Making Chloe Mine (Part 5): Submission [M/F] [friends to lovers] [bd] [cons nc] [creampie] [breeding] [impreg] [d/s] [Fdom] [Mdom] [ddlg] [gentledom] [caretaking] [praise kink]

**Note from the author:**

Hey folks, my name is Aiden. This is my first time writing an erotic story (so keep that in mind.) The story alternates POV between Oliver and Chloe per chapter. If you notice any spelling or grammar mistakes, notify me and I will fix them.

**I realized I’ve been doing the tags all wrong like a dumbass. Tried to fix that. Added a few of my own which might be wrong.**


– This story is fantasy. Obviously, don’t rape people. Consensual non-consent is the way to go, if you’re into that. Use safe words and aftercare.

– The G-spot is part of the clitoral complex, and is not an independent area. Clitoral orgasms are vaginal orgasms.

– Don’t fall asleep inside your partner’s vagina. Yes it’s hot, but it can cause yeast infections. This is fiction.


Chloe and Oliver come up against a power struggle. Who will win?

******π•‹π•™π•šπ•€ 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕑π•₯𝕖𝕣 𝕙𝕒𝕀 𝕒 𝕝𝕠π•₯ 𝕠𝕗 π•–π•©π•‘π• π•€π•šπ•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿ π•₯𝕙𝕒π•₯ π•šπ•€π•Ÿ’π•₯ 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣π•₯𝕝π•ͺ 𝕀𝕖𝕩𝕦𝕒𝕝. 𝕀𝕗 π•ͺ𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 π• π•Ÿπ•π•ͺ 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 π•₯𝕙𝕖 π•Ÿπ•’π•¦π•˜π•™π•₯π•ͺ π•“π•šπ•₯𝕀, 𝕀𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝 π••π• π•¨π•Ÿ π•₯𝕠 π•₯𝕙𝕖 π•₯𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖 𝕏𝕏𝕏’𝕀. 𝕋𝕙𝕒π•₯ 𝕀𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕕𝕠 π•₯𝕙𝕖 π•₯π•£π•šπ•”π•œ.*****

**Part 5: Submission (Oliver’s Perspective)**

It’s close to midnight as I walk out into the garden. Circled around the fire, a portrait of my close friends playing cards, sharing quiet conversation, and drinking forms as my eyes adjust to the light. Jade and Adrian are making out like koi fish, as they periodically do. Smack dab in the middle of the group, Chloe is glumly leaning on Layla’s shoulder. Without a word, she had rushed into her clothes and hurried out back to the party after our little “get-away.”

*Did she hate me now? Had I royally messed up? Did I scare her?*

I sneak into a chair and the conversation abruptly halts.

“What did you do to her?” Layla accuses, squinting suspiciously.

Jade drunkenly points at me and burps, not giving me a chance to speak. “You wanna’ know something about Oliver? He’s a man slut. Yup, heard it here folks. Thaaaaat’s right. Man whore,” she sings. “What? It’s true – every chick he bangs becomes obsessed with him but he leaves ’em like right after. A notch on the bed belt and bye bye, haha. Belt buckle, whatever. But you must have pretty mad skills to pull bitches like that. I’d take you for a test-drive.” She’s even more chaotic than usual, and that bar is pretty high.

Layla passes her a glass of water and pats her back. “That’s enough Jade,” she soothes.

I clear my throat, “No, I just use my rudimentary knowledge of the female anatomy.” The boys laugh in response and Ray slaps the back of his hand on my chest, spilling some of his beer over the chips.

“Bruh, stop lying, you took that like psychobiology of women class in undergrad. You’re a pussy nerd, dude.”

*Wow, everyone’s utterly shit faced right now. I’ll have to call all of them separate Ubers or individually drive them home.*

“Look, it’s the least us men can do, okay comrades? Now, while I’d love to continue this conversation, it’s getting late. I’m gonna be a bad host and call it a night. So, come on… let’s go. It’s past your bedtimes anyways. Out. Out.”

Around 95% of the time, I’m the group’s “responsible Dad.” This is no exception. They put up some fuss but eventually agree and stumble to their feet. I arrange all of them rides and the group slowly filters out.

Chloe’s snuck away to bed at some point and I find her in fetal position. She turns her head with a huff once she notices I’m looking at her. Walking over, I squat down and brush her hair out of her face.

“You’re evil,” she pouts.

*Should I say it?*

“I know, but you love me anyways,” I say, with much more confidence than expected.

“That doesn’t mean you’re not evil.”

