thigh, she said “I had a nice time, last night or this morning or whenever, I hope you did as well”

I could barely hold my joy back, but I managed to squeak out, “I did too”

She moved her hand up my thigh, gazing my balls. In the meantime, my dick was no longer cold, and had restored its former glory, she went up my shaft, lightly grazing my skin along the way, chuckling a bit.

“No longer cold are we now? We’re going to have to do something about this, but not here”

The last bit surprised me a little, I wondered what she meant by this. We kissed once more, and she ran her fingers through my hair as the kiss deepened.

“My parents aren’t home this weekend, might be interested in finishing this at my place?” she whispered in my ear, pulling back from our kiss.

“In which sense of the term? I wanted to finish my night, what did you want to finish?” I sheepishly asked

“You” she simply replied “and the little thing that was cold”

She kissed me one more time, and then quickly got out of the bed and put her dress back on. I tried to stay in the moment as long as I could, admiring her from behind and noticing all the little details that she had on her back. She was quick to put the dress on, and when she turned around she sighed at me, a bit of disappointment clear on her face.

“You couldn’t resist could you?” Sophia said

“No I couldn’t, and I think that I need a bit of encouragement to get out of this wonderful bed” I answered. I had no idea where this confidence came from, but she seemed to be liking it and went along with it.

“Fine, but just a little teaser” she sighed

She bent down placing one of her hands on the bed and approached me to kiss me one more time, but at the last moment pulled back and ripped the blanket off of me. I was now fully exposed, and quite surprised, shocked at how cold the room felt, and at this sudden move of treachery from her part.

“Ha, I suppose that’ll be your motivation to get out will it?” She laughed at my astonishment.

“Yeah” defeated I answered “I deserved that”

I got up and put my clothes on, trying to hide myself as much as I could from Soph, desperate to try and retain some dignity in this charade of ours. When I finished putting on my clothes I took my phone out and checked the time, it was around 3 in the morning, so we had probably slept a couple of hours. She saw me check the time and asked what time it was. I answered her, and I told her that we would have to get a cab to her place.

“Oh, no need I live a couple of streets down from here, it’ll only be a 10-minute walk” she said

“That’s great! We should probably clean this up a little though”

“Ha, a little impatient are we?” she laughed

I got the sheets off the bed, checking it we had left any visible stains and chucked them in the hosts washing machine. He probably wouldn’t notice since he has a ton of maids that clean the house anyways. Before we made our way out of the room I gestured for her to get closer to me. When she did, I scooped her up and kissed her one last time, as she squirmed in my arms, feigning an escape. She laughed as I put her down and gently punched me on the shoulder.

We made our way out of the room, carefully closing the door and trying to make as little sound as possible. Most people were either asleep or passed out, so they didn’t seem to stir too much as we passed them, only getting a few groans from those fast asleep.

I went and found the host, who was also asleep, thanked him and told him that I was leaving. We left the apartment and went down the stairs, as we got down to the lobby, Soph grabbed my hand. We looked at each other, gave one last kiss and headed outside.As we walked the quiet streets, I started to fully grasp my situation. I was holding hands with one of the most beautiful looking people I had ever met, heading to her home to do god knows what. I let go of her hand and put my arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to me as we walked side by side. I kissed her forehead, leaning down to do so.

“I’m a bit cold you know” She suddenly said, breaking the silence that there had been since we left

I offered her my jacket, and remembering that she might have felt cold somewhere else as well, I said

“I don’t have any extra panties on me, but I can offer you something else”

“You still have to wait a little for that, baby” she laughed and gently hit me again

We continued along our way, holding hands and staying close together until we reached her home. Unlike my friend’s place, which we had just left she lived in a home. It looked quite nice from the outside, but I didn’t stay long admiring the architecture.I wondered where she had kept her keys, since she had only come to the party with her phone and I didn’t notice any pockets on her dress. I was answered when I saw her bend down and move the plant pot to the side, revealing the keys to her home. As she fumbled with the keys, I looked around turning my back to the door and losing myself in my thoughts.

I was jolted back to reality when she said “Well are you coming in?”

“Sorry, sorry!” I replied as I hoped into her home.

She closed the door and turned around, the room was dimly lit from the streetlights outside, so my eyes were adjusting to the brightness of the room when she closed the gap between us and kissed me putting her arms around my neck and drawing me down closer to her.

I jumped out of my skin when I felt something brush my leg though, and she stopped pulling back from our kiss.

“Oh haha, that’s my cat” She said, a soft purr from the culprit confirming what she said


She went to go turn on the lights and I saw her living room for the first time.”My room is down that corridor, on the left” she said as she pointed to the far corner of the room.

“Oh is it?”

We approached each other and I surprised her by lifting her off the ground and started walking towards her room. Careful not to trip on anything else and looking out from around her, as I got to her door I realized she had put her hands around my head. Gently pointing it upwards, I saw her face looking down at me.

“Is this what it feels like to be you?” I joked

She didn’t reply, a small smile on her face. I averted my eyes downwards and realized what she had wanted to do, as my eye line met her chest she pushed my face into her boobs and wiggled around. I stayed there for a couple of moments, enjoying the sensation of the satin moving with her soft breasts.

I reluctantly pulled back, wanting to get to her room as my arms were starting to tire a little. Thankfully her door was already open, and I walked right in. I set her down on her bed, instinctively going close the door, not wanting to be disturbed.

“You know no one is here right?” She chuckled

“Oh right, but there’s still that cat”

“That’s true, he can be quite the pain” she replied

I closed the door and walked to towards her bed, in the meantime Soph had gotten up, and was heading towards me.

