Downfall – Chapter 7: The Queen (FF, Hermaphrodite, Change, Corruption, Futa, Erotic Horror)

This story is now complete, though if there is enough interest I will write a sequel. If you really enjoyed it and want more content, please consider buying the longer more polished version here: – you can use code VH74G for 20% off for the next week, and the ebook version includes an additional chapter not posted here as an epilogue. Thank you for all the feedback I’ve recieved so far and I’m sure I’ll start another project soon.


The drive back to town took twenty minutes, even at night on the nearly deserted highway, but Lisa didn’t remember any of it. One moment Margaret was leaning towards her, already lost to the daze of pleasure and perversion that had been inflicted on her, and in the next they were pulling up to the Heritage Inn on the south side of town. Lisa should have used that time to try to escape or to formulate a plan or something. She didn’t though. She couldn’t take her eyes off of her friend as Margaret’s fingers and mouth wandered her body doing just what she’d been ordered to do: give her a taste of the pleasure that had been inflicted on her so recently.

It was a darker and more perverted version of the make out session they’d shared only hours ago. Last time they’d attempted to find a private moment of safety in each other’s arms, but this time Lisa was handcuffed, and Margaret had no say in the matter while the awful police officer that had captured them watched in the rearview mirror on the whole ride back. Even though Lisa knew she should have been appalled by everything on that list, when they were combined with Margaret’s hungry mouth, it just made her cum twice as hard as she had earlier that night. She was an exhausted mess by the time they finally pulled to a stop at the hotel.

The Heritage was supposed to be the nicest hotel in town, but Lisa had never been inside until the officer yanked her out of the back seat and marched her into the lobby with Margaret following along meekly behind them both. “Won’t you let me at least cover up a little?” Lisa asked, making her captor laugh. Her shirt was completely unbuttoned, her bra was askew, and her leggings were still on the backseat of the cop car, leaving her only her panties to protect her from the gaze of strangers.

“Honey – you’re lucky I let you wear any clothes at all,” he said. “It’s not like you’ll be needing them where you’re going.”

“Not even my shoes?” she protested, shivering at the chill night air and the cold ground as she tried not to stub her toes while he forced her forward.

“One more word and I’ll have you strip down naked right here slut.” He answered, the mirth in his voice slowly being edged out by annoyance. “The queen said I had to bring you in with your virginity intact. She didn’t say anything about your modesty.”

Lisa bit her tongue, even though that was the last thing she wanted to do. It wasn’t an idle threat. It was just one more indignity she was going to have to suffer through until she could figure out a way to escape from this terrible situation she told herself. That philosophical outlook lasted less than a minute. In the lobby there were several men watching two heavily pregnant women awkwardly try to 69 for their amusement, and as Lisa walked past, their heads swiveled in unison, to follow her barely covered body like she was on the menu. She actually did the unthinkable and pulled slightly closer to her captor in that moment making him laugh again.

“Relax Lisa. They aren’t allowed to take a turn any more than I am.” he said, “Your pussy belongs to the queen now.”

“What’s she going to do to me?” Lisa asked, swallowing hard.

“How should I know?” the officer answered.”I just hope she lets me watch.” A shiver ran down Lisa’s spine at that idea. Not only was an alien going to do something awful to her, but she was going to let guys like this watch? It was an awful fate, and she wished for the hundredth time that she’d let Chad take her instead.If she’d let him make her feel special instead, maybe then she wouldn’t be marching down a hallway like the condemned prisoner she was.

The further they walked, the stranger things got though. Other than the men toying with those poor women in the lobby, the room had been empty. There was no one at the front desk, and many of the doors in the halls they walked down were open. Most looked empty, but some contained women getting fucked, or laying their contentedly stroking their bellies. The vacant look in their eyes made it look like they’d been drugged, but Lisa wasn’t so sure. Margaret looked like that too now, and besides worrying about what was about to happen to her, it was the only thing that concerned her. Was it some sort of opiate she wondered, or had the pleasure she’d endured caused some sort of lasting damage? Would she be like this from now on? It was a deeply troubling thought, but not as troubling as the scene on the other side of the glass doors they were walking towards.

