[M] [30]. Confession. I want to fuck the trashy homeless girl

There’s a girl around where I work. She stands on the corners and intersections begging for money but I know for a fact she’s selling pussy too. Got to be in her late 20’s. She’s short but has long legs and a great tan body. She always wears as little clothes as she can to get noticed and it damn sure works,but she has a busted face. But for some reason I can’t help but want to take her somewhere hidden and fuck the shit out her. I know the pussy is probably either terrible or will end up making my dick fall off but I can’t help but fantasize about fucking her. Just using her as a cum dump

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/v2ud2m/m_30_confession_i_want_to_fuck_the_trashy