1st Hot Wife Experience – Wife Hooks Up on Business Trip With me on the Phone [FM]

Several weeks went by after Mandy went out clubbing with Julie, in what I thought would be the first time Mandy had her first hot wife hook up that turned into an entirely different adventure. We had both talked about that several times in bed, as the visual image in my mind of the events of that evening with her at the club were still intensely erotic. As I have described Mandy previously, she had a sheltered life prior to our relationship and as such I was the first guy she had ever slept with and had not done anything with another guy other than a couple of threesomes in law school. Mandy is incredibly beautiful, sensuous and insanely sexy all at the same time. I wanted her to believe that, and as we know in long relationships it has an entirely different impact to hear that form someone other than your partner. I also know how much Mandy hated being the “good girl” in high school and early college, and there was a lot of life she wanted to experience but never got the opportunity (nor had the confidence) to do so. I have never been worried about us not being together long term and I almost desperately wanted to give her some of the experiences she missed out on while we were still young enough to enjoy it. Besides, it’s not like I would not benefit from this in many ways, not the least of which is her own confidence level increasing.

As fate would have it, Mandy had a business trip to Boston, where they were presenting to a large company. She would be gone for 5 days and in the back of my mind wondered if the combination of the distance, time away and being in a hotel would present an opportunity for her. Knowing how turned on I get when Mandy wears either a business suit or skirt/blouse combination, always with tights, panty hose or sometimes thigh highs, I can’t remotely imagine Mandy will not get hit on multiple times on this trip. I drop her off at the airport, we say our goodbyes and she tells me she will call me that night.

I knew Mandy had a dinner with the team that night so it would be later when we spoke. Around 9:00 my time Mandy calls me and tells me about her flight, the restaurant they went to and the different people at this event. I can tell she had at least a couple of glasses of wine, so I ask how many cute guys were hitting on her tonight. Mandy just laughs, says there are a couple of good-looking men there but no one has the time to flirt with their schedule. I laugh, tell her I know what goes through my mind when I see her dressed up and assure her other guys there had the same thought whether she knew it or not. Mandy laughs, tells me this is why she loves me, and says I am blindly biased, “Maybe so” I respond, “but I am still male, and I see how other guys look at you. Remember the dance club?” I can almost hear Mandy rolling her eyes, she responds “Yes but that is a club, and this is a professional, work environment.” I laugh, say “it’s the same thing, different location and dress code.” Mandy responds “whatever” and I can sense it’s time to move on from the conversation. I did remind her that I meant what I said before and after the dance club, it really is okay for her to have some fun.

The next few nights went by fast and as Mandy had told me, work was consuming and not much time for any social activities. They had a great series of presentations with the company, and they were getting together for a dinner to celebrate the week, roughly 30 people would be in attendance. Mandy called me after dinner to tell me about her day as she was starting to pack up for her fight home the next day. I asked Mandy how everything went, to which she responded “great, most of them are still celebrating at the bar.” I asked her why she did not join them, and she said she may but wanted to talk to me before it became too late. Last night there, so I thought no harm in asking a few probing questions about her male colleagues. “I’m curious, with all the work going on, did anyone ever hit on you this week?” Mandy laughs, almost nervously, and says there were a couple of guys that were definitely flirting but no one was daring enough to hit on her in a business setting.”

“My curiosity is rising quickly, so I ask Mandy if she found any of them attractive? Mandy paused for a few seconds and said there were a few that were around the same age and good-looking, one in particular had a Ben Affleck thing going on. I could sense that part of Mandy was attracted to at least one of them but was still very uncertain if she could go there. I told Mandy “I think you should go join everyone at the bar, see if the flirting is still occurring, and if so, try discretely flirting back and see where it goes. If nothing happens more than some flirting, I will be very excited to hear about it when we talk afterwards. If flirting progresses to more, than you have my complete permission to have fun with it. My only request is if you think something will happen, excuse yourself for a minute and call me. I have a couple of rules to go over.” “Rules” Mandy asks, laughing at the statement. “Okay, maybe more like requests” I respond. “I do love you” Mandy tells me, to which I respond “I love you more, now go have fun. By the way, what are you wearing today?” “Black skirt, my crème-colored light sweater, panty hose and mid heels.” “Damn” I respond, “the boys are already dreaming about you.”

