A tomboy and her boyfriend at the beach (part 1) [mf]

M rubbed his eyes and looked out at the ocean. The water was a deep shade of indigo. White foam slid between the waves like creases on a pair of faded jeans.

He shielded his eyes from the midday sun, squinting at a figure bobbing up and down between swells. It plunged under the surface to avoid a wave.

M looked down at his torso, lifting the waistband of his briefs to check his tan line. He seemed pleased, and glanced up at the water once again.

The solitary figure had begun walking out from the waist-high surf, waves skidding past and around. From a distance, her short hair, bare chest and boyish trunks gave the impression of an effeminate male. M smiled to himself about it.

She bent down to pick up a jellyfish in a tide pool, inspecting it for a second before lobbing it back into the waves. M sat up on his towel, resting his arms on his knees in front of his chest.

She approached, smiling and squinting in the summer sun. Her nipples poked up from her flat chest, dripping like her hair.

She flopped down on the vacant towel next to him with an exaggerated sigh.


“How is it?”


She gestured for a towel. M fished one from a bag and handed it to her.

“I saw a fish.”


“Yeah, it was like…”

She motioned a long, skinny shape with her hands.

“Oh, a barracuda?”

“Yeah, that.”

He nodded.

She dried herself with the towel and turned to him.

“Did you have a good nap?”


They had the beach to themselves.

She pointed at the cooler, speaking in a funny voice.

“Gimme one of them money waters.”

He smirked, opened the lid and pulled out a glass bottle. Condensation beaded across its smooth surface. He handed it to her.

She folded the towel into a pillow and placed it down before opening the bottle and taking a long drink; M studied her throat without realizing it.

She smiled and leaned in to kiss him.

“Thank you.”

He kissed her back. Her lips were still slightly cold from the ocean.

She reclined down, propping her head up with her elbow. Her nipples had begun to go puffy in the warm air. He looked at them. She met his gaze and smirked as she held the cold bottle to one of them, making it stand at attention. He seemed amused.

“Whatcha thinking about?”

M looked at her pretty face absentmindedly and paused for a second.

“I love your hair.”

She grinned and rolled her eyes.

“I know you do.”

He reached out and ran his fingers through it at her temple. Her eyes shut as he began to gently massage her scalp, her face contented.


He leaned in, tracing her jaw with his fingertips.

“You’re salty.”

He knelt forward, extended his tongue and began gently lapping at her neck in broad strokes. She sighed in pleasure, letting her head come to rest on her extended arm.

He stroked her cheek with his outstretched thumb. She opened her eyes and kissed it.

“Stick out your tongue.”

She closed her eyelids again and opened her mouth; he began to gently explore the inside with his fingers. She sucked his fingertips affectionately.


She gently nibbled him and he withdrew his hand. Then she rolled over onto her belly, turned her head and looked up at him with a seductive expression.

“Hey, I’m gonna take a nap. Feel free to…”

She motioned at her butt with a backwards glance.

She rested her face on the makeshift pillow and shut her eyes, relaxing her body in front of him. His pulse quickened and his mouth began to water.

M’s hand slid down to her lumbar and she perked her pelvis up invitingly, her tight black Calvin trunks clinging across her cheeks as the fabric dried in the sunshine.

He positioned himself on his knees and began caressing her back and shoulders with his hand. The supple, androgynous musculature of her form fascinated him and his eyes ate up the sight greedily.

He reached over to the bag and pulled out a bottle of coconut oil, dribbling it down her spine generously. It pooled and ran into the subtle gradations of her body.

He glanced at her face; she’d already begun to doze, the corners of her mouth curved up into a sleepy smile. He felt intense lust rising in his chest; his cock was beginning to get hard in his briefs.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v5115y/a_tomboy_and_her_boyfriend_at_the_beach_part_1_mf