Step Sister Corruption Part 267 – Day 139 Free Use Vacay Pt 11 – Slime (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step-siblings, con)

Story/Writing: u/Lightning454572

Editing: u/Comfortable-Bid-602



Question: What do you do when your pussy ***easily*** fucking drools?

Follow-up question: What do you do when the *subject* that makes your pussy drool ***heavily*** is fucking another girl?

I watched Gabe pound our newest’*friend*’, who has been kind enough to show us around this *free use* cruise as this wasn’t her first rodeo that Summer was lucky enough to somehow convince her to join us.

Though watching Gabe *pound* the petite beauty, it was obvious *how* Summer *convinced* the near-flawless beauty to stay with us.

Granted, if someone showed me Gabe’s cock I’d probably stick around too.

Yes, I saw what she did as she kissed the beauty and showed Gabe’s cock. I would have stayed too.

At least before Gabe made Nadia see her creator, I at least had a turn before this happened.

Then as I watched Gabe pound the petite body, I couldn’t help but envy her as I watched him *fully* insert himself.


Hearing their bodies slap together and watching Gabe just force that glorious cock into her just made me **wet**.

I couldn’t help myself as I *knew* my pussy was juicing so much that halfway through my private show. I felt a fat blob of my special *juice* exit my pussy and begin to slowly trail down my inner thighs.

I looked over at Summer to see she was equally enjoying the show as she had a smug smile on her face.

I looked back at my *show* to notice that Nadia had started to speak whatever obscenities in her native tongue as Gabe continued to rail her insides.

God, this was so hot.

I wanted to be her at this moment, and I was just standing there, too transfixed to do anything beyond watch and let my horniness rise.

Eventually, Gabe stopped railing the girl as he looked at her weirdly.

Curious as to why my private show had stopped, I walked up to get a better look and realized that my *pussy* had leaked so much that the inside of my thighs was covered.

Still, I moved to the bed to check out why my show had stopped.

Once I got to the bed, I instantly knew why Gabe had stopped….Nadia was completely in euphoria as she had a stupid look on her face that I knew I had on my face more than once after Gabe had railed me.

The look told me that Nadia’s brain was mush, and probably sometime before she remembered her name.

Even more, time before she could remember how to walk.

Oh, how I envied those times as usually, Gabe stops just shy of where I can’t remember my name, but my mind is completely mush by the orgasms.

And usually, I’m in a pool of my own *fluids*…..or sleeping in my own wet spot….ok wet pool.

I looked down and smiled as Gabe spoke to Summer, “Good enough?”

I looked over at Summer to see her evil smile as she replied, “That will do.”

Gabe nodded as he stepped away. Clearly, he was done fucking for now as he walked over to the couch and flopped down as he finished his can of electrolytes.

He spoke, “No offense but I’m starving.”

He looked at us, “How about we have dinner in our room while,” he pointed to Nadia’s unconscious form, “she recuperates.”

I looked at Gabe, “You plan on fucking her again?”

I felt my jealousy begin to rear, and my bitchiness that I hadn’t used in a while began to roar back to life.

Gabe simply smiled at me instantly, making my bitchiness die of its own accord. The jealousy instantly returned to where it came from as my legs trembled. My heart fluttered at the simple gesture.

He spoke, “Oh I plan on something more.”

I looked at him quizzically, not really understanding what he could mean by *more*.

He smiled but looked at Summer, “Could you please order us some room service?”

He didn’t wait for Summer to retort as he turned his attention to me, “Now strip and sit on the table in front of me with your legs wide open.”

I wanted to retort and fire off a comment. Still, without me telling them how to do it, my arms moved freely to remove my blasted tight top that did shit to cover my overly large breasts.

Next, I removed my bra before peeling off the tight skirt that had never moved back down to cover my ass or pussy, and what little good it did covering my lower half. And finally, I peeled off my soaked panties as trails of my wetness that had turned into a slime-like substance before they softly hit the floor with a soft wet sound.

Gabe smiled as he padded the table in front of him, which instantly made me smile, knowing what would happen next.

I quickly walked my short distance to sit on the table like Gabe had *ordered* me to do and quickly spread my legs for easy access.

Gabe took one look at my pussy, instantly making me blush. However, I had bared my body to Gabe countless times before. Still, every time he looked at my body and appreciated me in my splendor, it made my heart flutter and my face hot as it turned red.

I can’t help it.

And I can’t help how I feel about Gabe.

He smiled and spoke, “Somebody is horny?”

Of course, I’m horny!

How can I not be?

You teased me with a slow fuck as you **used** me as a demonstration where I surprisingly fucking orgasmed. However, there were a million eyes on me where I *should* have been embarrassed, but **instead** I was more turned on.

God, is that what exhibitionism is about?

Am I an exhibitionist now?

Then after you *used* me, you didn’t do the one thing I fucking ***crave***….. you didn’t cum in me.

Still, I mumbled, “Yes,” as I knew my face was turning even redder.

