[F] 22 Senior Year Scavenger Hunt (an update in multiple parts… this one about making a “rival” run a naked mile)

Sooo it’s been a long time since I’ve posted… mostly cause I’ve been busy finishing my final year… and for those of you that care… I GRADUATED!!

Now if you’ve been following along you know that I created a “Scavenger Hunt” for myself to complete by the time I graduated.

Over the next few days I’m gonna attempt to finish updating you on all of the crazy things I did/attempted in my quest to finish this list. So to get me back into the swing of things I’m gonna start with a hopefully short story of a task from the list: Get a Sorority Sister to run a Naked Mile.

Now for those of you who haven’t been following along at my school we have a rule that when you get skunked in beer pong (aka don’t make any cups) you have to streak naked around the party or house we are currently at. It doesn’t happen often, but it happens often enough that it makes playing pong that much more interesting and in my opinion fun (having been both the witness and streaker in this scenario).

Now the night in question I was on fire. I think in total I won 10 games that night? Idk I was drunk and wasn’t counting point is when I was challenged by this couple I was motivated to keep on winning for a variety of reasons.

The team we we’re playing against was this girl who we will call L and this guy called M. M and L are dating. Or were at the time. Ill spare you all the boring details of why, but let’s just say that I was extra motivated to beat the pants off of both of them based on our history. L being a sister in a sorority was a nice addition prize if we could indeed skunk them.

Well lo and behold we did in fact skunk them. And I for the variety of reasons that I skipped above gloated mercilessly. L said after that the naked mile was the most embarrassing thing she’d ever done (which to her credit she did all the way full nude).

I try not to be really petty but I videotaped the whole thing for myself so I can continue to relive that high lol.

So anyways that one’s short. Like I said I hope to post more this coming week about all that happened to end the semester.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uwj4dp/f_22_senior_year_scavenger_hunt_an_update_in