At the end of this hall was the entrance to the indoor pool, but inside Lisa couldn’t make out very much detail because the room was filled with a strange mist that made it difficult to see more than a few feet inside the space. What she could see and hear was strange enough to make everything hidden behind that fog positively terrifying though. Scattered near the walls and door were pods or eggs, ranging in size lunchboxes to trashcans like the backdrop of some bad scifi movie. The smalled ones were brown and fleshy, and the larger ones looked smooth a slick, like a cocoon more than an egg. Both types were attached to the concrete floor by something irregular and organic, and in the background of all that was a terrible chorus of women. Some were moaning and screaming in the throes of pleasure, and others sounded like they were in the middle of labor, giving birth to things she didn’t even want to imagine, but all of them got louder when the officer marching her forward opened the door for her to walk inside.

Something about that increase in pitch as he opened the door made Lisa shrink back and pull against her cuffs for the first time since he’d brought her inside. “No,” she whimpered as he dragged her forward, “Please don’t make me go in there. Anything but that.”

“Come on girl,” he said gruffly, yanking her forward hard enough that she almost lost her footing before continuing on grudgingly. “Stay with me.” She couldn’t resist anything this awful man made her do, but she did take some solace at hearing the nervousness at the edge of his voice, and watching him swallow hard. He was just as afraid as she was, and was probably facing similar irresistible compulsions to those he used on her. If she was going to get killed or eaten in here at least she’d have the consolation that her captor would likely fare no better.

Nothing jumped out to devour her as she walked past those first few eggs though, and nothing grabbed her when she stepped down into the empty pool and they started walking towards the mist filled deep end though. There were more eggs here, and a slimy, almost mucus-like coating that made her worry she was going to slip and break her neck as they walked down the very shallow incline. In the mist, just past the edge of her vision she could see things moving though – inhuman things that made her glad she couldn’t see what was going on much past the five foot circle of visibility she was trapped in. Once she saw something that she thought was another one of those pods, but it moved quickly away from her it looked like some kind of primate hunchback or perhaps a large dog in the way it quickly moved away from her. Moments later the fog parted long enough for her to see the silhouette of a woman laying on the ground tied up.

It occurred to Lisa only after that woman had vanished once again in the fog that what she’d seen hadn’t been a kinky act of bondage. What she’d taken for ropes tying that poor girl up had been moving. The revelation triggered a wave of revulsion that sent goose bumps across her body as she realized those had been tentacles molesting that poor girl and doing god knew what to her. For a second Lisa made the mistake of allowing herself to imagine what that might be like, and instantly regretted it as the phantom of those slick constricting coils roamed the sensitive flesh of her mind. She was almost as disgusted that her nipples hardened at the idea as she was that she’d figured it out in the first place, and prayed silently that whatever was about to happen to her would be something less awful than that.

Lisa thanked god that the next thing to resolve itself from the mist in front of her was just two people fucking instead of some new nightmare. In the inch deep water that still remained at the bottom of the 7 foot deep pool a particularly busty woman was riding a short guy who lay beneath her. It was only when she took half a dozen steps forward and the officer brought her to a halt just before them that she realized she’d been wrong. The lack of visibility had created a kind of forced perspective, but as soon as she could see enough detail to recognize that the man blowing his load inside the woman was her 6’4” PE teacher Mr. Thomlinson, she realized her mistake. The woman wasn’t just busty – she was huge, dwarfing the large man. Now that Lisa could see the whole picture, she was even more afraid than before.

The officer uncuffed Lisa while she watched her teacher convulse beneath what could only be the queen – the alien at the center of everything that had happened to ruin her perfect little life. The faint flickers of anger did nothing to warm her in the face of the cold horror that everything else had inspired. She knew that as soon as her wrists were free she should be trying to escape. She should be running as fast as she could for the exit. Better to take her chances with any of the other lesser horrors she’d seen on the way in than endure this. She couldn’t force herself to do any more than look around curiously while the officer stood there with her. ‘Stay with me.’ It had been a simple command, said casually, but she could sooner chew off her own leg than escape it.

