A night to remember Part 4 [MMFFF]

Part 3:

A night to remember Part 3 [MMFFF] from eroticliterature

I led her out into the living room, my hand still on her throat, a finger deep inside of her pussy. She shook slightly, though if it was out of fear or excitement, I couldn’t say. Probably a mix of both. I positioned her between the two women, and brought her to the ground. She turned and sat back, looking up at me. Her cheeks were flushed slightly, her lips parted. I nodded at Alex, and he undid the gag’s on the two girls. Lisa worked her tongue for a minute, then spoke. “How’d you get out?” She asked, tugging on her own restraints. “Trade secret,” I replied, not taking my eyes from Tricia. My cock stood erect, pointing at her. “Alex.” I said, and he leaned down, biting into the exposed portion of her chest hard. She yelped, jumping a bit, then flushed, remembering the rules the girls had laid out for us.

“Thanks bud. Why don’t you take care of that top too.” I said casually, and he started unlacing the strings. I looked down at Tricia again, thinking. “Now what to do with you dearest.” I muttered softly, and her cheeks flushed again. I glanced up, and noticed the double ended dildo sitting on the loveseat. I smiled. “I’ll be back.” I said, standing over her. “If you move, that dildo you and Julia were enjoying so much is going in your ass.” She flushed scarlet, thinking of the width of the toy in her ass, and nodded slightly.

I stepped away, and walked down the hallway. I opened the hall closet, and took out a few towels, closing the door behind me. I walked back into the living room to see Alex tug the corset away from Lisa’s chest, exposing her generous breasts again. “Go suck on her tits Tricia.” I said casually, and she blushed slightly, but complied, scooting over and leaning down, taking a nipple into her mouth. I knelt between Julia and Lisa, and unfolded two small, brown towels. I slid one under Julia’s ass, and the other under Lisa’s. Alex eyed me, but I grinned at him, and motioned to the kitchen. I started to leave, and turned to look at Tricia. “If your lips leave those tits, i’ll be very upset with you.” I said, and she nodded lightly. I stepped into the kitchen and spoke quietly to Alex. “Whisper senselessly.” I muttered to him, and continued to make nonsense words in a quiet voice. He did the same when i stopped, and I snuck to the other exit of the kitchen and glanced over the loveseat. As I thought, Tricia had her lips on Lisa’s breast still, but her hands were trying to undo the binding on her wrist.

I stepped out of the kitchen and she jumped lightly, then flushed. I shook my head at her, and motioned for her to come closer. She stood and walked around the loveseat, and into the kitchen. I reached over the love seat and picked up the double dildo, and the small vibrator she’d planned to put into me. She flushed again, but didn’t say anything. “Bend over.” I said quietly, and she did, resting her arms on the counter. I walked behind her and slid the double dildo into her pussy, pushing it as far as it could go. She moaned at the feeling, and once it was in well, only 4 or 5 inches remained. I slid the small vibrator into her ass, and turned back to Alex. “I have an idea of what to do with those two.” I said quietly, reaching behind myself to the vibrator and turning it on all the way. Tricia cried out at the sensation, moaning, her hips moving in a senseless rhythm. I opened the freezer, and took out two popsicles, still in their package. Alex grinned, and took one.

I turned to Tricia, and gripped the dildo in one hand. I reached around her and straightened her, keeping the dildo in with my hand. She moaned, but I leaned against her back and made her walk out of the kitchen, turning off the light. She walked awkwardly, the two toys inside of her making it difficult to move. I stopped her between the girls, and slid the dildo out of her, glancing at the wetness of it. I set the dildo aside, and motioned for her to sit. She looked like the was going to ask about the vibrator in her ass, but I eyed her, and she complied, awkwardly working to a sitting position, being mindful of the toy still vibrating in her.

