Acceptance [fiction] [gangbang]

This is a work of fiction. Please do feel free to comment or message if you have anything to say about it, all feedback welcome!


“I mean, don’t you think it would be so hot?” Katie said to me as she blushed bright red. She ran her hand through her wavy red hair nervously, stopping at the tips and playing with them absent-mindedly by her waist as she looked at me, clearly hoping for my approval.

“Well yeah of course! You know I love hearing kinky ideas like that.” I said, smiling ear to ear. “Why don’t you tell me a little more?” I added with a slight smirk.

Katie did a happy little bounce, rocking up on the balls of her feet and then coming back down on to her heels. She looked like an excited puppy that’s just been told what a ‘good boy’ they are. “Well I don’t know, I would just let them all do whatever they want with me. Oh! But I want all of them to cum inside me, that’s part of it, I want to feel dirty and used,” she said, savouring the thought of those last words.

“Wow,” I said expectantly, waiting to hear more. “You are such a slut.”

Katie blushed even harder and looked away from me. “I don’t like that word,” she said, a pained expression on her face.

I remembered she had reacted badly to me calling her a slut about a year ago, not long after we got to know each other and since then I had avoided saying it again until just now, when it slipped out without me thinking. “Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t mean it in a bad way,” I quickly retracted. “I absolutely love slutty girls, they are my favourite, I would never say it as an insult. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a girl enjoying sex.”

This clearly didn’t sway her in the slightest, but I could tell she appreciated the apology as she turned back towards me, her frown fading. “Please don’t call me that though. A really nasty girl who bullied me at school called me that. Then she got all the other girls to chant it at me together and it really upset me. I really hate it.” She paused for a moment, pensive, lost in thought. Then her bright smile returned and with a little sparkle in her green eyes she said “Just call me kinky instead!”

She had never told me why she hated the word slut before. I felt bad for her but decided it was best just to move on and not say anything more about it since that seemed to be what she was trying to do. “You are such a kinky girl! Why does it have to be at least eleven guys, bit of an odd number isn’t it?”

“Well,…” she said, her eyes going up to the sky as she cocked her head to the side pausing to overcome her shyness at what she was about to say. “… You know I have told you I have been with quite a few guys,”

“Over forty you told me…” I interjected.

“But you see I normally only suck them off,” she continued, ignoring my interruption completely. “Letting them fuck me just seems like it is going too far, it makes me feel bad afterwards. I’ve only ever had sex with ten guys.” She suddenly turned a shade of beetroot again. “So I want it to be eleven so that I can be fucked by more guys in one go than the total I have ever been fucked by the entire rest of my life.” She stared at me with a mixture of regret of having just said it out loud and hope that I would validate her.

“Wow,” I repeated. “That is really… kinky” I said carefully. She carried on looking at me, no change in her expression. “And I fricking love it,” I added. She was the excited puppy again, throwing her arms around me and kissing me on the cheek.

We had what some people might think of as an odd relationship. We were second year undergrads at Oxford, both on the same engineering course, in the same college and so spent most of our time together. We had been crazy about each other in freshers week of first year and ended up shagging each other for most of it. Then it had been a bit awkward until we admitted to each other that neither of us wanted to be tied down to anything whilst at uni, we both wanted a bit of freedom. We still cared a lot about each other, had no qualms about seeing each other naked and she had even agreed to join in when I found a girl who was up for a threesome with me one time. But we weren’t a couple and didn’t normally have sex any more, to avoid feelings getting too messy. Instead nowadays I was her closest confidant and the chief encourager of her kinky ways. I am a total voyeur and take great pleasure in her sharing all her dirty secrets with me. We sometimes sent dirty messages and helped each other get off on nights we were in the mood and hadn’t found someone else to have fun with. We described it simply as ‘friends with benefits’ to anyone who asked, because that was the easiest label to use and avoid long descriptions. Whatever you would call it, it worked very well for us both.

“I love knowing how much you enjoy my fantasies! It’ll never happen though, I’m never going to go and find eleven guys, I would be way to embarrassed! I don’t know if I could actually follow through with it either. Just another thing to think about on a lonely night I guess!” said Katie. “Catch you later, I need to go finish the questions before our tutorial tomorrow.”