“Pick me up, and push me against the wall again” in a tone that made me want to obey her every word

I obliged and picked her up, this time grabbing her from underneath her dress, feeling her butt on my arms. As I brought her against the wall, she leaned down and kissed me passionately. I kept her up against the wall, carefully moving my hands around her body as she tousled my hair. She moved her hands down to my waist grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head, she ran her hands on my body as I pushed her more against the wall.

She whispered into my ear, “I can feel you getting hard”

This only went to further my arousal, and I pushed my hands up her legs, bringing her dress up to her waist, and I started to feel around her thighs.

“Put me down, so I can take off your pants” speaking to me in that same tone again from earlier.

I don’t know where this side of her was coming from, but I enjoyed her taking the reins.

No sooner that I put her down she was working at my belt to get my pants down, and in her rush she pulled my underwear with it. My dick sprung out at her, lightly brushing her face, and she chuckled at this.

“Not yet” she said as she saw my disappointment at her getting up again, and moving her face away from my dick

She jumped on me and continued making out with me, and as I pushed her back against the wall I felt for the first time her pussy brush my now horizontal dick. I broke off our kissing and started to move down to her neck, placing one hand on her chest, feeling her boob through the dress. As I continued to move down I pushed her up a little and drew her dress down, revealing her breasts once again.

This time she pushed my face into them and kept them there, moving me around her chest so that I could kiss and fondle her nipples to her liking. I decided to put her down, seriously starting to get tired, and she took my hand and sat me on her bed, on the way there, letting her dress fully fall to her feet as I stepped out of my pants. Sitting next to me, she turned my face, and we kissed once more, opening our mouths to explore each other.

One of her hands snaked up my leg and reached my now erect penis, and she started stroking it, once more sending shivers of pleasure through my body. Pausing she broke off our kissing and got off the bed, sitting in front of me, and kissed my inner thigh.

She placed her hands around my balls working her mouth up towards my dick she looked up at me, and sensing my pleasure moved her face in front of the tip of my penis.Softly she breathed onto it, giving it a kiss on the tip, and going back down to lick and kiss her way up to my shaft. She was really taking her time, and I loved it, almost shivering from the anticipation, you can tell when someone loves doing something and this was one of the times.

She finally got her mouth to the top, opening her lips as she moved downwards onto my head. I felt her warmth first, feeling her mouth around my dick as she took it all in. Her tongue moving around as she started to bob her head up and down, she started to make sounds as well, slurping and moaning through my dick. I grabbed her hair, holding it up for her, and she slowed her rhythm, starting to go deeper along my shaft. Slowly working her way lower with each movement up and down my shaft.

Until she reached my base and stayed there, shaking her head around and moving her tongue around my shaft. She continued to fondle my balls as she did so. She was now moving up and down my shaft with each stroke, taking in its full length.

“I’m going to cum soon” I warned her

She didn’t stop, worried that she hadn’t heard me I repeated myself, louder this time, sounding a bit shrill as I neared my climax. She patted my leg in response and started to up her pace on my dick. Nearing ever so closer to my orgasm I started to guide her head more, pulling her up and down at a faster and faster pace.

Until I cummed.

I held her head down on my dick, unloading myself for the second time that evening, this time in her mouth, as she moaned with each rope hitting the back of her throat.I let go of her hair, and she looked at me with her mouth open, showing me all the cum that I had just left there and keeping eye contact she swallowed it. As my dick started to get flaccid again she cleaned it up, getting some of the last few drops out and swallowing them.

Soph got up off the floor and sighed, “how was that” she asked me

I struggled to answer her, but she could tell from my beaming smile the miracle work she had just performed.

She leaned down, kissed me, and I tasted the faint taste of my own cum on her lips.Moving away from me, she lay down on her back spreading her legs in a fashion that invited me to return the favor. I got up and moved down the base of her bed, crawling my way up her leg until I reached her inner thighs, bringing myself down, I kissed them gently. Taking care of massaging the opposite leg as I moved towards her clean-shaven pussy, with each step closer to it I could feel her twitch in anticipation.I gently moved up to between her legs, blowing softly over her pussy. Making her feel like I did only a few minutes before, I wanted to hear her ask me for it. I moved my hands up and pushed her thighs over my shoulders, and she pressed me into her pussy.

I had no choice but to comply, kissing her clit first, and then bringing my tongue out. I worked circles around the exterior of her pussy, before slowly bringing it into her. I tasted her juices, and moved my tongue around inside her, trying to find a position where I could start curling my tongue and properly get her to cum on my mouth.

I started a slow rhythm moving up and down her pussy, carefully flicking her clit when I got to the top and to my satisfaction she let out soft moans everytime I did so. Sensing her pleasure, I increased my rhythm against her clit, now working my tongue side to side and tasting her in my mouth.

With each flick her moans got louder, so I switched to focusing only on her clit and slipped a couple fingers inside of her, curling them as the continued with the same rhythm as my mouth.

After this she told me she was going to cum, so I slipped another finger inside her and increased my rhythm in her pussy, and keeping at her clit with my tongue. Soph started to moan louder and louder, to a point when she let out one last moan, and squeezed her legs, pushing me even more into her pussy and quivering with satisfaction.

As she got down from her orgasm, she let me go, allowing me to breathe fresh air again. We lay down next to each other, side by side and turned to face each other letting in what had just happened sink in as we admired each other.

I’m working on Part 3 of this story, which happens later on that day, and I hope you guys will enjoy it as much as the previous parts. If I continue to enjoying writing these stories I’ll write up our experiences during our summer together as well.

I do apologize for any typos or such, feel free to point them out, as this is quite a long story I might not have caught them all.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/v71klg/mf_hooking_up_with_her_at_the_last_possible


  1. Read both of your stories, really enjoy your writing style. Thanks for sharing, eager for your next post!!

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