[Group] I wasn’t expecting her to be here

Hi there,

This is a true story that happened many years ago but I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. I could have embellished it a little bit to make it more satisfying, but decided that just telling the true story was better.

Back when I was around 23, before the wife and kids and all, I was pretty much your typical D&D roleplaying nerd. I was spending a lot of time at a friend’s place with a group of friends, playing Roleplaying Games and stuff while his super nice mom would bring us food. Truly the stereotypical gang of geeks.

Now what is less stereotypical, is that around that time I also used to be in a regular relationship with a bisexual couple. We would either hang out at their place and tag team the wife, or suck each other off with the husband. Sometimes we would also attend larger house parties together, mostly with a bisexual crowd. I’m not going to describe everything that went on in these, but let’s just say I tried pretty much everything sexual back then. These were the good times!

So one day, we drive up to some guy’s place for just such a party with a new group of people we didn’t know yet. The host is in drag, and there are a dozen couples in there. Everybody is either naked or in lingerie. All the rooms have been prepared for steamy action with mattresses, and one of them even has a sex swing attached to the ceiling. Obviously not their first time hosting.
Anyhow, people mingle, have a drink or two, then start kissing, grabbing each other and having sex.

It’s still early so more people are still showing up when the host brings printed pictures of the previous party in the same place for people to grab the ones they were in (this was before digital was the norm). So I’m chatting with the host while looking at the pictures, and then I see THAT picture. My friend’s mom. The one who was bringing us food while we were roleplaying. There she is. Dark hair in a pixie cut. Long legs. Naked except for a sexy garter belt and stockings. She’s in the sex swing room except the swing is not attached, and instead her arms are up, chained to the ceiling. People around her are caressing her breasts while she smiles and look at the camera with that sparkle in her eyes. I had clutching that picture for a while.

I couldn’t believe it and thought it must be someone who looks just like her, but the more I looked at the picture, the more I was absolutely certain that it was really her.
Everything clicked in my head. I remembered that after bringing us food during our RPG sessions, she’d usually go out to party with friends all night. I remembered thinking she must have been a party animal then, always wearing short skirts and sexy stockings. She looked really hot but I really didn’t think of her that way.

As all these thoughts were going through my head, the only thing I could think of is “is she coming tonight???”. I was not prepared for that. I always kept these 2 parts of my life very separated. None of my vanilla friends knew about the threesomes and swinger parties. SHE didn’t know. Her son didn’t know. At that point I was actually terrified that she’d arrive at the party. What was I going to say? How awkward would that be for her?

I kept watching new people arriving. I was terribly nervous but also now very aroused. After a while, I went and asked if she would be coming that night, but it turns out she was out of town that day. I’ll admit I was disappointed when I heard that, but at the same time I was relieved.

The host, realizing I knew her, asked about it and asked me not to tell anyone because she was awesome and he didn’t want to embarrass her. I never mentioned it to anyone before today. I never told her either, although I often wondered if the host told her I saw her picture. If we’d been living in a porn movie, things would have happened differently I’m sure, and this would be a longer story.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/6v9fi0/group_i_wasnt_expecting_her_to_be_here


  1. You’re a good writer, but this story is literally “I went to a party and saw a photo of someone I knew. She didn’t arrive.” Lol scandalous!

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