About an 40 minutes goes by and my phone rings and I see its Mandy. “Hey beautiful” I answer, “how’s life as the center of the male universe?” Mandy pauses for a second, then says “you were right. Three of the guys here are seriously hitting on me.” “As they should be” I responded. “How do you feel flirting again?” “A strange mix of fun, out of practice and a little taboo all at the same time.” I then ask her, “Be honest with me, do you want any of them?” Mandy pauses for what seems like an eternity, then says “I am really attracted to the one that looks like Ben Affleck.” “Okay” I respond, “then you should absolutely go for it.” Mandy takes a long pause, then says “I don’t know how without being obvious and I don’t want anyone else to know.” I think for a few seconds, then respond “go back into the group, stand close to him and as you all are talking, lean close to him and ask him if he wants to get out of there and have some fun. When he says yes, tell him your room number and to wait 10 minutes after you leave to not be obvious. Then call me when you get back to the room.”

About ten minutes goes by and Mandy calls me from her room. “I can’t believe I am doing this, but he is on his way up. This is so different when you are not here” she tells me. I tell Mandy “Here are my rules. When he comes in, tell him this is a one-time thing, have as much fun as you can, then he goes back to his room. Then tell him, per your husband, he must cum on your ass and I want a picture.” “Wow” Mandy responds, “you really are good with this.” “One last request, if you want to, leave your phone and let me listen.” Mandy laughs, then says “somehow that makes me feel much better.” Just then I hear a knock on the door, so I say to Mandy “Go have fun and I will be here after.”

Mandy leaves her phone on and sets it down somewhere in the room. I hear the door open and a man’s voice telling Mandy he has wanted her since the first second he saw her that week. The sound goes mostly quiet, and after a few seconds I can her Mandy’s subtle moan. I assume he has grabbed her to kiss her and is running his hands all over her but all I can do is let my imagination run wild. I then hear Mandy voice as she relays the rules for the night. His responses thus far seem to be a soft “um hm” as he seems to be kissing on Mandy as she is talking. Then Mandy tells him my rule about where he can cum and that I want a picture. ”No way” I hear, in a surprised tone from the man. “He actually said that?” “That’s the rule” Mandy replies, any questions?” I hear the man respond “that’s great with me. I desperately wanted to fuck you from behind all week, especially watching you walk around int that skirt all day. “

At this point all I can hear is a mixture of what sounds like shoes and clothes hitting the floor, moaning from Mandy and a man constantly telling Mandy how sexy and beautiful she is. I can hear Mandy take a deep breath, followed by a louder moan as I hear her “man toy” telling her how amazing her breasts are, followed by the sound of intense kissing. I assume he has discovered her b-cups, which were much larger to me than many a c-cup I have known in my life and perfect in size. A few more minutes goes by, and I finally hear Mandy speak, a loud moan followed by a loud “God that feels good.” I don’t hear his voice for several minutes, but do hear Mandy moaning, her intensity picking up, mixed with an excited “yes, right there” or an intense “Oh God.” This goes on for a few more minutes when I hear Mandy say one of the phrases that dries me wild: “Oh God, I’m cuming, don’t stop, please don’t stop.”. Mandy’s moans reach their peak intensity level for what seemed like a good two minutes, at which point Mandy quiets down and I hear his voice say, “Come here.”

I hear movement and shortly thereafter I hear his voice telling Mandy “Yes baby, that feels amazing, followed by the muffled sound of Mandy moaning with approval. I hear him start to moan himself, mixed with him telling Mandy “Your so fucking hot,” “you’re such a bad girl” then I hear him asking Mandy if she likes sucking on his cock? I hear her lips smacking, with the same muffled moan sound. Another minute or so goes by and I hear Mandy ask” Are you ready to take me now?”

The Man excitedly responds, “Fuck yes baby, I have been dying to fuck you all week.” I hear some more movement, then Mandy lets out a loud moan as he almost screams “Fuck baby, you feel amazing. God your ass is so fucking hot.” I hear skin slapping and can tell he is thrusting in and out of her as hard as he can. Mandy is moaning, mixed with an “Oh God” and “Wow your big.” He tells her how much of a bad girl she is, then I hear him say “If I was your husband, I would fuck you from behind every day.” The sound of skin slapping continues, each of them moaning, for several minutes. I wonder how long he can keep going as I know the affect she has on me. I Hear Mandy’s voice, breathlessly, asking her Man toy “Tell me again how much you like my ass?” I hear him keep pounding, taking several seconds to answer before he says, “you have the sexiest ass ever.” Mandy then asks him “Then show me, Are you ready to cum on my ass?”

