Cheating With and “R*ping” My Married Coworker [MF] Part 1

One of the married girls on my team would constantly complain about her husband always being away at work. She worked from home because of the pandemic. He worked a traveling sales job and was constantly gone for a few days at a time. When he returned home, he would always say he was tired, or wanted to go out golfing with his buddies, or anything else. His plans hardly involved her.

I always heard all these stories because we worked similar hours and our jobs allowed us to talk whenever. After a while, I started getting annoyed with her constant complaining. I loved her as a coworker, but it was the same thing every time. I would usually try to listen and give advise when she asked, but I didn’t care anymore.

She called me through our work computers and started to vent again. Fuck. I don’t get paid for this.

After her venting session, I joked around and told her she needed to get laid. She laughed it off, but said that her husband doesn’t pay attention to her. He barely touches her. And when they do have sex, it’s done before she can get her climax. No foreplay, no cuddling after, nothing.

Holy shit, I wasn’t expecting her to get into detail.

She began to get more comfortable talking about those types of issues with me. Eventually I told her that I needed to get laid too. This is what started our little secret.

I told her that I cared about her as a peer. If she’s going to hurt the company because she hasn’t had good sex, I’d take one for the team and fuck her. She always laughed but didn’t act in it. After all, she was married.

One day, she was very upset. She told me she got into a conversation with her husband about how she felt neglected. He said he would change. He did… for a few days. He quickly reverted back to his ways.

She told me she just wanted someone to bust through her door when her husband was away and simply have her way with her. She wanted to be dominated. She couldn’t specify if she wanted to be raped or dominated. She kept using those words interchangeably.

I told her that consensual rape is a huge kink of mine and that her dream sounded hot. She then told me to just fucking do it. I laughed it off and we changed subjects.

A couple weeks later, she brought it up again. She asked me when I was going to come over to her place to rape her. I reminded her that she was married. She didn’t care at this point. She wanted it. She was tired. She was frustrated. She was serious.

Fuck. Okay.

I told her how it would work. She said it would be our secret. I liked the sound of that.

I wanted to set up ground rules if I was going to “rape” her. After discussion, this is what we agreed upon:

1) safe word is “book”
2) if she’s gagged, holding up two fingers would be the equivalent of a safe word
3) pain is okay, just no skin piercing or blood
4) scat is not okay. However, piss is fine.
5) humiliation/degration is ok
6) no cumming inside her pussy.
7) anal is ok
8) we don’t mention it after

Okay, now that ground rules were set up, we just needed to pick a date. She looked over her husband’s calendar and saw that he had a 4 day trip planned in a week. She thought the second day would be best.

I got so excited and nervous at the same time. “Raping” someone was so against everything I believed in. She was married. This started to feel VERY real now. You know what? Fuck it. This is a two way agreement.



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