A Trip to the Tattoo Parlor [MFF]

The door buzzer chimed as Sarah entered the familiar space. This was like a 3rd or 4th home to her. Not only had Jason or Allie done several of her tattoos, but they were like minded people. She felt safe here, just like she did at home and at her boyfriends house. Looking around the place was empty for a Saturday evening. She knew that Jason and Allie did good business so to see the place deserted on a weekend was surprising to her. At the same time it meant that she didn’t have to hold back in the conversation that she had with the pair. No listening ears.

She had been talking with Allie about her next tattoo for the last several weeks, but it had been Jason who called her and essentially told her to come in this evening and quit talking about it and just get it done. Not only was his sentiment right, she needed to just go for it (there really wasn’t a money or time issue), but when someone directed her like that it was a magnetic pull to listen. She had always been that way, submissive, and she couldn’t help but wonder if Jason had used the fact that he knew this about her to his advantage. Regardless, here she was and she was happy about it.

Usually these appointments started with a discussion of the tattoo, some small talk, but Jason was already setting things up by his chair. She had discussed getting the next tattoo, a stuffie that looked like a squishmellow, on her calf muscle with Allie, and so she figured she had passed things along to Jason in preparation for the appointment. Come to think of it, where was Allie?

Before she could ask Jason spoke, “So you trust me right?”

“Yes” Sarah answered hesitantly, but directly.

“Ok, just remember you said that because I don’t quite know if this squishy thing is going to turn out the way you think it will.” Jason replied.

That was a weird comment for him to make thought Sarah. Jason was a superb artist. Not only did she already have evidence of this on her body, but the walls of the tattoo shop were covered in drawings of tattoos he had done for other people.

She sat in the chair and watched him gather the last few things before he began. Rather than reaching for her leg to begin cleaning he started cleaning the area just below her chin adjacent to her collar bone.

“Uh, I had chat with Allie about doing the tattoo on my leg, why are you…”

She jumped slightly as a voice whispered in her ear “Don’t worry Sarah, Jason is going to do some extra special work on you today. You said you trusted Him right?”

The voice was Allie’s, almost out of no where. Her breath was warm on Sarah’s neck and sent goosebumps down her body. As she spoke Allie had placed her hands on Sarah’s shoulders and slowly started to slide the scraps of her tank top and bra towards the top of her shoulders and her arms. “Why don’t we slip this top down so Jason can have a bigger area to work?”

It was as if they knew that she would follow directions. Had she told them too much? She had never kissed or played with either of them, but as the situation began to unfold she couldn’t help but admit to herself that hr pussy was starting to get wet. She slipped one arm out and then the other. Allie. Held her top up, preventing Sarah’s boobs from being exposed, but pushed it down just enough for Jason to have a larger canvas of Sarah’s skin just below her neck but above her chest.

Jason prepared the needle and leaned over Sarah, she felt the prick on her skin in an area that would be exposed even in most shirts that she would wear. Her kids would see this, her husband would see this, her boyfriend and coworkers. Everyone would. What were they tattooing on her?

“Wha?” She was about to protest but at that moment a kiss was planted firmly on her neck opposite to where Jason had begun to work. Her body betrayed her and let out a moan. The kisses trailed up her neck and began to nibble on her ear. It was Allie. This lit Sarah’s body on fire. Her mind slowed as her pussy took over her body. The feelings of the needle pricking her skin just above her chest were drowned out by the feelings of Allie’s lips on her skin.

As Jason worked Allie’s hand slid under Sarah’s top and began to massage her massive boobs. She was careful to stay out of Jason’s way. Allie pinched and pulled at Sarah’s nipples. The moans began to get louder, escaping Sarah’s mouth without much thought. They weren’t overwhelming, but the look in her eyes was almost a trance. A mix of pleasure and peace washed over her. Sarah’s own hands were migrating to between her legs and she began rubbing herself through her tight jeans.

“You can unbutton then, give Jason and I a show” Allie whispered, her lips still on Sarah’s ear. In an instant Sarah had undone her button and zipper and was slipping her jeans low. Jason placed his forearm on Sarah’s upper chest to keep her in place and so she could only push the jeans low enough to expose her pussy.