Gabe tilted his head slightly as he smiled, making me want to me melt even more as I watched him reach to pet my swollen, sensitive lips. The moment I felt his warm fingers touch my drenched lips, my pussy instantly shot the usual feel-good to my brain. I sharply inhaled at the sensation before letting out a low, slow moan as his fingers lightly caressed my lips.

I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the sensation. Every part of my body started to become electrically charged. It started to fire off sensations as I lightly moaned.

Then I felt his fingers leave my aching pussy, causing me to open my eyes to focus on Gabe. He smiled, showing me his fingers were completely covered in my *juices* that closely resembled slime. He parted his finger’s as the slime became an actual object between the finger, never breaking and keeping the film between the fingers intact.

He smiled, “You’re wet to the touch Kel.”

I lightly painted as my body screamed for more attention, “Yeah. so?”

He shrugged before he put his fingers close to his mouth before he opened his mouth and slipped his slime-covered fingers into his mouth as he moaned, and I wished it was me he was cleaning off with his mouth instead of his stupid fingers.

But I knew that was coming; I just had to be patient.

I watched, fascinated as Gabe licked and sucked his fingers like he was cleaning them after eating hot wings.

Finally, Gabe stopped sucking his fingers and pulled them out to show he had cleaned them off as he spoke, “Did you get sweeter?”

I looked at him, confused.



I answered, “Not that I’m aware of.”

He looked at Summer, who was on the phone, obviously ordering our room service, “Hey Summer come here.”

With her cell held up to her ear, summer walked over to us, “Huh?”

Gabe reached down, touching the inside of my thigh before wiping off the accumulated *juices* from my skin. Pulling them up to show the same ‘slime’ as he parted his fingers to show the semi-clear film stretched out with his fingers but never breaking. He held up his fingers to Summer, “Does this taste sweeter to you?”

Summer looked from Gabe’s finger to me and down at the mess in between my legs, causing me to have my usual self-image issues rise up as I looked down at my crotch.

I had to bend to look down since my tits were in the way. I wished for a mirror to see what Gabe and Summer were seeing but could *sort* of see what Gabe was talking about.

I *knew* I was wet, but the image that I saw was something else.

I saw the same semi-clear *slime* like substance basically ALL OVER my pussy and inner thighs.

I blinked, not really understanding what I was seeing. I *normally* clean myself when I’m not near Gabe, not letting myself get too drenched downstairs. Which lately, I have to do at least every hour, if not sooner.

But this is the first time I’ve let myself go so long, letting my *juices* flow without cleaning.

I looked up in time to see Summer stick out her tongue to let Gabe wipe some of my slime onto her tongue before she retracted her tongue into her mouth.

I watched her roll her tongue in her mouth and smack her lips audibly before she concluded, “Yeah, now that you mention it, it does taste sweeter.”

I blinked, not understanding what they were talking about as I had never *tasted* my own pussy drool.

Tasting Summer or a few other girls….sure.

Tasted Gabe….a bunch of times.

But tasting myself? Nope never done it.

Ok, I may have tasted my own pussy on Gabe’s cock after he has fucked me but usually, I taste **him** and not myself.

Hell, I’ve tasted Summer’s pussy on Gabe’s dick more times than myself after Gabe’s cock punishes my pussy.

Guess I need to find out what they were talking about though I have no frame of reference as to what I tasted like before.

I reached down, petting my pussy, and refrained from masturbating. I felt my fingers get liberally coated in my own *slime*, a substance somehow both sticky and slippery.

I pulled my fingers up to see them coated in the *slime* and rubbed them together, feeling how slippery they were yet sticky enough to where when I separated my fingers, the *slime* held together created a thick film. The more I pulled my fingers apart, the more the film held together. It became more transparent as it held itself together and thinned though not by much.

I opened my mouth, thinking *now or never* as I popped my coated finger’s into my mouth, slightly cringing. I was tasting myself, hoping I didn’t puke that I was tasting my own *fluids*.

The sliminess alone was enough to almost make me gag. It nearly triggered my non-existent gag reflex as I hate anything slimy.

That is probably why I hate the taste of mushrooms in any form.

Ok, I **do** eat mushrooms ***but*** they have to be cooked with something. It’s the only way I can stomach the fuckers. Mushrooms by themselves can fuck off and remain buried, in my opinion. Cooked with something correctly, it can help bring out certain flavors….I guess.

But then the taste graced my tastebuds as the slime exploded in my mouth, making my eyes go wide in apprehension of what they were talking about.

I was *sweet*.

The actual flavor was hard to determine exactly what the flavor note was beyond tasting *good*.

The only question I had was, did I always produce this *slime* before my *change*?

Because I knew before my *change* my pussy did get wet, and when I was horny, I *could* leak though it was never much, at least not as much as now.

But I don’t remember this *slime* ever being present before my change.

Sure maybe moist panties in various degrees, but the moment my panties were separated from my pussy, there were never any stragglers.

After my *change* my new wetness, I was being used to and was getting used to cleaning myself, so it wasn’t bad, unaware that I could create this *slime*.

One thing was certain….I was *sweet*.

