[M/F…M] Late Night Blue Lights [nc] [humil] [Mdom]

*I’ve written a few stories that range in topic and points of view. Typically I write first person, but this is an early attempt at third person. Please let me know what you think and I’ll take any constructive criticism you can provide.*

It was late, nearing midnight as James drove Anna home from the bachelorette party. Anna’s old college roommate was getting married the following week. The hour long drive back to their house was mostly on rural back roads. Two lane highways where the speed limit is often lowered with little notice. 

James and Anna had been married for over eight years. Their nights were typically not exciting and Anna used this opportunity to let loose. Anna was quite intoxicated when James arrived to pick her up. Anna had spilled a drink on herself at some point in the night the odor was still ever present as she rode home. 

It had been years since Anna and James had been frisky in the car and Anna felt like that should change. In her drunken state of mind, the long dark road with few passing cars would make the perfect time to perform a private blowjob on James. Initially James thought she was joking, but quickly realized Anna was committed to the endeavor as she took off her seatbelt and leaned over the center console of the minivan. 

After feignedly fighting off her attempt, James gave into his wife’s spontaneous desire. Anna reached into his boxers after opening his pants widely for access and pulled James’ semi-erect cock out. She quickly went to work, licking and sucking as he became fully aroused. James often found his eyes shifting from the road to the back of his wife’s head. Her beautiful wavy shoulder length brown hair kept falling into her face and finding its way into her mouth. 

James gently gathered up what he could in one hand and held it out of her way. The sensation was great for James, although Anna’s usual skills in the act seemed to be impaired. Anna struggled with the coordination and movements needed. When she bent over, her equilibrium was thrown off and the motion of the car was causing an additional challenge. Anna frequently paused as nausea seemed to bubble up. This extended the act to the point both were getting frustrated. 

 James suddenly noticed the car behind him was equipped with flashing blue light on its dash. The small but obvious light flashed brightly as a wave of fear flooded over him. James quickly pulled Anna up, telling her they were being pulled over and to sit up and put her seatbelt on. James looked down at his speedometer and noticed he was going 37mph. The last sign he recalled seeing was 35mph and was unsure what was the issue as he slowed down to find a place to pull over off the road. 

James pulled into a large grass opening just off the road, next to a corn field. The edge was just big enough for his car as he was careful not to get too close to the small ditch that separated the two. Anna had sat up and tried to covertly put on her seatbelt while James quickly buttoned and zipped his pants. Both of their hearts raced as they saw the officer approach James’ window. James rolled down his window and the fresh cold crisp hair was even more of a walk up call. 

“Do you know why I pulled you over Sir?” The officer asked with a slight southern twang in his voice, common to the area.

“No Sir, I don’t think I was speeding.” James responded curiously as he saw the officer, a tall middle aged white man, about 6’0” 200lbs in plain clothes with a dark windbreaker jacket which read ‘SHERIFF’ in yellow letters with a black shirt and jeans. The man had a day old shave’s worth of dark haired stubble and long slicked back dark hair. His dark gaze glared at James and then at Anna as he shined his small bright flashlight in the vehicle. 

“Well that’s right you weren’t speeding.” the officer said with a chuckle before breaking into a serious tone. “You were doing 37 in a 55.”

“Oh I’m sorry officer, I was just trying to be safe. Is that against the law?” James pretended to innocently question if it justified stopping him.

The officer leaned in just inside the minivan’s window and inhaled deeply before standing up straight again. “No, going 37 in a 55 isn’t illegal. But, I saw you drift over the yellow line and I detect the scent of alcohol. I’m going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle Sir.” he commanded as he put his hand on his hip. 

James protested as he tried to explain why the vehicle smelled like alcohol. Anna chimed in to help defend James, “And the only reason he crossed the line was because I was giving him road head.”
In a deeper commanding voice, the officer told James to step out of the vehicle. adding, “I will not ask you again!” 

James slowly exited the van, careful not to make any sudden movements. “Okay, Okay” he said, holding his hands up. The officer directed James to the back of the minivan. James was spun around and pushed into the back of the van as the officer pulled James’ arms behind his back.
James protested again, careful not to physically resist though. “Woah, is this really necessary?” He asked as his 5’8”, 140lbs frame was in no position to win a fist fight, much less one involving the officer’s weapon. 