This time it was Jason who spoke. “Touch yourself. Do it like the good slave that you are.” Sarah thought about resisting, but at that moment Allie pulled her nipple hard causing pleasure to shoot through her body like lightning. Sarah opened her knees as much as she could and let her hand slip between her thighs. She could instantly feel the heat coming off her pussy, and as her fingers touched her clit she was surprised at just how wet she was. She knew in her mind she was that turned on, but she was certain that she was so wet already that her underwear and even jeans may be soaking through.

Jason spoke again while Allie moved around the chair, pulling Sarah’s boobs free of her top. Despite them being on display for the first time for the pair, Jason looked right in Sarah’s eyes as she spoke. “Tonight’s tattoos are special. They are going to be part of your identity from now on. They will define you and everyone is going to see them and know just who you are and where you stand.” The words penetrated Sarah and she knew what they meant almost without explanation. At the same moment Jason leaned up and kissed her forcefully while Allie took Sarah’s nipple into her mouth.

Sarah couldn’t help but feel the power of the moment. She had come in here just to get a simple tattoo, and was now not only being pleased by a married couple, but evidently being marked. For what she did not know, but in this moment with her fingers on her clip, a woman’s lips on her nipple, and a man’s tongue pressing against her lips wanting to explore her mouth she didn’t care. She really couldn’t care. Her mind and body were miles away from conscious thought. She should likely be thinking about what her husband would say with respect to these new tattoos, or the fact that they would even be visible at work, but she would cross those bridges later.

Jason had paused his work while kissing Sarah, probably wise given how rough he was being with his kisses. He was taking Sarah’s mouth and she was gladly giving it. Feeling their tongues dance around one another while Allie’s tongue flicked against her nipple made her moan and whole body shudder. Jason finally broke away from the kiss and looked over at his wife enjoying Sarah’s large tits. “Don’t worry baby, she will be around a lot more now and you can please her and she can please you all you want.” Sarah looked at Jason and his look was sinister. It both scared and aroused her.

Having her mouth back Sarah was finally able to speak although her words were breathy as Allie had moved from licking and sucking her nipple to biting her nipple and the skin around it. “What are you tattooing on me?” He struggled to ask.

As Jason went back to work on the tattoo, the pricks of the needle adding to the experience, his free hand traveled to between Sarah’s legs. He curled two fingers deep inside her without a seconds hesitation. “Pigs who are only here to please and are only worth what they can bring in terms of sexual pleasure don’t get to ask questions. But since you have been being such a good slut, tonight you get a pig snout and a lock and key tattooed on you.”

Despite his fingers beginning to move in and out of her and the pain that Allie’s teeth were now leaving on her tits, Sarah was finally able to process the moment. She was being branded. As the thought absorbed her mind, she thought about the ramifications. How she would have to tell all of this to her husband, how her boyfriend would see them, how everyone at work would wonder what the meaning was behind them. The thing is, she would know, and that thought pushed her into her first orgasm of the night. She was being claimed by two people she didn’t expect and she was perfectly fine with it.

She knew Jason could feel her tighten around her fingers and Allie could feel her body shudder as she climaxed, but neither relented. Her pussy was tender and sensitive post orgasm, and her erect nipples were only a larger target for Allie who had started to pinch and bite more forcefully. “Almost done” Jason said in a light but forceful voice. Almost as if it were a cue to Allie she moved from Sarah’s tits, kissing up her neck, and this time over to her mouth. The woman kissed the other with slow, deep, passionate lips. Allie’s tongue entered Sarah’s mouth just as Jason pressed rather forcefully into Sarah’s flesh. He continued to press, causing pain to mix with the pleasure shooting through Sarah’s body.