So instead of trying, she watched the insanity unfold around her. She watched the queen stand after she’d finished altering her teacher’s cock and giving him a few eggs of his own. She watched the way that queen’s body moved, revealing the subtle inhumanity hidden behind the thin veneer of beauty she’d copied to make these men lust for her. Even if her size hadn’t given her away, there were too many small mistakes to ever think this was a real woman. Her breasts didn’t move quite like the real thing, the proportions of her limbs were slightly off, and there was no emotion in her eyes when her facial features curved into expressions of ecstasy or pleasure.

Finally the queen turned to face her newest guest. “This is, who?” she asked, looking at Lisa like a wolf might gaze at a sheep.

“Majesty,” the officer said, “You asked me to bring you any virgins clever enough to escape your drones. This is the only one that made it out of town on my watch.”

“Oh?” she asked in a lillting tone, suddenly giving Lisa a warmer expression that didn’t touch her alien eyes.”Very nice. We have a brave girl, yes? A smart girl?”

“Just lucky,” Lisa stammered, surprised that she’d managed to squeak out an answer at all. “I just noticed people were acting strange, and stayed a step ahead of what you were doing to everyone. To my friends… my family…” Lisa felt the raw anger start to boil out of her as she finally gave it a voice. “I can’t believe you would do this. These are people and you—”

“Silence,” the queen stated in a voice that parlyized Lisa’s vocal cords as soon as she heard the syllables. “You love what I’ve done, don’t you? You love how happy I’ve made your fellow humans and you want to help me, yes?”

“I-I…” Lisa stammered, horrified to find that those feelings of outrage and anger she’d felt moments ago were already slipping away as they came to her. She’d just felt the hate for what she’d done to her beloved Chad wash over her, and now all she could think about it was gratitude. She was actually grateful and more than a little jealous that he’d fucked her mother and given her so much joy, but before she could wonder why that was seriously screwed up, the impulse to even ask that question was gone too.

“Of course my queen,” she purred, “I’d do anything to help spread the joy you offer to anyone I could. Just tell me what to do.” In the wake of the statement she was briefly unsure why it didn’t quite sit right with her, but the qualm vanished beneath the surface of her obedience before she could examine it further.

“Of course my dear. You’ll do all that and more soon,” the queen said stepping towards the smaller girl, “But first tell me. Why have you never laid with a man? Even before I made the men of your life so much better, you resisted them. Why?”

“Because of my faith,” Lisa said smoothly. “I was saving myself for one man, to share my whole life with. I thought that was Chad but…” Thoughts of Chad immediately ricocheted through her brain and she wasn’t sure why. She was happy that the queen had changed him, wasn’t she?

“And now you find you’ve saved yourself for me.” the queen answered, giving a wide smile that showed teeth which were sharper and more numerous than they had any right to be. “That is funny, yes? Humor has been explained to me. I’m sure you see the joke. You saved yourself for a man for your whole life and now you will help me with many many men soon enough.”

“What do you mean?” Lisa asked, again feeling a bizarre emotional resonance that caused her to recoil from what she was being told. She was sure that this woman must be right. She had to be. Something in what she was saying felt very wrong though, and rather than examining that to try to understand, she shied away from it just as much as she tried to avert her eyes from the inhuman silhouettes that wandered in the mist. “I’ll help you however I can, but—”

“But?” the queen asked, interrupting her. “You are a strong one. Your whole species obeys me without question, especially the men, but still you struggle. You’ll make a most interesting nymph in time.”

“Nymph?” Lisa asked, confused. She wracked her brain for the definition from science class, but the best she could come up with was that it had something to do with insects.

“Indeed,” the queen reiterated, taking another step towards the girl. Lisa had known the queen was much larger than her already, but now that larger woman towered over her, she swallowed hard and craned her neck to look up. She didn’t even reach her breasts. “Your soldiers are coming. Even now they alert your weapons of war to come and destroy this hive I am building. We’ve captured some already and they’ve told us everything.”

The queen reached out and caressed Lisa’s hair. “So we must spread out numbers and build new hives before they can eliminate our beachhead. That’s what you’re for – to carry my words… to bring my plan to somewhere far from here. You can do that for me, can’t you?”