“Bye.” I walked back to my room thinking about Katie’s idea and how much I would like to see it come true. I knew my friend Stuart fancied her, he had told me once. He was on the rugby team, and those guys had a bit of a reputation… An idea formed in my head and I sent a text to Stu.

Stu knocked on my door, I let him in, handed him a beer and we chatted. I shared my idea with him and asked what he thought. “I’m in, just name the time and place,” came the enthusiastic reply.

“It has to be the whole team though, or at least eleven of you, and no condoms. Those are the rules or it doesn’t happen. You think the rest will want to?” I asked.

“Ahh man that’s going to get messy, I don’t want to go last if there’s no condoms. The guys are pretty crazy when they get drunk though. If they all get drunk first, maybe. Yeah, I think I can make it happen. Shit mate, I need to go have a wank now after that. I’ll talk to them at practice on Thursday and let you know.”


Thursday morning I got a text from Stu “We’ve got 13 mate. Couple of them said no, but the rest said yes as long as there is booze. And one of them knows a pub landlord who is a dirty old git who will let us drink free all night and do a lock in if she sucks him off too.”

I messaged Katie to tell her about the offer, missing out the part about sucking off some dirty old bloke for the moment, just to see if she would actually seriously consider doing it.

“Oh fuck, really? Oh my God that is so hot! But I shouldn’t do it though, right?” came the reply. It seemed like she would need a bit of persuasion to get over her inhibitions.

I sent another message “What? Why on earth not!? I thought this was your fantasy? It would be so fricking hot!” I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist it if I was into it. She always seemed so keen to impress me and to do anything I said turned me on. Once I had told her how much I enjoyed watching porn of girls getting facefucked, and the very next night she had texted me, 5 minutes after she had just finished being facefucked. She told me how her throat had been bulging, how messy her face still was as she was writing the message, how he had cum down her throat. All the things I had told her I enjoyed the most about the videos. She had tried to recreate it exactly and then asked me if I enjoyed hearing about it. Sometimes I thought she seemed to enjoy my reaction when listening/reading about it more than the actual act.

“Maybe… OK! But you have to come with me, I’m a bit scared! But yeah, I can’t turn this opportunity down, I might never get the chance again!” she messaged back. I knew it, I thought to myself, I knew that would work. And I knew she would absolutely love it too, she just needed a bit of reassurance.

“Just one more thing though… They want to do it in a pub where they know the landlord, and if you suck him off first they drink free all night and they will gangbang you in the pub when it closes. You don’t mind one extra blowjob do you? ;)” I sent to her, leaving out the part that he was 58 and rather overweight.

“No problem, just makes me feel even more used, so horny now. Am I allowed to cum now thinking about it?” she replied. I loved it when she asked me permission. I almost always allowed her to, but I would always give her some kind of rule or choice about how to do it. I loved the feeling of control over her, knowing I could make her do whatever I said.

“Yes. But you need to get two of your dildos, put one in your mouth and one in your pussy whilst you are using your vibrator and don’t stop until you cum at least three times. You need to get the practice in! You are going to have to please multiple cocks, and they won’t stop until they are all done x” I messaged, savouring the thought of her doing it.

“Yes sir ;) x” came the reply. Another message 10 minutes later saying she had cum 4 times already and was too tired to carry on. She thanked me and said she couldn’t wait for the real thing.

I told Stu the good news and he arranged everything for the next Tuesday night. Tuesday was normally a quite night down the pub so the landlord wouldn’t mind closing up a bit early for the lock in. I had to reassure Katie once or twice again over the next few days, but she was also very excited for it to really happen.

When Tuesday came, I walked with Katie down to the Duke of Wellington, where the rugby team was waiting, nursing their first round of pints, which they had reluctantly paid for since Katie hadn’t done her end of the bargain yet. By the bar sat one lonely old gentleman with just a couple of mouthfuls left in the bottom of his pint glass.

“Only twelve mate, John got cold feet. He’s got a girlfriend and felt bad about cheating. That’s still enough though right? Oh hi there Katie!” he said with a huge grin, as he noticed her standing behind me looking nervous. “Don’t worry, we are all a very friendly bunch,” he said leaning in and giving her a kiss on the cheek. I looked at Katie, worried for a moment that it would all be too much for her and make her panic, but she returned the kiss on to his cheek and gave a little wave to the rest of the team sat at the table. I knew she was past the point of no return, that look on her face meant she was going to follow through.