Allie wrapped Sarah’s head in her arms, breaking the kiss and whispering “It’s ok baby, Jason just has to do two round dots for the snout and then he is done.” She looked lovingly into Sarah’s eyes and continued, “you like the pain don’t you though?” She asked and Sarah moved her head up and down in acknowledgement without a pause. Allie went back to kissing her, and Jason moved a 3rd and 4th finger into Sarah’s pussy. The mixture of pressure in her cunt and pain on her skin pushed her over the edge for a second time, and a louder mix of a moan and a scream escaped her lips but was muffled by Allie’s. In the midst of the orgasm, Jason pressed in for the second dot, representing the second pig nostril. It prolonged the orgasm, the pain driving the pleasure. Allie’s weight on Sarah’s upper body and Jason’s arm on her hip kept her still despite Sarah fidgeting from the feelings her body was enduring.

The power of the orgasm and Allie’s kiss caused Sarah to slip into a trance. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the mix of plain and pleasure surging through her body. The kisses, the fingers (almost fist) in her pussy, and the needle all at work at once. In an instant though they were gone. All of the feelings removed, and her body was left there to recover. After a few deep breaths Sarah opened her eyes but realized all she could see was darkness. Moving her hand up to her face she noticed a sleeping mask had been placed over her eyes. She could hear movement. But couldn’t tell where either Allie or Jason had gone.

After a few more deep breaths and admittedly some disappointment, things began happening again. The chair was lowered to be fully flat. In the same moment someone else was pulling at her jeans and panties. She was now bottomless in the parlor. She thought about the windows at the front of the store and could only imagine the show someone might be getting if they took a peak in. The intrigue of the fact that she was mostly naked turned to shock when she heard the unmistakable sound of someone cutting her top off. “Lean up” a woman’s voice said, and she felt her bra unsnap and free her mid area from the bra that had been bunched there. Blind and naked was what she was now. Completely at the whim of the couple. She could feel the pain where the one tattoo had been freshly engraved into her skin. Sounds were now happening on her other side and she anticipated The next tattoo to begin soon.

What happened next she did not anticipate. She could feel movement over her body. Soon, the unmistakable smell of soaked pussy floated into her nose as she felt legs on either side of her. At nearly the same moment her legs were spread apart from one another by a pair of hairy legs. A woman, it had to be Allie right, Sarah thought, lowered herself onto Sarah’s mouth. She was a good submissive and knew what she was supposed to do long before a hand reached back into her long curly hair and began directing her. Her tongue licked from the base of Allie’s pussy to her clit. Each time her tongue felt the clit she pushed and Allie moaned loudly. After a few rounds of this Allie pulled her head back more, directing Sarah’s tongue to her tight asshole. There was no pause, Sarah dove right in, trying to dig in deep with her tongue. “Fuck, I’m never going to let her leave Jason. I want her as my personal slave. She would never leave between my legs. Her tongue is magic.”

Jason’s voice came to Sarah’s ears from below her. She knew he was between her legs. “She seems to already know her place, and while I can’t wait to feel her tongue, after I get done with her I may want her all for myself.” With that Sarah couldn’t help but pause her licking as a the head of a cock pushed against her opening. It ran up and down along her a few times, stopping intentionally at her clit before sliding back down her pussy. Each time the cock got just a bit deeper, helped with how overwhelmingly wet Sarah was. Finally the pressure was too much and the friction of her tight pussy broke the hold, allowing for Jason to slide fully in one motion filling Sarah. As Sarah arched her back Allie lowered herself, stifling the moans and causing all of Sarah’s mouth to fully engulf her pussy. Sarah’s tongue had no where else to go but up into Allie. “Fuck I love watching you fuck another woman.” Allie said, her voice full of joy, but also passion. She was holding back her own moans. “I’ve got work to do” was Jason’s only reply.

Sarah felt his weight shift, his bare skin and hairy chest on hers. He was still fully inside her and him leaning forward along her body only pushed him deeper. As if you instinct Sarah wrapped her legs around him, pulling him even further forward. It was in that moment that she felt the needle once more. Where the pig snout had been a few inches above her right boob, just below her neck line, this new tattoo was in a similar place above her left boob. She let out a groan into Allie who had begun riding Sarah’s face. Sarah’s makeup was smearing as a mix of Allie’s juices, the moisture from Sarah’s licks, and sweat all lubricated Allie’s rocking. From her ass hole to her click Sarah was tasting it all and loving every moment of it. She began to buck her hips ever so slightly, trying to get any movement out of Jason’s cock.