“O-of course,” Lisa stammered, “but how would I… I mean, I’m not…”

“Shhhhh,” the queen whispered soothingly. “Your mind does not understand, but the genes – the things I will share with you. They will tell you everything you need to know in time.” Lisa tried to take in what the queen was telling her, but it was so vast and terrible an idea that her mind rejected it. She was going to do something to her like she had to Chad. No, she corrected herself. It wasn’t like Chad, it was worse. She’d altered her boyfriend’s dick but left him free to do what he wanted to with it. When it came to Lisa it sounded like she was going to do a lot worse than that. She was going to turn her into something that was going to help her destroy humanity.

“What are you…,” Lisa whimpered. She couldn’t bring herself to say no; a question was as far as she could get from saying yes.

The queen put her hand on Lisa’s lips and slowly pushed her back against the wall of the pool. Lisa offered no resistance, even though she knew that if she didn’t fight now she wouldn’t be herself anymore. She probably wouldn’t even be human.

“Who I am doesn’t matter,” the queen said again, “All that matters is our mission. We are here to take this planet from your people and prepare the utopia for those that will follow.”

“I—” Lisa started before the queen cut her off.

“Enough of these questions,” she said. “Strip so I can taste you, willful creature.” Lisa opened her mouth to object – to protest. Anything. Instead she stood there, silent, as her hands started to move on their own making quick work of what little clothing she had. She didn’t want this. She was sure of that now. It had come out of the fog of her mind slowly, but now that resolution stood fully formed: she didn’t want any of this. She didn’t want to obey the queen or become something other than human. How could she be saved if she was an alien?

What she wanted didn’t matter though. Even if she could make her mind slowly wake from the terrible dream that this creature disguised as a woman had put her under, she couldn’t make her body disobey the orders she was being given. Instead she just stood there while the huge woman walked up to her and forced her mouth to one of her big bluish nipples.

“Now drink deep my child and become reborn…” the queen whispered, and that’s exactly what Lisa did without hesitating. Her mouth was instantly flooded with something syrupy and thick, but not entirely unpleasant. It was tangy but not sweet, and reminded her of some unfamiliar sauce she might find in an asian grocery or a seafood restaurant. It had notes of salt, fish, and spice, and even though a small quiet voice at the back of her mind was screaming at her to stop, she couldn’t do anything but drink until the queen pulled her away after a few more mouthfuls.

“What a good girl you are,” the queen breathed, bending down to kiss Lisa. “What a good queen you’ll be someday.” Lisa didn’t have a chance to respond, because as she opened her mouth the queen forced her tongue inside of it. It was longer than a human tongue, and hotter too. She was distracted by the prehensile way it coiled around her own before finally withdrawing and leaving her breathless. Idly she wondered what a tongue like that would feel deep in her aching pussy.

That was when her body started to burn.

For a moment there was a tingle, and then a wave of nausea that passed quickly, but after that she started to feel the heat boiling out of her as she felt herself start to change.

“Easy,” the queen said, easing her back into the cool water, until Lisa was laying on the concrete floor, half submerged by the dregs of the pool water that remained. “Once you’re suffused with my blessing I can give you what you need.” Lisa was feverish and hopelessly confused. As surreal as it was, this whole scenario reminded her of the time when she was ten and her mother had put her into an icy bath. She had pneumonia and that night she ran a fever of 106. This wasn’t her mom though, and this wasn’t her home’s familiar fiberglass tub. This was a pool and a huge alien pretending to be a busty human woman was kneeling over her while the officer and Margaret looked on, apathetic about whatever was going to happen next.

As the delusions assaulting her mind bordered on heat stroke, Lisa wondered what was going to happen next. Would she survive this? Would she still be the same person? As she looked at the queen she knew what would be next on the agenda if the alien had been anything like the guys she went to school with. This was exactly the position one of them would try to put her in before he forced his prick inside her virgin pussy. At least she would be spared that, Lisa thought, almost giggling. The queen had a hole not a pole, she…

Lisa looked down, did a double take, and immediately started to panic. Her eyes were probably playing tricks on her. The terrible heat that was assaulting her senses was almost certainly making her see things that weren’t there, but it looked like there was a bulge there… a dark bulge that definitely didn’t belong and wasn’t there before, as the queen slid on top of her. Lisa barely had a chance to make out the details before she was practically smothered in the larger woman’s breasts.