*She hadn’t denied my accusation.*

“So you admit you love me, no?” I joke.

She grabs my cheeks, stretching them apart like she used to when we were kids. “Yes, I love you, but if you ever do that again, I’ll kill you,” she warns, releasing my aching cheeks.

I close my eyes and bask in her confession.

*She loves me.*

“You’re scary,” I declare. Taking her petite face in my hands, I lean in. “I’m very sorry love. I promise to never do that again… without your permission,” I grin. “Would you like me to grovel on the floor and beg for forgiveness?” I ask, beginning to lower myself to the ground.

“So annoying!” she groans, pounding my chest.

As we finally settle into bed, I hear her soft breathing slow on my chest.

*She’s mine, and I’m hers; My wildest dreams have come true.*

All I want to do is squeeze her against me, but refrain to avoid waking her up. So we fall asleep like this, our limbs entangled.


The green digital letters of the clock inform me it’s now 6 AM. Chloe’s omitting old man snores. I hold in a laugh. Last night drifts back to me and I shudder as pleasure-soaked memories return… and her grumpy face later on. Mistakes were made.

*Well, no point in moping about.* *There’s nothing like some 6AM freezing Tai Chi and Muay Thai punishment in only my underwear to atone for being an asshole.*

The backyard has become a strange sculpture of debris from the party, constructed against the meticulously groomed garden.

I see a pair of brown eyes peering at me from the window behind the white peonies, and wave. Her eyebrows lift in surprise when we make eye contact but by the time I can steal a second look, she’s vanished.

*How cute that’s she came to watch me. I suppose I’ll have to show off for her.*

After thoroughly working my muscles to exhaustion, I drag my feet into the kitchen.

Red Shibari ropes are splayed across the wooden dining table. Chloe sits with her hands folded in a pyramid and her lips form a flat line. “Care to explain this, Ted Bundy?” she exclaims and holds it up like a dead snake. “Why do you have a fifty-shades-of-grey style dungeon in the basement?”

*Really? Now of all times she finds it? How did she even get down there with her cast on? This coupled with last night means I look insane. I have to rationalize it.*

“It’s Ojiisan’s. And it’s much classier than that trash. He has shunga prints from the Edo period down there; it’s practically a museum,” I remark, and grab some cereal from the cupboard.

“Grandpa… Kai?” she recoils in disgust.

“Yup. Shame on you for kink shaming.”

“Yeeeuhhhh. That’s so gross. Don’t say another word!” She covers her ears and starts singing to block me out.

I speak before my brain can catch up, “he taught me a lot of the knotwork actually. On sticks n’ stuff.”

“Ugh! No more!”

A buzzing sound interrupts her childish display. After clicking her long glossy purple nails on the screen to answer, she exchanges some pleasantries. “Oh! No, no that’s okay. That’s great news. I thought it was recovering fast!” she exclaims in her sugar-sweet “phone voice.” She forms her hand into a talking puppet and rolls her eyes.

I spin a dining chair around and sit backwards on it, so I can listen in.

“Today at 1 PM? Okay, the downtown one? Great. Yes I can make the appointment, thank you” she says and hangs up the phone.

*I almost forgot I called her my wife last night. Could I be any much more of a dork? Not only does she think I’m a perv, but now she thinks I’m obsessed with her too. Fuck…and both of those things are true.*

“Just what you’d expect of our bum ass medical system. My ankle’s not broken. They switched my medical records with another patient and it turns out I only have a sprain. In other words, it’s probably recovered and I’ve been lugging this stupid cast around for *months*.” She shakes her head cynically.

“It’s been like, a week or two max. Look, I can take you if get we get back by 3. I have some international clients stopping by later though,” I offer.

“Nope. I’m sick of you, and everything for that matter. Jade or Layla will take me,” she retorts and hobbles away.

*It’s understandable that she’s mad.*

About an hour later, Jade swings by in her beat up Honda CRV that’s blaring 90’s R&B out the window; dings decorate its grey exterior.

“Yo, baby! You’re free today, ayyyyyy!” she exclaims and gives Chloe a kiss on the cheek. It lasts a little too long, and she politely shoves Jade away. “Hey, man. What’s good? Treating my waifu like a queen, yeah?”

“Always,” I reply shortly.

Chloe snorts in disbelief and Jade makes an “I’m watching you signal” with her hands at me in response. I walk up to the car and lean my head in for a safety check.

*No booze. Brief whiff of stale pot, probably old. Some lipstick and an open box of tampons on the car floor.*

“All good. Be safe ladies. I’ll have my phone on. Seatbelts please.”