“Thankfully this one is just a few circles and not a lot of detail”. Jason moaned as Sarah tried to fuck him. His weight kept her mostly still, but she was trying in earnest to move her cunt up and down his thick and long shaft.

This continued for what felt like hours but was more mere minutes. Allie’s moans began to grow in pitch and she began to put more and more wight onto Sarah’s face. There were moments Sarah could not breath and the deep breaths she was trying to take were full of Allie’s pussy and wetness. The pain of the tattoo needle only added to the sensory overload. She had felt him trace out a few circles across her skin, but he was now onto something with a bit more detail.

All at once Allie began to scream, her pussy, which was full of Sarah’s tongue tightened and she began to squirt. Sarah opened her mouth, drinking in Allie. This led into Sarah’s own orgasm causing her pussy to tighten around Jason. A long drawn out “Fuuuuuuucccckkkk” joined the chorus of sounds. Jason dropped the tattoo gun as Sarah felt him orgasm. There was no condom to speak of so he filled her insides. It was one heck of an orgasm and he just seemed to keep spilling himself inside of her. She had never felt so fully.

For a minute every seemed to go quite. Jason had collapse on top of her, her sweaty boobs pressed into him. Allie was leaning down and Sarah could hear kissing sounds in the near silence. Sarah continued to do the only thing she could do which was lap at the juices still coming out of Allie’s pussy.

Finally Jason began to slowly pull out. “Don’t you dare let a drop of my cum leak out of you.” His tone was so forceful that Sarah knew she had to comply. “Allie, lay down by the mirror. Sarah, you will get up and sit on her face and let her drink my cum from your pussy. Go get on your knees.”

The blindfold was ripped off her face and the sudden return of light disoriented her, but she realized she was now free of the weight of both people. The disorientation didn’t last long as a hand in her hair guided but also pulled her up into a sitting position. She tried to stand, but more fell forward off the chair. Thankfully Allie was there, and she was able to situation her body over Allie’s face. The hand in her hair pulled her gaze up and she saw herself in the mirror for the first time.

She was a mess. Bite marks and bruises on her boobs from where Allie had attacked them. Her makeup was all over her face. Literally mascara and lipstick smeared from her cheeks to her chin. Jason was the one who had his hand in her hair and he was now standing over both ladies.

“Look at your tattoos.” Sarah did. A wide oval resembling a pig snout with two very distinct black spots was outlined by some very red skin. Her eyes moved over to a small lock, connected with 3 interlocking chain links to a key. “We know you are a submissive, we know you are poly, and now you are ours. You belong to us. Whenever we call, you will answer. Whenever we want you here to use as our toy you will come. It is on you to explain this to your husband. But you must tell him what these marks mean. You are nothing to us but a pig to be used, a slave to be controlled, a toy to use for our pleasures.” At that, Allie stuck her tongue deep into Sarah’s used pussy and began to drink her husbands cum from another woman’s cunt. Jason didn’t miss a beat and stuck his cock, which was already hard again against Sarah’s lips. This was it, she knew her purpose. As she opened her lips to him, and his cock hit the back of her throat she looked at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes began to fill with water as she chocked on his cock. She looked at the woman she had become over the last hour and knew she had been int already when she walked in the door. She felt used, she felt degraded, but she felt at home, and she knew that she would enjoy being anything and everything Allie and Jason needed her and wanted her to be.

What followed that night was a whole host of degrading activities. Sarah was tied up and fisted. She was peed on, spit on, multiple different instruments including a belt and paddler were used on her ass and her tits and her pussy. Her phone rang so many times as her husband and boyfriend called her trying to check in. Finally Jason made her answer and told her what to say. “I can’t come home tonight. I’m now Jason and Allie’s pet. I’ll tell you more tomorrow.” As her husband began to ask a question Jason hung up the phone and poured hot wax all over Sarah’s body.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v4e4fz/a_trip_to_the_tattoo_parlor_mff

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