“No, Please, I don’t want… Ohhhhh,” Lisa whimpered as the alien’s throbbing shaft started to penetrate her. She couldn’t see it, but from the feelings it inspired in her as it forced it’s way inside of her, she couldn’t stop imagining it. In her minds eye its flared tip looked so sharp and pointed that Lisa thought that she might bleed from it, but instead she felt only pleasure as the invader slithered as much as forced its way inside of her formerly virgin hole.

“Mmmmmm… Everyone wants this,” the queen said in a voice barely above a whisper, “But few deserve such a terrible gift.” As she spoke the queen’s features curled into a mask of pleasure, but that ecstasy never reached her dead eyes.

Lisa wondered idly if she really enjoyed doing any of this, or if it was just another part of her mission to be efficiently executed. She tried to think of anything but the way the queen’s cock felt as it permanently tainted the pussy she’d spent her whole life saving for marriage. She’d spent a lifetime looking for the right man to share this blessing with, and now it was being stolen from her by the farthest thing from a man, and people were watching… Margaret was watching as she was deflowered in the most awful way imaginable.

Lisa screwed her eyes shut and turned away from her friend in shame. “No,” she cried, “I don’t. I don’t.”

“Yesss… you do”, the queen hissed, forcing herself ever deeper into the human beneath her. “You want my genes. You need them. Your whole life has led to this moment. You’ve never wanted anything more.”

Lisa wanted to argue, but she couldn’t disobey her queen, and even as her mind rebelled, her body began to obey. The slithering sensation inside her that had felt so alien it put her teeth on edge was now making her hips twist and buck as she tried to find purchase against her partner. Her nipples ached and the heat that had purged her body of most of her sane thoughts finally lit her libido on fire. Only a few seconds after the queen ordered her to enjoy the most awful experience she could imagine, her body was already building towards a terrible orgasm. Her mind still rebelled at the command. It still hated everything that was happening, but it was powerless to do anything about it.

Even as the orgasm threatened to sweep over her, Lisa could still feel the raw wound of her virginity. She could still feel the slimey touch, and smell the scents of sea and death behind the fragrant musky scent of the Queen’s pheromones. She was determined to stay sane and resist the dark chemical temptations that the alien inflicted on her. That was when she felt the alien invader inside of her penetrate her cervix and force its way into her womb. That pain started out as a vicious pinch but quickly expanded out into painful stretching sensation as something that never should never happen was forced onto her, and her uterus was invaded. The pain combined with the rising pleasure was enough to snap the thin threads of concentration and willpower she’d been trying to use to hold it all together. It was at that moment she started to cum helplessly all over the alien cock.

The moment was timeless. Between the heat and the pleasure she squirmed like she was having a seizure in the water, and her only conscious thoughts were of death. She was sure that she was dying, and glad of it. Something had gone wrong. The queen had miscalculated, and whatever she dark alien biochemistry she was spraying deep inside Lisa, she wasn’t going to survive whatever terrible transformation that bitch had planned. Only when she realized she could die happy did the pleasure consume her like a riptide and drag her under to oblivion.

Hours later, Lisa awoke, still laying in the shallow water of the pool. Nothing had changed except for the foul taste in her mouth as she sat up. Mist and darkness still dominated the room and, and the sounds of moaning and fucking could be heard echoing in the distance. She’d survived whatever it was the alien queen had done to her and was deeply disappointed by that.

With a sigh Lisa rose unsteadily to her feet and looked around, only to be caught by Margaret when she almost fell on her ass.

“Are you okay?” Margaret asked, helping to ease her friend back to the floor.

“I’m fine,” she said, “I— wait, where are you going?” No sooner had Margaret helped her sit back down then she started walking away.

