19[F] Mall adventures

[19F] Mall Adventures

So before i begin with this story i just want to say thank you for all the comments and dms from my last post. Muah šŸ˜˜

Its memorial day weekend and i live in a pretty busy city so with no other plans to do what better than to go to the most popular mall in my city for some naughty fun. Since it was during the day and a very very public place I couldnā€™t be quite as risky with what i wear like my first post, so i decided on a cute short skirt and a pretty short crop top, and since im there to have fun i made sure to ditch my bra and panties and sport my purple heart buttplug šŸ’œ(I was also dared to flash a minimum of ten people).

So when i get to the mall I realize just how packed this mall is, the last time it was this full was before covid. So i make my way into the mall to do some ā€œshoppingā€. I decided that i was going to hit some stores first then be more daring after that.

The first store i picked was hot topic since its kinda dark and theres alot of shelves so i cant be seen from everywhere in the store. I walk in and start looking around for the best opportunity to show some skin,i find a cute shirt on a rack that was above me. Now im short so to get this short i had to get on my toes and reach up to get it. Now remember im wearing a crop top so as i reach up my tit just barely falls out, when this happens i peek to the right of me and i got my first pair of wandering eyes (1/10).

I get back on my feet and by then heā€™s already looking away. After a couple minutes i left. I made my way over too the vans store since i wanted new shoes anyway and this gives me another chance to have some fun, I get there and theres a decent amount of people around the store so I look for my aisle with my shoe size. There was sadly no-one there so i got a pair of shoes i liked and looked for a bench to sit down at, now i will admit that at this point i had not forgotten about the plug in my ass but i did forget that when sitting down i need to be gentle- I did not do that. I plopped my ass down on the bench and my plug got pushed into me so hard I nearly moaned. So now with my plug pushing into me I took the shoes out and tried them on i grab the right shoe and lift my leg up onto the bench so if anyone in front just so happened to look they would see my exposed pussy. I get the right shoe on with no success so i move one to the left one this time spreading my legs just a little more. As im tying the laces i notice in front in the line to check out the second pair of eyes looking directly at my pussy so much so he didnā€™t notice me looking right at him, he was locked in to my lower half so I spread my legs a little more to give him more of a view and thats when he looked away(2/10).

Sadly nothing else happened here either except me getting super wet from it. So after leaving the store i was significantly more wet than when i had originally gotten to the mall and since i didnt have any panties on it was starting to make its way down my thigh which made me more horny. I didnā€™t really want to go into another store since there were lines to get in for alot of them so i walked to the other side of the mall to see how the lines were there. As i was walking to the other side if the mall my shoe came untied so i sit on a bench on the main walkway and lift my leg on to the bench just like before, while i was tying my shoe i noticed two guys one who was with his gf look not at my face but directly down at my pussy(4/10).

I get up and continue walking im now dripping down both legs but i was determined to finish my dare of flashing ten or more people.The combo of flashing and my buttplug moving inside my ass was driving me crazy i wanted to do something bolder, i went into the next store and started looking around, I noticed a group of guys checking me out from across the store so while looking at the racks i made way towards them. I was now standing in direct eyesight of them and they are still checking me out so I widen my legs a bit and bend over to grab a shirt on the bottom shelf exposing my soaking wet pussy and buttplug to them(7/10).

I stood back up straight and when i looked all their jaws were on the floor. I gave them a quick smile and bought the shirt and left. I was now visibly wet since i didnā€™t do anything to clean it up, more and more people were looking at me now that i had two streaks of liquid flowing down my thighs.I started walking toward the exit back on the opposite end of the mall, I stopped at the food court since now there was less people i sat down in a rather relaxed position for someone wearing a skirt pointed out toward the crowd walking around the mall and sat looking at my phone peeking up to see if there was anyone looking. I was at the food court for about 5 minutes with nothing and before i got up I noticed someone in line repeatedly looking at me and then away(8/10).

People were starting to clear out of the mall and the stores were starting to close so i started heading to my car thinking i failed my mission, i reached my car and as i was getting to my car I noticed two people in the car next to mine,i head to my car(drivers side)i pretend to be oblivious of them so i spread my legs bent over and slowly pulled my buttplug out of my ass.When i stood back up i saw that there happened to be more than just two people in the car(13/10). I walked to my door and the guy in the passenger seat lowered his window and told me that what i did was super hot and they even took a video of me doing it, they all seemed to enjoy my show so i lifted my top and my skirt and put a finger in my pussy which nearly made me cum on the spot and stuck my finger in my mouth. They cheered me on and called me a hot slut. I was so wet but I needed to go home so i bent over right in front of them and lifted my skirt back up ,laid a towel on my driver seat as to not soak it and kept my legs open for them to see, since i was already bent over i spread my ass as wide as i could for them and got in my car and left. I couldnā€™t wait to get home i was touching myself the whole ride home, and came more times than i could count once i got home.

Thank you for reading and if thereā€™s anything youā€™d want me to try or do in public lmk. Love yā€™all

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/v1ha7n/19f_mall_adventures


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