Our Father’s Legacy [F/F] [M/F]

DISCLAIMER: Light sexy scene here for now.

=== **LOGAN** ===

We drifted apart. That’s all.

As far as I know, I have 7 siblings. We grew up together, except for one because she’s 5 hours away from us. I’m Logan, the oldest, but not by much. I’m about 6 days older than the youngest.

We stuck together, the 7 of us, through kindergarten, through elementary and through middle school. I thought we were going to stick together through high school, too, but apparently not. My twin sister, Tabitha, or Tabby as we affectionately call her, has taken an interest in cheerleading. She’s a lot like mom. Tall, leggy blonde with bright blue eyes and extremely beautiful. She has a similar body to mom, too. The youngest, Caleb, joined the football team. I say he’s the youngest but looking at him it’s not really very convincing. Caleb is tall too, about 6’2, and built like a damn lifeguard. He’s handsome, like those lifeguards too, with well chiseled jaw, short blonde hair and blue eyes. He’s like a damn model, really! Well, they’ve been hanging out with their sporty friends.

Now, there’s Luna and Mischa, or Missy. They joined the school’s Fashion Club, and just like the name says they design clothes and accessories and develop a portfolio because they want to get into fashion later. Luna is shorter, about 5’1, but just like her mother she’s gorgeous. Missy is a bit on the pale side and about 5’6, and she’s a petite girl like Luna.

Thedore and Dimitri have gotten into the school’s Newspaper club. Instead of paper, like the old days, they write for the school’s newspaper app. They’re also in charge of photos for the yearbook. Theodore is like his sister, a bit on the taller side of 5’7, while Dimitry is similar to his sister, a pale blonde, handsome guy. He’s about 6 feet even.

So where does that leave me. I don’t really like sports, and I’m not into fashion or writing for the paper. Ever since freshman year, we’ve started to drift apart. I mean, we still talk to one another when we get home, or on breaks, but most of the time they talk amongst themselves, and I’m left with no one.

We just drifted apart. It’s nobody’s fault…


When our senior year started I, once again, found no one to really connect with. I don’t know, I think my reliance on my siblings have made me socially inept in making friends. I can’t seem to connect well with anyone, so I’m left to stay silent for most of the time.

The lunch bell rang, and everyone flooded out of the room. Mr. Peterson tried to yell at us to not run on the hallway, but no one listened. Lunch is, after all, when everyone else meets up with their friends. Except for me. I usually sit on the furthest table, away from everyone, with my earbuds in my ear and music to drown out the silence.

Lunch is pretty good now. Dad told me stories about his time in school, about how he would hide Chicken Nuggets underneath the mashed potatoes so the lunch lady wouldn’t charge him for it. I’m sort of glad that they still serve nuggets and mashed potatoes for lunch, and according to the school’s menu it’s a healthier choice than the fast-food versions.

I took my usual seat, the furthest away from anyone, and sat myself down. I retrieved my earbuds, connected it to my phone, and listened to some heavy metal. The type that dad used to listen to.

Then, I felt the table shift a little forward and then settled back. I look up to find someone sitting across from me. A beautiful girl, with long brown hair and dark brown eyes. Pointed chin, and plump red lips. She’s fair, but tanned. She’s wearing a halter top with jeans that hugged her waistline. I can safely say that fashion didn’t really change much from 20 years ago, according to mom at least.

“Can I help you?” I asked. I looked around, and at least 10 other tables aren’t occupied.

“Hmm? Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you,” she said offhandedly. She has an accent, Eastern European it sounds like, and her smile immediately warmed my heart.

“No, I… umm…. it’s just… there’s other tables around,” I pointed out and she looked around and smiled then shrugged dismissively.

“So? This is a free country, yes? I can sit here, if I want to, yes?” She kind of rolled her eyes and scoffed. I couldn’t help but just look at her, and I can see her faintly smile. “What? Stop staring, *kurva*!”

“I’m not… I… My name’s Logan,” I extended a hand and she softly took it in her hands.

“Mina,” she replied as she shook my hand and smiled. “Next time, don’t be a crazy, okay?”

For the next 20 minutes we just talked. She recently moved here from the Czech Republic, which would explain the accent, and she’s having trouble making friends. She sat with me because, well, she thought she could try and see if I could be a friend to her. We didn’t have a lot in common, but she’s friendly and nice, and our talks did veer into what we did have in common.

So what did we have in common? Well, we both like rock and heavy metal music. Not the new ones, but the classics. I don’t really like the new ones because, well, the “bands” don’t really play any instrument other than their laptops. Also, it’s usually just one person. The sound of having a person on each instrument just feels more authentic than one person trying to mash them up.