The lemon of a car rolls down the road and my thoughts wander to my workload that I’ve been procrastinating for several days now.

I’d ended up with the family mushroom business after everyone else had passed away. Mom refused to take over because the whole place reminded her of Dad. Running it all alone would be impossible; luckily, I had some workers that would come in and do the majority of the harvesting and whatnot. We had nearly every edible and medicinal mushroom in the book. Indoor and outdoor, including some forage-only species that need micronutrients from proximity to trees- like morels. What else would a mycology degree be good for?

Alvaro and Duarte, who are kind of like my honorary rich gay uncles, were coming in today from Portugal to pick up a batch of dried Reishi. This was an annual occurrence, so they’d want a lengthy rundown on my life’s current events over wine. If I shared what was going on with Chloe, it would sound incestual to them; they used to play chess with us when we were little.

*Stop day-dreaming, off to work! Time to give my brain a break from Chloe-crack.*


After a long day’s labor, the “clients” leave and I hop into the shower. “This is how we do it” laced with high pitched voices blasts through the window. They’ve come back.

I greet them and Jade power walks over to me. She pauses, slaps me, and then snatches my shirt collar with both hands. Her surprisingly strong grip pulls me in and our noses are almost touching.

“She told me everything, you slut. I know you. I’ve seen you bag these girls. You fucked her and now you’re gonna leave like you always do, yeah? If you abandon her, I’ll poor spoiled milk in your car or some jank shit like that. You hear me? Fuck boy trash!” she spits. “Still love you though. Don’t mess this up Oliver. You’re gonna take her out tonight and worship her everyday, or I’ll steal her.”

“Yes ma’am,” I promise, trying to pry her grip off of me. Jade’s lack of manners and boundaries meant she always was spicing up our lives.

Chloe gracefully steps up out of the car and I stop breathing at the sight of her.

She’s dressed to the nines. Black pumps perfectly match the silky fabric of her dark dress, which fits her round hips and ass like a glove. A tastefully thigh-high cut out reveals the black-lined snake tattoo which winds around her leg; its tail points my attention up to her full breasts. The fabric is almost so tight that they might spill out of it. A golden lotus flower with tiny purple jewels strung across its chain that I gave her last year adorns her neck.

My eyes finally drift up to her face and I’m stunned by her magnificence. Her hair is curled into loose waves and her eyes are framed by a dark smoky shadow. With that inexorable stare, I want to jump her right in the front yard, regardless of who might see. I hadn’t even noticed Jade drive away.

XXX━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ XXX

She struts up to me and grabs my hand, pulling me into the cabin.

“I thought we were going out?”

“Shut up, Oliver,” she hisses. I follow in obedient silence as she drags me downstairs to the Shibari room. She pushes me on the canopied red silken bed and slips her hand under a pillow. “Close your eyes. Don’t open them unless I say so.”

“Sure, I’ll play your little game.”

A snake-like sensation slithers over my wrists in a loose criss-cross pattern, and then cinches tight until my palms are pressed together.

“Move, and I’ll kick in you in the balls.” She pushes me up further onto the bed so I’m lying down and then goes to town on my legs, tying each ankle to the bedposts.

I peep at her surprisingly decent two-column tie but abruptly close my eyes as she lifts my arms above my head, and ties them to the slotted head board.

“Didn’t expect that, did you? I found this room several months ago and have been practicing since then,” she whispers and violently grabs my hair, pulling my head back.

I grunt and look at her devilish grin above me. With that eyeshadow, she makes a convincing succubus. “Thought you could do whatever you wanted with me, huh?” Her nails gently graze against my throat. She snakes her fingers around my neck and squeezes firmly. “Well, reality isn’t fucking hentai Oliver.” Leaning back, she places a hand on my cock and squeezes. “Last night, you went on and on about women’s empowerment when you had tried to force a baby into me not 20 minutes prior,” she purrs through gritted teeth and grips my dick until it’s borderline painful. “And now you’re gonna suffer.” Chloe spins around and pulls my pants down to my ankles. Placing one leg out to the side, she raises her dress up and her pantie-less ass is revealed in all its glory through the dress’ slit.

“Stick out your tongue,” she barks, and sits on my face with her plump ass.

I gladly accept her.

*Even tied up like this I can still dominate you, little girl – but I’ll play along with your sweet fantasy.*

“If I want to have a baby, that’s my choice. When you impregnate me, it’ll be under my terms. Do you understand?”

