[mff] The Simplicity of Three: A couple provides a fulfilling outlet for a frustrated woman.

Maybe it was just the night. Maybe it was just the awesome night, filled with sweet breezes and the sound of the ocean. Maybe it was the spirit of escape, something she’d been feeling ever since she winged her way down from sodden London. She kicked one foot in the sand and stood admiring yet another gorgeous tropical sunset. For a brief moment she had a flash of memory of what she was escaping; the jam on the subway, the incessant crowds everywhere, the hecticness and formality. She smiled at a couple who walked past her on their beach. Why had she never been to the Seychelles before? Just the name itself was awesome.

Just the day before yesterday, she’d been her usual harried self, working her ass off at her graduate degree, trying to bring some conclusion to the long years of hard work. She’d felt frustrated, running uphill, not making any ground. So when the phone rang, she’d answered it gladly, a distraction. But it had been much more than that– her old friend Jack, with an invitation.

“Astrid, how are you?”

“God, Jack, is that you? How long has it been? More than a year?”

“About that. But never mind that: How are you?”

“I don’t even know. I feel like I’m almost done but at the same time I look over everything and it doesn’t even make sense to me anymore.”

“Sounds like you need some change. Look, it’s not like it’s due soon, you have time, you just really want it all to be over. You’re probably pushing yourself too hard.”

“A strong possibility, sure. So what should I do? Take more long hot baths?”

“A long hot bath would be fine– but I think you should take it out on my deck; there’s a very nice view from there.”

“Your deck? What are you talking about, Jack?”

“I had a nice thing happen recently; someone actually optioned the movie rights to my book.”

“Your book book, or–”

“No, the trashy romantic comedy I wrote because I was broke, of course. But it means that, well, I got a very nice amount of money, anyway, and, well, I bought a house. In the Seychelles.”

She had laughed at that. Jack was one of her favorite people, and she couldn’t have been happier for him; the victories of friends made her genuinely happy. “Jack! That’s amazing. Congratulations, I guess. But… wait, so you’re inviting me to the Seychelles?”

“Yes, I’m running a one time only graduate student special ticket, round trip. I think you should stay out here a couple of weeks, at least.”

“Jack, I don’t… I can’t just take your–”

“Oh for fuck’s sake, this is just money from the sky. Let me splash it around a little bit. You deserve some fun.”

She looked around at her messy study, the dingy lamp she kept meaning to replace, and heard the wet swish of another soggy London day, and said, “Yes,” her heart suddenly thumping. “I’ll come.”

She’d told him to book the ticket for the next day, and went home to pack. She picked out her sunniest sun dresses, resolved to buy a few more bathing suits while she was there, and packed up. She wrote a quick email to her various friends, letting them know she was swooshing away, and a slightly longer one to the guy she’d been fucking for the last week, letting him know she’d be interested in continuation when she was back– though, him being a guy, he’d probably take this sudden departure in some ego-wounding way. She’d sighed. Astrid had a libido that had always run electrically through her, arcing sky high every day. She’d been with quite a few men, but rarely found one that could really do for her what she needed in bed and still keep his shit together out of it. Perhaps on vacation, she’d thought.

And now she was here, her first full day here. It had been awesome. She’d arrived last night jetlagged and just had enough sense to drowsily hug Jack and meet his girlfriend– a really lovely girl, charming, with some slight exoticism about her. She seemed to fit the tropical island background well, a tranquil beauty but with a lot of depth to her. At a certain point Astrid realized she’d just been staring at her– Sara was her name– and smiled sheepishly and had gone to bed.

The next morning she and Sara had bonded over breakfast. Astrid had just come back from a morning swim– amazing way to begin a day– Jack was out for a run, and Sara had served Astrid with some home-made croissants and jam; baked goods were a strong path to Astrid’s heart. They found an instant affinity for each other– naturally, the conversation turned to Jack. It made Astrid happy to see the obvious glow in Sara’s face when she talked about him– they’d been together for almost a year now, but Sara was still flushed as if talking about a brand-new crush. She was wearing just a loose silk robe, casually tied; when she leaned forwards to pour herself a glass of orange juice, Astrid had a lovely view of Sarah’s heavy breasts pushing forwards. She forced herself to focus.