I knelt beside Julia, and she eyed me and i began to unwrap the popsicle. I licked it a few times, tasting the flavor and getting the small amount of frost off of it, before I moved it forward and lightly rubbed it across a nipple. Julia’s lips parted slightly, but she didn’t moan. I smiled, and rubbed the popsicle over her breast, wettening it with mulitcolored juices. I leaned forward and licked a small puddle, before returning the popsicle to my mouth. I sucked on it a bit, getting my mouth cold, before leaning forward and slowly running my tongue over her clit. She did moan at that, and her thigh’s tightened a little. I smiled again, and glanced at Alex. He had the popsicle in Lisa’s mouth, making her suck on it. I watched as he pulled it from her mouth and slid it down between her legs, moving himself up to slide his cock into her mouth. I grinned, and did the same, pushing the treat lightly into Julia’s mouth, before moving it down to rub on her clit, and positioning myself to slide my cock into her mouth. She moaned, but sucked me, her tongue lashing out over my head. I moaned lightly, then pulled away. I glanced at Tricia. She watched both parties playing, and i could almost see her pleading. Her legs quaked occasionally from the vibrator still running inside of her, and her breathing had quickened.

I met Alex’s eyes, and flicked them to Tricia. He nodded, and slid the popsicle into Lisa’s pussy. She gasped, and moaned quietly. He pushed it in, and held it there, glancing at me. I slid mine into Julia, and she cried out, her breathing quickening. “Let’s play a game ladies.” I said, glancing from Lisa to Julia. They both stared at me, breathing quickly. “First one to lose their popsicle loses. And get’s punished.” I said, smiling, then we released our holds on the treats. They stayed in, though I could see Julia’s shaking as she quivered. I moved to stand before Tricia, and Alex joined me. She stared up at us, though her eyes moved occasionally to take in our cocks. I grinned at her, and motioned to my erection. She quickly went to her knees, and in a smooth move, slid me into her mouth. She sucked and licked fervently, her excitement evident. Alex leanded closer, his cock brushing against her cheek. She slid from my cock to take him into her mouth, her hand coming up to pump my cock while she worked Alex.

I groaned lightly, watching her. She swapped between cocks after a few seconds, pumping both of us. I watched her, but kept my eyes on Julia. Her breathing had quickened further, and her legs shook, the coldness of the popsicle pushing her towards the edge. When Tricia started sucking Alex’s cock, I slid away from her, and reached down, pulling the vibrator from her ass. She moaned as I did, but sagged a bit in relief when I took it out of her. I turned it off, and laid down behind her on the floor, between the two girls. Alex pulled his cock from Tricia’s mouth, and motioned to me. She turned, and eyed my position, her eyes flushed with excitement. She crawled forward, sliding up onto me, and in a smooth motion, slid down onto my cock.

Silken sensation shot through me, and I groaned loudly. She moaned as well, and began to slide up and down on my cock. I wrapped my arms around her, and pulled her in tight. “Not quite that easy baby. You’re being punished, remember.” She eyes met mine questioninly, but widened when Alex pushed his cock against her asshole. She stiffened slightly, but I pulled her into a kiss, my tongue lashing out to flick across hers. She moaned and sank into the kiss, her body relaxing. I felt Alex’s cock through the thin skin in Tricia’s pussy, and she moaned deeply when he slowly slid his length into her. Her breathing quickened, and she moaned deeper as he slowly began to work in and out of her. I matched his rhythm, and we began to fuck her. Julia started to moan louder, and I glanced over to see her shaking. I debating torturing her some more, but decided against it. My left hand snaked to her crotch, and I fingered her clit, pushing her over the edge. She came, her eyes watching Alex and I double penetrate her best friend. She shook violently, her whole body shivering in sensation. I continued to slide in and out of Tricia as I idly pulled the almost gone popsicle from her pussy, dropping it onto the towel, and turned my attention back to Tricia.

She had started to shake as well, her body trying to arch against Alex. I began to pound into her harder, and Alex matched my pace. Tricia screamed, her body rushing to climax. I felt her pussy wetten immediately as she came, her face burying into my neck, her cries of pleasure sweet in my ear. We slid in and out of her a few more times, before stopping to let her catch her breath. She gasped for air, her body shaking, and she couldn’t hold her weight up anymore. I let Alex slide from her ass first, before I slid from her pussy. I kissed her lightly, and she returned it, if rather feebly. Her eyelids were heavy, and as i slid out from under her, she melted to the floor and stayed still, breathing heavily.

I glanced at Julia, and her eyes were also closed, still breathing hard, the look on her face one of pure bliss. I smiled, then glanced at Lisa. She was breathing deeply, her cheeks flushed, both from the popsicle and from watch what just happened. I eyed Alex, and we moved towards her simultaniously. Her breathing quickened, but her hips moved in a sensual motion. Alex pulled what was left of the popsicle from her, then leaned down and began to lick the juices flowing from her pussy. I knelt beside her head, and leaned my cock forward, sliding it into her mouth, my hand moving to fondle one of her breasts. She moaned lightly, but sucked me eagerly, her tongue moving in small circles as it went in and out of her mouth. She gasped suddenly, and I looked to see Alex sliding his cock into her, rubbing her clit with a thumb. I grinned, and pinched her nipple slightly. She moaned again.

