i helped my step brother cum between my friends tits pt3 (fmf) (adults) a bit long but you could a bit if needed

So, a little bit about my friend Emily. We have been friends since we were little, she is your classic ‘ugly duckling’, as a youngster she was a bit of a tomboy and all through secondary school she was taller than all the girls and a bit gangly, her blonde hair was always frizzy and out off control then add to that braces and Diedre Barlow glasses and you’ll have some idea, sadly this all effected her confidence, she was (and still is) very shy, not just around guys but anybody new.

After we left school Emily and I went to college together for a year (on different courses but the same college) before I went to uni. During this year Emily started to fill out and looked much more comfortable in her own skin (still lacking confidence). she got quite friendly with another girl on her course who was very much a girly girl, I don’t remember her name, but before they met Emily was never really interested in make up or clothes or going shopping, like I said she was a bit of a tomboy. But this other girl helped her find herself.

Anyway, by the time we had left college she really was beginning to blossom in to the beautiful swan that she still struggles to see, she grew her hair out and started to see a stylist once in a blue moon, she would wear a subtle amount of make up (her skin was always beautiful with natural blush so she didn’t need much) the braces came off and she swapped between some stylish glasses and contacts instead of her rediculous milk bottle bottoms, she started wearing more feminine clothing, less jeans and hoody, more pretty skirts and fitted blouses.

So fast forward three years to yesterday and the absolute stunner that my step brother couldn’t keep his eyes off. With hind sight, I should have taken her home with me last night and let them get to know each other then, but hey ho, I now know that they both want to spend a bit of time together so that should make things much easier.

Yesterday she had explained that she got back from uni a week or so before me and had bumped into my my brother once or twice before he turned up at the pub. I should probably point out aswel that not only did Emily fill out a bit, so has my brother, before I left he was more than a bit skinny and awkward but four years of construction work for his dad since leaving school has built quite a bit of muscle,we’re not talking the Rock here, hes not overly ripped, just very nicely toned with strong shoulders and a firm stomach, he has always been a fairly good looking lad but his jaw and cheek bones seem a bit more masculine now (if that makes sense). so, just to sum it up, two very attractive but shy people, interested in each other but niether of them have made a move. Thats where I come in…

I called Emily and we arranged to meet for lunch down by the beach, so after a quick shower I dressed and went for a walk, my uni was in the midlands so being back living on the coast was a breath of fresh sea air. It was another gorgeous, sunny day with just a little breeze. After an hour or so I started to make my way to the cafe where we were meeting, walking bare foot, it was nice to feel the sand between my toes. Before long I had arrived.

Emily was already sat at a table on the deck and had ordered us both a coffee. She had gone for a more casual look today, shorts and a t-shirt with oversized sunglasses and her hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. We hugged as we greeted each other and I thought to myself ‘if my brother was a fan of my curves, hes not going to be disappointed with Emily’s’. we sat and chatted for a little while about nothing in particular, I was waiting for her to bring up the subject of my brother, which she did, eventually, she asked the basics, how was he? Did he enjoy working for his Dad? Ect, then the question I was waiting for, was he single? ‘yes’ I said with a smile.

She smiled back and asked ‘what are you smirking at?’

To which I replied ‘im pretty sure that if I was having lunch with him instead he would have asked the same thing…’ her smile broadened, flashing me a mouthful of pearly whites as I continued ‘we spoke a little last night before I went to bed’ she didn’t need to know the details ‘and lets just say hes a little interested…’ I said with a wink ‘I know his type, you fit the mold…’.

She asked ‘did he say that?’

‘not in so many words, but yes’ I replied ‘and Iv caught him watching porn once or twice…’ she looked at me shocked, but before she could reply I said ‘stop it… men watch porn, are you telling me you didn’t read 50 shades or at least a romance novel from an airport?’ she admitted that she had so I continued ‘well there you go, men watch it, we read it…’ she sat back with a ‘yeah, fair enough’ look on her face. By this time we had finished lunch so i suggested giving him a call, ask if he wants to come and meet us.

‘no no, not dressed like this!’ she exclaimed, as I grinned. ‘can we meet up later, go for a few drinks?’ she asked, I agreed ‘you’ll be there too, right? Please…’ again I agreed and sent my brother a text asking if he was busy later, when he replied asking a time, Emily’s face lit up, I can only imagine what his face looked like. She got all flustered and asked what she should wear, I just told her to show a bit of leg and a lot of cleavage and he would be putty in her hands.

We left the cafe and went our seperate ways, I went home for a nap and woke a couple hours later with my brother asking what he should wear, ugh, ‘just something that is a bit tight around your shoulders, she already fancies you…’ I told him.

‘fuck, im nervous…’ he said.

