A Father’s Struggle 53 – Taste (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I don’t know **who** was more shocked at the scene that was unfolding….me **or** Abby.

I had watched my daughter, Savanna, go from *measuring* my hard on while I was completely black out drunk totally unaware of what was happening.

Then she went in for the unspeakable as she *kissed* my hard on…..then licked my dick.

I heard her smack her lips as she had just officially tasted the same dick that had created her as I watched her look at my head leaning all the way back unnaturally to hear her speak, “You know for someone that had peed themselves you don’t taste half bad.”

Then I watched her eyes go really purple as she proceeded to lick….and lick until the first remnants of precum presented itself as I heard her smack her lips again and look in astonishment at me as she spoke, “Why the *fuck* does that taste *SO GOOD*?”

That was all that she needed as she took the plunge off of decency cliffs as I heard her speak, “And that was just the precum. I need to know what your cum tastes like.”

And she wrapped her lips around my dick and proceeded to blow me.

I sat there watching the entire show completely flabbergasted and astonished not knowing what to do as I watched the *show*.

I was about to stop the video and go yell at Savanna now that I had the *evidence* of her wrong doing.

But the *inner* part of me was like *keep going* as I felt there was more about to happen.

And I was right.

Savanna was going to town as her head bobbed just getting a *taste of daddy* before *WE* heard Abby exclaim, “**WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING???**” stopping Savanna’s show.

Savanna stopped and looked at Abby who stood in the doorway wearing the same outfit I saw her in earlier when I noticed the wet spot.

Savanna looked at Abby before she finally released me from her mouth as Abby asked her question again, “**WHAT THE FUCK SAVANNA???**”

Savanna quickly spoke as she sneered as Abby, “Come on Abby. Like you haven’t wanted to taste daddy.”

I watched as Abby turned crimson but still slurred a little bit as she spoke, “Yeah I’ve *wanted* to do that Savanna but I **HAVEN’T** ***BECAUSE*** dad raised us differently.”

Savanna looked at her, “Not differently to not masturbate when he’s masturbating huh Abs.”

Abby blinked, “Excuse me!!”

Savanna sneered at Abby, “You **heard** me.”

Abby walked up to the bed and spoke, still lightly slurring, “And if **I** remember **right** I’m **not** the only one with the problem *SAVANNA*!”

She looked at me before resuming looking at Savanna, “But I’m not the one who’s **NOW** wrapping her fucking lips around her dad’s DICK!!!”

Savanna smiled, “You should it tastes **a**mazing.”

Abby pinched the bridge of her nose, “Can’t believe I’m hearing this.”

Abby pointed to the door, “Go. Go delete the videos from dad’s surveillance system and go to **bed** Savanna.”

Savanna looked down at my drunken body, “It’s not like he’s going to wake up.” She pleaded with her sister, “Come on just let me finish? PLEASE?”

Abby shook her head, “No Savanna that **WILL** wake him up. If it’s one thing **WE** should know is when a guy’s dick is played with like what you’re doing no matter HOW drunk he is he will wake up.”

Savanna looked down at me….and took a hard look at my hardened flesh before she sighed and looked at Abby, “Promise you won’t tell him?”

Abby nodded, “Just go delete the evidence and **if** he wakes up shortly I’ll lie. Now go!”

Savanna sighed but nodded as she got up and left my room.

I pulled up different video feeds to watch Savanna leave my room, go into my man cave, retrieve the laptop I’m holding and login to my old system before deleting the video. Then she returned the laptop to it’s location and left my man cave to go to her room.

I watched her go into her room and lightly grumble at the door before stripping down one more time for some *me* time until she finally settled down and looked like she had gone to sleep.

I resumed watching **MY** room as Abby shook her head as I heard her speak, “Crazy *bitch*,” as she turned her attention to me….specifically my saliva covered hard on.

Abby shook her head before finding the towel that laid nearby and cleaned my dick off of Savanna’s saliva and tossed the towel into the hamper in my closet.

