My Own Reflection: Part 3

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

A month had gone by since the experiment, and we still had no explanation as to why we were connected. Almost every day we had Ryan come in, and while we used the flimsy excuse of research, the real reason was we just enjoyed it. It had been years since I had been properly fucked, and given everything that had happened, it was nice to have the sexual outlet.

I walked from my car to my apartment, carrying the bag of food the other Lena and I enjoyed. It was her day at the lab, so I took the day to just unwind. I knew she’d be home soon, and I was eager to learn if she had found anything. I pulled up a random show on Netflix and as it started the door unlocked and the other Lena came in.

“Anything?” I asked immediately.

She shook her head. “Nope.” I sighed and went back to my chinese food. She sat down next to me. “I’ve been thinking-”

“That we should give up looking?” I said, interrupting her.

She smiled and the dimples emerged. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to that.”

“It is a bit weird.”

“We never really talked about how we should address each other, you know.”

“Yeah, I know,” I said, knowing we were on the same page. “I also know that we’ll both have to go by different names, otherwise the other will eventually feel inferior, or like they might be the clone.”

“Exactly. I had two names in mind, and I’m sure it’s the same two you’re thinking.”

“Emily and Sarah.”

“Not exactly the most creative I know, but it would work. And obviously when we’re alone we’d still go by Lena.”

“Absolutely,” I said.

“Okay good,” she said, reaching for the quarter on the side table. We always had one around in case we needed to make a choice on who did what. “It’s my work day so I’ll flip. Heads I’m Sarah, tails you are.”

“Got it.”

She flipped and it landed on the couch between us. It was heads. “Well I guess that settles that, Emily.”

“I suppose it does, Sarah,” I said with a smile.

I reached for the coin at the same time she did, and our hands touched. Strangely neither one of us pulled away.

“Oh, uh…” we both started at the same time. We both felt the need to explain ourselves, but we both quickly realized that we thought the same thing.

Why should we explain ourselves when we’re both thinking the same thing. Obviously she had the same curiosity I did, so we didn’t need to try and come up with some bullshit excuse. We were both on the same page.

Maybe we were a bit vain, but we knew we were attractive women. We’d dabbled with the same sex before, why should this matter or be any different? So I just elected to think of it as just a advanced version of masturbation.

We leaned in and kissed. It was bizarre having the movements be identical, and for the first time I got to see what it felt like to kiss me. It was definitely weird, but neither of us stopped.

Our tongues intermingled, and our hands explored caressed the back of the other’s head. I tried to lean her back on the couch, but was met with the force of her trying to do the same. We stopped and smiled as our foreheads rested against each other.

“We should stop,” she said.

“We should. But we’re not going to.”

“You’re right.” She took off her shirt and I did the same. Seeing as I spent my day in public I had worn a bra, but she spent her day in the lab and wanted to be as comfortable as possible, so her chest was bare. She leaned around me and unhooked my bra and pushed me down on to the couch. “It’s my work day, so it just makes sense that I do the work tonight.”

She leaned down onto me, our tits pressed against each other, before she dived right back into making out with me. She slid a hand down my shorts and began rubbing me, and we both moaned at the same time. Instinct told me to do the same to her, but it felt redundant if we could feel what she was doing to me anyway.

“Sarah…” I whispered. “Is this wrong?”

“We already played god, so let’s have a little fun with it.”

She sat up and pulled my shorts and panties off, sliding my legs off the couch and got down on the floor to angle her face right at my pussy. She reached for my hands and we interlocked fingers as she dived right in. I felt her tongue explore in side me, going as deep as she could before turning her attention to my clit. I moaned and she did the same into me. I’d be on the other end of this soon, but I had to imagine what it would be like to explore myself in this way. But as she circled my clit, those thoughts faded instantly.

I wrapped my legs around her, as if to try and pull her face closer to me. I could feel a smile as she was already as close as she could possibly be.

“Oh fuck…” I moaned. “Don’t stop…”

I knew there was no chance in hell she would, but my mouth said the words anyway. She sped up, her tongue continuing to explore my walls. Her walls. She knew what we tasted like now, and I was eager to find out as well.

But I quivered in pleasure, and felt her twitch in the same way. We were close, and yet it only made her more eager.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…”

My body spasmed as I began cumming. She once again did the same, but tried to keep going. My legs squeezed instinctively, as she inevitably slowed down from her own pleasure. Our bodies shook as she stopped and once again screamed in pleasure.

She laid on the floor and I sank into the couch, our bare chests heaving to try and catch our breath. We laid there for minutes in silence, just enjoying the moment.

“That was incredible,” she said.

“Yeah, it fucking was.”

“Wasn’t weird for you?”

“You’re the one that just stuck your tongue into yourself, and you’re asking me that question?”

She laughed. “Not at all. In fact, I think it’s your turn.”



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