A New Law on Facefucking [M+F, NC, freeuse]

TW: noncon, group

“Be careful!” the text from her mother said, followed by another with a link to a news article. Sitting in the parking lot to the train station, Devyn opened the article to read something truly surprising to her.

“Following a recent string of violent public sexual assaults, the federal government has signed a controversial bill into law, establishing men’s right to use women’s mouths for sexual pleasure. The new law stipulates:

1. The right to a man to use the mouth of any woman for sexual stimulation is not to be abridged or hindered by any individual or federal, state, or local government or agency. Any such action to do so will from now on be considered an act of assault.

2. Should the man reach orgasm, the sperm is to be disposed of properly. This means the man can either ejaculate into the woman’s mouth, into a trash can, or into a toilet. If the man ejaculates in her mouth, the woman is allowed to either swallow the sperm, or spit it into a trash can or toilet. Tissues may also be used, but must also be disposed of properly. If either member does not properly dispose of the sperm, they will be charged with public indecency.

Supporters of the new policy say that it will lower rates of violent crime, while helping to keep our streets and modes of public transport clean. Opponents say that it infringes on a woman’s bodily autonomy and subjects all members of society to a disgusting display of sexual assault with no means of recourse. Opponents also say the new law will see its day in court. However, as of yet, no court has blocked the policy from being enacted.”

On finishing the article, Devyn shook her head. “That’s just the government putting on a show, nothing’s going to happen,” she shoots a text back to her mother before getting out of her car and heading into the station. A careful eye may have noticed that she didn’t pass by a single woman on her way through the station and into her train, nor did she see any on the train. To Devyn, though, this was just a sign that she was early, and not anything to be concerned about. She sat down and started scrolling through Twitter.

The new law was the center of discussion for most people on her thread. To say people were pissed would put it lightly. There were petitions, calls for resignation, whole threads about how dystopian this law was, and so on and so forth. Devyn started just scrolling past any of them that she saw, dismissing them as people being angry on Twitter as usual.

“Ahem.” Devyn looked up to see a man standing in front of her. He had one hand on the pole above her, and the other on the shaft of his exposed penis, mere inches from her face. “You mind opening your mouth, missy?” Devyn recoiled, slamming her head back against the wall of the train. “Oh, my God! Put that away! Someone call the police!”

She tried to jump up to run away, but the man put a hand on her shoulder and held her down. “The police won’t do anything. Didn’t you hear about the new law? I have a right to use your mouth like this now,” he stated, in the kind of tone you’d use to let someone know that “this store is in fact closed.” Devyn’s eyes widened as she realized she was already caught in a trap.



“Please, no.”

“I’m afraid I have to insist,” he said, leaning forward until the tip of his cock pushed against her pressed lips. His precum wet the seam between her lips as he slid his cock from side to side. “Open up. Or I will call the police, and you’ll be taken away.”

Slowly, shakily Devyn loosened her jaw, and then opened it. The man wasted no time pushing his cock all the way into her mouth and down her throat, immediately interrupting air circulation. He pulled back, then slammed forward again. Finding a rhythm, he started fucking her face. Right there. No mercy. Repeatedly interrupting her breathing, giving her just enough time between strokes to take in air.

As this awful display took place, more men slowly filled the train car, and they took notice. Many noted the lack of women in the train station. Others hadn’t particularly noticed, but now looked around to see that Devyn was the only option they had for the time being. Others reluctantly stood by, or walked into a different train car, leaving Devyn alone with all the men just waiting to use her mouth. Many of them pulled out their cocks and started stroking in anticipation. Devyn only caught glimpses of this, as her view was obstructed by the wide abdomen slamming against her face.

At one point, a couple police officers walked onto the train. Devyn hoped against hope that this would be the end of this. The man turned to them, and said, “everything alright, officers?” The two cops silently, reluctantly, nodded their heads. Neither of them looked down at Devyn, but idly looked around the train. The man turned back to Devyn and started thrusting in earnest.

After a few minutes, his pumping grew desperate. Quicker. Deeper. More grunting. Less care to not openly ram the head of his cock against the back of her throat, as if there was much care to begin with. A few moans escaped him, before finally he pulled back until just the tip of his cock remained in Devyn’s mouth. His hand gripped his shaft, and sporadically ran up and down it, and he kept moaning. Devyn closed her eyes.

Bam. A shot of cum flew out of him, and coated her tongue. Bam. Another. Then another. The man let out one long moan as his cock continued shooting, then pouring cum into Devyn’s mouth, and as his hand kept violently jerking it off, maintaining the thick, hot flow, until finally it all stopped and the man pulled out.

Devyn immediately almost spit it out onto the train floor, but made eye contact with the police officers. They gave her a look as if to say, “don’t make me have to do something neither of us want to do.” She started to look around the train car for a trash can, or maybe even someone kind enough to offer a tissue, but found nothing. She didn’t have long to look either, as another cock was rudely shoved in her face. “Open your mouth,” the man commanded, vigorously stroking his cock.

Devyn hesitated, then opened her mouth. The man almost immediately came into it, grunting with every shot of cum. Devyn almost got up after he was done, but didn’t have time before another man jumped in front of her. “Waitwaitwaitwait,” he pleaded, before shooting his load into her mouth. Then another man, then another, and another, and…

Finally, Devyn’s mouth was full to the brim with cum. Her face was pointed upwards to keep from spilling. Her eyes darted around. She started to get up, but the cum almost immediately started spilling from her mouth, so she sat back down. She threw a desperate look at the police as she used a finger to collect the spilled cum from her chin back into her mouth. They gave her a simple nod. She knew what that meant.

Slowly, she lifted her hand up to her nose, and pinched it, before she took in a big gulp of cum. It was thick, and warmed her throat. She almost gagged immediately, but pushed herself to swallow more. Then more, until it was all gone.

Then, she got up, ran to her car, and drove home.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v4tvwl/a_new_law_on_facefucking_mf_nc_freeuse


  1. Why would any man other than a fool jam his dick into an unwilling mouth?

    She could start chewing on it like jerky, sinking teeth and causing pain. She could cup your testicles on the way to slamming them between her palms. She could rip out pubic hairs.

    She could pull out a knife and cut anywhere.

    Frankly she should.

    We have enough problems with anti-abortion laws and states offering to mandate child molestation under the guise of keeping transgender teenagers out of sports.

    If this is your way of working through those thoughts, understand that it’s a major turnoff to say the least. We have enough people with junk boundaries these days.

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