The officer sharply responded, “I’m going to pat you down for officer safety, to make sure you don’t have any weapons or anything that could harm anyone, do not pull away or resist. Do you understand?” The officer quickly pulled out a zip-tie and secured James’ hands behind his back together. 

James reiterated this was just a mistake and he would gladly take a breathalyzer to clear the situation up as he watched Anna in the dimly lit van through the large back glass window. The officer proceeded to pat James down everywhere. The officer ran his hands up and down James’ polo shirt and khaki pants; ending with a heavy handed tab to the groin, causing James to groan in shock. “Was that really necessary?” James complained as he was catching his breath.  

“Officer safety. ” the officer responded as he pulled James’ wallet from his back pocket and began to go through it. 

James strained to look at the officer to continue to press him against the van with this hip. “James Francis Sanders” the officer said before reading off James’ address. “Do you have any warrants or probations in the system?” he asked. 

“No, I don’t. Can you please loosen the ties? It’s cutting into my wrists.” James quickly responds.

“In just a minute, is that your Wife in the car?”


“What is her name?”


“And where are you headed at this hour?”

“Home, I don’t see how that is any of your business though.”

“I’m going to sit you down over here while I have a word with Anna”, the officer pulls back on James while keeping him off balance. He walks James backwards and pulls down on his hands hard, forcing James to sit on the ground with a thud. “Now stay there, don’t move.”

James sat bewildered as he watched the officer walk up to the passenger side door and open it. “Anna Sanders?” he asked.

“Yes? Is something wrong?” Anna asked as she was blinded by the bright flashlight. 
“Did you know performing oral sex on the operator of a moving vehicle is dangerous? Not only could it have caused a wreck killing you both, but it could hurt someone else too.” he sternly lectured. 
Anna regretted her actions, acknowledging her actions were a bit reckless. 

“I’m going to need you to step out of the vehicle.” The officer commanded as he stepped back. 
“What for? I didn’t do anything.” Anna said as she slowly removed her seatbelt and turned in her seat. She stepped out wearing a loose fitting grey knitted sweater top and knee length black flowing skirt with 4 inch pumps.  

The officer noticed Anna was unsteady as she got out, a combination of heels on the uneven soft ground with the alcohol in her system proved to be a difficult feat. He grabbed her and guided her to face the side of the van, “Put your hands on the van and do not move them. I’m going to pat you down for officer safety. Do you understand? If you move I will cuff you like I did James over there, got it?” 
James yelled,  “Hey, you can’t do that! It has to be a female officer!” 

The officer turned to look at James, “I can call a female officer and one might be in her 45 minutes or I can do this now. Which would you like, Ma’am?”

Anna was already leaning against the van with her hands pressed against the siding side door. She hung her head a bit more and in a defeated tone said, “Just do it, get it over with and let us be on our way.” 

The officer reached up and grabbed Anna’s hair, pulling it back quickly causing her to yelp in pain. “What was that? I didn’t hear you.”

“I said you could do it so we can get on our way.” Anna grunted in discomfort as she was off balance with her neck strained backwards.

“Okay, thank you for your consent, I will pat you down now for officer safety.” he said as he released his grip on her hair and began groping her body. 

“That’s my bra”, Anna said as he felt around at the underwire of her bra through the thick knitted sweater. “I’ll need to verify that.” he mumbled as he swiftly pushed his hands under her sweater and lingered as he felt all around her bra. His hot breath was noticeable on her neck in the cold night’s air. 
The officer’s hands then felt along the waistband of her skirt. As he swatted to pat down her lower half, he placed one hand on her ass, pushing her against the van. “Please don’t move!” he commanded.

“I didn’t” she muttered back as his free hand ran down each leg and then up between her legs. His fingers swiped over her panties from her mound to the back along her slit and up her ass crack. 

“HEY!” Anna yelled as she snapped her head to look backwards.

“Ma’am, I told you not to move!” the officer sternly stated as he stood up and shoved her against the van. James shouted and attempted to stand up, but could not get his legs under him as he tried to maintain his balance with his arms still bound behind his back. 

The officer shouted over the commotion, “We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. Now I think I felt contraband, I need to do a more thorough search.”  Anna interrupted yelling, “The fuck you did! You didn’t feel anything other than my privates!”