The landlord had noticed Katie come in too and was currently staring her up and down like a piece of meat. “Cor, you’re a real corker aren’t you love, oh this is gonna be well worth it,” he said in what he apparently didn’t realise was a disgustingly pervy way. Katie looked at him and went pale, a look of revulsion coming over her face. “Sorry Albert, gotta close early tonight, yer missus will have yer dinner waiting for you by now anyway, so go on, better get ‘ome to ‘er,” he said almost forcefully ushering the curious gentleman out of the pub before he could ask any questions about what was going on, and locking the door behind him. He turned back to Katie and licked his lips. “Right, down to business then, eh? Strip off naked, get on your knees and suck my dick, that’s ‘ow I want it.”

Katie looked at the slightly balding, ruddy faced old landlord and almost threw up. Then she looked back over at the table full of fit young rugby players and let out a little sigh. Finally she turned round to me and looked at me expectantly in that cute way she often did. “Well, what are you waiting for,” I asked. “His dick isn’t going to suck itself.” A look of grim determination came over her. “And I am so looking forward to watching what comes next. You are OK if I stay to watch right?” As those final two sentences left my lips, the look of determination turned into one of desire.

“Yes, I’m so glad you want to!” she squeaked excitedly. She slipped off her top and her bra facing me and gave me a wink as she noticed me stare at her cute little pert tits. Then she turned to face away from the rugby team, gradually bending over to slide down her leggings and underwear revealing her bum and already glistening pussy to them. One of them let out a wolf whistle and I caught her smile as she heard it. Then she firmly closed her eyes, turned round to face the landlord, got down on her knees and opened her mouth, her tongue sticking out.

“Oh yes,” he snarled, “that’s right girl, you are going to earn those drinks.” And with that he pulled down his trousers and pants, and put his short fat cock into her mouth. Katie obediently started to suck on his stubby little member, licking the head and then going all the way down his shaft. May as well try to finish him quickly she thought to herself. He started thrusting into her mouth forcefully, his overhanging belly pushing into her face and nose as he did so. At least he isn’t long enough to gag me she thought to herself, although he was girthy enough that she had to keep her mouth wide open to fit him in. His thrusts got faster and he started to make grunting noises. Finally Katie thought, barely a minute, but still not a moment too soon, it will all be over.

Then, the landlord suddenly pulled out and held Katie by the hair, at arms length from his hard cock. There was no noise, no splash of cum and Katie wondered what was happening. She opened her eyes that she had kept so firmly shut to see what was going on. The landlord was stood there, hands off himself, not cumming or finishing, but still grinning. “Can’t be finishing too quickly now can we dear, I intend to enjoy this for as long as I can.” Katie felt sick in the pit of her stomach. She wanted it to be over, she thought it was. But it seemed he was going to play with her and get what he felt was sufficient payment before he was done. I watched them closely. It was hard to look away, like a car crash. Awful to look at and yet you couldn’t not look. I decided to help myself to a pint since the deal was on, and as all the guys on the rugby team noticed me do so, they downed their pints and walked behind the bar, helping themselves to anything they wanted. They stood around the bar, all eyes on Katie, settling in for the repugnant, enthralling show.

The landlord slid his dick back into Katie’s mouth, relishing every moment of her obvious disgust and equally her grudging compliance. He kept up this routine, starting slow, making Katie actively suck him, then taking control and thrusting into her obedient mouth, getting close to cumming, only to pull out each time. The fifth time he did this Katie tried to lunge towards his cock, to suck him whilst he was close and finish him against his will. He grabbed her by the hair and held her back. He let her get close and laughed as she stretched out her tongue, trying to reach his cock as he held her just out of reach.

“Beg me slut,” he leered, “beg to suck my cock and swallow my cum!”. Oh no I thought, she hates that word so much, please don’t let that ruin it. It would be awful if she got upset and stopped now after all the work, fantasy unfulfilled. But my concerns where unfounded.

