Professional Acquaintance [MF]

I was scrolling through my feed, and I noticed a familiar face. I said shit. I can’t believe this, is it really her. Went back and looked, and sure enough it was you. That gorgeous smile, that lights up a room, blonde hair, green eyes, and those tattoos. I clicked on your profile, and there it was your only fans page information. How your to this website, and how you are trying it out. I have spoken to you professionally. We kept it at that, never met in person. I couldn’t help myself. I looked at every picture, and I became a little obsessed with how am I going to fuck you now. So, I started with a simple message about how you are doing, it has been a while, still wanting to get that coffee we talked about a while back. It took you a week, but you messaged me back, and said sure, so I made a plan while you and I were in town for a quick meet up.

You walked in, I had your coffee in hand. You came up and gave me a hug, thanked me, and so we sat. At first, we sipped our coffees for a moment, before we uttered a word. We both almost talked over each other. I stopped and said ladies first. You looked at me and smiled. “Always the gentlemen?”, I engaged with a slight laugh, “In public yes, in private, well that is for certain people to know.” You looked back at me and smiled. “Ohhh really?!” “Do I want to find out is what you are saying.” Smiling back, I stand up, and lean in to you, and whisper in your ear, “I didn’t realize we had this chemistry, glad I reached out.” I placed my hand on her knee as I sat back down in my chair. I winked at you, and you blushed just slightly. “Well your profile picture does do you right, and well, you are pretty hot, I must say.”

“Well I must say, I think your gorgeous, and I was trying to be professional, but I can’t help it if I am attracted to you. Absolutely stunning, I might add”. I responded to you. We get into a conversation, about likes dislikes, future wants and needs, and just some more common talk about work travel schedules etc. I ask you, “what are you doing Thursday night when you get back? I have an idea, it will be a surprise but I want an evening with you. It will be a date, but it will have some special events that take place. What are your thoughts on this?” Let’s plan it. I say send me your address and we will talk during the week. I get up and say I have to go to a meeting. I stand up, I kiss your cheek, tell you, “I am looking forward to this.” You respond “so am I”. As you pull me in for a hug. Your breasts press against my mid section, as I pull you in just slightly tighter, and we hold onto one another for what feels like a few minutes.

Thursday rolls around, and I pick you up. I told you to wear some comfortable clothing. I had a bag in the back seat, you laugh and say in a semi joking voice. “Your are not going to kill me tonight are you?” I laugh, “why would I do that, I actually want to fuck you”. “We will see how tonight goes, you would have to do something really special for that to happen. I am not that kinda girl.” I smile at you, and say I don’t expect it, but if it happens it happens, and we’ll it tends to happen.” That is for some of this evenings festivities.

We drive out past the city limits, and I pull up to a dirt road. You look at me, and I pull
Up to the gate. Punch in a few keys, and the gate opens for us. “It’s a friend of mine, and he know I am coming out tonight.” We drive around park at the end of the drive. Nice house you say, yeah, but we are not going in. I walk to the shed, open it up with the key I have. I grab the golf cart, pull it up by the car. I grab the bag, and a cooler out of the back. You look at me, and said “yeah you had me a little worried I wouldn’t be so nice on an empty stomach.” I laugh, and say “neither am I.” “Jump in”. We head off, down a winding dirt path, get to another gate, I open it up, and we go back a little further until we pull up to an atrium. I stop and turn off the golf cart. I walk out and grab your hand. Help you out. “I say look up at the stars. You can actually see some of them . It’s absolutely breathtaking.” You look around, almost twirling, as it has been some time since anyone has ever done something like this for you. “You respond, it is breathtaking”. I look at you “as you look back at me, and say “yes she is breathtaking.” I pull you in for a kiss under the stars. Your soft subtle lips embrace mine. You,m don’t pull back but come in for more. We kiss for a few moments, as my hands wonder down your back to grabbing both ass cheeks.

We stop, and you say, let’s see how the rest of the evening goes. Let’s eat something, and then I will show the surprise. Up to you if you want to do it or not. I pull out the food, some items we discussed and opened a bottle of your favorite wine. We eat, and listen to some music in the back ground as we open up about some various subjects. I look at you after you have me open up the second bottle. I pour your glass and say, I have a little secret I want to share with you, I like doing photography, but nude. I thought you would like these pictures, here in the outdoors. I will clear the memory, and bout a memory stick just for you. Would you like to take some? You smile, and say yes right away.

I grab the bag and setup the equipment. While I am doing this, you finish your glass and pour you another one. By the time I look over you are completely undressed. I turn on the light to the atrium. It puts off just a damp amount of back ground light, and we start to take various poses. You at first are acting a bit shy, but you open up quickly. Before too long you are placing your fingers inside of you then licking yourself off. All I can tell you is how sexy you look. You stop me, and say can I see some of why you have taken. I sit down on the blanket beside you. You set your head on my should as I move through the photos. You stop me occasionally, as your hand moves down my leg to my crotch. You lean your head back and say, “yeah I can see why you can get your way.” “I want to fuck you out here,under the stars.” I set my camera down, and start to kiss you again. You grab my t shirt and pull it off of me, as I move down to your neck. You tell me to stand up as I take my shoes off, and you pull my jeans off of me. You place my cock into your mouth, as you suck me off for a moment. I stop you and say lay back, as I pull your legs up, and push your knees between your head. I place my lips around your clit and start to work my way around your lips., and inside of you. We play with each other’s bodies for a while, while exploring each other. When finally you ask me to lay back, as you straddle me, and place me inside of you. We fuck for 10 or so minutes, running through various positions, until I am ready to cum. You say you want to wear it home. So I cum on your tits,, as you take a taste and get the last few drops in your mouth. We kiss again. You say you were right, this was an evening, maybe next time we can do something different as I have a secret I want to tell you.