“Jack’s great,” Astrid said, “I’ve known him for years and years. A really great guy, and a total whacko in the best way. I mean, the kind of guy who invites his friend who he hasn’t seen in a year to his sweet new house in the Seychelles.”

She grinned, and Sara smiled back, “I really do like that impulsiveness of his. And I can see why he wanted you to come, you’re charming, and lovely.”

Astrid has almost blushed at that– she had bought a new bathing suit at the airport, one that exposed a bit more of her luminously pale, slender body than she would back home. That’s what she was wearing to breakfast– since it was out by the pool.

“Well you’re pretty neat yourself, and you’ve really got Jack captivated. I’ve never known him to stay with a woman for as long as a year.” She laughed, “Sorry, that sounded bad.”

“No, I know Jack’s history. It’s very him. I think I’m going to manage to keep fascinating him for a long time, but I think honestly he might have just exhausted some of those women.”

Astrid laughed, “Yeah, he is a little overwhelming.”

That got a sidelong glance from Sara, “Does that mean you’ve had first hand experience?”

Astrid smiled and looked away, “Whoops. Well, since you said you didn’t mind– yeah. Jack and I didn’t really go out so much, but we did fuck a lot.”

Sara laughed, “Jack did tell me already. I just wanted to see what you’d say. Though he was slightly more gallant, and said you had been his girlfriend.”

Astrid smiled, “Well, thanks for not blackballing me just because I fucked your boyfriend.”

Sara grinned back, “I wanted to meet you. He spoke very highly about you.”

Astrid went on to tell a few of her funniest Jack stories– he’d eventually returned from his run, looking suitably masculine and sweaty; she’d pressed her thighs together in frustration. Her libido was already spiking sky-high. When Jack kissed Sara she had a totally unbelievable, unearned feeling of jealousy. And, tangled up in that feeling like lovers in sheets, a strong pulse of lust.

“Say,” she said, brightly, “You don’t happen to have any charming, single friends you want to introduce me to, do you?”

Sara laughed, breaking off the kiss with Jack, “Poor girl, Jack. You brought her all the way out here to the Seychelles but you didn’t consider her most basic needs. It’s like inviting someone over for dinner and locking them in a room by themselves.”

Jack waved his hands in the air, “Well, I mean, there’s the clubs; she could pick up someone easily enough.” His eyes traveled over Astrid’s body; as always, she enjoyed their frank search, the linger they took on the slight dip of her waist, on her big-for-a-slender-girl breasts.

“Please,” Sara said, “Some coked up stockbroker who thinks that his hairy balls are god’s gift to women? She deserves better than that.”

Though they’d broken the kiss, they certainly hadn’t broken contact. Jack was still bare-chested from his run, still breathing a little deeply in a way that was extremely fetching, really, a nice man thing to look at. Sara’s hand was on Jack’s broad thigh, squeezing it appreciatively, not possessively. She met Astrid’s eyes as they flicked up from examining Jack’s body and Sara’s lips curled into another smile.

“You must know Astrid’s tastes, Jack,” Sara said lightly, “What kind of man does she tend to go for? Are they all like you?”

“Aside from me, I only knew one other person she fucked, actually– and that was a girl.”

“So we have that in common too,” Sara said coolly. “Jack, why don’t you go jump in the shower? It’s all very pheromonal here.”

Jack looked between the two of them, shook his head wryly, and headed off for the shower.

Astrid’s heart was pounding again– she hoped she wasn’t misinterpreting the signals, but she’d never been in a position like this before. She started to speak, but, as she heard the water for the shower turn on, Sara was taking her hand, bringing it inside her robe so that Astrid’s hand felt the softness of one of Sarah’s heavy breasts. As always, that first shocking touch of another human being electrified Astrid; curiosity added to desire, she pushed gently against Sara’s breast to feel the softness of it move. Sara’s eyes, wide open and intense, were focused on Astrid’s, and her smile was looser, lascivious. Sara’s hand came up to Astrid’s waist, bared by her bikini, and then slid slowly around to her back, drawing Astrid closer.