“Please sir! Please let me suck your cock! Please cum in my mouth, I want to taste your cum,” she said desperately. She had been thinking about the gangbang that was coming afterwards the whole time to help her get through it. Now she was so horny she could barely tell if she was saying this because she wanted so badly for it to be over, or if she actually meant it. In the end it didn’t matter either way, she just knew she wanted more than anything right now to suck this dirty old man’s cock and drink his cum, that was all that mattered.

“Tell me you are my slut, tell me you are Daddy’s little slut,” he said, taking immense pleasure in seeing this pretty 19 year old student on her knees begging him for his cock.

“I’m a slut,” Katie screamed. “I’m Daddy’s little slut! Please cum in my mouth Daddy,” she sobbed. The significance of her calling herself a slut was perhaps lost on the others that didn’t know her prior relationship with the word, but I knew what it meant for her to admit it to herself.

“You’re such a good little slut,” I blurted out without even thinking.

Katie opened her eyes again and turned her head to look right at me for a few seconds. Then she closed them again and started to furiously rub her clit and finger herself, shouting “I’m your slut Daddy, I’m your slut,” over and over again. The landlord’s eyes went wide and his jaw fell open watching the spectacle. Katie had a huge orgasm, squirting onto the sticky floor of the pub, her whole body shaking and convulsing. As soon as she stopped and came back round to her senses, the landlord shoved his cock into her mouth roughly, and thrust as deep as he could, faster and faster until he came in the back of her mouth. Katie, looked straight up into his eyes the whole time he did this, savoured his cum for a few seconds, then swallowed it down with a little “thank you Daddy,” to end it.

“Bloody ‘ell, that was definitely worth it. Best bloody blowjob I’ve had in 40 years! Help yourself to drinks lad, they’re on me!” He turned around as he finished his sentence and saw us stood behind the bar, some of the rugby lads on their third or fourth drink at this point (I was only on my first still, I couldn’t keep up with their drinking and had been far too engrossed in watching Katie). “Oh, I see you started already. Careful lads, don’t drink it all, next delivery isn’t until Thursday. Oh I don’t care, I’m going to go lie down after that, key’s on top of the keg” he said, disappearing through a door behind the bar and up the staircase.

The rugby lads seemed more keen on the free drinks than the pending gangbang and carried on drinking for another hour or so, but a bit more slowly now they knew they could have as much as they wanted. I had just another one myself, admiring their ability to put it away. Or at least most of them. A couple of them had been even more enthusiastic than the others, had drunk God knows how much, and judging by the way they were currently gradually sliding off their stools onto the floor semi conscious, it seemed they weren’t quite so good at holding their drink as they thought they were.

Katie hadn’t drank anything herself, she rarely ever did, but had been flirting with all of them as they drank, still completely naked. She was making out with any of them that wanted to, and encouraging them to grab a feel of her. When she saw the two lightweights out for the count on the floor she looked round frantically, counting the men left standing. “…eight, nine, ten. No, no, it can’t be. One, two… nine, ten,” she counted repeatedly, looking more and more panicked each time she reached only ten, almost in tears now. “You promised,” she cried at the whole team in general. “At least eleven of you! That was the deal!” As she looked around, her eyes fell on me for a moment, she smiled and then walked over to me.

“It’s fate,” she said. “I gave you that threesome remember, you can’t say no, I need you right now.”

I smiled at Katie. “I am so horny right now and I am so down,” I said. She grabbed me and pulled me in close, kissing me and pushing her tongue into my mouth. She turned to my ear and whispered,

“Fuck me now, I can’t wait any longer. I want you to be first.” She pulled me towards the pool table and sat down on it. She undid my shirt and revealed my chest, running her hands through the hair. I undid my trousers and let them fall to the floor. I pulled my now hard cock out of my underwear with one hand and pushed her backwards down onto the table with the other. I slid inside her pussy easily as it was so slick with her dripping juices. As I went all the way in and my balls pressed against her she let out a moan, “fuck, I’m cumming!”

“Wow, you really must be turned on,” I said, “I’ve only just gone inside and you’re cumming already!?” There was no reply, she was still moaning and shaking as the orgasm continued. I started to thrust and with each slap of my hips against her she let out a loud moan.