We also seem to have a fondness of grilled cheese sandwiches.

It felt like we’ve only been talking for a couple of minutes, but the bell rang and soon we shuffled our way out, but we stood close to one another laughing at the absurdity of high school life.

When we realized that we’re basically walking towards the same room, we both laughed. How have I not noticed her? Was it because I wallowed in my own self-pity that I couldn’t really notice? Thankfully, there’s no assigned seat so she and I sat with one another.

Tabby is there too, and she usually sits next to me. But not today because, well, Mina sat next to me. When she got there, she was shocked to find her seat occupied. She then looked at me, looked at her, and then back to me as if to say “well?” and I just shrugged and pointed to the seat in front of me. She gave me an angry, flustered groan as she occupied the seat.

Throughout class, History by the way, Mina and I giggled quietly as we passed notes to one another discreetly. Well, not discreet enough because Tabby kept looking at us, all pissed off.

“What’s your class after this?” I asked in a hushed tone.

“Algebra, and you?”

“With Mr. Henderson?” She nodded with a smile, “holy shit, me too!” Again, how did I not notice her?

She smiled at me as she gently nudged my shoulders when we stood and walked out of class. “Walk me to class?” She asked and I nodded, looking away shyly as her eyes dawned on me. I could feel the heat from Tabby’s glare, burning into the back of my head, but I didn’t care. I shouldn’t care.

They made their friends, so why can’t I have my own? Why am I allowed to suffer in silence and unescorted, while they have a great high school experience?

When the bell rang and we left, Mina and I walked shoulder to shoulder towards our next destination.

“Who was that?” She asked, referring to their initial encounter.

“My sister,” I answered. “Don’t worry about her.”

“Your sister? Irish twins?” She wondered as she lightly brushed against me.

“Irish twins? I’m not familiar,” I answered and then she giggled a bit as her arms wrapped around mine.

“Brother and sisters that are born less than a year of each other,” she explained. Pretty soon she has my arm in an embrace and she’s leaning against me.

“Oh, we’re actual twins,” I told her and she nodded a bit and glanced back. “I have a pretty… complicated family.”

“Oh, well… me too,” she replied as she looked down.

=== ***TABBY*** ===

“Who the hell does she think she is!?”

She was in my seat. She was next to him, all lovey dovey. Who? Who is she? Who!?

“Sis, what are you talking about?“

Caleb is stretching, warming up for practice. Football season is around the corner, and as the Quarterback it’s

“Logan. He was with a girl during History and she was sitting where I usually sit. He ignored me the entire time, and then they were super close.”

I’m feeling heated. I’m feeling angry. I’m not head cheerleader or anything, but I am still part of the team. “I’m gonna talk to Paulina. Maybe she knows.”

Paulina is the head cheerleader, and she has her ears on the ground for anything girl related. She’s your typical cheerleader: happy, preppy, always smiling. She’s a really kind person.

But, she also has a masochist side. She keeps it bottled inside, waiting to erupt, and she just hasn’t found an outlet for it yet. How do I know? Well, I came upon her auto-asphyxiating. For pleasure, not for attention or anything. I walked into the bathroom, it’s one of those single bathroom with a lock, to find her choking herself against the sink.

I’ve promised to keep her secret, and she has trusted me on that. I’m not about to betray someone’s trust.


“Hey, Tabby, what brings you by? Do me a favor, could you just… mmmm…. ti-tighten that and pull on it?”

She has a leather belt strapped around her neck. I sighed and pulled it tighter against her and she let out this deep, satisfied moan. Twenty seconds passed, then twenty five seconds passed and I can hear her softly choking and croaking. Finally she tapped her hand against the sink and I quickly undid the belt.

“Oh, fuuuuck! Mmmm, that felt so good! I needed that, and It feels a lot better if someone else is doing the choking. Mmmmhhh, what brings you by again?”

She got up on shaky feet and I had to hold her steady. “Thanks, Tabby,” she said with a gentle smile as she leaned on me.

“Anytime, um look do you know anything about this brunette girl? White girl, but not American you know?”

I helped her over to the locker room bench. It’s after practice and she had just got done showering. I set her down, and she rubbed her neck a little. “Mmm, good thing bruises don’t really show up on black girls. Or a bad thing. Anyway, yeah we had a transfer from somewhere in Europe. Long, brown hair and dark, brown eyes?”

I nodded, “you got a name?“

“Mina something. She tried out for cheerleading, you know, and she didn’t make the cut.”