I thought of how to do her, and my eyes fell on the loveseat. I nodded towards it to Alex, and he nodded back. I pulled my cock from her mouth, and quickly undid her restraints while Alex moved inside of her. He wrapped his arms around her, and lifted her up, his cock still inside of her. She moaned, but continued to move against him, sliding her hands around his neck. He moved to the love seat, and turned, sitting down, pushing his cock even deeper into her. She moaned again, but began to ride up and down on her. Her ass was exposed, and I smiled. I picked up the small bottle of lube and rubbed some on my cock, before sliding up behind her. Alex paused for a moment, and she cried out lightly as I slid my cock into her. It was looser than I expected.
I imagine they did anal often, and it wasn’t long before I was thrusting in and out of her in rhythm with Alex.

We fucked her, our three bodies moving as one. I could feel myself getting closer, but I held out, slowing my pace a bit to manage my orgasm. After the rings, I knew I was going to cum a huge amount, and had plans for it. I slid deeper into her as she began to shake lightly, and Alex matched me. I could feel his cock through the thin skin between the pussy and ass, and somehow that excited me, and a fresh wave of sensation threatened to make me cum. I held out, and as she started to moan louder, Alex and I pushed ourselves as deep into her as we could, and that was all she could take. She screamed in orgasm, her body jerking as she tried to deal with the overwhelming sensation. We continued to move inside of her while she climaxed, and it stretched out the orgasm even longer. We slowed after a moment to let her wind down, and eventually stopped. I slid my cock from her ass, and Alex lifted her again, gently bringing her to the floor. She sprawled out bonelessly, her breathing hard and ragged, her eyes closed in bliss.

I glanced at Tricia to see her still laying on the floor, but her eyes open, watching us. She smiled sleepily at me, arousal still in her eyes, but exhaustion keeping her from doing anything at the moment. I glanced at Julia, and she was also watching us, though her eyes held a mixture of arousal and fear. I knew she was worried about being penetrated like that, I nodded towards the loveseat at Alex. He sat down, and I left to the bathroom to clean myself quickly. When I returned, I knelt beside Julia, releasing her retraints one by one. She eyed me, and I leaned in slowly to kiss her. Our tongues lashed together for a moment, and her hand rested gently on my cock, slowly stroking it. I broke the kiss and look at her, cheeks slightly flushed, her pupils dialated. “We don’t have to do that with you.” I said quietly, gently. “Unless you want to.”

She flushed again, and spoke quietly. “I’ve never even been done in the ass before.”

I smiled, and nodded. “Lets try this. Just you and me, and we’ll try it. If you like it, and get into it, then we’ll add in Alex.

She thought for a moment, then nodded slowly. I smiled at her, and kissed her gently again. I moved down, and leaned into her pussy, licking the remaining juices from the popsicle and working her clit. My eyes wandered to Alex, who was sitting on the love seat. Tricia had sat up, and was sitting to the side of him, her hand lightly stroking his cock. I brought my hand down, and slid a finger into her pussy. She moaned lightly, but otherwise watched me work on her. I took the wet finger and slid it slowly, gently into her ass. She tightened slightly, but I kept my finger still until she unclenched, and I worked it in further. My other hand worked a finger into her pussy, and I began to slowly finger both holes as I sucked on her clit.

She moaned, breathing hard at the feeling. I began to work up the speed on the finger in her ass, until I was sliding in and out almost freely. I saw motion, and looked to see Alex toss the small bottle of lube to the carpet, next to me. I took my finger slowly from her ass, and worked a bit of lubricant onto it, gliding it around her hole, before sliding back into her. She liked that, and gasped as i worked it faster. Once she was loose enough, I worked a second finger into her ass. She tensed again at first, but after a moment, I was able to get it in as well, and began to finger her with two. Her head tilted back, breathing heavily. I worked her for a time, my tongue always moving on her clit to give her pleasure as her asshole stretched. When she opened her eyes and met mine, I knew she was ready.