“Game’s started lads,” shouted Stu as he ran to the side of the pool table and held his cock out near Katie’s face. She grab it with one hand and pulled it into her mouth, sucking it deeply and appreciatively. It muffled her moans as I continued to fuck her. The rest of the team crowded round the table, and one climbed onto it to get closer. He was rewarded as Katie pulled Stu’s cock out of her mouth and swapped to the enthusiastic climber, jerking Stu with one hand and blindly reaching out until she found another cock with the other hand. Watching her please three other cocks and swap between them drove me wild and I picked up my pace.

Katie could tell I was getting closer, and stopped sucking for a few moments to say “Cum in my slutty pussy, I’m your cum slut,” before swapping back to sucking Stu again. As I came inside her, watching her skillfully please anyone who came close enough, a couple of them jostled for position, ready to go straight in as soon as I was out. Not wanting to get in the way, I moved back. I saw a big blob of my cum start to come out of her pussy, but one of the guys was straight in and pushed it back inside as he entered her, plugging her with his cock.

The one who had climbed on the table picked Katie up and lay down underneath her, pulling her cute little bum down onto his cock and started trying to force his way in. “No, not my ass, use my pussy or let me suck you,” said Katie.

“Shut up slut. Sluts like you love it in the ass!” Katie went quiet, not daring to contradict him. He carried on forcing his way in, and as the tip popped through her tight little asshole she let out a cry of pain. “Beg for it in your ass slut!”

“Please fuck my ass sir! Please fuck me hard in my tight little asshole! Fill my ass with your cum sir,” begged Katie through gritted teeth as she winced at how much it hurt. Another guy pulled her head back over towards him and shoved his cock down her throat. He was very well endowed and made her throat bulge, but it was obvious that she was much more experienced with her throat than her ass, as she took it with ease, her gag reflex suppressed by repeated training. Enticed by the wonderful fit of her mouth and throat round his cock, he started pounding harder, causing Katie to start drooling profusely all over his shaft, dripping all over her own face and making wet slurping noises.

Three cocks were all thrusting in and out of her holes at the same time, at slightly different paces. For one moment all three were in sync, filling every orifice at once before they fell out of sync again and her body bounced back and forth between them with each thrust. Katie’s mind went blank, nothing but continuous waves of pleasure passing through it. One huge wave came crashing down and she had the strongest orgasm of her life. She squirted all over the pool table and several of the rugby team, her whole body tensed and almost bent double with just her little feet sticking out from the mass of bodies, shaking uncontrollably.

Each of the three guys inside her came in short succession. First she gratefully gulped down the load that squirted out halfway down her throat. Then she could feel her now incredibly painful ass and her red raw pussy both being pumped full of cum. They all pulled out of Katie and she collapsed down on to the table making little unintelligible but undeniably happy gurgling noises. A pool of cum formed around her bum as both holes dripped out their loads and they mingled together. There was a slight lull as the remaining guys took in the scene in front of them, and tried to figure out a way of having a turn with out having to touch the pool of my and their team mates cum.

One of them just shrugged his shoulders and said “looks like we’re going to have to get messy guys, can’t bitch out now.” And climbed on top of Katie to start fucking her dripping cunt.

“Wait, I need a break,” said an exhausted Katie. “I’m sore, just give me ten minutes.”

“Fuck that, I’m not waiting,” he said, pushing himself on top of her. “You’re a slut right and wanted to get gangbanged yeah? Time to prove it. Show me what a good slut you are.”

I piped up “you’re such a sexy slut, be a good girl for them.” On hearing this, Katie wrapped her legs around the guy on top of her and pulled him inside of her. There was a wince of pain, and then her face relaxed into an expression of bliss as another orgasm rode over her. Each guy took his turn fucking his hole of choice as Katie begged them to fuck her and cum in her.

Once all of us had finished, Katie stayed lying in the middle of the pool table, the earlier pool of cum now soaked into the cloth and starting to dry, even as more poured out of her forming a fresh pool. “One more thing guys…”started Katie. “If you have another load in you, would you mind all cumming on my face too? It’s another fantasy of mine.”

“Kinky slut,” I said. Katie smiled at me and nodded.
