[MF] Fucked a history teacher in high school

I guess the statute of limitations is up on this I can finally share the story.

Let’s go back to the spring of 1998. I was a senior in high school, 18 years old, and was driving a sweet Eagle Talon. I was/am 6’1″ with blonde hair and blue eyes. I was on the varsity boys tennis team and I was in pretty good shape athletically. Now I have a dadbod so get in line for those PMs, ladies.

Ms. Vrakas was a social studies teacher and the girls tennis coach. She was the “hot teacher” and the “cool teacher.” She was probably 27. She was short, bright blonde hair (possibly bottle assisted), blue eyes, tight little athletic body. Nice firm shapely ass. Usually she’d wear like a skirt or something in the classroom or she’d wear trackpants at practice but occasionally she’d wear business slacks or gym shorts that really showed off her firm ass.

She was highly discussed around school and in locker rooms. Even before anything with me there were rumors. Some derisively called her “cheese wiz” because rumor was she fucked a guy from the football team and put cheese wiz on her naked body for him to lick off.

I had her for AP US History and she was a proverbial hardass, too. She was cool hip “one of us” teachers who would agree with us that the rules were shit but we just had to follow them. She expected you to pay attention, especially in the honors/AP classes. If she asked you a question and you didn’t know because you weren’t paying attention she’d ridicule you in front of the class which is where the “cheese wiz” thing came from, I think.

At our school the girls tennis practiced after the boys so I’d see her leaving practice every day. Usually I’d try to make some funny joke or something and she’d tease me back. I also had her in history like I said and usually there would be a little small talk somewhere between us during class.

One day on one of my history papers she wrote “Steve- This is a great paper. You really are understanding the New Deal had on the recovery from the Great Depression. I think you have a real knack for history. We should meet outside school one day to discuss your college plans. -Ms. V.”

I immediately showed my best friend Kyle, who decided then and there she was trying to fuck me. It was a complicated time for me as I had been flirting and getting familiar with a cheerleader named Michelle but alas maybe I had to see where this went.

One day after class when everybody else had left I approached her desk and said I saw her note. I asked when she was free to meet. She suggested a coffee place in another town 20 minutes away. I agreed. This was just during the Starbucks boom and 18 year old me was sort of disgusted by the thought of coffee but it was was they drank on Friends so it must be cool.

I drive to this place and meet her there. She asks what I like and I said “mocha” since it was the first thing on the list. She buys me a cup. Now at almost 40 mocha is too sweet for me but then it was the most bitter thing and I took three sips and didn’t finish it.

Anyway, that first meeting we talked pretty innocently. We did discuss my college plans and we talked tennis. She said we should stay in touch and I should use her as a resource. We exchange PAGER numbers. Yes, this was 1998 and I had a Motorola pager/beeper. I know you guys are jealous now. My dad had just gotten a cell phone from work and a few rich kids had tried to bring cell phones to school (those old StarTACs) but they were banned by the school because “only drug dealers” needed cell phones (seriously that was the school board’s justification). The rest of us had our crappy mall jobs to afford a pager.

My friend Kyle demanded to know if I fucked her. I said not yet, we talked about college and tennis. Kyle decided that she did just want to help my future and didn’t want to fuck me.

A few days pass, I see her at school, we say “hey” and exchange small talk, every day.

One day at 4pm I’m about to leave home for my part time job when she pages me. I call her back. She asks when I’m free. We set up another coffee date for the next day.

We meet again and this time she’s more relaxed. We make more small talk but this time all the conversation seems to peter out. I ask her if there’s something she wants. She says if there’s anything I want. I ask what about if I want her? I expect her to tell me I’m being ridiculous and she has to go but she just looks at the floor and blushes. She says we should talk in her car. We finish our coffee and head to her car, which was sweet Ford Taurus.

Once we’re in the safety of the car, she asks if I want to come over to her house. I say yes. She says I can’t tell anyone- anyone. Or we’ll both be in trouble. I say I can keep a secret. She reiterates that this absolutely has to stay a secret, at least until I graduate, or else it would destroy both our lives and she says I could get kicked out of college for it.

I had already applied and been accepted to a big state school and I’ve always wondered if we had been caught and it had blown up to a major media story if it really would have affected my college career. I’d be the “victim” after all.

Anyway, I told her I could keep whatever happened a secret. She leaned in and kissed me. I got a half chub right there. I would have fucked her in that Taurus. She told me to get in my car and follow her and to park on the street behind her apartment building, and I did so.

I head up to her small one-bedroom apartment. We get inside. I’m nervous. She’s nervous. She asks if I want to see the bedroom. We go into her bedroom and sit on the end of the bed. There’s some awkward small talk. Then she grabs me and kisses me. We make out for a bit. I put one arm around her and one arm on the side of her face. I still remember the peach lotion she smelled like. She rubs my leg, my thing, and then her hand brushes my raging hard cock bulging from inside my pants. She gasps when she feels it. Her kissing becomes less restrained, more wet and sloppy. She’s grabbing my shirt collar, pulling me into her.

We take a break to get undressed. She’s very sexy. Small, perky tits, a flat, toned stomach, and she was totally shaved.

We kiss and roll around a little naked. She grabs my dick and starts jerking me off. I reach for her pussy, she’s soaking wet, and start fingering her clit. She starts moaning and grabbing my shoulders.

I say “You’re fucking sexy, Ms. Vrakas.” She says “You better call me Kim.” From then on she was Kim in private.