That clicked in my head. Maybe she’s trying to get back at the cheerleading squad? But how can getting with my brother affect the squad, and she wouldn’t go after me since I’m not the captain? Maybe she’s starting with me?

“Thanks, Pauly.”

She gave me a purr, and crawled across my lap, finally setting her belly on top of my lap. “You know my price, right?”

“Pauly, come on.” I said with a troubled sigh.

“It’s either that or $100. It’s not easy being the school snitch you know.”

She’s not really the snitch. She’s just a person someone asks if they need a bit of information. The more sensitive the information, the higher the cost. This is my first time asking her, but I know her prices.

Okay, she’s a snitch.

“Come on, please? Do it for me.”

My hand wrapped around her throat and I started to tighten it. She gave me a pleasure sigh as soon as I did, smiling widely as she laid her eyes on me. Then, my hand rose up over my head and then fell down and found her bare ass. Her towel fell, revealing her naked self, and I could smell the cocoa butter lotion she had just applied.

“Oh, fuck yes!” She moaned. She flinched and hissed after every slap across each cheek. Then, her gasps started to come. “Mommy, please let me breathe. Please, please, please,” she hissed through bated, choppy breath.

I waited until she looked at me, then I slowly eased off on the pressure around her throat. As soon as she took a sharp inhale I slapped her ass again, as hard as I could.

“Mmm, mommy harder please!”

I squeezed her throat again, and the blows on her ass didn’t let up. I felt her stomach convulse, as she started to shake a bit. She squealed in a high pitch tone as her back arched back and her stomach tightened. She started hissing as she tried to take a breath, and when she tapped my forearm I let up.

“Fuck, I… I just came. Oh, shit I just came. Thank you, whew that felt fucking amazing!”

“Yeah, yeah sure Pauly. Um… I’ll see you later, okay?“

She took the hand that struck her ass and gently licked my finger while looking me right in the eye. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow mommy.”

I gave a shudder as soon as I left the locker room. Did I just become a dom for a masochist!?

=== ***LOGAN*** ===

She got my number, and I have hers. Since we parted ways to go home, we’ve been texting one another.

“I’m bored,” she texted.

“Same,” I replied. “Wanna come over?” I was joking, well I was half-joking.

She gave me a smiley face, and I sent her my location. Mom and dad aren’t home, they’re on one of their dates. Dad really hasn’t stopped dating mom, making sure she’s we’ll taken care of. Tabby isn’t back yet either, she’ll be home in an hour or so.

She looked amazing. Short, jean shorts with the hem tattered, with a long, cotton thigh-high sock that hugged her shapely thighs. She has a gray sports bra that pressed her nice breast against one another. She has her hair tied up into a ponytail pulled through her white cap.

“Wow, your home is really nice,” she chimed in as soon as I opened the door. Our house is really spacious, and mom told me that, once upon a time, she and her friends lived here along with dad. Dad also told me that mom pretty much bought the place and also a smaller house a couple of miles away.

Mom doesn’t have to work. She built up a fairly big investment portfolio that she started when she was in her 20s. She never had to work and she focused all of her time in raising me and my sister.

“Yeah, it’s really big for a family of four,” I added. “Do you want a drink or anything?”

“No, I just wanted to come and talk,” she shrugged lightly, “show me to your room?”

This is weird. I’ve only known her today and already she wants to see my room. I lead her towards mine, the room closer to my parents, and she took in my entire room.

My room is pretty dull. White sheathes on white carpet on white walls and white drapes. My pillows are black, and so are my computer chair and desk. Frankly, my room looks like a psych ward’s room if I’m being honest.

“It feels like home,” she said as she took a deep inhale. “Yes, I can smell you in the room.”

She went and sat on my bed, bouncing on the mattress a bit and then pat the area next to her. “Come, talk to me my friend.”

Well, we talked for a good ten minute or so. She laughed at my jokes, playfully playing with her hair as she brushed against me whenever the chance presented itself.

She squeezed my arms, “you’ve got some good muscles,” she said. She ran her hand up under my sleeve, “oooh, really nice muscles.”

“I’ve been working out since I was 13,” I said, “it’s kind of one of the things me and my dad bond over.”

“I can tell. Hmm, lift up your shirt, let me see your abs.”

She herself lifts my shirt up and as soon as she saw my stomach, she squealed in delight. She ran her hand over it, feeling the bumps of my well cut abs. She then ran her hand up over my chest and I felt her warm hand against my skin

Then, her face came close to mine. Like, her lips are half an inch away from mine. “What are you doing,” I said softly, gasping from her touch softly.