‘don’t worry about it’ I said ‘ill be there as a buffer for a while, then when your both comfortable ill leave you to it’ I reassured him ‘now, go jump in the shower and get ready.’. when he was done in the bathroom I showered and got myself ready, simple, just a little summer dress, heels and a splash of make up. I booked a taxi and went to see if my brother was ready, he was in front of the mirror fiddling with his hair, from behind he was looking pretty damn good, polo shirt that was just tight enough to accentuate his build and a pair of chino type trousers that hugged his bum nicely. ‘looking good…’ I said as he turned to face me.

‘wow, you look pretty fine yourself…’ he replied as I smiled and gave a little curtsy, I told him the taxi was on its way and I’d meet him out front. Within five minuets we were on our way to a little beach bar just outside of town.

We arrived before Emily, grabbed some drinks a found a quiet spot in the garden that looked out to sea, my brothers nervous excitement made me smile as we spoke about nothing waiting for her. I knew when she had arrived because his face broke in to a huge grin, I turned to see a beautiful sight, there was that swan, she wore a flowery little dress down to her knees with a little slit up to her thigh with a chunky belt that sat just below her boobs pulling the dress tight round her waist, with a plunging neck line to reveal the wonderful cleavage of her braless chest, stunning, she had taken my advice and it worked. I stood to give her a hug, my brother stood just because hes a gentleman and got a hug too, he silently thanked me over her shoulder.

The next few hours were easy, they didn’t need me there at all, they seemed to have plenty in common, they both enjoyed music I didn’t know, they liked alot of the same movies and both had a love of art that I hadnt known about and had already kind of made plans to visit a gallery so when I noticed my part of the conversation had shrunk considerably and they were touching hands I took that as my que to leave. As I stood I said goodbye to my brother and cheekily asked if I would see Emily later, her cheeks flushed and replied with a grin ‘if I get offered a coffee I might not be able to refuse…’

I turned to my brother and told him to offer her a coffee before hugging them both goodbye. The bar was only about a half hour walk from home so I didn’t bother with a taxi and set off. When I got home I poured a glass of wine and sat on the patio for a while feeling quite smug, I had done a good thing, although the thought had crossed my mind that I probably shouldn’t tease my brother any more and that saddened me a little, our couple of kinky encounters had been fun.

After maybe half an hour Emily and my brother came back, they were giggly and flirty and seemed very comfortable, they invited me to join them for a drink in the living room and I accepted and took a seat on the sofa opposite the one they were on, my brother had an arm wrapped around Emily while she curled up next to him stroking his leg. After ten minuets of chit chat my brother stood rather awkwardly and announced he was going to the loo, I smiled at him when I saw him trying to hide a boner. Once he had left Emily bounced over next to me with a cheeky grin on her face, ‘I felt his dick!’ she whispered ‘by accident’ she bit her lip ‘he was so hard…’ another grin.

I laughed before saying ‘well, yeah, your gorgeous, you’ve been stroking his leg for the last ten minuets…’ then I pointed my eyes to her chest ‘and he can see your nipples…’ I said with a smile of my own ‘if I had a dick it would be pretty hard too…’ she looked me in the eye for a moment before kissing me, gently at first, but when I kissed back she took my face in my hands and kissed much more deeply before suddenly pulling away.

She looked a little embarrassed ‘im so sorry!’ she continued ‘I just… I always wanted to do that, especially after the last couple of days… im not gay!’ she explained ‘I like guys, but… women just have a different touch, you know…’

I kissed her again as I ran my hand up her leg, I didn’t know, but I was learning…

‘ahh, damn it!’ my brother had come back ‘please don’t tell me you’ve turned lesbian in the time it took me to piss?…’ his face looked disappointed, but the bulge in his crotch told a different story at the sight of the two busty, tanned beauties in front of him (yes, I called myself a beauty, you gotta love yourself).

Emily jumped to her feet and went to him, hand on his chest ‘no, of course not!’ she looked back at me ‘but come on… shes not your actual sister, you can admit that shes hot?’ she lowered her head ‘shit… iv made it weird haven’t I?…’

My brother and I shared a grin and said at once ‘no!’. I asked her ‘how do you think I know hes a boob man?’ she looked back at me with a question on her face ‘this might make it a bit weird…’ I looked at my brother, he shrugged as if to say tell her, so I did ‘I let him cum between mine last night…’ her jaw dropped but her hands never left my brother ‘and this morning I gave him a hand while he was thinking of you and I together…’ she was now looking at my brother biting her lower lip ‘the thought got me a little wet this morning’ I continued ‘but after that kiss, im more than a little curious now…’

‘she gave you a wank?’ she asked my brother ‘while you were thinking about me?’ I wasn’t sure what she thought of that until a smile started to form and her hand disappeared down the front of his trousers, they kissed as Emily worked his cock. Now, you know I like to be watched but I was beginning to enjoy watching as I started to rub myself through my panties, already dripping, until my hand slipped under them and a finger then two slipped easily into my pussy.