I lifted myself from her, pouring a bit of lube into my hand to cover my cock. I eased against her back entrance, and slowly slid myself into her. She moaned, her hands clenching the carpet in anticipation of pain, but she uncleanched her hands after a moment when I worked inside of her. She groaned in pleasure as I stated to slide in and out of her, slowly at first, to get her used to the feeling, but faster as she started to respond agreeably with it. “Oh god…” She managed to get out between breathes. I pumped into her for a bit, before I felt myself getting close again. I groaned, and slowed my pace. Her eyes opened, and she met mine. I flicked my eyes at Alex, and unspoken question. She thought for a moment, then nodded, her eyes blazing.

I slid myself from her ass, and stood. I went to the couch, and sat, my cock standing erect. Julia followed me, questioning. I took her hand, and guided her on top of me, turning her back to face me. She stepped onto the couch, and slowly lowered herself down, until the tip of my cock touched her ass. She took a deep breath, then slid further, pushing herself down onto me. Once I was in, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her back. Alex stood and moved forward. I felt Julia’s ass tense against my cock, but she moaned lightly as Alex rubbed her clit with his cock. He slowly eased himself into her, and she cried out when he penetrated her. As he worked his way in, her hands wrapped around his back, and I heard him hiss. I imagine she scratched him. He began to pump into her, and she moaned again, her hips moving with him.

We found a steady pace, and we started to fuck her. She’d never had these sensations before, I knew, and it didn’t take more than a minute for her to start shaking, moaning heavily. I struggled to hold back my raising orgasm as I slid in and out of her ass, and was grateful when I felt her tense, building to climax. Like we did with Lisa, we both pushed ourselves into her as far as we could, and she let our a piecing scream, loud enough to hurt my ears. Her whole body jerked violently, and we didn’t try to pump into her a few extra times. She came viciously, still screaming in pleasure. It took her a few seconds to wind down, and she collapsed against my chest, her whole weight against me. Her breathing was ragged, and she gasped rapidly, every movement of Alex or I causing her to twitch.

Alex slowly eased out of her, causing her to moan in post sex sensitivity. I lifted her off my cock carefully, and she actually hissed in pain at one point, the sensitivity too much. When we were finally out of her, I leaned in and gently kissed her.

“How was it?” I asked, and she smiled at me sleepily.

“God…” Was all she could get out between breaths, and I grinned. I turned to see Lisa and Tricia coming towards us, going around to sit on the couch, whispering to Julia. Alex and I moved to the bathroom to clean ourselves quickly, and returned. My cock hurt, wanting so badly for release. Tricia motioned us over to the couch, and we stood before them. Tricia took me in her mouth, sucking my cock eagerly, Lisa doing the same to Alex. Julia could hardly move, and sat watching. It didn’t take long for the feeling of orgasm to return, and I started to breath heavily. My breathing set Alex off as well, his breathing matching mine. When I felt myself getting close, I took my cock from Tricia’s mouth, pumping it with my hand. Alex did the same, and the two girls leaned back into the couch, spreading their legs, fingers idly playing with their clits. Julia joined in after a moment. The three girls leaned close together as they each played with their pussies, and I came. Pure sensation blinded me for a moment as I orgasmed, my legs almost giving out. Cum shot from my cock violently, more than I’d ever released before. I pumped my cock as it kept coming, bursting out of me fervently, Alex in similar straights. We covered the girls in cum, all over their faces, chests, bellies, legs, and spread pussies. They each moaned in pleasure at the feeling, and after a moment, my cock finally drooped, my balls aching. I collapsed to the floor, my legs not able to handle my weight any more, and Alex followed me. We sat on the floor, looking up at the girls.

It seemed not that a single piece of skin above their knees wasn’t covered in our mixed juices. The girls giggled as they wiped fingers over each other, licking cum lightly from each other. It dripped off of them in waves, and I felt grateful we had a couch cover. I sighed, flopping onto my back, my eyes heavy. Alex did the same, our breathing ragged. The girls stood after a moment, and moved back to the bathroom. I dozed for a time, until I woke to feel Tricia curl up on my right side, nuzzling into my neck. I heard Lisa do the same to Alex on her left side, and Julia settled between us, pulling a large blanket over us. I sighed in bliss, and kissed my wife on the forehead.

This was one hell of a night.

A night to remember.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/6w1pxs/a_night_to_remember_part_4_mmfff