Then she saw that I had no coverings as she looked at the door, “I thought Savanna covered you up?”

Abby lightly queried her question as she bent down and felt around me to find it was moist as Abby exclaimed, “Huh?”

She pulled her fingers to her nose and lightly sniffed before speaking, “OOOHHHH!!!!”

She lightly smirked at my drunken body, “Did somebody pee through everything?”

Then she realized something as she looked at the door, “EW! Really Savanna?”

Abby shuddered before shaking her head and resumed where Savanna had left off as she started watching TV.

This time Abby flipped channels until she couldn’t find something before she got up. Left my room and returned a few minutes later as she plugged in her drive into my TV.

Then she quickly navigated to her anime folder and started watching cartoons.

That seemed to last only about an hour before the same events started to replay itself.

My dick rose to say hello to its newest occupant as Abby noticed it as she began to blush letting my hard on go to waste before Abby rolled me over to face the bowl.

That lasted maybe two hours before I rolled back over to my back as my flag pole rose again.

This time Abby looked at it and spoke, “Jesus!”

Then she smiled, “Is *somebody* horny after being blown for a few minutes?”

Abby laughed at her own joke as I couldn’t verbally answer the question but my hard on obviously answered the question for her.

She let my *Pole* remain in it’s standing state for only a few minutes later before she got up and left the room as I had to question *Where is she going?*

Abby returned a few minutes later with a big cup as she spoke, “This should help daddy.”

As she took my dick in her hands and placed the cup on top until the cup covered me as I heard her coo, “Let the *ice* soothe your blue balls and you can go back to sleep daddy.”

She chuckled again before hitting play on her anime.

I guess the ice did the trick as I naturally rolled myself back onto my stomach as I knocked the cup off of me and resumed being dead to the world.

Abby smiled at her accomplishment as she spoke, “I thought so.”

Then she resumed her anime.

I remained on my stomach for at least an hour or so before I turned back on my back as Abby spoke, “You awake daddy?”

I didn’t answer but my dick did as it rose causing Abby to sigh, “No but you’re back!”

Abby grabbed the cup and left for a few moments before she came back, “But I know how to handle you.”

She grabbed my dick and inserted the cup on top as she smiled, “There daddy that should help.”

Then she resumed watching TV for a few moments before my arm moved and knocked the cup and it’s ice away sending the cup across the room causing Abby to flinch at the action before speaking, “You awake daddy?”

She remained motionless waiting for an answer but all she got was silence.

She sighed, “Alright.”

She got off the bed and picked up the cup….and the ice.

Then she tried to put the cup back on my dick but this time as soon as she let go my hand came out of nowhere grabbed the cup and sent it across the room causing Abby to speak, “OK Got it! You don’t want the ice on your dick. Sorry daddy.”

Then she flopped on the bed and folded her arms as she resumed watching TV.

My dick remained in the upright position as I heard Abby speak, “Now I know what Savanna was having a problem with.”

She lightly looked at the flesh but then shook her head as she resumed watching TV.

Abby’s resolve only lasted a few minutes before she stopped the anime to look at my dick, “Will you go down damn it!”


Abby shuddered looking at the flesh trying to let it go but only lasted a few minutes later before she looked at my dick, “I mean it does look scrumptious.”

She looked at the door, “And *we* all have coveted the damn thing!”

*Who is ‘we all’?*

She looked back at me, “The *least* I could do is see what Savanna was talking about before she blabs to everyone else.”

*No Abby not you too!*

I watched as Abby leaned in and kissed my dick.

*Wait why aren’t her eyes turning purple?*

I thought about it and quickly muttered, “Contacts.”

Then licked it as she smacked her lips. Then she licked again. And again….and again until her lips were now wrapped around my dick and her head was now bobbing.

She eventually came up for air, “Holy crap this thing is **a**mazing!”

Though I saw it coming both Abby and **I** jumped as we heard Savanna speak very loudly, “Uh Huh!”


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uym3y3/a_fathers_struggle_53_taste_fiction_family_bond


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