“Making the first move, because you won’t.”

Then her lips went onto mine, ravishing and biting mine and I grabbed the small of her back and pressed her against me. She swung her legs over and she sat on my lap as her hand cupped the sides of my face. She took her hat off and then threw it across the room.

My hand, admittedly, is frozen stiff next to me. I guess she noticed, because the next thing I know is her guiding it up to her chest.

It’s like we’re hungry for one another, hungry for more. I can feel her grind against me. I can feel her tongue flicking and intertwining against mine. I can feel her hand guiding mine as she allows them to rest on her hip, then she reached over and lifts my shirt up and over my head.

“Aren’t we moving too fast?” I asked, breathlessly then she silenced me with her lips.

“No,” she smirked as her eyes beamed with a sort of lust filled energy. “I don’t think so. In my country, girls my age are already fucking.”

“But —“

She shoved her lips against mine and once again we kissed deeply. “I waited for this,” she said as soon as we separated.

“Waited? We’ve only been in school for a week, and we’ve only known one another for a day.”

“Summer break. I saw you on the pool. You, and your friends.”

Friends? She probably means my siblings.

“I wanted to talk to you, but you were always with them so I couldn’t. I was afraid that it was the last time I saw you. You could not imagine how happy I was when I saw you sitting there in the lunchroom.”

The pool? That was during our birthday week. We, as in the siblings, have always celebrated our birthdays together. Three days of celebration, and the pool was during the last leg of it. Everyone was there, everyone that mattered at least even Dorry’s parents and my dad hates them!

She pulled my head down to her chest, and I could smell her. That sweet, vanilla scent that infiltrated my head and I started kissing her cleavage, trying to get as much of her flesh into my mouth. My hands started moving on their own, massaging and squeezing her ass and my fingertips started to glide into the sleeve of her shorts.


Frightfully, Mina and I looked towards the door to find Tabby glaring right at us. She’s leaning against the frame, eyes glaring and her brows furrowed. She’s still in her cheerleading outfit, with grass stains on her sock and her knees red from kneeling.

I hear Mina click her tongue, frustratingly, as she swung her leg up and plopped herself next to me.

“Mom and dad wants to talk,” she said flatly, “and I think your *friend* should leave.”

I cleared my throat and Mina did the same. She fixed her hair, patted herself down and gave me a kiss. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow,” she whispered alluringly. Mina went and left, but not before an uncomfortable standoff between the two at the door with Mina trying to get through and Tabby not wanting to move while taking up as much space in the door before conceding.

I picked my shirt up, noticing the cap that she threw over, and slid my shirt back on. “They’re home?” I asked her flatly.

“Yup,” she popped her lips.

“What was that?” I asked and she rolled her eyes as she turned her back to me and groaned in annoyance.

“What was what? Me interrupting you and your little girlfriend?”

“You’ve been pretty bitchy ever since history. Are you jealous or something!?”

She groaned in frustration and annoyance again, then her tone shifted to sarcasm, “oh yeah, I’m clearly jealous. No, Logan, I’m just looking out for you, okay?”

“I don’t need you to look out for me, Tabby. I don’t need anyone to look out for me, okay? So just keep your nose out of my business.”

She gasped in shock. “Logan, what the hell is wrong with you? You’ve been a moody asshole for some time now!”

I wanted to tell her that I’ve been lonely ever since we started high school. I told her how I’ve had asshole asking me for her number because they wanted to ask her out. I wanted to tell her that I’ve been hearing rumors of Tabby’s “loser brother”.

I wanted to tell her that Mina has been the only one in school who has willingly talked to me. But I just kept my mouth shut.

I walked past her, recomposed myself, and made my way to the living room.

“Hey, kiddo! How was school?”

Mom is still as beautiful as ever. Despite being in her 40’s, she could easily be confused for decades younger. My dad has spots of gray amongst the brown reeds of his hair. Mom used to say that dad used to be thin, but now he’s jacked up and his shirt is straining to contain him. He’s jacked but not huge like a weight lifter. He has thick arms and forearms, and wide chest. They’ve been together for 20 or so years and are very much in love with one another.

“School was fun,” I answered as I sat myself next to mom. She pulled me in and started to play with my hair.

“You have your father’s hair,” she said as she kissed my forehead, “and I love playing with his hair.”

“Bella, you’ve never once played with my hair,” dad said from the kitchen.

“I could if I want to!” She yelled back, “in fact, I’m gonna play with your fucking hair when we’re in bed! Okay!?”

“Okay, jeez. Anyway, Logan you want some dinner?” Dad called out from the kitchen.