Sara surprised with the first kiss though, not some dewy gentle feminine exploration, but a hungry assault, a hard kiss betraying pent-up desire breaking forth. Astrid was shocked for half a moment and then totally drawn into it, kissing back, her hand gripping Sara’s breast as their bodies came together. The warmth of Sara was intoxicating, like personal sunshine; Astrid immediately craved it, pressed her thighs forward. Sara’s hands quickly undid her sash and her robe fell open– skin to skin contact was suddenly the most important thing in the world. Astrid’s hand stripped off her bikini top in a moment, and gasped at the feeling as her full breasts and Sara’s pressed together, feeling her nipples cossetted by that soft skin, feeling Sarah’s nipples hardening against hers; a sweet ego stroke there, the arousal of Sara.

Then Astrid felt Sara’s hands on her ass, confident hands gripping her there, enjoying the feel of her, she could tell. Astrid grinned and broke the kiss for a moment, lolling back, re-establishing that potent gaze. Sara’s eyes were blazing, a little flush already in her face.

“Do you like my ass, then, Sara?” Astrid said in a voice that was almost steady.

“Fuck,” Sara said eloquently, her fingers sliding into the sweet bifurcation of Astrid’s ass, under her bikini bottom, “I love your ass.”

“Jack always did too,” Astrid said, keeping eyes locked, seeing a spark of fire in Sara’s as she said that, “He used to say the nicest things about it.”

Sara made a wordless noise at that, and one of her hands slid around to cup Astrid’s pussy, almost making her jump; her arousal intensified as she felt Sara’s hand on her ass pulling her in, the hand on her pussy pushing aside her bikini bottom, Sara’s fingers expertly, knowingly pressed flat against her pussy, hard contact– the way she liked it. Sara’s whole hand there pushing up against her pussy; Astrid bearing down instinctively, pushing with her hips, wanting penetration, loving the tease of this. And then it was there, two of Sara’s fingers pushing in, the palm of her hand on Astrid’s clit, the pressure of their bodies trapping her hand there. Astrid’s hips were still pumping, her balance maintained only by Sara’s grip on her ass. She had a moment of vision of what this must look like, their soft forms against each other, and loved the way she looked, caught between two hands, penetrated, held, toyed with. She kissed Sara’s neck slow and long as Sara’s fingers explored her.

Sara really knew what she was doing; she caught every slight cue of breath, of movement, everything that Astrid’s body did to betray her pressure, and relentlessly followed it. Time span off the loop but it couldn’t have been more than minutes before Sara’s fingers had made her begin to pant, her knees to wobble. “Please,” she started to say, and loved the sound that made.

Sara felt Astrid’s balance begin to shift, and together they stumbled towards the couch, Astrid sitting down suddenly on its softness, and Sarah smoothly, gracefully kneeling even as Astrid landed. Sara’s hands were on Astrid’s bikini bottom, stripping it off her, and then Sara’s mouth was on Astrid, on her bare pussy, and there was nothing Astrid would rather look at at that moment than Sara’s lovely eyes looking up at her, her pink tongue extending to touch her to spread her pussylips to flick around her clit. She reached down with her hands to pull her legs farther apart, loving this display. Sara’s smile was visible even as she went down on her, a beatific glow; Astrid felt hot as hell under the eyes of this woman, and amazed that this collected person could be so wanton, so quickly.

She was so lost in the pleasure of this as Sara’s tongue entranced her that she hadn’t noticed that the sound of the water was no longer audible, until she felt another presence in the room and, tearing her gaze away from what Sara was doing between her legs, saw Jack standing near the coach, quietly observing, but his already-hard cock in his hand. That familiar cock– another wave of pleasure from Sara’s tongue, and from that sight, combined in her and made her shake. Jack said nothing, but slowly covered the small distance to her, standing within reach now. Astrid’s hand came out and touched his cock; the smooth skin of it, the heat of it against her palm. She moaned as Sara’s tongue found a rhythm on her clit, and felt Sara’s fingers joining her tongue in the invasion of Astrid’s body.