“Ma’am, I told you not to move. If you hadn’t moved maybe I would be positive I didn’t feel anything. But you are suspicious because you moved and I might have felt something.” The officer explained. 
James yelled, “This is wrong! What is your badge number? We want a female officer! Who do you think you are!” 

The officer ignored James as he grabbed each of Anna’s arms and pulled them behind her back. He pulled her backwards and reached to open the sliding door on the minivan. Once it opened, he pushed Anna to lean over the middle captain’s chair. 

Anna yelled, “STOP, I want a female!”

“Ma’am, you already consented to this search, I’m completing this search” he firmly announced as he reached over her and buckled seat belt. He then grabbed her arms again, overpowering Anna’s resistance while leaning on top of her. He pulled a zip tie from his pocket and secured her arms to the seatbelt. Anna’s toes barely touched the ground as she was strained bent face down over the seat of the chair.

James could now see the officer more clearly with the dome light from the van combined with the obstructed shadows cast from the officer’s car’ headlights. Too many things seemed out of the ordinary for this to be normal protocol. James looked back at the unmarked car, a model he’d never seen used by any traffic cops before. The light on the dash was still flashing, but something about it seemed off. James lifted his head to see as he slowly came to the realization it was the size of a cell phone. 

“HEY, are you a real cop? Let me see your badge!” James yelled as the officer lifted Anna’s skirt and pulled it back exposing Anna’s black satin and lace trimmed panties. The man ignored James as he stood back to admire how Anna’s ass looked. 

James yelled more, “HEY! I’m talking to you! You’re not a real cop are you? You are a fake cop, you’re going to jail! You’re busted!” he continued badgering the man as he reached between Anna’s legs, running his fingers over the damp crotch. 

“Damn, you’re already wet?” he joked as he pressed his fingers harder against her sex. “What could be hiding in here to get you all wet?” he said as he leaned near Anna’s head. James’ voice continued to spew out threats and called out for Anna as the man began to peel her panties down. He pulled her legs out one at a time, causing her to lose a shoe. 

“Does he ever shut up?” the man said, standing up and bringing the panties to his nose. “Do you really think it’s a good idea to piss me off?” he turned to James and paused, “I know where you live, I know what your kid looks like and you are in no position to stop me.” he chuckled as he stepped towards James.

James was deflated, he had not thought it through and the man was correct, the best case scenario is we all leave here alive. The man took the panties and pressed them to James’ mouth. “Take it, open up and shut the fuck up!” he demanded as he grabbed James’ jaw squeezed the sides of his face causing his jaw to open. The man then shoved Anna’s panties in, stuffing them completely in with two fingers as he held his jaw open. James struggled to keep the panties from going down his throat as he resisted. The material quickly dried out the saliva in his mouth and left him with only the musty taste of Anna’s scent. 

The man returned to Anna who seemed to have shut down. James could see her tremble as the man touched her bare exposed ass, but she didn’t make a sound. He then slipped his fingers back between her legs and pushed them inside. James watched as the man continued to penetrate his Wife with his fingers. Over time, the noise of his idling car was not enough to cover the wet smacking sounds his hand made as it slammed into her. 

Anna sobbed silently as he claimed that he needed to search more. “I think I need to reach a little deeper.” he said as he pulled out and began to unbutton his pants, pulling his cock out. He positioned himself behind her and roughly entered her. James closed his eyes in emotional agony after he watched the van shake with each thrust. He could still hear Anna groan with discomfort as the man pushed all his weight against her small frame. 

I was only minutes, but felt like hours as the man grunting before finally let out a moan of pleasure. James’ was relieved slightly as he saw the man pull out and shoot his load into the grass. Anna laid motionless as the man put himself away. “That was satisfying. I hope you folks have a safe drive back home. Be careful now, you don’t want to end up as a statistic.” he said callously as he walked to the car and quickly pulled away. James noticed the car’s license plate had been removed as its engine roared away.

James turned back to see Anna still motionless and silent. He worried if she was passed out or worse. James’ muffled screams filled the now silent air between the rustling of the corn field’s leaves. An eternity passed before Anna frees herself by unbuckling the fastened seatbelt trapping her. She collapsed in the grass a few feet from James. Both of their eyes swelled more with tears. James’s with relief and Anna’s with sorrow. 

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uxvz9a/mfm_late_night_blue_lights_nc_humil_mdom