The man instantly and emphatically yells out ”Fuck yes baby” then I hear a mixture of “Oh yes, fuck, and “your ass is so amazing” as I can tell he is exploding all over her. A minute or so goes by and I hear Mandy say, “remember our agreement? Picture time.” I hear some movement and then the sound of a camera click from her phone. I then hear what sounds like a flop on the bed, with the guy still out of breath, telling Mandy how amazing she is and that I am the luckiest man ever to have married her. I hear Mandy laugh, says “Trust me, he knows that. Now it’s time for me to clean up and pack. I have an early flight.” I hear the guy laugh, says to Mandy “that was one of our rules” and then I hear the sound of shuffling, which I assume is him getting dressed. A couple of minutes goes by, and I hear him ask Mandy “Will I see you again?” Mandy just says we shall see if our paths cross again in the future.” I hear the door open, he says goodnight, and Mandy picks up the phone.

“You still there” I hear her voice ask, still somewhat out of breath from her escapade with a slight tone of hope that I did not go away. “Of course, I am still here” I responded. God you are so insanely hot. I wish I had seen that and been there.” I have been with her long enough that I can literally hear her smile by how her breathing is when she talks. Mandy tells me “I wish you were here too.” I asked Mandy if she had fun, and she asked, “Couldn’t you tell?’ I smiled, said it sounds like you did, then asked her to tell me about it. Mandy said when she went back downstairs, she was almost swarmed by three of the guys she met over the course of the week. The one that looked like Ben Affleck told her she made her night coming back as he was feeling heartbroken, he would not see her again. Mandy asked him why that was, and he leaned over and softly told her he could not think of anything else than her the entire week and was hoping he would see her one last time. I asked Mandy what her response was, and she said she looked back at him and asked if he wanted to see more of her upstairs?

I told Mandy I was impressed as I know that was out of her comfort zone. Mandy said he very eagerly said yes, at which point she told him her room number and said to wait 10 minutes after she left. “So, tell me what happened when he got to your room?” Mandy laughed, then asked “Did you really not figure out what happened?” “I have my imagination, but I desperately want to hear you describe this.” Mandy went on to tell me when he walked in, he pulled her to him, began kissing all over her as his hands went firmly to grasp her ass. They had their conversation, then he walked her towards the bed while still trying to kiss her neck while Mandy worked to unbutton his shirt and unzip his pants. He sat Mandy on the edge of the bed, laid her down and pulled her sweater and bra up and fondled, licked and sucked on both of her breasts. Then he moved his way down her stomach, pulled her panty hose and thong down to just above her knees and buried his tongue deep inside of her.

“I wondered if that was what happened. Is that how he made you cum?” “Yes” Mandy replied, and he kept licking and sucking on me till I had to make him stop.” Mandy went on to tell me he stood up, dropped his boxers and told her to come here. Mandy got on her knees in front of him and took his erection into her mouth and worked him for a few minutes. She thought she felt his pre-cum, so she stopped to ask him if he was ready to take her so he would have some stamina once he did. Mandy stood up, leaned forward on the bed as her “man toy” slid in behind her, grabbed her ass, pulled her cheeks as far apart as he could and slid into her. He then moved one hand to he could grip her shoulder and pull her towards him with each thrust in and out of her. “You heard the rest I assume” Mandy asked me.

“God Baby, I absolutely did. I was incredibly turned on listening to the sound of your bodies slapping against each other, imagining what you looked like.” Then I asked her “Did you enjoy it?” Mandy paused, then said “It was a little surreal, especially with you not being here. It helped knowing you were on the phone. I did enjoy it, but I didn’t cum.” “I am sorry” to which she quickly said “Don’t be. I had an orgasm. I wanted the next to be on the phone with you.” Did you get the picture” she asked? It’s only at this moment do I realize she sent the picture from her adventure. I open the picture, and see Mandy leaned over the bed, her arms straight holding herself up. Mandy’s brunette hair against her skin and black bra. Her black skirt is gone, her panty hose is pulled down in between her ass and her knees. She is still wearing her heels, and on her ass is several drops of cum on both sides of her ass.

“Holy fuck” I respond as I look at the picture. “I was seriously turned on listening to you but seeing that picture literally about made me explode. I can’t explain why this turns me on this much, but wow.” I said I can almost hear Mandy smile, and this is exactly what happens as Mandy says “good, but now I want you to tell me what you are going to do to me when I get home tomorrow.” At this point I just let lose, telling her I want her to wear the same panty hose she had on tonight, that I am going to ravage her from the second she walks into the door. I can hear Mandy’s breathing pick up and it dawns on me that Mandy waited until we could have phone sex. I love talking to Mandy and telling her my fantasies, so with great description I tell her how I want to pin her against the wall when she gets in, kissing her like I have not seen her in months. My hands will frantically run all over her, fighting to get her undressed so I can get to her wetness. I describe picking her up, putting her on our dining room table and burying my tongue and fingers deep inside her until she releases all over me.

