Clouds in the Sky Ch. 4

With my appetite temporarily sated I returned to work, as I had no intention of staying past 6pm. An employee named Kaite was throwing a party at her house, well her parents house, and typically her events were always a blast. The house was large and the areas well sectioned off, you could spend time in the pool, the jacuzzi, the billiards room, or anywhere else in the house and have a good time. I personally preferred the pool or jacuzzi area since there was no loud music and as a result it was easier to have a conversation. As a bonus Kaite was a very attractive women, and the fact that she was a self described staunch lesbian, only made her more alluring to me, although I’ve found her self-identified orientation, a bit more murky do to a past experience we shared.

It began with Kaite catching Amy and I having sex in the jacuzzi. In my eyes a strict lesbian would have walk away but she did the opposite. She came closer and eventually sat next to us, watching us with great interest. Amy was sitting with her butt hanging off the edge of the jacuzzi, while I was standing in between her legs, sliding my member roughly in and out of her. Kaite sat there, not saying a word, until I deposited my load inside of Amy’s warm orifice. She got up, and said, “Well that was hot,” and walked away to rejoin the other party guests, leaving us to our post orgasmic bliss. However, that was not the end of it.

Later that night I noticed that Amy and Kaite were missing. As I explored the house, I heard a soft moan coming from the garage. I peek through the door and saw Kaite on her knees, her head between Amy’s legs feasting. Amy’s eyes were closed, legs spread as wide as possible, while standing, allowing Kaite’s seeking tongue the most access to her depths. Kaite’s shapely ass was pointed directly toward the door I was watching from, and its movements kept my attention for several minutes, when something dawned on me. Less than an hour ago I had fucked Amy, and in all likelihood she had not had time to clean up afterwards.

The debauchery of the scene before me, had me on the edge of coming in my swim trunks. Here was a lesbian, who by all accounts had never even kissed a man, on her knees feasting on the pussy of another women, which in all likelihood was still full with my semen, and moaning while doing so. Amy placed her hand on top of Kaites head, intertwining her fingers in her hair, holding her head firmly between her legs. In response I watched as Kaite, slipped her hand between her legs and furiously began to masturbate as Amy began to hump herself against her face. Her eyes briefly opened and met mine before closing to absorbed in the experience to care who was watching her.

I pushed the door open enough for me to pass, and slowly walked up to them. Kaite briefly attempted to pull back but Amy kept her firmly pressed against her sex. I smiled at her and reached over and began to tweak Amy’s nipples. Her moans intensified and her movements became more erratic. I kneeled next to Kaite’s head and watched her tongue at work. She had Amy’s clit in her mouth and was giving it a tongue lashing like I’ve never witnessed before. My eyes traced down her body and I immediately noticed the white blobs against her skin. My suspicion had now been confirmed, Kaite had been eating my cum from Amy’s pussy, and by the amount still resting on her chin and chest, she had done so knowingly. My thoughts were interrupted by a soft moan from Amy’s lips as she flooded Kaite mouth with our combined juices, Kaite began to moan also and I watched as her hips trembled under her own handiwork, as she lap it up.

“Well that was hot,” I said , mirroring her words from earlier in the night, before walking off. Truthfully I wanted to try and fuck her pussy, breed her, and have Amy lick her clean, however this was there situation and I wanted to respect it, plus no matter what she had just done, she was still a lesbian. As often as she had parties I’m certain this scenario would repeat itself at some point anyways. That was my motivation for not only me leaving on time, but also everyone else. That way everyone would be well rested for tonight’s festivities.