“The sight of your open mouth is fucking hot as hell,” Jack said, as Astrid’s hand pumped along his cock. Sara made noises of assent, and fucking hell it aroused Astrid that she could feel that through her pussy. Jack looked at Astrid for a long moment, and then suddenly was straddling her on the couch, one knee to either side of her, his cock right in front of her. She gazed at it for a long moment, her hand still pumping it, and his hips moved forwards and the head of it, slick with precum, touched her lips. She sighed happily, forming her lips into the tight ring she knew Jack loved and was rewarded by a little moan from him as he pushed, fighting that resistance and the head of his cock smoothly pushing into her mouth.

She sucked in earnest, just on the head of his cock, holding him there for a moment, her gaze filled by his body. She shivered as Sara’s fingers relentlessly drew arousal from the depths of her, building and building. She didn’t have much leverage, but she strained her head forwards and Jack saw what she wanted and gave it to her, his hand holding her head and feeding her his cock, shifting his hips to give her the best angle, considerately fucking his cock into her waiting mouth. She flushed, she could tell, pinned as she was, Jack’s hands on her shoulders now, Sara’s hands on her thigh, so many hands on her holding her as she pleased and was pleased and Jack’s hot cock felt so good dragging against her lips and Sara’s hand was so deft insider her her tongue so knowing on her. She was helpless then as she felt the wings of orgasm begin to beat inside her, thrashing her mind, exploding into sparks as she moaned loudly and proudly around Jack’s cock, moaned as her pussy squeezed Sara’s fingers like a vice.

She was almost insensible for a moment after that; she didn’t know exactly when Jack had slid his cock out of her mouth but she was taking deep breaths, and Jack had dismounted from his position in front of her, his cock red and wet from her mouth and Sara was leaning back, kissing Jack hard, and then Jack’s arms were around her lifting her up his cock bumping against her stomach and she whined a little wanting it in her but his hands were on her and she followed them and he half-picked her up and bent her over the arm of the couch and Jack was behind her, teasing her, the blunt head of his cock slapping against her ass. She looked back in frustration at him and said “Fuck me,” and he grinned and slapped his cock against her again. Sara’s voice said “Give her what she needs, Jack,” and Astrid felt lust and genuine gratitude and looked at Sara– now sitting on the couch just out of Astrid’s reach, having produced a dildo from somewhere but not using it yet, just her hand on her pussy, so close.

As Jack’s cock slid against her pussy, teasing her closer to the line Astrid looked into Sara’s eyes and saw immense pleasure there, some deep need being satiated and she kept that gaze as Jack’s cock entered her her eyes widening breath cut short as always by the impetuous entry of him, his hand on her back and now one gripping her hair and she grinned and yes, he was fucking her the way she needed; after one long push to impale her completely he was just fucking her, fucking her memories of dreary London away. She could hear the sound of it, of his cock sliding in and out of her soaking pussy as she looked at Sara’s beautiful body displayed before her, saw Sara pump her dildo into herself. She watched fascinated as Sara’s pussylips stretched and smoothed over the dildo, saw it wet as it slid out– at the same time feeling Jack’s wet cock slide out of her, then back in. Her head swam; she loved Jack’s hard cock, she loved seeing Sara’s pussy wet and knowing it was from her. She was being held down and fucked, Jack’s hand in her hair not gentle, yanking her back on his deep thrusts, making her bare her teeth and yes, it was going to happen, she was going to, and she saw that Sara was too and Astrid looked back then at Jack at his face alive with fulfilled fantasy and said “i’m going to come, Jack. I’m going to–” and with that he was yanking her hair back to kiss her hard and driving his cock inside her in one last push and she was shouting into his mouth and she felt her pussy squeeze and squeeze and heard him say her name. Then his cock was pumping inside her she could feel every pulse of it every drop of it; she looked forward and saw Sara’s lovely face overtaken by her own orgasm, that private moment for her to see and her head swam more with as her orgasm built and built and the burst of that dam of frustration swept her away. As the orgasm started to fade so did her senses and she smiled as she lay her head down on the couch, and her last thoughts before something beautiful between sleep and satiety suffused her brain were “Fucked me senseless.”

And when she came a moment or two later they were still there, both of them breathing heavily, her body splayed out between them, and she smiled and crawled forwards onto the couch, kissing Sara again and putting her head down and letting gratified sleep steal over her.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uwvs5a/mff_the_simplicity_of_three_a_couple_provides_a

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