We try fucking. First time… well it was a little awkward fam. I was nervous and had jerked off 10 times that day “preparing” for her so I couldn’t stay hard at first. She insisted on condoms and I couldn’t put one on even when hard. And and when I finally started fucking her I couldn’t cum and I knew I just wouldn’t. She was very patient and cool, said it was ok. I offered to go down on her, and I licked her clit while I penetrated her in and out with two fingers. I flicked her clit with the tip of my tongue like a boxer hitting a speed bag, her hips grinding against my face, and she came for me.

Afterwards she was lovey dovey, she wanted to snuggle and kiss but I said I had to go. I was humiliated I didn’t blow her away with my cock.

Still a guy had to brag and I called Kyle and told him. He said I was full of shit. I said well it happened. He asked if she got out the cheese wiz for me. I wasn’t in the mood to joke around.

We said hey in class and she taught like normal but seemed a little hurt. I avoided her after class. A few days went by. Kyle seemed unconvinced.

She paged me one day after school. I called her back. She asked how I was. I said I was good. Kind of embarrassed by what happened. She asked if it was my first time with a woman. I said no, I had messed around some with other girls (which was true) but I was a little nervous with her.

She said she liked our first time together and we should try again. She said sometimes it’s awkward the first time with someone new, which now almost 20 years later I’ve found is true and good advice for anybody.

She asked me to come over that night. I agreed.

I went over to her place and she had a bottle of moscato out. She asked if wanted a class. I was 18 and had only had a few beers at a friend’s party but I drank wine with her that night. We sat in her living room. She asked if I had told anyone. I lied and said no. She asked what her reputation was among the students. I said she was the hot teacher and everybody wanted to fuck her. I said there were rumors about her.

She asked about them. I said there was rumors she had fucked a football player. I left out the cheese wiz part. She seemed concerned and asked who the player was. I said there never was a name attached, maybe a guy from the year before mine. She said it was a stupid rumor, untrue, kids talk and that’s why we’d have to keep this quiet.

She asked if liked messing around with the hot teacher, being the one who got to fuck her. I said yes. She put down her wine glass and got closer. We embraced and started kissing. She undid my pants and sucked my dick. We got undressed. She told me to sit on the couch and she put a condom on me and then rode me on the couch. I was able to last a long time on the couch without thrusting and she came on my dick as well. We held each other a bit and kissed, then we showered.

I went home and called Kyle and this time I was upbeat and bragged about it. I described everything in detail. He seemed to believe me a bit more.

We saw each other maybe three more times. She loved having her pussy eaten and she loved being on top. She had tiny, very sensitive nipples she loved being sucked on but more often than not I sucked too hard. She loved dirty talk about being the “hot teacher” while we were together. She liked me telling her all the guys wanted to fuck her but she didn’t like knowing there were rumors about her. We would play it normal at school though she’d sneak longing glances at me or I’d catch her staring at me. I had a part time job at a Target and she stopped by once while I was working and said hello.

Things were good for about two weeks. I probably ruined it truth be told. I told a few more guys from gym class as well as Kyle. Word got around I was telling people I was fucking Ms. Vrakas. Guys I barely I knew would ask me and panicked and started denying everything. I remember once a group of girls asked me about it and I denied it, and they seemed to believe it was impossible.

She paged me one day after class but before I had to work. She asked if I had told anyone. I said no. She said students were talking and a fellow teacher had even asked if it was true and so I must have said something. I denied saying anything. She said we’d have to cool it for awhile.

She was distant and cold when I saw her in class. She never made eye contact. I ended up getting a B+ in her class and a 4 on the US History AP exam.

I paged her a few times during the school year but she never called me back. Got her once after the school year. I said I missed her and we should see each other before I go to college. She said she’d like that and she’d call to set something up. She never called or paged me again. I was pretty hurt and almost considered filling a report against her, but never did.

Through some Google-fu, managed to track her down a few years ago. She moved to another school district in the state and got married, changed her last name. I found her Facebook profile. She has kids now and looks happy. Didn’t want to bother her so didn’t bother her though she probably still to this day is the hottest women I’ve been with.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/6v5ykn/mf_fucked_a_history_teacher_in_high_school


  1. >I almost considered filing a report against her

    What the fuck is wrong with you

  2. That would of looked horrible on both of you. As much as you want to brag about something like this it is best to just write about it and keep things anonymous. I have a similar experience, but it’s really is best to never let the cat out of the bag

  3. Wow! Very similar to a situation at my high school in the late 80s in Georgia. We had a science teacher, who was also the cheerleader coach, and she fucked a few of my friends. Let’s call her Ms. Bailey. She was really hot, and I wanted her, but I never got a shot. Here are two stories about her.

    First one involved a friend from the football team. He told me she had offered to tutor him in geometry (he was smart and didn’t need tutoring). He was a horn dog, and thought she was flirting with him (she was), so he took her up on the offer. Just like your story, the first meetings were innocent, but she soon got her intentions across. I didn’t get all the details, but he did come to my house one time after being with her. He put his fingers under my nose and said, “That’s what Ms. Bailey’s pussy smells like”. He then told me they had fucked several times, and just like your story, he said she liked to hear him tell her she was the hot teacher that all the horny high school boys wanted to fuck.

    The second happened after we were in college. Again, she offered to tutor a friend in math. When he aced the class, with her help, she offered to help him celebrate. Since we were in college, drinking was ok by then, so they got some beer and headed to the beach. Before they got to the beach, the beer kicked in and she was all over him. He stopped at the first motel and spent the afternoon fucking. They never made it to the beach.

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