The time I [M] fucked my 18yo best friend [F] (Part 1)

Back when I was 26, I randomly met this girl at a coffee shop (lets call her Aaliyah). As im sitting there with my friends, we locked eyes from a distance and she immediately had my attention. She was petite, with light brown skin and a contagious smile. She walks up to our and introduces herself. My friends and I share a bit of banter and small talk with her and eventually, we exchange numbers and part ways.

After a few days, I decide to invite her out for coffee so we can get to know each other. She accepts the invite and within a few hours, we’re hanging out for the first time.

As we exchange stories, I cant help but to notice her sweet, giggly and upbeat personality. (A pleasant change from all the negative Nellys in the world). That, mixed with her amazing smile and shoulder length braids, made me feel some type of way, like a subtle lust.

The conversation is going great until she drops a bomb on me. She just turned 18 a month ago. Now while a lot of guys are gonna say its not an issue, and R Kelly said “age is nothing but a number”, my mind was pushing me to take the moral high ground. Since i dont have an issue with having platonic female friends, I decide to play it off and set my mind into friend mode. Eventually our “friend-date” comes to and end but we keep in contact, texting almost every day.

Days turn into nights and we’re still texting. Now, we all know what kind of topics come up at night. We share all of each others deepest secrets and fantasies; turn ons and turn offs. After all, isnt that what friends do? I try to play it cool through text, but little does she know, my male brain is going like a freight train thinking about her.

At this point, we’re hanging out multiple times a week. What can a 26 and 18yo have in common you say? Apparently enough to become best friends.

We end up going for a late night drive; once again sharing our inner demons and talking the night away. She was wearing skin tight jeans with rips in them that exposed her smooth brown thighs, and a loose black tshirt. I couldnt help but stare. I playfully rub the back of my hand on her thigh to feel the fuzzy edges of the jean rips. She immediately gets quiet and squeezes her legs together. I ask her if shes ok and she nervously giggles and says shes good. Again i ask, “are you sure? I hope i didnt make you uncomfortable”. She sheepishly replies “I kinda liked it”. Without thinking, I decide to grab her inner thigh. I look at her and see a flushed look on her face. She starts breathing hard and bitting her lip. The sweet, innocent look in her eyes was gone. All i could see is pure lust.

(Part 2 coming up!)



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