“The queen told me to inform her as soon as you were awake,” she said without breaking stride, “She told me—”

“Stop,” Lisa ordered without thinking. When Margaret actually stopped, she was more than a little surprised to find that her friend actually listened to her. When she stayed frozen like a statue at the command though, it eventually dawned on her that whatever it was the queen had done to her had given her the same powers over other people as all the men she’d altered.

What could she do with that newfound power, she wondered. Were there other powers she had that she didn’t yet understand? Anything else she could use to escape or… It occurred to Lisa that escape was what the queen wanted from her. To escape and to help spread her alien genes across the planet. Maybe she should stop trying to figure out how to save herself and start figuring out how to stop that evil plan.

“Find the officer who brought us here and bring him here,” she commanded finally, and Margaret went off in search of him. Moments later the pair returned, and rather than looking at her with contempt like he had earlier, he looked at her only with slavish obedience.

“Yes my queen?” he asked.

“Give me your gun,” she said simply.

“My gun?” he asked, obviously conflicted, even as his hand started to move on its own to the holster. “You don’t need a weapon, I’ll protect you.” Even as he spoke though, he reached out to hand his weapon to her.

“Is the safety on?” Lisa asked. She had no idea how to use these. She’d never touched one before.

“It is. You just have to—” he started preparing to lecture her on what she needed to do.

“Make it ready to fire.” Lisa ordered simply, skipping all the extra steps and forcing him to do it for her. In two simple motions he racked back the slide and switched off the safety.

“What are you going to do with that,” he asked when she had taken the weapon. “I mean you no harm. Not anymore.”

“Margaret,” Lisa asked finally, once she looked down the sights, satisfied she had a chance of firing the weapon successfully. “Where is the queen?”

“What? No, you can’t!” the officer said, suddenly understanding what she intended to do.

“Silence!” Lisa hissed. “Don’t you dare move or speak until I’ve killed that awful bitch.” Then she followed her friend’s pointing finger and walked off towards the shallow end of the pool, determined to finally end this nightmare.

She found the queen in the shallow end, holding court surrounded by people she used to know, that had been irrevocably changed by this creature that fell from the stars. Lisa tried to recall a few psalms to slow her pounding heart. She tried to think about the valley of the shadow of death, and that she was never alone. She couldn’t though. All she could think about was the beast and the pit of revelation as she watched the assembly of monsters. Even now the queen was giving orders. She was telling her monsters where to go to escape the coming storm and spread her spawn in places where the military could never find them. Lisa watched it all play out, but no one gave her even the slightest glance as she approached the queen from behind.

In the moment she raised the gun, it occurred to her that this might not be enough to stop a monster like her. That a few pieces of lead wouldn’t be enough for a monster from beyond the stars. If that was the case though, the worst that could happen was that she would die, and that was an outcome she was ready for.

Lisa squeezed the trigger the first time even as the queen started to turn, probably reacting to the changing expression on the face of her followers. It went wide and struck the ceiling. Even with both hands on the weapon Lisa was surprised at the kick, and how much it jumped in her hands as it went off. She’d seen enough movies that she’d been ready for it, but had still almost dropped the pistol. The second and third shots went off cleaner, and ripped through the queen in the throat and chest.

Thorax, Lisa corrected herself. This wasn’t a person with a chest. It was a bug. A monster. That made it extermination, not murder. What had been a look of annoyance on the queen’s face turned to horror as the pain from the first bullet registered and dark purple blood started to ooze out. She opened her mouth to bark commands, but no voice came out. Lisa wondered if she would have been forced to obey, even after the changes as she emptied the rest of the magazine into the queen until the gun stopped firing.

The queen stayed standing and took another step towards Lisa, and for one awful moment she thought it wasn’t going to be enough. Then she collapsed onto the concrete, staining the water around her in a slowly spreading slick of oily ichor. It was over, she told herself, even though she knew it wasn’t true. The death of the queen had slowed whatever was going to happen next, but Pandora’s box had been wide open for days and all of the unknowable horrors had already escaped into the world to do who knows what to God’s creation.

Those horrors included Lisa too of course, she realized, and she had no idea how to feel about that.