I can hear Mandy’s breathing turning to moaning, so I stop and ask if this is turning her on. “Yes Baby” she breathlessly responds. “Please tell me you are touching yourself right now.” “Yes baby” she responds, her breathing even more intense. I jump back into my story, telling her after she releases all over me, I was going to pull her off the table, stand her up in front of the fully mirrored wall in our dining room, slide into her from behind as she braces her hands on the mirror to support how hard I am thrusting in and out of her. Mandy jumps in, her voice saying “God baby, please fuck me tomorrow just like that. Yes, just like that.” Mandy is moaning non-stop, and I realize she is cuming listening to me. I ask her “are you cuming for me baby” to which she responds, “Yes baby, I’m cuming, I’m cuming.” At this point I can’t take it any more as without touching myself I am well past the pre-cum point. I reach my hand down to take my erection and within seconds I am telling Mandy I’m cuming and how I am going to cum in her, in her mouth and on her ass tomorrow when she gets home. The intensity finally subsides we say I love you and head off to sleep eagerly anticipating her getting home the next day.

Her flight is set to arrive at 1:00 the next day, and never before in my life had time moved so slow. Mandy’s company had arranged for car service to bring her home, so there I am sitting in our living room watching every second anticipating her arrival. FINALLY, I hear her key int eh door and Mandy walks in. I Jumped up, pulled her suitcase in, slammed the door and pinned her against the door passionately kissing her. Our hands are fighting each other to touch one another as passionately and aggressively as we can control. Mandy is wearing a pant suit, and true to her word seems to be wearing panty hose that I assume are the same ones from last night. I work to unbutton her pants while she is frantically working to unbutton and unzip my shorts. As one hand slides down around Mandy’s ass while the other slides under her panty hose to feel her wetness, Mandy drops my shorts then gets onto her knees and passionately takes my erection into her mouth. I let out a loud “God baby I missed you” Mandy starts frantically sucking and licking up and down my shaft. I look down at her, always in complete ecstasy by this view and say, “You are a bad girl, but I could not love or want you more.” Mandy stops, looks up at me, and says “I know baby, me too.” At that point, I pull Mandy up, slide my hands under her ass and pick her up. I carry her over to our dining room table, and as promised, pull her pants down, rip a hole in her panty hose, and bury my tongue and fingers deep inside her wetness.

I ravage Mandy for several minutes until her legs start to squeeze uncontrollably around my head, her back arches and Mandy screams out “Fuck baby I am cuming.” I live for these moments to do this to her. I work on Mandy for another minute, which is about the time limit before pleasure turns to pain. I quickly stand up, pull her off the table, move her to the other side of our dining room table and place her hands up against the mirrored wall. I pull her legs apart, slide my hands down on her hips to pull her ass cheeks as far apart as I can, then position myself inside of her. We both make eye contact in the mirror as I enter her, each letting out our own unique moans of pure pleasure, as I start moving in and out of her. Our eyes stay locked on each other the entire time, each thrust connecting on both an emotional as well as a physical level. I tell her how incredibly sexy and beautiful she is, how I can’t get enough of her. I ask her if she thought of me when her “toy” was with her the night before. “God yes baby, I could not wait to feel you inside of me from behind.” “I have dreamed of feeling you, of feeling your body pressed against mine all week.” I keep thrusting in and out of her almost uncontrollably for the next 10 minutes, our eyes staying locked on each other. Between my declarations of how beautiful and sexy Mandy is and her moaning and breathing picking up, I sense she is really close to cuming again. I try to lock into her gaze then ask if she is ready to cum for me again.

Mandy lets out a loud “God yes baby, please make me cum” at which point I put one hand on her shoulder to help increase the depth I can penetrate inside of her. Within a minute Mandy starts repeating “oh God, Oh God, I’m Cuming, I’m cuming.: I live for this, and knowing I am doing this to her, watching her face in the mirror as I can look down and see her ass, covered in sheer nylon, slapping against me. Her womanhood clinching hard around my erection, releasing on me. I ask Mandy to look at me, which I realize is hard to do during an orgasm. Mandy looks deep in my eyes as I ask her if she is ready for me to cum? “Yes baby” she breathlessly says. With that I pull out, release all over her ass for a few seconds, then slide back into her to finish the release of my ecstasy into the most amazing woman I have ever known.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uwgmj2/1st_hot_wife_experience_wife_hooks_up_on_business

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