Clouds in the Sky

Chapter 1
“What a slow day.” I thought to myself while staring at the clouds. I had decided to take a “smoke” break outside, despite not smoking, a tip I had picked up from my former manager before taking his place after he left the company. I didn’t really need a break as my job was
mainly supervising and correcting the mistakes of my team. I had picked well during the hiring process, and they rarely needed my supervision and so I had a lot of free time to waste during the day.

On this particular Tuesday I sat in a park area built by the company as an area for staff to come and de-stress, though it had come to be known as the smokers hangout. Either way it was quite a lovely place to pass the time, especially when the flower bushes were in full bloom, although that hardly mattered given it was November. I preferred the cloudy days to the sunny days anyways, and the cold kept most of the staff inside, well mostly.

I had only been sitting down for about 3 minutes before I saw the door and noticed a woman approaching the park area. I didn’t recognize her however I had given my unofficial assistant manager Claire permission to hire new staff as she saw fit. She had always had quite the eye for finding talent.
As she approached, I took the time to size her up. Physically she was attractive but everything about her, from her body to her clothes, and her shoulder length curly brown hair, there was really nothing that set her apart from any other normal woman, not that that was a bad thing.

It’s just that in my experience women typically highlight the areas they find particularly attractive to themselves and focus on that to further highlight their beauty, she had not done any of that, not that it was required, She simply did not fit the mold I would have ascribed to most women.

I gave her a wave and a smile as she approached, before standing and offering my outstretched hand to her. I would have preferred to be left alone or ignore her out right but unfortunately that was not an option afforded to management.

“Hello, I haven’t seen you here before, my name is Xavier.” I said with a practiced smile on my face.

“I’m Samantha, but you can call me Sam.” She said quietly, meeting my handshake. “Todays my first day.” ,she said before turning and sitting. I took the opportunity to check out her backside briefly before she sat down.

“How are you liking it so far? I asked as I sat back down this time genuinely curious.
There had been issues with new staff in the past not meshing with some or all members
of the current employees, and so lately we had problems retaining employees past the 90 probationary period.

“It’s been ok so far.” she said, not even looking up from the imaginary item she had been staring at on the ground. Clearly she did not want to talk. So I decided to do the polite thing.

As I stood up, her eyes rose to meet mine,” Well my times up, I’ll see you around the office. If you need anything, just have someone ask you where my office is.”

“Thank you.”, she said politely before I walked away. I could feel her watching as I left, but I controlled the urge to turn around. As with every situation it’s better to have the upper hand.

Chapter 2

I decided to walk to the side door which connected directly to my office rather than cutting through the office. I still wasn’t in much of a mood to interact with any employees. I sat down and took a moment to take a deep breath. I still didn’t have much to do so instead I logged into the security system and started checking out the cameras throughout the office. While the cameras were visible, no one was aware that I had access to the feed, and would occasionally spy on them when bored. Everyone was just working like normal, so I cycled the feed until I got to the garden. As I was about to move to the next camera, a movement caught my eye.

As I watched, I noticed that our newest employee had slipped her left hand under her skirt and seemed to be masturbating, certainly an interesting development. It was fascinating, her body was perfectly still and as she was facing away from the door, so if you approached her from behind, you would never suspect a thing. Her left hand was frantically rubbing her crotch, desperately trying to achieve the satisfaction she was seeking. I continued to watch her, alternating between her face and the hand under her skirt, when I suddenly realized. Not only was she masturbating at work, she was edging herself, stopping each time she was close to orgasm, before resuming her activities.

I watched her continue this pattern for an additional 10 minutes before seeing her hand movement rapidly increase her body shaking slightly, before her hand movements stopped. She sat there for a few minutes with her hands still under her skirt. She slowly slid her hand out from under her skirt and to my surprise brought her hand to her face, inhaling the scent of her essence deeply before sliding a pinky into her mouth. She took her time cleaning off each finger one by one before licking the rest off her palm all the way down to her wrist. She then stood up, fixed her skirt, and headed back into the office. I copied the last few minutes to an encrypted drive, before returning to my work. “Seems like work is about to get much more interesting.”, chuckled to myself.

(Just a story I’m writing for fun. It will have erotic sections, in-between the world building but i figured id start to post it here, in case anyone wants to give me feedback.)