*When I impregnate her? When? As in, it’s a given?*

I enthusiastically agree and slide my tongue up to her ass, moaning. My cock bounces to attention and I know she can see my huge erection underneath her.

*The thing is, if you know the tie, it’s fairly easy to slip your way out of it. It’ll take me a while, but I can do it. I’ll be in control again soon enough.*

“I think you need some training in self control, ‘love’,” she growls, poking fun at my term of endearment for her.

As I’m fervently lapping from her pussy to her ass, I feel a warm mouth meet the base of my shaft and slide up to the tip, leaving a hot, wet, trail in its wake.

“Is this what you wanted? You wanted to corrupt me?” she mocks.

My cock swells at the taste of her intoxicatingly sticky-sweet pussy juice which has now thoroughly coated my face.

*In just a few minutes, I’m gonna fuck you into the bed until you scream my name.*

I try to push my cock up to her lips but she forces my hips down.

“See. You’re a greedy boy. You can’t always get what you want,” she teases. I feel her forming her hand into a loose fist and she pulls my foreskin down, exposing the head. Swirling her wet tongue around the sensitive tip, I desperately try to buck into her throat but she grabs my balls with her other hand and yanks.

“Mm-mmm. Bad boy. Be good for me,” she instructs, with my cock still in her mouth.

She begins sliding her lips up and down on my expanding dick, sucking on the way up as her delicate fingers work my balls. Her other hand strokes the base, adding to the sensation of her mouth.

It’s embarrassing, but I’m already close to cumming. My balls tighten in preparation.

“Keep licking!” she commands.

Just as I’m about to shoot my load deep into her throat, she pulls her lips off my cock, snickering. “Bad boy. You think you can cum without permission?” She coos in a baby voice and makes a frowny face, swatting my dick.

“Keep licking, you pathetic man. I’m gonna use your mouth to cum.” The moans she’s making tell me that her pussy is hungry for my cock. Making my goddess cum is all I want right now, but the sight of her squirming above me is just too much.

*I need to be inside her.*

Groaning in frustration, I ferociously attempt to pump my cock up into that slutty mouth, but her forearms remain on my legs, rendering me immobile.

“You did such a good job licking my pussy that I think you deserve to be inside me now, sweetie. You wanna’ be inside me?”

“Please!” I beg. She steps off me and casually opens one of the dressers by the bed, pulling out a Hitachi wand. “This is mine. You see, I created a little trap for you because you deserved to be punished after how dirty you were last night.” She straddles me with the soles of her elegant feet pressed against the sides of my thighs. Without any precedence, she grabs my cock and slides it deep inside of her. I see her eyes roll back and she clicks the vibrator on, grinding it against her clit as she rocks back and forth on my hips. “You want to breed me so badly, don’t you? How long have you been thinking about this Oliver? Since we were teenagers? All those times we would fall asleep cuddling, were you thinking about fucking me?”

“Yeah, ever since we were young I’ve always wanted you. I’ve always wanted to fill you with my babies. I’ve always known you’d be an amazing mother. I’ll do anything for you so please, please give me what I want,” I pant.

My cock twitches inside her.

*I’m already close.*

She leans down and instructs me to stick my tongue out. Her soft lips suck on it until I reciprocate.

*Where did she learn all of this?*

“I’m not as innocent as you think I am, you know. I play with myself everyday. I doubt you can satisfy me.”

Her challenge almost causes me to explode but she stops her movements and selfishly continues with the Hitachi wand. I feel her pussy throb around my cock as she shoves my hips down against the bed so I can’t thrust into her.

“Chloe, I swear to God, when I get out of these restraints I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you,” I spit, my subservient faΓ§ade breaking.

“Oh yeah, is the big bad wolf gonna come get me? You’re just a rope bunny for me to play with.”

The last knot slips through my fingers and I whip my hands down to her hips, throwing her off of me so that she’s trapped by my side. With one arm over her body, I swiftly untie my ankles, despite her biting and kicking.

“What a naughty little girl. You thought you were in control, how cute.” I pin her down. “You don’t want me to rape a baby into you? Then leave,” I offer, lifting my arm up so she can escape.

She stays in place, gawking up at me in a mix of what looks like terror and lust. I support her neck with my hand and feel her rapid pulse under my finger tips.

“That’s what I thought. It’s okay to want to be forced, you know? It’s a pretty common kink, to feel desired to the point where I can’t control myself around you? Hmm? To finally be able to take a break and give up some control to me?,” I tantalize, massaging her neck. “You work so hard, honey. I see you.”

