In need of inspiration for a Erotic novel I am creating, details and simple summary inside.

Due to the lowering number of males in the worlds population the new preservation program is now being put into effect.

All males are to report to the main medical facilities to get there reproduction organs checked out. Fertile males will be shipped off to breeding farms stocked with the best whores the government can provide.

Large dick specimens will have a choice of going to auction for the government to gain more research money or be placed around the capital for the general public to use for relief and breeding for a price.

Smaller dick specimens will have no choice, the government will either use them as research subjects for size and fertilization enhancements or they will go to the milking chambers and be hooked to the milking suction machines.

Failure to comply will have you found, stripped, bound, and publicly used by the new preservation force in front of your whole family and friends, they will also be encouraged to join in before your taken away and strong up in a preservation center(brothel).


So I am looking for inspiration for this novel I’m writing that fit in with the theme I have here. Men are a Minority in this story but that doesn’t mean they are weak, or submissive. Like any fertile male can be dominant and large cocked one’s can be bought to e their ‘owners’ dominant. So feel free to fill the comments with all sorts of things and let’s see if I can create something from the collective horny mind of this subreddit!

If you would like to as well you may use fantasy or Syfy settings and characters all you want, the world I’m creating is open and magic IS in it though not wide spread. Some time in the coming month I hope to start posting my more edited scenes here on Reddit for critique any and all ideas that I use from this post will be credited to the poster of said idea.

Original characters are also welcome if you’d like to give me one with the same credit being given. The whole novel will be posted on Wattpad once finished and will be pinned to this post once I make it so if you’d like to read it even if you don’t participate in this I’d suggest saving this post for the future.

Thank you to any who participate.