“Just a fruit smoothie,” I replied, “and with some protein powder in there too.”

The whirring of blades soon came into our ears, and mom turned to look at me. “So, you wanna tell me about… y’know.”

“About what, mom?” I asked, slowly turning to face her to find her wearing a smirk.

“Come on. I’m not an idiot, kiddo. There’s only one reason why a girl comes over a boy’s place.”

She pumped her eyebrows at me, still wearing that smirk. “I don’t follow, mom.”

“Come on,” she repeated.

“I still —“

“Sex! Come on, Logan, I know you’re not as naive as you’re presenting yourself as, okay? Well, so how was it?”

“I… I don’t… um…”

“You didn’t…? You didn’t….” She looked back and took a deep inhale, “Chris! Get over here!”

Dad walked swiftly over, carrying a smoothie for me, “what’s up, what’s with the yelling?”

“Our son dropped the ball,” she kinda shook her head a bit, “he dropped the ball!”

“What? What happened?”


“Babe, what do you mean by dropping the ball? Elaborate?”

Mom kind of just glared at him. “He dropped the ball,” she reiterated through clenched teeth.

“What? I still don’t — oh. Oh, the ball? Really?”

“Mom, you don’t have to. Why is this happening!?”

“Kiddo, you know that you can talk to us about everything, right?” Dad said as he took the seat next to me. “I mean everything. Girl trouble, guy… trouble, everything!”

“I am not having guy trouble!”

“Oh, so it’s girl trouble. Cool, cool, cool, cool,” dad clicked his tongue, partially relieved that I’m not a homosexual.

“Why is everyone taking an interest in me today? Why? Just leave me alone, please!”

With that, I took off but not before hearing my mom reiterate the “dropping the ball” analogy. I passed by Tabby, leaning against the doorframe to her room with her arms crossed over her chest, and slammed the door as I went into my room.

=== ***TABBY*** ===

“He’s been… off.”

I usually don’t call in the others, but I needed their advice on this. Luna and Theo, Missy and Dimitri, Caleb and we got Dorry on a video call since she lives so far away.

“Who? Big bro?” Caleb asked.


“Is he? I mean… is he really?” Missy asked, a little uneasy.

“I mean, I didn’t notice anything. But, I guess he doesn’t hang out with us as much as he used to,” Theo pointed out.

“Yup. We used to be inseparable. We were our own friends! We had one another! But when we got into high school, we just…” Luna clarified further.

“Drifted apart,” Caleb finished Luna’s hanging statement. “Big bro kept drifting and drifting until he was too far away from us. I mean, Theo and Dimitri are in the newspaper app club. Luna and Missy have one another in the fashion club. Tabby and I are in football and cheerleading.”

“But what does big bro have? Have you guys noticed him talking with anyone? Has he made any friends?” Dorry queried from the screen call.

A series of “No” echoed amongst the brigades. “Does he even have any friend? Any at all?” She asked, clearly prying for more information.

Another series of soft “No’s” came from their mouths, but I was silent. Big bro was the one who held us together when we were kids. He was the one who resolved our problems, talked to our parents, mediated when we got into petty, childhood squabbles. He was our leader, our beacon, and our big bro.

But where were we when our guardian needed us? Where were we when our fearless leader suffered in silence? We were nowhere, while he sunk deeper into a hole, unable to fight his way out. We just let the riptides carry him out into the ocean while we stayed on the shore.

Usually, Logan is the one to call a brigade meeting. When we were young, it was a discussion of what snack to get with our allowance or what movie to watch with dad. Then, it was who’s turn is it to host the next family gathering and what should we prepare. He was always the head of these meetings, taking everything into consideration and giving us his impartial opinion.

“I noticed that he dressed differently now. Remember how he used to wear like colorful clothes? I noticed that he only wears black and grays now,” Missy pointed out his outfit after digging deeper into her memories.

“He… he also stopped smiling. And when we’re together, he always has his earbuds on, and he feels so far away. He’s not as engaged with us as he used to be,” Dimitri added as his face fell as he fought back tears.

“So what do we do? Guys, we’re going to lose him, and we can’t force him because that might just push him further away,” Luna voiced her concern, almost tearfully so.

“Well, he did make a friend today but I don’t like her. I honestly don’t,” I announced, and for a moment everyone felt happy and had hope. But when they got a look at me, it all vanished.

“Why?” Caleb asked.

“I just don’t like her,” I reiterated.

~ End of Chapter 1 ~

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v3y2jr/our_fathers_legacy_ff_mf


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