She swallows and her lips fall open in pleasure.

I draw closer to the sensitive area just below her golden earring. “I can be pretty scary though, hmm? So I’ll give you this. If you ever need it to stop, just scream ‘vanilla’; but only use it as a last resort. Push yourself for me, got it?”

“Yes sir,” she agrees submissively.

*I’ve got her now, safe word and all; locked and loaded.*

I pull her to my lap and lift her dress far up her back. Faintly caressing her ass with my hand, I run my free fingers through her long brown hair.

“You were pretty naughty, sweetie. I can’t allow that.”

As my hand cracks down on her ass, she yelps and tries to crawl out off of me.

“Oh no, you’re not getting away now,” I declare and spank her other cheek. Each time I do, she begins to soften in defeat.

“Please no more! It hurts! I’m sorry, I’m sorry for tying you up, please stop!” she begs.

I continue brandishing handprints on her ass until she’s near crying.

*Don’t go too far. She’s small and delicate. Be mindful.*

Pushing her legs behind her head, her whole ass and pussy are exposed to me. I run my fingers over her glossy lips until he opens up and sucks on them.

“Such a good little girl for Daddy,” I soothe, running my now wet fingers over her soaking labia. She shutters in response as I brush over her clit. “You’re so wet. We like spanking huh? Why am I not surprised?”

She jolts at the sensation of my cock rubbing against her vulva, as I grab both of thighs and gradually sink my cock deep into her.

*Don’t move your hips. Give her time to adjust. You’re huge. Remember.*

“Do you know what this position is called?”

She shakes her head quickly and I grip her breast in my large hand.

“It’s called a mating press, Chloe,” I reveal, beginning to stroke my cock deeper and deeper with each thrust.

“Tell me what’s filling you up right now,” I instruct and continue to penetrate her.

“It- it’s your cock,” she cries.

Her pussy begins to take the shape of my dick. It feels like a hot, tight bath. “That’s right, I’m going to drill the sensation of being creampied into you,” I groan.

“Wait- Oliver are we really going to do this? What about school? What about my job and everything?” Her eyes spark with anxiety as she realizes what’s about to happen.

“Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll do everything for you,” I announce, turning on the hitachi wand and placing it against her clit. “All you have to do is give me children and I’ll do everything else. Oh, is that the spot?” I ask and lean back so my dick rubs against her G-spot. “We’ll make a home here. I’ll pay for your schooling and make sure everything is taken care of. I’ll cook. I’ll clean. I’ll take care of our babies. You won’t have to worry about a thing.”

Her legs begin shaking in preparation for an orgasm. Her back arches and her pussy tries to push me out of her. I shove my dick forward until it’s kissing her cervix.

“Are you sure? I want to but I-I’m not sure. I’m scared!” Her pussy squirts all over my thighs and I speed up the space.

“Honey, it’s already too late. Last night’s creampie has probably taken root inside your fertile pussy by now. It’s unavoidable. You’re ‘gonna get pregnant from my cum, love.” I hook my thumb in her mouth and fuck her unapologetically now; each time I pull back she gushes on my cock. The hitachi wand is torturing her at this point.

“Okay, okay fine- okay! I’ll give you a baby so shoot your cum deep inside me, please! I want to feel it again. It was amazing, so hot and full. Please. Please! Oliver please!” she begs.

*There we go, I’ve broken her. She’ll beg for me all the time now and be a subservient little girl.*

“Your pussy feels so good, so desperate and needy for my cum. Stay still while I pump my seed into it, okay? Can you do that for me?”

She slides her tongue into my mouth in response as I shoot load after load of cum right into her womb. Our orgasms collide and her vagina throbs around with my pulsating penis. I keep pumping until I know every last drop is in her.

“I love you, Chloe. I promise I’ll take care of you and our children,” I reassure, kissing her on the cheek. She’s so exhausted that she’s unable to move. “And I’ll take you to a fancy dinner tomorrow, so we should wash this dress…”

My head feels heavy with comfort. I drift off with my cock deep insider her, plugging her little pussy so the cum can’t escape.

*This is just the beginning. We have so much to look forward to.*

**Links to previous chapters:**

[Part 1: Determination (Oliver’s Perspective)](

[Part 2: Almost Done (Chloe’s Perspective)](

[Part 3: Chloe’s secret (Oliver’s Perspective)](

[Part 4: Oliver’s true Colors (Chloe’s Perspective)](



  1. Oh, and feel free to suggest more kinks that you’d like me to include.

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