Emily looked over at me with lust in her eyes as she watched me fingering myself, she stroked my brothers cock to the same pace while he began unbuckling her belt, after he had dropped it she raised her arms for him to peel her dress off, my fingers sped up as her thighs came into view, then her shapely yet obviously firm arse, past her flat stomach, my pace quickened as the dress came over her head and her bare, heavy, tear drop shaped breasts fell back into place with a bounce and a sway. She took a step back to reveal to my brother and I an absolute vision of curvy wonderfulness.

That was enough, I sat on the coffee table in front of them both, as Emily stripped off my brothers shirt I started on his belt and buttons as he pulled at the bow behind my neck that was holding my dress in place, as they kissed again I released his hard on and took him into my mouth, he moaned, she sighed and I bobbed. Emily sat next to me and kissed his hip and his stomach, after taking his full length one more time I released him and offered it to Emily with a grin, she took him in hand then kissed me, deeply, while my brother watched and murmured to himself. She broke off the kiss, just long enough to bring his cock between us, we smiled at each other before kissing again, this time with my brothers meat in the middle, we kissed either side of his bellend like we were kissing each other, hard and with tongues ‘ahh, fuck…’ he moaned as we gave his length the same treatment.

I left Emily cock in mouth as I stood, my untied dress fell to my waist and with a quick shimmy it was on the floor, my brother looked me up and down hungrily, Emily stood aswel and pushed him back on to the sofa without a word. He didn’t know where to look, from Emily, tall, curvy and toned, wearing just a thong, to me a little shorter with a little more around my boobs and bum, in heels, lace panties and bra and back to Emily again who turned to kiss me, she held my face as I pulled her close, our breasts squashing between us, I found her arse and pulled her closer so we each had a thigh in our crotches. This was my first time with a woman, but Emily knew what she was doing as she ground her leg between mine while she unhooked my bra, we seperated to discard it and looked over see my brother jerking off watching us both, Emily reached into my panties and got to work and it wasn’t long before I quivered, gushed and made an odd little sound, she didn’t stop, all the while biting her lower lip. I got some composure back and returned the favour, again, it didn’t take long for her to gush all over my hand as she lightly bit my shoulder.

She kissed me, smiled then dropped her thong, took two steps before straddling my brother, i wasn’t surprised at how easily he slipped in, she was as slick between her legs as I was. I watched from behind for a little while, her gorgeous arse bouncing up and down on my brothers lap, slowly at first, easing in to it, steadily building the pace until they were both grunting and moaning. I joined my brother on the sofa just as Emily hit her second climax with a heavy sigh and a giggle, as she slowed to a less frantic, comfortable pace my brother buried his face into her cleavage, rolling her nipples under his palms before kissing and sucking on them.

I leant in to him pushing my breasts against his arm and whispered in his ear ‘you want to fuck her tits, don’t you?’ his grin told me all I needed to know

Emily smiled when she whispered ‘I want you to fuck my tits…’ she was still slowly grinding in to his lap, she turned to me before she said ‘but I want to watch you fuck hers first…’

His reply was simple and made us both smile ‘fuck yeah!’

I took a seat on the coffee table again as Emily kissed my brother before joining me and running a hand up my inner thigh. He stood before us, cock dripping with Emily’s juices. He moved in closer holding the root of his dick and started rubbing his head over my nipples, leaving pre cum on each before slipping his length through my cleavage, for second time in as many days, Emily was watching eagerly, kissing my shoulder as my brothers cock peeked through at the top of each stroke. ‘I think you should take over…’ I told Emily. He gestured to the sofa with his last stroke and Emily laid there on her back her breasts looking like two beautiful little hills, he straddled her and wasted no time slipping through the valley, she squeezed her tits together for maximum friction which did the job, within a minuet he was shooting ropes of cum over Emily’s chest and throat while groaning. I came with him, sticky fingers rubbing over my sweet spot.

Emily was smiling as she held his cock, rubbing a nipple with it before taking him into her mouth, after a moment we all made a sweaty pile on the sofa, satisfied sighs and smiles all round.

Before I got too comfortable I stood, looked at them both with a smile before before saying ‘im going for a shower, see you both at breakfast?’ I asked, Emily nodded and my brother silently thanked me again. And with that I left them to it.

I showered and went to bed, before I slept I thought to myself, I did a good thing…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v444p6/i_helped_my_step_brother_cum_between_my_friends